Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Here you go. Direct quotes.

And yes, that bastard Hicks, still doesn't want to go. Maybe he just wants DIC to increase the price, the greedy git.

Gillett does seem very likely to sell his 50%. Then with Coco, Moores and DIC, they can probably impose themselves on Dicks and he might leave as well.

couldnt find one supporting what they said about investing in the nhl from profits made from pool, and they make up quotes as well in the UK press...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Hicks has been quoted as saying he will take money from Liverpool and use it to help his American teams, there's even a soundbite of it. If I find it, I'll post a link.

Why are you so defensive when it comes to G&H, Gomito? You always seem to defend them when we have a go? Patriotism?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Hicks planning to put Liverpool cash into US franchises
By Ian Herbert
Published: 22 January 2008
Liverpool fans' growing antipathy towards their club's co-owner Tom Hicks, who is close to strengthening his position at Anfield through refinancing the debt he incurred in buying the club, will be increased by the revelation of a US interview in which the American said that he intended to plough profits from the club into his US sports franchises.

Prospective suitor Dubai International Capital was waiting to see if the level of opposition against Hicks and his partner George Gillett before last night's home match with Aston Villa might make Gillett any keener to sell up. But the hard bargain being driven by Hicks is illustrated in a video interview with the Major League Baseball (MLB) website which deals with the fears expressed by fans of his Texas Rangers baseball and Dallas Stars ice hockey franchises, that the £218m American Anfield takeover last February would damage their own clubs.

"People are worried that I might take money away from the [Texas] Rangers [Hicks' baseball franchise] to go to Liverpool," Hicks said. " But it is just the reverse. Liverpool is going to throw off lots of extra money which, if I choose to, I can use for the Rangers or the [Dallas] Stars [ice hockey team]."

The interview was broadcast six months ago and Hicks' words were clearly aimed at pacifying American fans, but they will dismay Liverpool supporters, who turned out in numbers last night to voice distaste for the Americans, who seem almost certain to restructure their debt through a new £350m arrangement before any deal with DIC.

Despite persistent reports of an imminent formal bid from DIC, there were no developments on a potential buyout yesterday and the Arab consortium now seems to be playing a waiting game. It has not ruled out Gillett showing a willingness to sell up, thus forcing Hicks to follow suit. But sources in Liverpool suggest that the refinancing is a near certainty this week and that would make the club a far less attractive proposition to Dubai.

Contrary to reports, a meeting between DIC and Royal Bank of Scotland, with whom the Americans are restructuring their debt, has not taken place and will not do so today either.

It was revealed yesterday that Hicks intends to appear at the SoccerEx event in London in April, which hardly suggests that he is planning to move out of the sport any time soon.

The interview also provides a sense of how Hicks – whose Dallas Stars, purchased for $84m (43m), are now worth an estimated $254m – sees his sports franchises as business commodities. When he bought the Stars, he said, they were "a lousy franchise, playing in a crumbling arena... so I figured I could change all that; put them in a new arena, make them worth a lot more money and sell it and make money, because I'm a businessman. What I didn't count on was that I fell in love with hockey."

The angry Merseyside response to Hicks' revelation that he had approached Jürgen Klinsmann about the manager's job will hardly have left him " in love" with Liverpool and DIC may also find encouragement in Hicks' saying in the interview that he finds partisan Liverpool fans an alien entity. "There's a difference between American fans and not just European but UK," he tells MLB. "Liverpool football fans are on a different planet but God bless 'em they're proud of it."

The Liverpool hierarchy clearly relishes the prospect of investment by DIC, the investment arm of the Dubai government, which sources suggest is ready to issue sovereign bonds, allowing Liverpool's debt to be taken on by the Dubai state. DIC "would be welcomed by many on Merseyside," a senior Liverpool source said.

But DIC has so far failed to come close to a sum of money for Liverpool which would satisfy Hicks and Gillett, with a figure of £300m understood to have been rejected out of hand. Some financiers believe that even this represents the very top end of Liverpool's value, in view of the fact that £250m is needed for the redevelopment of the stadium.

Professor Tom Cannon, Dean of Buckingham University Business School and a long-time observer of the Merseyside football scene, said that if the costs of the stadium redevelopment, plus £50m for players, was factored in, the £300m valuation would make Liverpool more expensive than Manchester United or Arsenal and twice as expensive as Chelsea. "Liverpool have never made big profits – Manchester United have made big profits – but what is there apart from trophy cabinets?" he said "And trophy cabinets don't pay interest charges."

It is unclear whether the knock-on effect on the US stock market of the biggest fall in UK shares since 11 September may affect the Americans' position in any way. It was a bank holiday in America yesterday, but share prices on the Dow Jones seem certain to fall sharply today.

In Liverpool, the rancour felt for the Americans was voiced by the Reclaim the Kop group yesterday. "The fans want them out, unconditionally," said the group's Kevin Sampson. "The moment they confirmed our worst misgivings and admitted they'd been plotting to oust Benitez, they may as well have started saddling the horses. That's it. They are finished here."
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Hicks has been quoted as saying he will take money from Liverpool and use it to help his American teams, there's even a soundbite of it. If I find it, I'll post a link.

Why are you so defensive when it comes to G&H, Gomito? You always seem to defend them when we have a go? Patriotism?

i feel the need to defend certain things at times especially when i feel there is unfair criticism. Nameley if hicks and gillet were sweedish i dont think they would get as much shit. That quote sounded like he said it in jest or not at all. Look if these guys bankrupt liverpool and you end up like leeds, then i think the supporters have a point. But so far from what i have seen they got you one of the best young strikers in the world, and a new stadium. There obviously has to be some learning curve for the football culture over there(they fucked up with the klinsman thing). ANd this whole argument that rafa has been selling players for profit and using that profit to buy players is being portrayed like the americans are idiots and rafa is a genius. First off if the owners were idiots, they would have told rafa to sell the players and not buy new ones. Did anyone think about that? What if the owners told him no, no to mash and no to torres, were going to keep the profits of gonzales, garica, etc... and your not getting a new squad. No one seems to mention that, they just call them bastards and idiots, and spit on there sons faces(which the son didnt deserve but that moron should have known better not to go to a pub to have "dialouge"). I knwo you and abishsek just want what is good for the club and i dont think you guys care if there American or not, but there are other members who say all yanks should fuck off, and other zenophobic comments, so i think you guys would get defensive as well if you felt this unfair-hostility. If all tom hicks truly cares about is profit and not the team, then yeah that TEXAN can fuck off.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Don't think the critism is based on nationality, I mean we are all hoping a group of "muslims" take over the club. If the hostility was born out of xenophobia there would be a lot more towards DIC then H&G with the current world/political climate.

They just haven't held there side of the deal and in the meantime have also "messed" about with the club. Funds havent been forthcoming, I think the net spend last summer was "Torres" with all the other signings being funded by sales. They are in sports so they know you have to have a strong team and stadium to be succesfull in the long term.

And they haven't actually gotton us a new stadium, they have loaned on the clubs name to fund the start-up of the construction but haven't got enough to complete the build at this time.

From what has been written and said they have actually invested very little of their own money. The loan problems in Feb was because they werent willing to invest 50mil of their own money. I don't know how much they have invested now, but they have still put the club in extra significant debt.

And now it's looking like they will make nearly 50 mil, if not more, for f*cking the club about for a season with the club being no further then when they came in.

It's also debatable how much of "their" money was behind the Torres signing, after all Liverpool did manage to reach the final of the CL and that brings in about 20-30mil extra for the extended run.

So the hostility towards them is quite founded imo. And they happen to be Americans so that why "we" are calling for "the American's" to f@#k off.

And they still haven't put the money up to sign Masch even though every party seems to be wanting to get the deal done.

As for your defensive stance towards any negativity towards the states or American's; Do you watch Fox, or listen to Bush much? I'm not having a go, but the media and politics in the States, and the strategies of the Neo-Con's is to make American's feel like victims/under attack so that the government can take liberties (literally with the patriots act) for the "greater good". I wouldnt be surprised if that effect you, and any other American that watches the media.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I want Rafa to sign Snoogy Doogy, apparantly Rafa can have who he wants and if he wants Doogy, they'll get him, right?

And our ground is coming along great, the shovels went into the ground last Summer just after they took over!

Oh, wait ...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Don't think the critism is based on nationality, I mean we are all hoping a group of "muslims" take over the club. If the hostility was born out of xenophobia there would be a lot more towards DIC then H&G with the current world/political climate.

They just haven't held there side of the deal and in the meantime have also "messed" about with the club. Funds havent been forthcoming, I think the net spend last summer was "Torres" with all the other signings being funded by sales. They are in sports so they know you have to have a strong team and stadium to be succesfull in the long term.

And they haven't actually gotton us a new stadium, they have loaned on the clubs name to fund the start-up of the construction but haven't got enough to complete the build at this time.

From what has been written and said they have actually invested very little of their own money. The loan problems in Feb was because they werent willing to invest 50mil of their own money. I don't know how much they have invested now, but they have still put the club in extra significant debt.

And now it's looking like they will make nearly 50 mil, if not more, for f*cking the club about for a season with the club being no further then when they came in.

It's also debatable how much of "their" money was behind the Torres signing, after all Liverpool did manage to reach the final of the CL and that brings in about 20-30mil extra for the extended run.

So the hostility towards them is quite founded imo. And they happen to be Americans so that why "we" are calling for "the American's" to f@#k off.

And they still haven't put the money up to sign Masch even though every party seems to be wanting to get the deal done.

As for your defensive stance towards any negativity towards the states or American's; Do you watch Fox, or listen to Bush much? I'm not having a go, but the media and politics in the States, and the strategies of the Neo-Con's is to make American's feel like victims/under attack so that the government can take liberties (literally with the patriots act) for the "greater good". I wouldnt be surprised if that effect you, and any other American that watches the media.
unfair negativity is when i get defensive(all yanks can fuck off for instance), have all the go you want at bush, i hate him as much as you do. I dont like when people generalize about the US. You just did it with you fox and media comment. The media here is far more liberal then right wing. The right wing hates the mainstream U.S. media, the washington post for instance is very liberal and they are the complete opposite of fox. So to say that fox is influencing me or other americans is only true for a subset of the population. Its not like the entire country is sitting around watching fox news right now. Bush's approval rating is at and all time LOW, in fact in Africa he has a higher aproval rating then in america(15 billion for aids will do that, but of course you probably didnt see that in your media). The majority of us have begun disenchanted with his war on terror(2/3 of the country disaprove with the war in iraq) so again you generalized abotu why im defensive and imo it has nothing to do with bush, or politics. I just think were all painted with the same brush and I dont like it.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I want Rafa to sign Snoogy Doogy, apparantly Rafa can have who he wants and if he wants Doogy, they'll get him, right?

And our ground is coming along great, the shovels went into the ground last Summer just after they took over!

Oh, wait ...

snoop likes the arse
Re: Liverpool Thread

imo the only American owner who is beloved is Lerner...maybe cause he goes to the games :ANGEL: . Working w/ a smaller club gives you more of a lower profile so it easier to shine. And I know Gomito is abit touche about the USA we have fought a lot in the PAST about it.

Snoop parties w/ Chelsea

I love Bush but lately he`s been hurting this countries
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Hicks is just delaying. Gillete will sell his 50% stake to DIC, DIC will slowly push Hicks out but the twat will walk away with alot of money, he's in a powerful position.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Jesus! Its getting a bit boring now, why dont you all leave the big boy stuff to the big boys eh! None of us fans have a clue whats going on behind the scenes of our clubs so give it a rest and concentrate on the football :SHHH:

erm mate fuck off then. This is a Liverpool thread.

honestly how old are yous lot?


Our reserves just beat the Mancs 2-0. Alonso and Kewell scored. Agger played and was flawless.

Re: Liverpool Thread


EDIT: Ooh there's a Plessis in the squad, who the heck is he?

It seems that Nemeth is doing VERY well, might fancy him in the senior team next season with the way Voro is playing :)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

erm mate fuck off then. This is a Liverpool thread.

honestly how old are yous lot?


Our reserves just beat the Mancs 2-0. Alonso and Kewell scored. Agger played and was flawless.


Didn't manage to watch the match. Why were Alonso and Kewell playing? They weren't injured were they?

Great to Dagger back. Did he partner up Skrtel later on?

Btw, we already have Snoogy don't we?


Hicks will fuck off. He just wants more money.
Re: Liverpool Thread

what if DIC mess up? Are we going to hate them as well or do you believe that liverpool will be safe in their hands? (BTW i'm not supporting hick or Gillet but i'm not against them. I don't really care to be honest, It is really the players and the mangers job to do well. All the owners have to do is make sure the club is financially safe (as far as I now).)
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Re: Liverpool Thread


EDIT: Ooh there's a Plessis in the squad, who the heck is he?

It seems that Nemeth is doing VERY well, might fancy him in the senior team next season with the way Voro is playing :)

Plessis is the new Vieira apparantly, everyone who watched the reserves has said he's been immense for us this season. Nemeth is supposed to be playing really well too.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Oh is he? When I saw Nemeth's highlights for Liverpool this season I saw a tall black dude celebrating with him during his goals, might be him?

Errr and RARELY the next [somebody] ever realizes his potential so I wouldn't make a fuss about him just yet.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

erm mate fuck off then. This is a Liverpool thread.

honestly how old are yous lot?


Our reserves just beat the Mancs 2-0. Alonso and Kewell scored. Agger played and was flawless.


No need for that peter! Bit ott son , so i cant state my opinion here any more , best if you stop talking red-shite in my everton thread then

originaly posted in an everton view thread

Originally Posted by Abhishek
Agree with everything you said. We are not even close to the Big 3 when it comes to quality. But surely, even another final appearance, after defeating Barcelona counts for something as well? And a final which we deserved to win?

Abhishek, if we brought in 2 top class players we'd be pretty darm awesome in my opinion. We are not miles behind. Our finances are however.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Jimmy Melia's backing Tom Hicks to make Liverpool stay work
Feb 27 2008 by James Pearce, Liverpool Echo

SPENDING time with the Hicks' might not be every Liverpool fan's idea of fun - but Jimmy Melia insists it was an eye-opening experience.

The former Reds star, who played 287 games for the club between 1955 and 1964, was invited by Anfield co-owner Tom Hicks to be a special guest at Saturday’s 3-2 victory over Middlesbrough.

The 70-year-old was flown over from his home in Dallas and although Tom senior didn’t make the trip, Melia took his place in the directors’ box alongside director Tom junior and the owner’s brother Bill.

Melia, who has coached youth football in Texas for the past 18 years, has been keeping a close eye on his hometown club in recent months as the Reds have made headlines for all the wrong reasons.

Delays over the new stadium, the admission the owners had lined up Jurgen Klinsmann as a replacement for Rafa Benitez and the recent £350m refinancing deal which plunged the club into debt have left supporters fuming.

With co-owner George Gillett silent, Texan Hicks has taken most of the flak and there have been growing calls for the Americans to sell up, with Dubai International Capital waiting in the wings.

However, while Gillett looks set to cash in his 50% stake, Melia insists Hicks is here to stay.

“It’s the first time I’ve been back to Liverpool in four years and it all came about because Bill Hicks is friends with the father of a lad who played for my football team in Dallas,” he said.

“Bill heard I had been a Liverpool player for 12 years and asked me whether I would be interested in coming over to watch a game and it went from there.

“I first met Tom junior about two weeks ago and then spoke with Tom senior last week.

“It’s been an opportunity for me to get to know them and I’ve been very impressed.

“From speaking to them it’s clear the Hicks’ love the game and they love the club. I wouldn’t have come all this way and spent time with them if I didn’t think that.

“Gillett looks like he’s going to sell his share but I know Tom Hicks is going to hang in there and make it work.

“He has owned Dallas Stars ice hockey team for 12 years and Texas Rangers baseball team for 10 years. He has stuck with them and says he’s going to stay with Liverpool.

“It would be easy for him to sell now and make a big profit but he’s not a quitter.

“He’s going to get the stadium built and find money for players in the summer. I can see him being at Anfield for 15 years.”

The owners may have looked elsewhere for a manager back in November but Melia is convinced Benitez now has Hicks’ full backing.

“When it came out they had held talks with Klinsmann the fans were angry but Tom was very honest about it,” he said.

“After having a bit of a fall out, the fear was that Benitez might leave and they had to have a top manager in place in case that happened.

“Communication between Tom and Rafa back then was a problem but I know it’s much improved now. Tom likes Rafa, he believes in him and he wants stability at the club.”

Melia says the Hicks’ are the first to admit they have made mistakes during the past 12 months and the latest was Tom junior’s decision to go for a drink in the Sandon pub near Anfield after Saturday’s match.

The Reds director had to beat a hasty retreat after being confronted by angry supporters.

“Tommy made the wrong decision and it was a bad move on his part,” Melia said.

“After a game, when the drinks are flowing, passions run high.

“Bill Hicks had told him not to go in there. They had all had a good day with no hassle at the ground.

“But Tommy wanted to feel the atmosphere in the Sandon and see how the fans felt about things – he certainly found out!

“The thing is Liverpool supporters are so passionate and that’s something the Americans have struggled to understand.

“The club is their life, it’s all Scousers talk about and they are desperate to see the team do well.

“You don’t get sports fans in America in love with the game like people are here.

“That’s one of the reasons why the Hicks’ like it so much but it has taken a lot of getting used to.

“One of the big problems for them has been that the communication has not been good and that’s something they are trying to improve on.”

The fact that the club will have to pay around £30million a year in interest payments to service the £350m loan taken out last month is a major concern for Reds supporters.

But Melia believes the idea that any new owner would risk their own personal fortune is unrealistic.

He said: “I’m no expert but nobody in business puts all their own cash into something – they use the banks’ money to get investments going.

“There aren’t many Abramovichs about and nobody is going to come in and just throw money at it.

“It’s not easy to find people prepared to come in and do what needs to be done at Liverpool.

“Tom Hicks is committed to getting the stadium built and finding money for players to improve the team.

“The most important thing for me is signings because the club is on the verge of losing their place in the top four. There are a lot of teams fighting for fourth place and it’s vital Liverpool strengthen for next season.

“I know what the Americans need to do on the football side and I’m more than happy to help them with advice on that.

“If I can help communication between the two parties then great. Now I’ve had the chance to come over and see things for myself I’m hoping to meet up with Tom senior soon.

“They might want me to come back a bit more often and I’d certainly be interested in that.”

Quality signings needed for title push

RAFA BENITEZ needs to make four quality signings this summer if Liverpool are to stand any chance of challenging for the Premier League title next season, according to Jimmy Melia.

The former inside forward, who grew up in the Scotland Road area of the city, believes major investment is needed in the squad.

“I watch all the games on television in Texas but Saturday was the first time I’ve since them play live in a few years and seeing the movement off the ball is completely different,” he said.

“To get themselves up there with Man United, Arsenal and Chelsea, I’d say they need four new players.

“They need two new full-backs who can get forward, get into the attacking third and provide good service. The game has changed a lot and defenders these days have got to be good on the ball.

“Technically, they’re a bit short in midfield and need a top class midfielder to play with Gerrard and Mascherano.

“Babel is going to be a good player but he’s not ready to play at the top level against teams like Chelsea and United yet. Lucas is in the same situation – he’s not ready to put Liverpool at the top of the league, but could further down the road.

“Torres has been a terrific buy but he needs someone to play alongside, someone who’s capable of scoring 20 goals.”

Melia is also desperate to see the club discover the next generation of local talent.

“Gerrard is a terrific player – the heart and soul of the team,” he said. “He’s a great leader and it’s important for the fans to have him and Carragher in the side.

“They have the passion for the club and they know how important it is to get results. The fans love them because they feel they are part of what they are.

“I know it’s a world game these days but it’s important to ensure we keep bringing local lads through.”

The game has changed dramatically since Melia’s days as a Liverpool star when he earned £7 a week and used to get the bus to games at Anfield.

He added: “I was 15 when I joined Liverpool and I had 12 great years there. Winning the Second Division under Bill Shankly in 1962 was special. That was the team that really got everything moving for the club.

“Shanks was a fabulous motivator and even when we were coming out of the Second Division we were the best team in the world as far as he was concerned. He was right as we won the First Division two years later!”
Re: Liverpool Thread

I agree about the signings. But we need wigners rather than midfielders. This should be Rafa's priority come the summer if he wants to continue playing 4-2-3-1


4 players. And some decent backup.
Re: Liverpool Thread

what if DIC mess up? Are we going to hate them as well or do you believe that liverpool will be safe in their hands? (BTW i'm not supporting hick or Gillet but i'm not against them. I don't really care to be honest, It is really the players and the mangers job to do well. All the owners have to do is make sure the club is financially safe (as far as I now).)

And what makes you think we are financially safe with 30m annual interest payments to make, while are operational profits are barely 8m, while another 350m will be taken to complete the stadium (which should have started 60 days after they arrived, but till now we don't even have permission for a 60,000 seater)?
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm from Dallas, TX and I can say assuredly that Tom Hicks is a mediocre operator of a sports team at best. In Dallas we also have the Dallas Cowboys (NFL Football) and the Dallas Mavericks (NBA Basketball), two teams led by owners that spend money to try and win as many championships as possible. Both teams have been successful and as such, both teams have generated massive revenue from enthusiastic fans.

Tom Hicks owns the Dallas Stars (NHL Hockey) and the (Dallas) Texas Rangers (MLB Baseball). Hicks has given both teams adequate funds to compete, but has never had the win at any cost mentality that many championship winning teams' owners do. Unlike Jerry Jones and Mark Cuban (owners of the Cowboys and Mavericks respectively), Tom Hicks definitely puts balancing the books at a higher priority than winning... although it isn't fair to say that he won't spend money to keep his team competitive, but Hicks does keep the purse strings tight on anything he deems extravagant to the needs of the team.

So while he is not the perfect owner, he isn't a spendthrift either. The Dallas Stars won a championship under Hicks and have challenged for several. They have finished top of the league several times, only to be dumped from the playoffs on occasion... so despite only one championship, they've been top contenders several times over. The Texas Rangers are another story... Hicks has spent money, just not wisely. Obviously, that's more down to his scouting department and General Manager, but as a result, the Rangers have finished poorly over the last several years.

My overall point is that Hicks isn't the best owner, nor the worst, despite the collective cries from Anfield week in and week out. He will likely spend the money that is needed for the club to stay competitive at the top level... but he won't want to spend above and beyond what the competition spends for transfers. He (and Gillett) have improved the stadium situation, because what was being built before was terrrrible. While it may not be as great as the initial outlay, it still looks pretty fantastic, with plenty of room available for expansion. Again, I understand the stadium has been delayed again, but it's far more important to get it right the first time.

Having seen Hicks in action, I don't hate him as other Liverpool supporters do. I think his gaffe's at Rafa's expense were terrible, but I understand that he was acting in what he thought was the best for the club (trying to find a manager that HE thought could do better than Rafa)... and I don't think Liverpool would be any higher in the premiership standings if Hicks had kept actions a bit closer to the vest.

So while I understand Hicks' faults as much as anyone, I don't know anything about the DIC and I have no idea what they are after. Sure, Hicks practices fiscal conservationism but he is genuinely attempting to win. Does anyone how the DIC is going to run things? I understand why supporters want Hicks to leave (although I think they are being overly dramatic) but why on earth are the DIC looked upon as the solution?

Re: Liverpool Thread

Hmm, some good news for us.

Liverpool are the only team to score hat tricks in the EPL, FA Cup, Carling Cup and UCL :applaud:

Well in Nando and Yossi :))
Re: Liverpool Thread

Blue, you came in to a Liverpool thread and interupted a discussion about the ownership of the club saying it was boring. Well then don't read. I admit the Everton thread has been hijacked on occasions!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Good post Eaton, cheers.

I'm more hopeful of DIC doing a better job as they certainly have the money to back up all of the talk and I'm sure they'll back us with money to at least compete with the best. Saying that, you just don't know really, it could be out of the frying pan etc. But Hicks and Gillette have made too many cock-up's in such a short space of time that it just isn't good for them to stay around for much longer. It would take HUUUUGE amounts of cash for Rafa (yes, Rafa) to buy WHOEVER he wants, with them keeping completely quiet from now on. And neither of those are likely to happen I feel.
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