Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

You mean insightful you uneducated simpleton. In which I agree my posts are indeed insightful.

Your so sad its untrue. You totally ignore the football related points and resort back to calling me a glorthunter who doesnt go to games and doesnt live in manchester. Quite frankly its none of your business what I do in my spare time, or where I live for a matter of fact. There are fans around the world who support man utd just as passionatly as the fan who goes to games every week. And most probably more clued up. Hooligans visit matches, does that put them up on a higher moral ground with terms of support for their club than someone who doesnt visit the games? I am not telling you because I dont share my personal details on line when there are sad old creeps like yourself lurking around. Also it has nothing to do with the debate about Liverpool and Benetiz which you are clearly shying away from as usual.

Have a good night out, I hope you feel more secure in yourself in letting people know about your private business.

Look at you. No good randal of a snitch. Calling for others to be banned for simply posting an opinion is a disgrace. Run and ask the mods to ban others like a lapdog when you cant take the heat is the common thing to do amongst liverpool fans.

oh dear :rolleyes:

Top Web Results for "incite"

8 results for: incite Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
in·cite [in-sahyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -cit·ed, -cit·ing.
to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
[Origin: 1475–85; < L incit?re, equiv. to in- in-2 + cit?re to start up, excite; see cite]

—Related forms
in·cit·a·ble, adjective
in·cit·ant, adjective, noun
in·ci·ta·tion [in-sahy-tey-shuhn, -si-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, noun
in·cit·er, noun
in·cit·ing·ly, adverb

—Synonyms instigate, provoke, goad, spur, arouse, exhort; fire; induce. Incite, rouse, provoke, inflame are verbs meaning to goad or inspire an individual or a group to take some action or to express some feeling. Incite and rouse are similar in that, although they can imply in some contexts abrasive or inflammatory arousal of violent or uncontrolled behavior, neither necessarily does so. Incite means simply to induce activity, of whatever kind: incited to greater effort by encouragement; incited to riot. Rouse has an underlying sense of awakening: to rouse the apathetic soldiers to a determination to win; to rouse the inattentive public to an awareness of the danger. Provoke implies a sense of challenge or irritation along with arousal and often suggests a resultant anger or violence: provoked by scathing references to his accomplishments; to provoke a wave of resentment. Inflame, with its root sense to set afire, implies a resultant intensity and passion: to inflame a mob by fiery speeches; He was inflamed to rage by constant frustration.
—Antonyms discourage.

Go figure you uneducated moron. :)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

You deserve to be banned as much as me. It was you who began telling people to 'piss off'. Then when I tell you the same and you get all upset and run to your owner and complain. Like C.Wright's little poodle ! Down boy Down you fucking dog. All you have come out with in this thread is little snide comments. The only reason I got banned is because C.Wright is a liverpool scouse loving fan who is able to bend the rules because his friend antred was getting owned and I exposed him to be a no good uneducated cretwho cant hold a consistent relevant argument together. Just look at antreds temper tandrum of insults which goes ignored because he is a liverpool fan. Double standards.

I don't need to adjust my attitude. I post as candily as this in other threads and have never been banned or warned in the past. Coincidentally I happen to ask critical questions of Liverpools season,then a mod who happens to support liverpool goes on a power trip and bans me for nothing. I would have served my ban correctly had it of been justified and had it not been prujudiced.

No you dont.

You go on a race hate rant - some of the stuff you have posted about people from the Liverpool area and about people from the liverpool area has no place in these threads.

You pretend to be all knowing, educated and mis understood, but then you go and show yourself up by posting disgraceful stuff about a certain type of people, just because of a football team!

My rants where aimed at you because basically you piss me off. I can live with man u fans, i can live with banter, and strangely enough i dont see anyone on here apart from you willing to 'label' people or persons because of who they support.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Top Web Results for "incite"

8 results for: incite Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source
in·cite [in-sahyt] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used with object), -cit·ed, -cit·ing.
to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: to incite a crowd to riot.
[Origin: 1475–85; < L incit?re, equiv. to in- in-2 + cit?re to start up, excite; see cite]

—Related forms
in·cit·a·ble, adjective
in·cit·ant, adjective, noun
in·ci·ta·tion [in-sahy-tey-shuhn, -si-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, noun
in·cit·er, noun
in·cit·ing·ly, adverb

—Synonyms instigate, provoke, goad, spur, arouse, exhort; fire; induce. Incite, rouse, provoke, inflame are verbs meaning to goad or inspire an individual or a group to take some action or to express some feeling. Incite and rouse are similar in that, although they can imply in some contexts abrasive or inflammatory arousal of violent or uncontrolled behavior, neither necessarily does so. Incite means simply to induce activity, of whatever kind: incited to greater effort by encouragement; incited to riot. Rouse has an underlying sense of awakening: to rouse the apathetic soldiers to a determination to win; to rouse the inattentive public to an awareness of the danger. Provoke implies a sense of challenge or irritation along with arousal and often suggests a resultant anger or violence: provoked by scathing references to his accomplishments; to provoke a wave of resentment. Inflame, with its root sense to set afire, implies a resultant intensity and passion: to inflame a mob by fiery speeches; He was inflamed to rage by constant frustration.
—Antonyms discourage.

Go figure you uneducated moron. :)

No mention of the word 'inciteful' in the english language is there moron?
Re: Liverpool Thread

No mention of the word 'inciteful' in the english language is there moron?

no because its incite-ful, i missed out a space.

But you know what i mean. You got it wrong mate, live with it.

just a few examples:

When handling the dark matter of the human id, there is a difference between
insightful exposure and incite-ful exploitation. Lenny Bruce famously began a ...
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Re: Liverpool Thread

No you dont.
You go on a race hate rant - some of the stuff you have posted about people from the Liverpool area and about people from the liverpool area has no place in these threads.

I didnt know scousers were a race! :rolleyes:

You pretend to be all knowing, educated and mis understood, but then you go and show yourself up by posting disgraceful stuff about a certain type of people, just because of a football team!
My rants where aimed at you because basically you piss me off. I can live with man u fans, i can live with banter, and strangely enough i dont see anyone on here apart from you willing to 'label' people or persons because of who they support.

So are you now telling me I cannot label people from liverpool scousers? And are you also saying that I am the only person on this forum to label a liverpool fan a scouser? Listen, I cannot help if you get pissed off when you are proven wrong. Thats something you'll have to work on yourself. Try anger management or ask your doctor to adjust your medication.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You deserve to be banned as much as me. It was you who began telling people to 'piss off'. Then when I tell you the same and you get all upset and run to your owner and complain. Like C.Wright's little poodle ! Down boy Down you fucking dog. All you have come out with in this thread is little snide comments. The only reason I got banned is because C.Wright is a liverpool scouse loving fan who is able to bend the rules because his friend antred was getting owned and I exposed him to be a no good uneducated cretwho cant hold a consistent relevant argument together. Just look at antreds temper tandrum of insults which goes ignored because he is a liverpool fan. Double standards.

I don't need to adjust my attitude. I post as candily as this in other threads and have never been banned or warned in the past. Coincidentally I happen to ask critical questions of Liverpools season,then a mod who happens to support liverpool goes on a power trip and bans me for nothing. I would have served my ban correctly had it of been justified and had it not been prujudiced.

You were trolling the thread, justifying my telling you to piss off. I suppose you think we should roll out the red carpet for you? I don't think so.
Re: Liverpool Thread

You were trolling the thread, justifying my telling you to piss off. I suppose you think we should roll out the red carpet for you? I don't think so.

I asked some reasonable questions and argued my points in a polite manner until insulted, in which I fought back. I don't expect huge welcomes but I dont expect to be insulted. Then when I retaliate I have you complain like a female dog and get me banned by your owner. But its over now, I sorted it out. And I'm back as a result.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Only in your demented little World is going in to a Liverpool fans' thread, and asking why our team is so "shit" a reasonable question. You were trolling, simple as.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I didnt know scousers were a race! :rolleyes:

So are you now telling me I cannot label people from liverpool scousers? And are you also saying that I am the only person on this forum to label a liverpool fan a scouser? Listen, I cannot help if you get pissed off when you are proven wrong. Thats something you'll have to work on yourself. Try anger management or ask your doctor to adjust your medication.

sorry is there something mentally wrong with you? who the hell is giving you grief about calling me a scouser?!!

its not a scouser thats a problem its this:

@ Slobber. Why dont you piss off back to the hole you came from which is filled with dirty, slimey, shit throwing, granny stabbing, coke snorting, murdering, thieving, hub cap stealing, ambulance rocking scum.

At least for your shithole of team and area of thieving, rat munching, bin dipping, kiddy fiddling, work dodging, slum dwelling mongrels, is a consolation and realistic target for a 3rd place finish.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is that not what Liverpool the city is known for? That is not a race hate rant my friend. That is vividly depicting the state of an area. Do you not get that?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is that not what Liverpool the city is known for? That is not a race hate rant my friend. That is vividly depicting the state of an area. Do you not get that?

no mate it is not known for that. its a stereo type. It shows lack of class and it shows lack of respect and can be classed as race, as you are labelling a specific type of person.

Im a graphic designer. I've been to univesity and have two degrees in art and design. I earn a good salary in a specialist job.

So no your not right.
Re: Liverpool Thread

no mate it is not known for that. its a stereo type. It shows lack of class and it shows lack of respect and can be classed as race, as you are labelling a specific type of person.

Im a graphic designer. I've been to univesity and have two degrees in art and design. I earn a good salary in a specialist job.

So no your not right.

So its a different race of people in Liverpool? And to label or descride the area of liverpool or the people is fundementally racist, is what your saying? You are in fact calling me a racist. Well you are really a different kind of retard I have ever come across. No university degree or job can help your spasticity. And I guess calling people spastic means I'm against all disabled people right!
Re: Liverpool Thread

So its a different race of people in Liverpool? And to label or descride the area of liverpool or the people is fundementally racist, is what your saying? You are in fact calling me a racist. Well you are really a different kind of retard I have ever come across. No university degree or job can help your spasticity. And I guess calling people spastic means I'm against all disabled people right!

oh dear theres no hope for you is there? no wonder your avatar name is satan.

from wikipedia:

Racism is commonly defined as a belief or doctrine where inherent biological differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, with a corollary that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.[1]
The term racism is sometimes used to refer to preference for one's own ethnic group (ethnocentrism),[2] fear of foreigners (xenophobia), views or preferences against interbreeding of the races (miscegenation),[3], and/or a generalization of a specific group of people (stereotype); regardless of any explicit belief in superiority or inferiority embedded within such views or preferences. Racism has been used in attempts to justify social discrimination, racial segregation and violence, including genocide. Politicians are known to practice Race baiting in an effort to win constituents.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Sigh, looks like another club thread is being taken over by a certain individual. :roll:

Seriously Alucard/Beliel why such strong opinions. You are capable of making good points so why bring out the stereotypical hate insults which make you sound stupid. Do you think it is a rule of thumb that you have to insult Liverpool at ever opportunity if you support Man Utd? Very sad indeed.
Re: Liverpool Thread

oh dear theres no hope for you is there? no wonder your avatar name is satan.

from wikipedia:

Racism is commonly defined as a belief or doctrine where inherent biological differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, with a corollary that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.[1]
The term racism is sometimes used to refer to preference for one's own ethnic group (ethnocentrism),[2] fear of foreigners (xenophobia), views or preferences against interbreeding of the races (miscegenation),[3], and/or a generalization of a specific group of people (stereotype); regardless of any explicit belief in superiority or inferiority embedded within such views or preferences. Racism has been used in attempts to justify social discrimination, racial segregation and violence, including genocide. Politicians are known to practice Race baiting in an effort to win constituents.

You can become all PC and run away from the real issues of Liverpool and become hyper-sensitive over a few comments like a little girl. Its not racist criticising a certain area of a decadent city no matter how much you like it to appear that way. There is no hate, just mere facts where some cant handle home truths.

You are quite wrong regards to my avatar name. Satan is a totally different entity. Beliel is an Angel to some, Demon to others. His name means 'without a master' and I certaintly would add it is quite fitting wouldnt you agree? He is one of the four Princes of the Abyss, Lord of Lust and Lord of Arrogance/Pride.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

There is no hate, just mere facts where some cant handle home truths.
Oh come off it Alucard. You don't really think you are presenting a factual argument with the things you have said about Liverpool. Its pure stereotypical crap that the rest of us can take with a pinch of salt, you however obviously believe it with a passion. I'm sure Liverpool has its fair share of problems, but so does London, Manchester, Nottingham, Bristol, etc, etc. Even wherever you live is going to. This doesn't give you the right to personally accuse other members of such things based on the knowledge that they come from that particular area.
Re: Liverpool Thread

There is a difference between rotating because of fatigue fixture congestion and rotating for the sake of it which is what Benetiz does. Benetiz is known as a manager who tinkers with his team week in week out and rarely keeps the same team. His days at Valencia he use to rotate all the time. Sir Alex Ferguson tends to make the odd change to his line-up when needs to br and of course in our last 2 games our second string players have come but that is due to the chritismas/new year pile up of games.

Agree, he's known for tinkering, however it has shown results. Abroad and in england, liverpool had the best league record from october onwards last year, shame the season starts in august though. But if the development continues and he gets it sorted earlier liverpool will increase there chances. Fergie has said this season that teams will have to look out for liverpool in the 2nd half of the season as the players will be generally fitter because of it.

I agree one of the greatest alongside Brad Paisley. But Benetiz cant be compared because he simply has not achieved as much as these two legends.

Im not, oh and its bob paisley

I would say Portsmouth are a average team. Only last year they were battling against relegation. Just because they are in the top half of the table doesn make them above average now does it? Bolton are an average mid table team aswell. They never been above 5th so I cant say they are anything above average, or you going to tell me they are great?, If you are challenging for the title then you are expected to beat such teams. Everton I agree with you because its a derby so its going to be more difficult. And yes you beat tottenham, but one win doesnt make a great manager. Its about consistency.

So now portsmouth are an average team in the top 5 because last season they were fighting relegation, and liverpool are a shit team because last season they were 3rd and won the fa cup. Come on, show some consistentcy. If you use past results to say who is a better team what is the limit? 3 years, 5 years, 20 years? Over the past 3 years liverpool have been more succesfull then manu, over 5 its manu, over 20 its... et cet. Last season portsmouth were average, but then you say liverpool are shit. So in which way are we gonna compare? Either end of season results, standings as i pointed out in my earlier post or on current form. Which is it gonna be? If you want to talk about single games it has to be form, final standings results its about overal quality. And why the continues statement that benitez isnt a great manager, i havent said he is, just that the potential is there based on results shown.

Right and Kewell had a history of getting injuries but it didnt stop you from signing him. Johnson has done very well this season and you can count the penalties but most of them he earnt himself. Johnson is younger aswell and within a better team than Everton he would do very well. Duff can play on the right wing. At his time with chelsea he frequently switched wings with Robben. My argument is that Bentiz buys average players for liverpool with the exception of three signings and thats Sissoko,Alonso and Kuyt. Most others have either been total flops or average.

Kewell was signed by houllier. Duff has said before he was sold that he wanted to play on the left and not on the right as he was also used by chelsea. Whether johnson will do better in a better team is not known, look at forlan, he was shit at manu but goldenboot winner in spain with a what most people will say is a poorer team then manu. A lot of players going from good teams to poorer ones havent done much (baros being a liverpool example, not that he was too impressive to start with anyway). As for the signings benitez has made, yes he's had some poor ones, but then what manager hasnt? Out of the singings he's made quite a few have been an improvement on the existing players; garcia, reina, alonso, kuyt, bellamy?, momo. They have all brought qualities that liverpool were lacking before. As for the poor signings, theyre less the the good ones/improvements. Fergie has his fair share of poor signings aswell, as all managers do (kleberson, veron, carrick?,forlan,et cet) but he's countered that with rooney, rio, vidic (who is looking really good) et cet.

I only compared the situation both of the managers were in when they first took over their respective clubs, not their records as managers.

Hmmm, yeah thats an easy cop out. So you use theyre situation to say who is better? How does that work, you can say who had a more difficult situation, but even then its not that straight forward. How can you compare different situations to each other and say one has done better then the other? Manu might have been in a worse state with the drinking culture etc, but liverpool have had to deal with the chelsea millions, arsenal's great football and manu just being strong as they have been for awhile now. And if you are comparing situations whats the time scale used? For fergie its 7-10 years, for benitez its 3. Thats not fair either. Its pointless comparing both of them now, you have to wait till they have had equal amount of time / trophies. and even then its still the current situation they were in that has to also be factered in. Its a study in it self and not something we can state when we like.

No its not foolish at all stating opinions as fact when you have enough evidence to prove an argument. For example- Pennant is inferior to Ronaldo - Fact. Man Utd are a better team than Liverpool - Fact. Only a fool would diasagree with any of those statements.

Actually it is foolish to state arguments as fact, surely you can tell the difference? Just because you have good arguments that mean you could be correct, still doesnt mean its fact. Im doing as Msc degree in architecture at the moment and we have to always argue why our choices are the right ones, but its never a fact that my choice, or someone else choice is better. Its our opinion based on research, doesnt mean its a fact. AS for ronaldo and manu being better then pennent/liverpool, then yes, current statistics (league table, results, player performence) show that they have been better this season. But im not argueing the opposite, im just stating that you cant say either is great/shit as its the final league table and results that will say which team/player was better this season.

Even wherever you live is going to.

Could be because he lives there ;)
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Re: Liverpool Thread

You can become all PC and run away from the real issues of Liverpool and become hyper-sensitive over a few comments like a little girl. Its not racist criticising a certain area of a decadent city no matter how much you like it to appear that way. There is no hate, just mere facts where some cant handle home truths.

You are quite wrong regards to my avatar name. Satan is a totally different entity. Beliel is an Angel to some, Demon to others. His name means 'without a master' and I certaintly would add it is quite fitting wouldnt you agree? He is one of the four Princes of the Abyss, Lord of Lust and Lord of Arrogance/Pride.

Beliel is obviously a wonderfully warm being.

Anyway 3-0 against Bolton. Pretty sound all round. Just a shame we buggered up som eof those aways. Still got some big boys at home to come. Not bad.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Good win today, fully deserved. Kuyt got man of the match, but I think Pennant and Gerrard were better personally. Kuyt played well though. If it wasn't for that loss Vs Blackburn when we should have battered them, we'd be right on the heels of Chavski.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Brilliant Result. Made up for us getting robbed at the Reebok :D

I've heard some opposition fans having ago at Kuyt because he isn't up there with Drogba in the scoring charts, but in actual fact he has been instrumental in nearly all of our goals, and does so much pressing and closing down. His link up play is superb, and 7 premiership goals isn't a bad return so far for a first season in British football.

Both Benitez and Jol have said that he is potentialy a 20-20 player. 20 goals a season and 20 assists.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

I here Crouchy scored another audacious overhead kick. The man definitely has the moves.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Crouch is very underrated. He is brilliant at controlling the ball and bringing it down, great at setting up other players, and pops up with the odd goal here and there. Anyone who calls him crap is an idiot. He has improved immensely.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Yeah crouch has his qualities, shame he's so poor at heading though, if he was good at that he would score so much more.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Its not the point though slobber, because he is so tall he should be a good header of the ball. Its a quality he has so he should make the most of it. Its like saying a fast striker trips a lot so the amount of good runs he makes evens out. It can be seen as a hindrence that he misses a lot of goal bound headers, as players will aim for him instead of a smaller player when infact the smaller player (garcia's a great header of the ball) even though they are not in as good a position could cause more trouble by their accuracy. Im not having a go at crouch as i like him, but just frustrated by his heading ability.
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