Liverpool Thread

CWright said:
Oh and Davids could be heading our way as well, its a race between us and Spurs

Hmmm...Dunno about Davids anymore... Benitez doing a Houllier? What's with all these unknown malaga players we've been linked with?

Supposedly Diouf is going to be a part of a package to bring in Malaga's Miguel Angel...
I'd like to see Davids come along. It would give StevieG a chance to press forward a little more liberally. (drool)
It will be an interesting season at Liverpool, Benitez could work wonders. Im not a Liverpool fan but I hope he does well, it would be good to see Liverpool back up in the title challenge again. Theyve a good squad, and with a decent manager theyve got the potential to fairly well.

Whats the state of play with Kirkland ? is he going to make the start of the season ?

Also, Liverpool fans, who would you pick as your front 2 strikers (assuming Benitez plays 2 upfront - he may not). Emile "Deadwood" Heskey has left so youve got the following strikers:-

Cisse (i think hes confirmed).

He could play Diouf on the wing, but Cisse, Owen and Baroš are all pretty much strikers only. Owen's a great player but suffering a bit of bad form, Baroš is on world class form, and you've just brought Cisse. Which ones would you pick ? I'd be inclined to go for Cisse and Baroš and give Owen a rest till November.

dont know if this has been posted,havent been here in a while......
cfdh_edmundo said:
It will be an interesting season at Liverpool, Benitez could work wonders. Im not a Liverpool fan but I hope he does well, it would be good to see Liverpool back up in the title challenge again. Theyve a good squad, and with a decent manager theyve got the potential to fairly well.

Whats the state of play with Kirkland ? is he going to make the start of the season ?

Also, Liverpool fans, who would you pick as your front 2 strikers (assuming Benitez plays 2 upfront - he may not). Emile "Deadwood" Heskey has left so youve got the following strikers:-

Cisse (i think hes confirmed).

He could play Diouf on the wing, but Cisse, Owen and Baroš are all pretty much strikers only. Owen's a great player but suffering a bit of bad form, Baroš is on world class form, and you've just brought Cisse. Which ones would you pick ? I'd be inclined to go for Cisse and Baroš and give Owen a rest till November.

Diouf is off to Malaga from what I've heard, and Cissé is already confirmed, he's a Liverpool player now, he officially joined on July 1st.

As for the striker duo, I'm going for Baros and Cissé, they'd be perfect foil for each other.
Rumour Central....

Dubious sources are claiming that Edgar Davids has been spotted at Melwood recently.

The Dutch midfielder has been linked with a possible move ot Anfield after revealing that he would like to play in the Premiership.

A 4x4 vehicle with blackened windows was apparently seen driving from the Academy to Melwood, prompting some to jump to the conclusion that it is the glaucoma-suffering Davids himself.

We eagerly await a dark press conference to reveal the new signing.

Portuguese player, Ricardo Pereira who currently plays for Sporting Lisbon, wants to move to Engliand and play in the Premiership next season with Liverpool.
Ricardo’s agent stated: "My client wants to have the opportunity of playing in England, especially with Liverpool. The new coach, Rafael Benitez, knows him well."

Milan Baros continues to figure in various transfer news linking him with a host of top clubs across Europe, following the striker's exploits in Euro 2004.

Spanish giants Real Madrid have reportedly joined the chase for the "hot property's" signature.

Truth or speculation? We shall have to wait and see!

More to come no doubt
CWright said:
Rumour Central....

Dubious sources are claiming that Edgar Davids has been spotted at Melwood recently.

The Dutch midfielder has been linked with a possible move ot Anfield after revealing that he would like to play in the Premiership.

A 4x4 vehicle with blackened windows was apparently seen driving from the Academy to Melwood, prompting some to jump to the conclusion that it is the glaucoma-suffering Davids himself.

We eagerly await a dark press conference to reveal the new signing.

Portuguese player, Ricardo Pereira who currently plays for Sporting Lisbon, wants to move to Engliand and play in the Premiership next season with Liverpool.
Ricardo’s agent stated: "My client wants to have the opportunity of playing in England, especially with Liverpool. The new coach, Rafael Benitez, knows him well."

Milan Baros continues to figure in various transfer news linking him with a host of top clubs across Europe, following the striker's exploits in Euro 2004.

Spanish giants Real Madrid have reportedly joined the chase for the "hot property's" signature.

Truth or speculation? We shall have to wait and see!

More to come no doubt

Would be sad to see Baros go if he did, because Owen has looked
out of sorts recently.
I hope Baros is given a fair chance to prove himself in the team
if Owen/Cisse fail to score goals.
Otherwise who can blame him if he leaves.
But then again, Real Madrid would also be a similar situation with Ronaldo and Raul ahead of him.

I'm not sure if Davids is the right man, he's getting old and he's not
the same player. He won't be a good long-term signing.

Wonder when we will start seeing some signings from Benitez,
he says he will take a good look at the existing squad before
buying new players. Hope he does'nt leave it too late.
Rumors on Soccernet of Baros to Villa with a swap for JP Angel cuz Benitez is big on the Colombian striker.
vagelis said:
Has Le Tallec left the team?

Not from my knowledge.

Would be a stupid move to let a young promising player go.

As for Baros, if Owen wasn'st so poor at the euro last month he'd probably be the one off to Madrid. Who knows we could always do a cash+player deal.

These players are up for the move...

Raul Bravo(!!!)

Wow Amoroso, that defiently doesn't sound good...isn't he washed up now?

Also we really need to put our pulse on the transfer market, especially with the likes of Manure and Arsenal signing all these young players....
"Hillsborough was the worst day of my life. Sat in the North stand I saw youngsters trying to administer the kiss of life to dying men, women and children, whilst Police officers stood idly by. The South Yorkshire Police stood in front of the North Stand, in case there were a pitch invasion, whilst youngsters died on advertising hoardings behind them. An ambulance that entered onto the pitch at the Kop end of the ground was denied access, to the Liverpool fans, by those self same officers.

The aftermath of the disaster is well documented- incompetent police, an inadequate antiquated football ground, a ‘national’ attitude which saw fit to treat successive generations as football fans as animals and a Football Association which saw itself fit to align itself to a cover up, rather than represent the interests of fans. At the heart of this attempted cover up was the nation’s press.

The police immediately realised that their organisation was inadequate, and drew together the nation’s press to perpetuate their lies and conspiracy. On the afternoon of the disaster the BBC reported that a door had been broken down by Liverpool fans, Graham Taylor of the FA inferred that the Police had not ordered the gates to be opened on Radio 2. The secretary of Sheffield Wednesday football club reported that “at 2.50 there was a surge of Liverpool fans at The Leppings Lane end of the ground”, the seeds for the cover-up were sewn, as Liverpool fans lay on the turf dying and dead.

As we turned up to pay are respects to the dead at Anfield over the following days, the Nation’s free press assembled to gather evidence against us. The fact that people had died because they were seen as potential criminals rather than citizens by the nation’s police forces was never seriously examined. The myth of ticket-less fans storming a gate continued to be perpetuated by the bloodhounds in league with the South Yorkshire constabulary.

The S*N was not alone in its condemnation of Liverpool but its headlines do need to be considered:


These was the actions of an organisation trying to rewrite history, hand in hand with the British authorities. That one headline still perpetuates, in parts of this country, the myth that The Hillsborough Disaster occurred as a result of Drunken football hooligans and not as a result of inadequate policing, a senile FA and “penny pinching” football club. It was this perpetuation of the lies and propaganda of the authorities which made the lives of the families and survivors all the more unbearable. It has been said that The S*N was not alone in its condemnation of Liverpool fans, but it must be said that they were by far the most vocally vehement in their condemnation. Furthermore, they stood alone in their defiance of the published findings of the Justice Taylor report and their continued condemnation of Liverpool fans, and their refusal to publish a retraction of their original article. To point to half hearted admissions of impropriety (imposed by the Press Commission) as heartfelt apologies, I find both offensive to the intelligence Liverpool fans, and completely disrespectful to the trauma faced by the bereaved families.

The article in question was not a decision taken in isolation by McKenzie, but no doubt he was duly rewarded for taking the blame for it being so, it was part of the establishment cover up of the facts of Hillsborough. The S*N did, however, go far, far further in their condemnation of Liverpool fans and their perpetuation of the establishment lies. Editorial decisions are not taken in isolation by any organisation, and the likely affects of such an article would have been weighed up with pro’s and con’s, the fact is though that The S*N vastly underestimated the response of the people of Merseyside, they further underestimated the longevity of the opposition to their vile rag.

The boycott of the rag was not organised by the HJC, the HFSG, LFC or any organisation, it was a knee-jerk reaction from the people of Liverpool. The grieving people of Liverpool awoke that morning to the most disgusting headlines imaginable. The boycott belongs to these people reds and blues alike and the boycott soon spread to reds and other football fans the length and breadth of the country.

The thing which hit the S*N hardest, and still continues to hit home, is the fact that up to 200 000 Merseyside people boycotted this once popular rag, overnight. This is why they have made continuous attempts to try to recover part of its once vast circulation on Merseyside. The Sounness episode, the 20p advertisements and their attempted dealings with LFC, as well as the recent episode with Peter Kilfoyle, a local Mp, highlight how desperate they are to win back some of their circulation in the Merseyside area. They have clearly failed over the past fifteen years in their attempts to influence Liverpool fans, so it becomes increasingly clear that the Rooney episode are clear “divide and conquer” tactics.

Devoting more column inches to Liverpool FC than any other national newspaper had failed so the new tactic was drawn up- a new national hero, dressed in blue but based on Merseyside, an opportunity too good to miss. I don’t wear the stories coming out of the Rooney camp, in any case his advisers should have known better, given that one Kenny Dalglish is an employee of his agents, this really should have been handled far better and with far more dignity.

In exactly the same manner as it was in the dark days following the disaster, the reaction of the Everton fans to Rooney’s decision to sell his story to this rag was exemplary, in fact I would even go as far as they have been quicker to condemn him than many reds were when Souness acted in a similar manner.

I have no doubt that as proprietor of the rag and part of the establishment, that Murdoch was party to the decision to run this story. But make no mistake the boycott hits Murdoch. The fact is that other arms of his media empire did not attack Liverpool fans in the same way as The S*N, so to extend the Boycot to these organisations would be seen as unfair. To etend the boycott only serves to dilute it and weaken its effectiveness.

At about 9pm Sheila Coleman from the HJC called me to confirm that the features editor of the S*n had been in touch. He had started by declaring that the apology would be the front page lead of the paper, a decision obviously quickly reversed. He then went on to share the content of the apology started as such and then running into a defence of themselves and Mr Rooney, running into an attack on their perceived rivals and a thinly veiled attack on the people of the City of Liverpool. After the call I felt a bit down as I shared the information with others, I don’t really know why, I had no reason to expect anything else from these lying bastards.

So yesterday evening I found many questions racing through my head, would this be a breakthrough that has considerable influence towards the road for justice? I should have known better, how could a major conspirator in the fight against justice expose the establishment conspiracy? They could not, they have continued to treat the people of the city of Liverpool with contempt.

The opening few lines of the article appears to constitute an apology, but even in there is the thinly conceiled lie that “We gladly say sorry again today: fully, openly, honestly and without reservation.” Expounding the myth that they had apologised for their actions.

Then comes their attack on you and me “Sadly, for some people in the city of Liverpool, forgetting — never mind forgiving — is impossible.” I can’t forgive them and I won’t forget them, why should I?

For many years the various editorial and reporting regimes have been very quick to distance themselves from the actions of their predecessors fifteen years ago, perhaps the one good thing to come out of this incident is that they have illustrated to all that this is as much of a myth and a lie as the rest of their actions. They have confirmed their true colours and yet again taken the opportunity to portray the people and football fans of Merseyside as mindless hooligans, hell bent on trouble.

The S*n interviewed bereaved parents as well as members of both the HJC and HFSG yet chose not to use any of the comments. They have confirmed that the their predecessors are alive and well in their newsroom.

To add insult to the numerous injuries that have been compounded over fifteen years these ignorant bastards then finish their propaganda exercise with an amazing line “it’s time to move on”. The press have created a national hero, the minority who simply cannot move on in their own small minded bigotry have vilified that hero.

How ironic that this rag that revels in nationalist bigotry tells us that fifteen years is longer than either world war, as though they never make any reference to these matters. The same rag that recently chose to illustrate Marc Vivien Foe’s dead body on its front pages. I simply cannot believe that they have the nerve to criticise us for being unable to forget their actions when they choose to compound them in such a manner, it truly is beyond comprehension or belief.

Anybody who considers buying this rag has no respect for the treatment they gave to Liverpool fans and the families of the bereaved. To portray the actions of this organisation as that of an individual, is naïve at best, conspiratorial at worst. Those who feel that we should forgive and forget should read Anne Williams Book, and how her fight for her dead son’s rights have been obstructed at every turn by the authorities. Those who wish to know how the families of the bereaved feel about this rag, should attend a HJC meeting on a Monday evening in Oakfield Road, and speak to some of the families- you will be left in no doubt of their opinions.

In conclusion, you should think of the 96 people who died at Hillsborough, their families and many survivors whose quest for Justice has been denied by the authorities and how The S*N as an organisation set out to deliberately mislead the British public that we are drunken yobs who pissed on and robbed our own, beat up and spat on the Yorkshire police.

The only language that The S*N understands is hard cash and the only way we can show that we will not and will never tolerate their treatment of us is to refuse to buy it! We are hurting them and we must continue to hurt them."


John Mac
I was listening to BBC radio live commentary when the tragedy happened....I was only a kid that time but it was a terrible thing listening to it, and the immense sadness that followed those days.
RIP to the 96.
Said with true dignity mate, as a real fan and one whose allegance's lie with the red side of manchester i couldn't agree more with your stance. The aftermath of that day and what that rag lied about , should never be forgotten.
Keep up the fight.

Justice for the 96
northstandhero said:
Said with true dignity mate, as a real fan and one whose allegance's lie with the red side of manchester i couldn't agree more with your stance. The aftermath of that day and what that rag lied about , should never be forgotten.
Keep up the fight.

Justice for the 96

It'd be nice if for a change match going scousers could treat us with the same respect.
Rafael Benitez today promised he and his staff will work as hard as they can to deliver the style of football Liverpool fans are desperate to see at Anfield.

Benitez admits he is delighted with the squad of players already at his disposal, but he is keen to implement his new ideas as soon as possible in readiness for the new season.

"I have my own ideas. My idea is similar to what the supporters want," he said.

"Everyone wants us to play fast and with a good mentality. To be aggressive, but positive. I think the people want this style of play and the players also do.

"We need only time. Always the manager says the same. You have to be patient. Already I have seen the supporters are very happy and we want to give them plenty to be happy about in the future."

He added: "We have signed good players. Cisse is a very good player, as are Gerrard and Owen. We have a lot of players now with a good mentality.

"If we maintain this mentality the team will continue to move upwards. We want a competitive team. I said to the players that if we work hard we will have possibilities."

He is delighted with the squad......even the shit ones?
Yeah i'm getting weary now, we NEED to bring in at least 3-4 players. They need to be of top quality/world class, it is quite clear to see that we won't get very far with the below average players that we have.

I wonder what Gerrard must think(with Chelsea having signed & been linked with so many good players), afterall he did state that new players needed to be brought in.
I know there is still a month til the start of the new season but surely any new signings we get will need time to bed in
Rumours going around that Benitez has put in a late bid for Trabelsi (who Juventus and Arsenal are talking with as well, more so the latter). I can't really forsee it myself with you lot having bought Finnan just last summer and Carragher plays there too. However it could explain the delay in the transfer situation - which many believed would be resolved by Sunday.
Sorry - I asked htis before but cant find it anywhere in the thread:

What is the deal with the bird on the 'pool crest? Its relevance?
ghazi said:
Sorry - I asked htis before but cant find it anywhere in the thread:

What is the deal with the bird on the 'pool crest? Its relevance?

Heres a quote for you that I found mate


Above the heart of Liverpool the eponymous fowl flaps its wings, a landmark for mariners atop the famous building which bears its name, a heraldic device for schools and colleges, the badge of the 23rd Armoured Brigade, a totem for the city and the Corporation, borne on the coat of arms of ancient tramcars, but false and fictitious as the roc and dodo. The 'Liver' in Liverpool is a corruption of the word used by the aborigines of the area, who being Ancient Britons spoke.

Then what kind of bird was it meant to be? The story begins on Mount Ida, near Troy, where Zeus the King of the Gods espied a handsome youth and sent down an eagle to pick up the child Canymede and carry him up to Olympus to be his cupbearer. Now the Lords of Stanley in South Lancashire happened to be the hereditary cupbearers to the Kings of England, and one of them was advised by a wise man, presumably a monk with classical knowledge , that this legend was appropriate to his feudal duty, so he adopted as his blazon the Eagle and Child, a device still seen on many inn signs locally.

But when it came to designing the seal some local craftsman, who had probably never seen an eagle, drew a bird which rather resembled a duck, and not knowing that the eagle carries large items of prey in its talons, attached the strange burden to its beak. Subsequent copyists did little to improve the device, so that the 'child, looked more like a fish, a twig or a leaf and the carrier looked like a cormorant, a bird which I often saw before the war in the estuary, an apt sample of Mersey marine life. Then by artist's license the legs were lengthened and the shape was more like that of the heron. Hence by a false derivation the product of an artist's
imagination was immortalised as a Liver Bird.

Hope that helps....

But if it doesnt let me summarise. Its a Liver bird (pronoounced lye-ver) and is part of Liverpools heritage
Seems ther'll be more players to come to LFC - esp as Cisse hasn't been paraded to the press yet - and LFC like to do this as a group thing usually.
Liverpool can sign all the players they want but they still have sod all chance of winning anything this season.
^ um... thanks for that, would you like to share your reasons why you think that'll be the case?
Harry Pothead must have a crystal ball if he already seems to know who is and who isn't going to win the league this season. Perhaps he should he reserve his defining opinion until we are at least half way through the season
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