Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Say all you want guys .. i'll take goals whenever I get them :)


Oh the boo boys are gone when we're winning ..
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Thank fuck for that. Lucas was class today.

Bloody hell, you lot might win the league after your performance against Havant! World Class :applause:

Being serious, do any of you guys ever go to Anfield? (I'm not trolling, genuine question.) :)

I would if I ever owned a private jet taking me to Liverpool every weekend ;)

Seriously though, I have been Anfield at least once every year, as I visit England every year to meet my cousins. And I was there in Istanbul, so that was a match of a lifetime right there. I visited Anfield in 1999, and have been in love ever since.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is Xabi injured? I expected him to be at least on the bench today. Anyone else got a feeling he might be leaving? He hasn't been played for quite some time now.

Btw, Lucas showed he has a pretty decent range as well. He is the only Liverpool player that I just love to see. The way he runs around and passes is just stylish. I didn't see him making even one poor pass throughout the game.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I would play

Gerrard--------Mash-----Lucas--------Kewell/Babel/Benayoun in midfield!

oh and btw seems like there isn't alot of local Liverpool supporters on evo-web, but if you go to PESFAN there are shit loads.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

peter said:
I'm not trying to make excuses, I'm disgusted too, but calling them a bunch of binmen is ridiculous, they are here on merit.

One of them literally is though Pete, LMAO

Anyway, is anyone else getting the impression that the players not performing has to do with a lot of them being pissed off because even when they do have a good game theyll likely not play the next one anyway? And for the ones that do play, gerrard, torres, etc, that they are getting pissed off because they have to carry the rest? Watched the villa match and you could see how tired and pissed off torres was getting of having to go after aimless punt after aimless punt. Its tiring him out and wasting his skill.

Not local either, although my dad flies over regulary to go to a match. I cant be bothered tbh.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think the Spanish players would complain about rotation, as it's very common in La Liga. But I get what you mean by Torres. In Atletico, he had to carry the whole team on his shoulder, and here, he just has Gerrard as support. And our attacking play seems so disjointed. We were playing brilliantly at the start of the season, and then during November, but ever since the Reading game, we have completely lacked any penetration. We just seem to be blocked out by the opposition.

And we need to work on defending set pieces! I don't know what's happened this season. I thought defending set pieces was one of our strengths in the last couple of seasons.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I feel sorry for the L'pool players when it comes to Rafa rotating them. Always play your strongest eleven, week-in, week-out (bar supensions/injuries of course.)
Re: Liverpool Thread

just saw footage of the havant boys on a lap of honour being applauded by the Kop.

That's what football is boys

none of this "who are ya!" crap
Re: Liverpool Thread

Btw, Lucas showed he has a pretty decent range as well. He is the only Liverpool player that I just love to see. The way he runs around and passes is just stylish. I didn't see him making even one poor pass throughout the game.

This guy has a bright future ahead of him, it would be crazy
to even have the thought of having him leave.(There has
been a Real Madrid rumour)

As for H&W scoring, good on them it's what the FA cup is all
about even if it will be yet another 'top four' team winning it.

Benayoun - despite some saying he's nothing but a squad player
9 goals so far is good return, good on him.
Re: Liverpool Thread


Reports today that the Reds are interested in signing Argentinian playmaker Pablo Aimar have been confirmed as "accurate".

Liverpool FC co-chairman Tom Hicks has given Reds chief executive Rick Parry permission to try and broker a deal that would see the highly-rated player make the switch to Anfield before the end of the month.

Time though to negotiate a deal for the 28-year-old is against the Reds though but as things currently stand, Parry is working hard to try and broker a deal.

We have no reason to doubt our Anfield source that told us today that the reports are true.

Not sure what to think about this. I think we are 4 or 5 years too late!
Re: Liverpool Thread

We've been linked with him since Benitez took over. I'll gladly have Aimar if we can get him :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

We are not that late. Aimar was one of the best players in the world when playing for Valencia. He is no longer THAT good (it would be impossible to maintain that level), but he's still a very, very good player. He has been pretty good for Zaragoza. He is scoring goals, and has been playing the support for Milito and Oliviera. He still has a few goods years in him.

He would be perfect for that No. 10 role behind Torres. I would have preferred Diego (because he's pretty young), but Aimar is not such a loss in quality from Diego. Plus I think he won't cost a fortune. It's going to be interesting to see this develop. I won't mind seeing him at Anfield at all.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Aimar would be brilliant exactly the type of player needed in this team, I won't hold my breath though Rafa said he doesn't expect to buy anyone else in this transfer window.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yep, remember him being another one of them Argentinian players touted for greatness but never got there, still a top player and for that reason you wont get him :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Why did the binmen play at anfield?

Too clear up all the shite!! :lol:

Re: Liverpool Thread

Would have preferred a tougher draw. Reckon we'll play shit, and then just go through. But it gives us the opportunity to rest players for the Inter game.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You can only beat who is in front of you mate. I reckon it's gonna be a L'pool v Arsenal or United final.

EDIT: Actually forget that - I forgot Chelsea were still in it. They are gonna be tough to stop, especially the way they keep getting easy draws. :(
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Why did the binmen play at anfield?

Too clear up all the shite!! :lol:


Yeah there's quite a bit of that blueshite around...

We've got the luck of the draw so far which is good.
At least Rafa can put the rotation system to good use.

Our next two home games(west ham/sunderland) are a must
win before we face chelsea.

As for Aimar he's defiently the type of player that we need
the only worry about him is that he's a bit injury prone.

Still hoping our rumoured interest in Gudjohnsen is true
I hear Bolton are looking to get him on loan aswell.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Copied from RAWK:

"Sorry for another thread, but this shouldn't get lost in the rest:

Posted on RAOTL by John Mackin with the following introduction:

"This is from someone who should know whats happening as he is a confidant of several of those involved. I trust this source entirely:"

Read on...

The goings on within Anfield at the moment are quite outstanding.

Let me be clear from the off –

D.I.C or Dubai International Capital – Remain intent on securing Liverpool.

Regardless of what Tom Hicks said on Sportsweek on Sunday morning, which for me was at best vague, there remain serious divisions between Hicks & George Gillett.

George Gillett did sign the new finance deal, as so to safeguard his own ‘investment’ (loosely used term there) – but the relationship between the pair is at crisis point.

George Gillett’s son has LEFT Anfield at his fathers request & it’s understood by those within Anfield, he will not be returning.

George Gillett was said to be ‘outraged’ by Hick’s public comments about the approach made for Jurgen Klinsmann & pulling his son out from Anfield was a public show of his anger.

However with Foster leaving, big problems will arise as he was responsible for all the communication between the American owners & Roffa’.

I understand he got on very well with Foster & he was responsible impart for Benitez not walking out just recently. Benitez was made aware he had Gillett seniors full support, where as Hicks, as I said in another post – wanted him sacked.

Gillett vetoed the move & a power struggle ensued.

Gillett’s refusal to back Hick’s caused problems, on top of the big problems that already exist due to the financing.

George Gillett is it seems quite a decent chap. From the people I have spoken with who know him or have knowledge of him, he sounds affable, charming & I suppose most importantly, has a genuine liking for Liverpool.

Gillett wants to remain true to his word. When he promised Mr. Moore’s & the board members, his intention was not to saddle the club with debt, he meant it, but when he was gifted his opportunity to buy Liverpool, it fast became obvious he wouldn’t be able to do it on his own.

He’s paper rich – not cash rich, so as a result he approached Tom Hicks & a plan was put together quicker than a weeks holiday & the lack of initial groundwork is proving severely ill-advised.

George Gillett is said to favour doing a deal with D.I.C, as he has realised the ‘Project’ is going to prove impossible with the limited finances they have.

He understands that:

Yes – they have the money to as Tom Hicks said ‘Start digging’ but that is just about it. They do not have the means to pay for a further minimum £300+ million it will take to complete the stadium.

This is something that Tom Hicks is all too well known for.

Promising the earth – delivering nothing.

Many thousands of Texas Rangers fans would testify to that.

Promising to build the worlds best this and that’ – instead bleeding the companies of every single Dollar, Dime & Cent.

He sells club assets – from the clubs land to the best players. He minimizes wage bills & raises costs for real fans astronomically.

For any Liverpool fan who wants to see the degree of hate felt towards this man – read this:

Many people are of the view that it is only a matter of time before George Gillett makes public his intention to do business with D.I.C.

Gillett knows if he forces Hicks to sell his share of Liverpool to him, then he can sell the whole package on to D.I.C, which in turn will stand to make Gillett a massive profit.

He is the one individual who can realise D.I.C’s dream.

Mr. David Moore’s held recent meetings with Gillett, with the sole intention of making it clear how deeply he disapproves of what’s gone on at the club in recent months & weeks.

He called on Gillett to honour the original terms of the takeover & has even sought legal advice, even though that avenue would achieve little in real terms.

Moore’s is seriously worried his name is turning to mud in Liverpool & is determined to win back the fans he still regards as his own. He doesn’t want to go down in Liverpool’s proud history as the man that managed to help sink Liverpool FC.

When Moore’s made his feelings known to Gillett, Gillett promised he would either live up to the original promise but if that proved impossible, he would look to do a deal with Dubai International Capital.

My friend told me Moore’s was promised Tom Hicks does not & would not have carte blanche over what happens to Liverpool.

Only last week discussions between Tom Hicks, George Gillett & D.I.C regarding the sale of Liverpool FC were ongoing – regardless of what Hicks claims.

Those negotiations are said to be ongoing as we speak.

D.I.C are determined to gain hold of Liverpool, but do not want to be seen or be perceived to be paying massively over the odds for the club. They think that would set a dangerous precedent & send out the wrong message to people who they deal with in the future.

But no matter how vitriolic the statements Hicks makes regarding selling, the facts are:

He is hanging on to his piece of Liverpool by a thread.

When D.I.C make there move and come to agreement with Gillett, Hicks will have no choice but to re-evaluate his options.

So Liverpool FC Fans.

Don’t panic.

There really is a bright light at the end of this ugly tunnel & that light in the form of D.I.C will make recent events pale into insignificance & resign Tom Hicks to his rightful place:

The history books. "
Re: Liverpool Thread

:roll: gullable or what.

relax , take a deep breath , football banter is about winding people up, do you understand? Thats what i do because i love to laugh , scousers are the funniest people in the world (after the irish) ;)

Its obvious you red - shite on here are not from liverpool , nor i before you say it, but i do have a sense of humour , dont take me so serious for the 100th time :lol:
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