Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Ok smart arse hong kong man or wherever the fuck you are, answer this one.

Ferdinand got booked for kicking the ball away? Yes? Then he told the ref to 'fuck off' when he recieved the card. We all saw it. So why didnt he get a second yellow?

Same fucking thing isnt it. No the difference is he plays for fucking united and the refs are bottlers because they get the treatment dished out to atkinson from Fergie if they cross them.

But no you'll never have that will you because your fucking arrogant like all your fans are, your dirty, cheating scum who'll take anything to win and want it all one way.

And if we want to bring up other things in game...Scholes clatters Alonso in the first minute after the ball was gone. Yellow card? No. Mascherano does it to scholes ten minutes later. Result Yellow fucking card. Anderson catches Mascherano after the ball has gone. Result? No fucking yellow card. Torres gets hacked and recieves a fucking yellow.

Staggering inconsistency of terribly biased levels. You wont be moaning this week will ya? no of course not. Shite souless fucking club you are..

Apart from the insults, I would agree. Scholes knows he can't tackle for shit, but went after Alonso. Intent? Agree. But the ref didn't do anything. Mash does it, and actually goes for the ball, but it's a fucking yellow. Anderson got away so many occassions, it's ridiculous.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Anyways, the ref had his part to play, but we ALWAYS bottle it against United. Every fucking time. No matter how good (or bad as was the case today) we play against United, we just don't have the winning mentality against them.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Btw, if Andy Gray is defending anything related to Liverpool, then there must be something....
Re: Liverpool Thread

Apart from the insults, I would agree. Scholes knows he can't tackle for shit, but went after Alonso. Intent? Agree. But the ref didn't do anything. Mash does it, and actually goes for the ball, but it's a fucking yellow. Anderson got away so many occassions, it's ridiculous.

Sorry im wound up. I can take defeat, but usually against those lot its never on the basis of being outplayed, theres always some staggering levels of referee inconsistency involved, fucking always and it makes my skin crawl. yeah united were dominant second half although it clearly wasnt hard being up against two extra men.

Yeah we wernt playing that well but we wernt out of it, only player frustration killed it for us in the end and when your watching a ref giving the home side plenty of protection it must make your blood boil. Rafa warned against what fergie ahd been saying the other day about influencing Bennet and for once he got it spot on.
Re: Liverpool Thread

They were booked for descent. End of. Calm down you toilet.

I fucking know they were booked for decent Sherlock the problem was your lot wern't for the same stuff.

In fact apply that rule to Rooney and he'd never play again.

Thats the problem and you know it.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Did any United player do it to the level of Mascherano or Torres today? No. Why do you think? Because they're not fucking idiots and realised that it was a bit stupid to do it at the moment.
Re: Liverpool Thread

In my opinion, both Masch and Torres deserved their 'dissent' bookings. Masch was asking for it, and we'll never know what he was thinking by hounding the ref. Torres is also guilty of that, just let the ref do their job, my godness, why doesn't Rafa tells these foreign players that talking back like that to the Ref over in England isn't a great idea?

I thought the ref did okay overall. Second half we almost had a chance, but it just wasn't meant to be.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sorry, but you send a player off for talking to the ref? Chelsea do it EVERY TIME. Mash deserved the first yellow, but sending a player off for talking. Bullshit!

I think they know how to talk to refs and not get booked for it, since they do it so often and got away with it.
Re: Liverpool Thread

In my opinion, both Masch and Torres deserved their 'dissent' bookings. Masch was asking for it, and we'll never know what he was thinking by hounding the ref. Torres is also guilty of that, just let the ref do their job, my godness, why doesn't Rafa tells these foreign players that talking back like that to the Ref over in England isn't a great idea?

I thought the ref did okay overall. Second half we almost had a chance, but it just wasn't meant to be.

Torres was deserved? You got to be joking me. What did he do? You say the foul. 4 players were on top of Torres, kicking him around. No foul given, and Torres continued to run, and eventually fell down. And that happened throughout the game.

Mash was an idiot though. He should have known Bennett was up for a sending off today. Scholes and Anderson made some terrible tackles but absolutely nothing. Ive just seen Eboue mouthing off the ref, and nothing. All Mash did was ask the ref why Torres got a booking.

And why should Rafa tell foreign players not to talk to the ref? EVERY team does it, and but it's us who have suffered. And mind you, we have the best discipline record in the EPL. We never jump on the referees. Today was the first time, because the refereeing was just plain ridiculous.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Shitbags our team. But the referee was a disgrace. Rooney gets away with worse every week and as for Ronaldos cheeky dive. well hes a young scamp inne? Not a cheat.

What about Torre's blatent fucking dive 5 mins after carrick won the ball, the ref could and should have booked him for that, dont blame the ref blame Mascherano, booked for a bad tackle then fouled and moaned and nibbled away at the ref till he walked.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well if you need to talk to the ref about the disparity, let our 'mighty' captain do the talking (he didn't show up today), not some beaten-up spanish kid who barely speaks English and probably doesn't know when to correctly use the F word. Well as with Masch's second, he ignored the ref's signal to move away.

Don't talk about Masch because his case was clear as crystal to me.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Ok smart arse hong kong man or wherever the fuck you are, answer this one.

Ferdinand got booked for kicking the ball away? Yes? Then he told the ref to 'fuck off' when he recieved the card. We all saw it. So why didnt he get a second yellow?

Same fucking thing isnt it. No the difference is he plays for fucking united and the refs are bottlers because they get the treatment dished out to atkinson from Fergie if they cross them.

But no you'll never have that will you because your fucking arrogant like all your fans are, your dirty, cheating scum who'll take anything to win and want it all one way.

And if we want to bring up other things in game...Scholes clatters Alonso in the first minute after the ball was gone. Yellow card? No. Mascherano does it to scholes ten minutes later. Result Yellow fucking card. Anderson catches Mascherano after the ball has gone. Result? No fucking yellow card. Torres gets hacked and recieves a fucking yellow.

Staggering inconsistency of terribly biased levels. You wont be moaning this week will ya? no of course not. Shite souless fucking club you are..

Now you're just showing your blatant hatred for United, simply put, the referee was shocking, but so were your fucking team.

Terrible tactics from Benitez to play Torres up front on his own, thats just suicide as far as game winning aspirations are concerned. Sure Torres was kicked about, but so was Rooney, and Ronaldo, it was a heated game. End of.

Where was Gerrard today by the way? Did you leave him off the coach when you set off for OT?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Agree, we were terrible.

Carra and Gerrard were atrocious, and Reina had a mixed game.

Let's see if we can get up for Everton.
Re: Liverpool Thread

What about Torre's blatent fucking dive 5 mins after carrick won the ball, the ref could and should have booked him for that, dont blame the ref blame Mascherano, booked for a bad tackle then fouled and moaned and nibbled away at the ref till he walked.

you can shut the fuck up straightaway with fucking Ronaldo in your team. Fucking disgrace he is. Waving his arms about flopping all over the place. Giving a cheeky wink after he tried to con the ref with Carra. Cheat.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Now you're just showing your blatant hatred for United, simply put, the referee was shocking, but so were your fucking team.

Terrible tactics from Benitez to play Torres up front on his own, thats just suicide as far as game winning aspirations are concerned. Sure Torres was kicked about, but so was Rooney, and Ronaldo, it was a heated game. End of.

Where was Gerrard today by the way? Did you leave him off the coach when you set off for OT?

I dont need to make any excuses for hating United thats a given. What i find most dispicable is the continued 'favouritism' shown to your lot in matches and today was no exception.

Yeah we wernt great first half but at 1-0 we were still in it until the ref decided to book Mr Mouth Torres for daring to complanin about a tackle. Fucking ridiculous and you know it.

The other week Ferguson was crying foul of biasedness because you lost to Portsmouth, wont be fucking complianing this week will he? As i said you are all the same, souless bunch of fans and a souless club.

by the way your that how many times you been to Old Toilet?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Now you're just showing your blatant hatred for United, simply put, the referee was shocking, but so were your fucking team.

Terrible tactics from Benitez to play Torres up front on his own, thats just suicide as far as game winning aspirations are concerned. Sure Torres was kicked about, but so was Rooney, and Ronaldo, it was a heated game. End of.

Where was Gerrard today by the way? Did you leave him off the coach when you set off for OT?

Terrible tactics? Its the same fucking formation we have used evey game since Barnsley to great effect.

He's not going to get service when our DM is sent off and thus Gerrard has to drop back with Alonso.

We were not terrible today. Up until the sending off we looked very dangerous (just as dangerous as United) on the counter, and up until that point I wasn't even worried about letting in a goal. Wes Brown of all fucking people however! Reina wasn't at the races today.

If you were expecting us to turn it on big style with a ref giving us nothing, ten men, playing at Old Trafford, then you need a reality check boys.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Terrible tactics? Its the same fucking formation we have used evey game since Barnsley to great effect.

He's not going to get service when our DM is sent off and thus Gerrard has to drop back with Alonso.

We were not terrible today. Up until the sending off we looked very dangerous (just as dangerous as United) on the counter, and up until that point I wasn't even worried about letting in a goal. Wes Brown of all fucking people however! Reina wasn't at the races today.

If you were expecting us to turn it on big style with a ref giving us nothing, ten men, playing at Old Trafford, then you need a reality check boys.


And with all of Ferguson's talks of protecting players, Torres is just having a rib scan to check for injuries :MAD:

Reina saved us on so many occassions today, but fluffed 2 big chances.

And really, do Gerrard and Carra need any motivation for this match?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Torres Hatrick


Can we play you every week?! ;)

Draw against Arsenal. Two draws against Chelsea. Two losses against United. You won't win the title if you can't beat the better teams.

Unlucky lads.

Re: Liverpool Thread

I see sour grapes here. We deserved the win in my book, Mascherano made his own bed know sleep in it, Torres was completely out of the game but to say he was kicked all game well now you see what happens with Ronaldo
Re: Liverpool Thread

I love it when people try to find excuses when they're team loses by THREE GOALS. :lol:

Take it on the chin & move on - Liverpool were mediocre at best today.

Re: Liverpool Thread

I see sour grapes here. We deserved the win in my book, Mascherano made his own bed know sleep in it, Torres was completely out of the game but to say he was kicked all game well now you see what happens with Ronaldo

You deserved the win, there's no doubt about it. We didn't show up, and never had the mentality to win. You were by far the better team today.

But don't you find it ironic, that you were complaining about Ronaldo getting kicked around, yet you had 4 players on Torres hounding on him like dogs? And what does Torres get for pointing that out to the ref? A yellow card. And what did Mascherano do? All he asked was why Torres got the ridiculous card. We have never had problems with referees when we have been under Rafa, and the first time our player asks the ref a question, it's a red card. And Scholes never got anything for his lunge on Scholes. Anderson never got anything.

You outclassed us, but we only wanted a fair chance to fight back. We never got that. Even the most biased fan will tell you the refereeing was shit.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You deserved the win, there's no doubt about it. We didn't show up, and never had the mentality to win. You were by far the better team today.

But don't you find it ironic, that you were complaining about Ronaldo getting kicked around, yet you had 4 players on Torres hounding on him like dogs? And what does Torres get for pointing that out to the ref? A yellow card. And what did Mascherano do? All he asked was why Torres got the ridiculous card. We have never had problems with referees when we have been under Rafa, and the first time our player asks the ref a question, it's a red card. And Scholes never got anything for his lunge on Scholes. Anderson never got anything.

You outclassed us, but we only wanted a fair chance to fight back. We never got that. Even the most biased fan will tell you the refereeing was shit.

Your sensible words are wasted, they dont give a stuff they support United and they dont care how they win by fair means or foul.

This sums things up for me:


It's been over a week since Sir Alex Ferguson launched his incredible rant(s) after Manchester United's FA Cup defeat to Portsmouth, claiming that the referee was on Pompey's "side" and refs chief Keith Hackett wasn't up to the job. So far there's been no comment from either the FA or Hackett, merely a polite request from the governing body for Sir to explain his comments. Just the salient issues or a full guide?

One aspect of Sir's rant which has largely gone unreported - in part because it was made on MUTV rather than during his televised post-match interview on Sky Sports - was his claim that Hackett "always" puts his favourites in charge of the Mancs away matches.

"Keith Hackett's got a lot to answer for in this country. I don't think he's doing his job properly. He's got his favourites, as everyone knows. You look at the refs we get away from home - Steve Bennett, Mark Clattenburg, Phil Dowd, all these people - we never get them at home, always away, and I think that tells you everything about him [Hackett]. Clattenburg - oh, Jesus, God."

Appealing to the almighty has clearly has the desired effect. On Monday, Hackett, apparently oblivious to Clattenburg's inept handling of Everton v Liverpool in October, put him in charge of Chelsea v Arsenal. Oh, Jesus, God. 'Inept' was putting it kindly. Steve Bennett, meanwhile, who the Mancs "never" get at home, has been handed the task of officiating Manchester United v Liverpool at Old Trafford.

So, just to recap, a mute Hackett still hasn't responded in public to Fergie's rant, but has all of a sudden done what Ferguson asked him to do. To paraphrase, Mediawatch thinks that tells you everything about him.

(And as a final aside, Howard Webb, who didn't appear on the list of "Hackett's favourites" compiled by Ferguson, may be regarded as the Premier League's best ref but he won't be on duty this Grand Slam Easter Sunday. Instead he'll be taking charge of Aston Villa v Sunderland. (Go figure).

Re: Liverpool Thread


#1 Manchester United
#2 Chelsea
#3 Arsenal
#4 Liverpoo

When you lot learn how to beat the better Premiership teams we'll all believe the hype about Liverpool. ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread


#1 Manchester United
#2 Chelsea
#3 Arsenal
#4 Liverpoo

When you lot learn how to beat the better Premiership teams we'll all believe the hype about Liverpool. ;)

When you've actually been to OT more than 5 times in your life or learned to support a team by simply seeing them do well on 'telly' you can come back here and discuss.

Re: Liverpool Thread


#1 Manchester United
#2 Chelsea
#3 Arsenal
#4 Liverpoo

When you lot learn how to beat the better Premiership teams we'll all believe the hype about Liverpool. ;)

We you actually win the Champions League, hell even enter the finals, then I'll believe the hype about United :-pp

No seriously, our record has been disgusting. But we did beat Arsenal and Chelsea last season, and should have beaten Chelsea as well.
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