Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

I already posted the wiki link to Garay. Nice signing, but we won't really make a difference. We need more attacking threat. Why haven't we sold Momo yet?

@Peter, dare I say it, but it's the same with Kuyt. He can't play as the creative striker, he's is an out and out striker.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Lots of fansites are saying its happening. Medical tomorrow. £6-8m

Garay is a goal threat! And he sures up our defenence to. He will be a fixture in our defence for years to come, with Agger.

averages 1 in 5.

10 in 50 for Santander. Better than some of our strikers.

Some cheeky sod thinks its Heinze.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Garay is young though isn't he? Isn't he being bought as backup?
Re: Liverpool Thread

backup intially, but he can play RB or CB. He will probably be eased in like Agger.

He is a set piece expert (Right Foot). Scored two against Madrid.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is loaning Momo not an option? I know he's been pretty awful this season, but he seemed so promising before the injury.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Not necessary to loan him out. We don't need him as long as we get Mascherano. Masch, Alonso, Gerrard and Lucas can all play the same role, and are all better at it.

Sissoko can be good at breaking up plays, but he's always been good at picking up cards for rash challenges, not passing effectively enough and not being able to create a chance to save his life.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Get rid of Momo please! Juve are giving 10 million for him. That's a steal for us.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Not necessary to loan him out. We don't need him as long as we get Mascherano. Masch, Alonso, Gerrard and Lucas can all play the same role, and are all better at it.

Sissoko can be good at breaking up plays, but he's always been good at picking up cards for rash challenges, not passing effectively enough and not being able to create a chance to save his life.

100% agree, if pool can get 10 mill for him, PULL THE TRIGGER!
Re: Liverpool Thread

What the fuck is wrong with our owners.

Why aren't we going to help Luton. A measley 200k, are we really that tight atm?

They are turning us into an embrassement
Re: Liverpool Thread

What the fuck is wrong with our owners.

Why aren't we going to help Luton. A measley 200k, are we really that tight atm?

They are turning us into an embrassement

fuck luton

it's their own fault they're in the state they're in, detest the club for what they did in the 80's with banning away fans, plassy pitch, not turning up at anfield for a cup replay claiming they were snowed in then played the replay at their shed once all their best players were fit, reap what you sow and all that...
Re: Liverpool Thread

#### luton

it's their own fault they're in the state they're in, detest the club for what they did in the 80's reap what you sow and all that...

Yeh your fans did your team proud in the 80`s also
hmmm.....Now you can see why we detest your lot, pot callin the kettle black , you went from the self styled best supporters in europe to the worst last year!

people in glass houses should not throw stones....:(
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Sure they shouldnt Oldham boy ;)

Lets hope we smash Luton tomorrow and get some confidence back in the team
Re: Liverpool Thread

you went from the self styled best supporters in europe to the worst last year!

And back again after Platini corrected that muppet Gaillard :D

I don't see why Liverpool wont forfit the tickets. I always thought the home team got all the profit anyway? Or is it the TV money? Either way, the liverpool playes could go through some of their jeans pockets and come up with enough.
Re: Liverpool Thread

hmmm.....Now you can see why we detest your lot, pot callin the kettle black , you went from the self styled best supporters in europe to the worst last year!

people in glass houses should not throw stones....:(

the opinion of one man who has a personal vendetta against Liverpool. And some may so rightly so.

where is this report they did? Why isn't it avaliable for the public. Because there is no report!

Fishcake, whatever their owners have done with getting the club into trouble, the players and the fans shouldn't have to suffer. They could well dissapeer into the abyss on Monday, and I'm sure they'll now be even more up for a giant killing as one last bow.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Fishcake, whatever their owners have done with getting the club into trouble, the players and the fans shouldn't have to suffer. They could well dissapeer into the abyss on Monday, and I'm sure they'll now be even more up for a giant killing as one last bow.

the players will manage whatever happens, if their fans were that arsed about the club then they'd be filling the ground and trying to save them, instead they're averaging just over 6,500 with a capacity of around 10,300, that extra 3.5/4k every home game would put another 50/60k in the kitty (depending on ticket price) and they wouldn't be in as big a mess as they're in now, no doubt there'll be a full house tomorrow, then next week, if they survive, they'll be back down to 6/7k against swansea yet they'll have the cheek to have a go at us if we don't let them keep our share of the gate reciepts

even kevin blackwell has said something along the lines of it being their own fault
"You just have to accept it. There are people in life who have got a Rolls Royce while some people have a Mini.

"We are Mini drivers. We tried to live like a Rolls Royce but that's why we are where we are."

at the end of the day it's down to their own stupidity, they should be thankfull they've got a big game that's gonna be televised and will guarantee them a full house, the majority of their so called supporters who will be there tomorrow probably wouldn't have bothered if they were playing the likes of chasetown or havant & waterlooville
Re: Liverpool Thread

God, how awful are we?

I was just gonna say, I needed a good laugh today as I have been feeling down and Liverpool has had me literally laughing-out-loud. Kuyt = shit. Voronin = shit. Riise = shit. Lucas = shit. Finnan = shit. Crouch = shit. Liverpool's predictable one-dimensional style of football = WHY?
Re: Liverpool Thread

I was just gonna say, I needed a good laugh today as I have been feeling down and Liverpool has had me literally laughing-out-loud. Kuyt = shit. Voronin = shit. Riise = shit. Lucas = shit. Finnan = shit. Crouch = shit. Liverpool's predictable one-dimensional style of football = WHY?

i bet hicks and co cant wait to let rafa blow more millions on average players...
Re: Liverpool Thread

i bet hicks and co cant wait to let rafa blow more millions on average players...

Haha totally! Liverpool's squad is too big. If I was coach I would go in and sell/give away so many players. I had an argument in the pub with some guy the other night who insisted that Liverpool's squad is the best in Europe. He'd only had 1 pint of Guinness . . .
Re: Liverpool Thread

I was having a laugh as well. It reaches a point when your team just can't disappoint you more. You just laugh at it.

We need to get rid of Rafa, I can't take it anymore.
Re: Liverpool Thread


We got outplayed, outfought, out-thought and outmuscled. The whole team needs to look at themselves and wonder how they earned their wages this week because not one player there justified themselves in anyway at all.

PLEASE tell me someone is buying Kuyt? The guy is useless. He tries his hardest but what's the point in effort if the actual end product is rubbish? He can't shoot, can't pass, can't hold up the ball.

Not to single Kuyt out, the whole team really was poor and Benitez needs to give them all a slap or something because this just isn't good enough. Failing to beat Man City and Wigan, JUST scraping by at Derby. You'd have thought Benitez would've sorted it out. But no, the players actually manage to put in a worse performance against a worse team.

Utterly embarassing.
Re: Liverpool Thread

This Liverpool team is probably one of the worst teams to ever think of challenging for the Premier League. Everything is so wrong at this club, everything is screwed up. I don't think we will finish in the top 4 this season. We need to get rid of the owners, the manager and the players. This season has been a fucking disgrace. If it wasn't for Torres, we'd be in the relegation zone right now.
Re: Liverpool Thread

This Liverpool team is probably one of the worst teams to ever think of challenging for the Premier League. Everything is so wrong at this club, everything is screwed up. I don't think we will finish in the top 4 this season. We need to get rid of the owners, the manager and the players. This season has been a fucking disgrace. If it wasn't for Torres, we'd be in the relegation zone right now.

Over-reacting a bit there mate, relegation zone?! Nah.

16th maybe.

In all seriousness, maybe it is time Rafa went. I love Rafa, he's great. Put lately (lately especially) there are too many signs that too much is wrong with the players. And it's affecting players that don't even play regular games. I fear Benitez has lost the dressing room, the American's have decided they'll sack Rafa and the players know this.
Re: Liverpool Thread

The players aren't the problem. The fucking ignorant WUMS who are coming in this thread have no idea whats going on at his club. All you've ever known is sucess to you can fuck off and enjoy soulness corprate success whilst watching from your armchair half way across the world.

The owners have unsettled the manager, and this leads on to the players. Our clubs name and proud reputation is being dragged through the scum press every fucking day and I'm sick of it.

I couldn't sleep last night. Maybe I need to stop logging on to fan forums.

The owners are lying cunts who are broke. Rafa isn't good enough IMO (shocking substitutions, formation selection, but hasn't been backed, full stop.

Rafa has had to buy average players for various reasons. Firstly, the club just hasn't been attractive for top class players UNTIL recently after reaching our 2nd CL final, proving that the first was not a fluke.

Benayoun, Voronin and Babel were not his first choice. Rafa wanted Villa, Alves, Simao (twice), Malouda. But the fucking club would not stump up the extra 3m for each of these players, so they wen't elsewhere or stayed on at their clubs. So we had to settle for 2nd rate, and players who still need to develop.

We sold several players to cover the cost of the first world class player we've brought in on a permenant deal.

The sooner Parry fucks off the better (the fans hate Parry more than the Yanks, and its been like that for a while)

The situation is that there is a deadline in febuary set by the banks for the Yanks to sort out the mess on the loans. Once that passes, RBS will effectively own Liverpool and will sell it on to the highest bidder. The silver lining? DIC are still interested and are monitoring the situation.

I'm telling you that Rafa is going, and he could well be off before the summer. And it may well be by mutural consent. And I'm also telling you that certain players will leave when this happens. Jose IS interested, and Bernt Shcuster is the new name in the hat (a swap with Rafa)

In a few months time we could well be owned by Arabs, with a German or Portuguese manager and most of our spanish contingent gone.

The performance was shocking today, but I think any of the top four would have struggled against Luton today, they were that passionate and commited. They won every 50/50. Our performance was shocking because the players have lost confidence in Rafa and their own team-mates. Just look at Sami's reaction to Kuyt's early attempt on goal. AND THAT WAS FIVE MINUTES IN, YOU COULD TELL SAMI JUST WASN'T CONFIDENT THAT WE WOULD SCORE ENOUGH GOALS TO WIN THE GAME.

Granted Kuyt was shocking. He still hasnt' got over his farthers death, and to me he looks to be in a depressive state. Rafa should know this and act accordingly. I've sufferred from bouts of depression (supporting Liverpoool doesn't help) and my football has always suffered. It slows down your reactions, you lose a bit of pace, your ball control becomes laboured, and you mind just can't pick out the right options in time.

I'm sad to say the Rafalution is over and we need to start afresh. I mean completley. Parry has dragged the club back from greatness since day 1 of his reign. I've lost count of the number of transfer deals he's cocked up. How can Rafa be blamed for transfers if he can't even negotiate or offer what he sees fit. The Yanks have to go because they haven't delivered what they've promised. They've lied to Moores and the fans with regards to their business model, they've lied to the fans and the media (rafa has not been backed), the stadium won't get off the ground.

We're about to hit rock bottom and I'm in pieces at the moment because I care too much. I couldn't give a fuck if I live in London. I've watched the highs and lows of this club since the 90's and I'll be there again once we've rescued this sinking ship. And when we do it will be all the more satisfying.
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