Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Also Hicks has pretty much confirmed that he doesnt have a clue about football and the british media. Lining up another manager because of press rumours?!!? They make it all up anyway!

I dunno what the hell is f*cking Hicks thinking by confirming something as stupid as that to the media. Doesn't he think what this may cause to the whole liverpool camp? Unbelievable stupidity at its highest. Sorry I just cant take this cowboy any longer.

To think that the Glazers are doing a better job than ours ... gosh gobsmacked am I.
Re: Liverpool Thread

This is what happens when you sell the soul of your club to the devil



Unlucky red-shite Greedy B**t**ds :lol:
Re: Liverpool Thread

Its the tabloids ffs! football365 had a "rumour generator" a few years ago. Half the "joke" rumours were the same as the nonsense printed. Rafa has actually already been fired and they have inlisted a lookie-likee to keep the fans happy. Shhhst, dont tell anyone, heard it from an insider.

The fact they reported a player signing for arsenal as a done deal when it was some random webjoke speaks volumes. Its a bit like the US army bombing campaings. As long as you use enough of them one is bound to be accurate!

Guess this makes me right and you wrong (again;)) , i think rafa will walk as the teams in crisis! And why shouldnt he? He know`s he is going no where fast and the team`s on a downward spirral , Hey but ya got to feel sorry for torres joining a team ripping itself apart from the inside -out...;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

I said I'd do it before, but I couldn't be bothered. This time I will, I'll join TikTik in adding Blue4Life to my ignore list. Clear WUM and no point to any of his posts :roll:
Re: Liverpool Thread

So, will Rafa walk or wait to get sacked and take a compensation package? Either way, I VERY much doubt he'll be at us by the end of the season, if not before then.

Apparantly G&H are in talks with a company from Dubai regarding selling the club for £500m, DIC it seems. I REALLY hope those American's piss off.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Let's hope. These yanks are donkeys.

If Rafa gets the sack now, we WONT beat Inter Milan. They have a much superior squad, and without Rafa, I doubt we can beat them.
Re: Liverpool Thread

you know what happens when you back a donkey :lol:

rafa to be sacked by the end of the week , you heard it 1st here folks
Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't think they'll sack him while we're in the CL. Like you say, we need Rafa for those games. A new manager (if appointed quick enough) wouldn't have enough time with the squad to be able to assess who to play and how to play. As long as we're in the CL, I think he's safe.

Let's hope Rafa wins the CL, and if he is sacked/walks away, he goes out with a bang :(
Re: Liverpool Thread

The thing that worries me is if they thought Klinsmann was good enough, who the hell are they going to bring now?!!!

It's not only about being able to know the squad. Whatever you say about Rafa, he is tactically very, very clever. This doesn't work in the EPL, but he knows how to beat better opponents. No other manager could have got so much success with out team than Rafa. It looks boring, but it works. And no I doubt the yanks know we need Rafa. They don't know anything. They're too stupid.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Well Im placing my hope that hicks and gillett decide to take the 500mil bid, earn a nice 75mil for 6months hassle and then piss off. From what I have read the DIC person behind the bids is a lifelong liverpool fan so thats got to be better then this clown. And hopefully Parry can f#$k off aswell. Surely he should be the one advising hicks and not going a long like a puppy and messing about?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Damn , I think the worst thing for your club is the fact they dont know fack all about football and who they will appoint may be a shocking joke ala Mclaren or someone, its not THAT bad guys your still in two cups which you could possibly win both which would probably end up making your best season in ages
Re: Liverpool Thread

Without Benitez, we won't win the UCL. It's simple as that. Let's pray DIC come to our rescue.
Re: Liverpool Thread

one minute its rafa, the next its the owners, what about the players on the pitch? Voronin looked like he was playing for birmingham... how do you guys explain how well they glazers have done at manu and there american? Doesnt that kind of shoot down your theory that since there americans, that liverpool suck, and once you get non american owners you will be fine... bullshit. its a comination of rafa being unsetteld, rafa's starting 11 selection, the players he has brought that simply are not good enough, the players not playing to there potential, and the owners ability to not keep shit in house... all of this crap in the press cannot be good for anyone.. hicks saying they would have hired klinsman.. etc... there is a lot of blame to go around, but to knock it all up to the owners being american, is simply stupid. There is alot more going on in reality then that. You have alot more issues then the american owners. How come babell never plays? How come voronin sees the pitch at all? Crouch(where is he)? Why do you still have kewell in the squad(he should be in the aussie A league). Most of you lads seem alot smarter then chopping it up to someones nationality...
Re: Liverpool Thread

Eh, did we ever say the owners are shit because they're American. They suck, because, they just do. It's got nothing to with nationality. And yes, we have mediocre players in our side. And yes, we are also tired of Benitez's stubborness, and rotation policy. They reason we want DIC, is because they are much better well off financially, and one of the owners supports Liverpool. It's got nothing to do with them being American.

We know so many of our players are shit. We know Rafa has take his blame in why we are playing so poorly, and why he brings crap like Voronin to the side.. But the instability in the club, has only started because of these idiots. We go through bad patches, but this time, we are having problems on and off the field, which is affecting the players. Plus they have not lived up to their promises. New stadium, more investment in players, all seem to be just lies. Believe me, nothing to do with being American.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool are crap at the moment because of simple reasons in my opinion:

1. Rafa has bought all the wrong players (apart from El Nino). I could list 10 players here that are, in my opinion, hopeless.

2. Rafa's tactics are negative and clueless in the Premiership. Fine for Champions League though.

3. Rafa rotates the first eleven far too often. With United, Chelsea and Arsenal you could more or less name their first eleven week-in, week-out bar any suspensions/injuries. Because of the this the players know each other on the pitch very well. With L'pool, trying to guess what formation and first eleven he is going to choose is like trying to guess what the lottery numbers are.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool are crap at the moment because of simple reasons in my opinion:

3. Rafa rotates the first eleven far too often. With United, Chelsea and Arsenal you could more or less name their first eleven week-in, week-out bar any suspensions/injuries. Because of the this the players know each other on the pitch very well. With L'pool, trying to guess what formation and first eleven he is going to choose is like trying to guess what the lottery numbers are.


Did Andy Gray tell you that?

Benitez only rotated players on two occasions more than Slur Anal, Maureen or Arsehol Wenger last year. FACT

And if our players are so shite bar Torres, how the fuck did we get the the Champions League Final last year when we didn't have Torres?

The way I see it is simple, Benitez is too stubborn and is stuck in his comfort zone to win the PL. Stick him back in Spain and he'd wipe the floor with most managers. Pit him against Ferguson in Spain and he'd wipe the floor with ole whiskey nose.

I'm so fucking angry right now. The cunting owners come out with a deliberate snide attempt to make Rafa walk so they don't have to pay him 6m, but they don't realise its just going to simply create havoc in the side and we'll slip further down the table. We'll scrape past Luton and get througly hammered by AV.

An to top it all of, the best young defender in Europe is injured, and the suregeons/doctors are clueless as to what is going wrong with the poor lads foot.

FUCK! I was really confident that Agger's inclusion in the side would see a good run of results. He's a little Beckenbauer!

And the bad news? More reports that those Muppets are close to securing financing. Couldn't give a shit if they're now on sound financial ground, they are clueless cunts, and I predict a massive protests ala FC United of Manchester style.

Find it a little odd that the only 'neutrals' commenting on this predicament are either Mancs or Bluenoses. Bunch of WUMS! ;)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Peter, why stoop to that level? You'll be calling Ruud V.Nistelrooy "horseface" next. Why can't you have an intelligent debate? My points were very good ones - if Rafa played an attacking formation with the same players week-in, week-out then you'd be in a better position than you are now.

I love the fact you lot keep on going on about WUMs too - I came in here with a valid debate. You really can't handle the fact that we all know that L'pool are a bit crap at the moment and are pointing out why. If United were getting crap results, I'd expect it in our thread. There is nothing wrong with a good debate, that is what forums are for.

(and you won't catch me calling Rafa a fat Spanish waiter anywhere in this thread, I am better than that)

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Re: Liverpool Thread

Peter Eyres said:
Benitez only rotated players on two occasions more than Slur Anal, Maureen or Arsehol Wenger last year. FACT
Have you no respect for decent managers? Slur Anal (or Sir Alex as most people call him) has done a fantastic job rotating the squad WHEN required. Jose Mourinho (even though I didnt like him much) was also VERY VERY good at using his Squad at the best of times. Arsehol Wenger? You mean Arsene Wenger? Another manager who is one of the best in the business and I for one think you would love him to be your manager... Raffa the Potato head is fucking shite! You guys just arent good enough to win the league and that was proved again on the weekend when you played fucking crap against Boro and were very lucky.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Good post DJ, I totally agree. Why is Wenger an "arsehole" anyway? Because he turned Arsenal from a long-ball team to a beautiful football team and won league trophies by doing so?

I reckon a case of bitter lemons is apparant here lads.
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