Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

Is that the best you can do antred. Change the subject again instead of facing up to the shit you sprouted about pennant being as effective as Ronaldo which I proved was nonsense. El Diego is right, what I say always makes sense because its backed up by either facts or quotes instead of mere dribbling old man gibberish that comes from your mouth. You see antred, neutrals and many others agree with what I say because its the truth. Only liverpool fans will disagree because naturally criticism about their team is more difficult to take than hubcaps. You always run away from the argument and change the subject to something spastic. Simply because you know you are wrong. Nothing more than an uneducated spineless dog.

@ Slobber. Why dont you piss off back to the hole you came from which is filled with dirty, slimey, shit throwing, granny stabbing, coke snorting, murdering, thieving, hub cap stealing, ambulance rocking scum.
Re: Liverpool Thread

There are many players who would have been a better option than Pennant or Bellamy so dont give me that bollocks about Henry,Robben and Makelele. Duff was available in the summer along with, Andy Johnson, Zambrotto, Ribery and many other names I can't remember off the top of my head at this hour

First off who the fuck is Zambrotto? Secondly Duff wouldnt get sold to rivals like Liverpool, or dont you read the papers? Nah thought not. Ribery is an unknown quantity, no one knows how he would cope, Johnsons a fucking striker and i'd have Bellamy any day.


Rubbish. An opinion or argument can be proven to be incorrect or discredited . Some of the opinions you and antred have provided are nothing more than you clutching at straws or simply nonsense. Others have agreed with me while only those like yourself with red tinted specs seem to disagree.

Simply nonsense? You NEVER ANSWER or READ posts. The ones that discredit you you ignore.

You know FUCK ALL MATE. You are a product of armchair football generation from the inception of the premiership. Go to OT today for the Reading game? Nope. You probably never been to the theatre of prawns have you? Got an ST? Dont think so. You probably cant go without your dad either anyway as your too young to go the game on your own.

You are soo typical of a current generation bandwagon jumping armchair fan. If United were really struggling i reckon you'd go support the rentboys.

The jobs the two faced when they arrived at their respective clubs are hugely different. United were languishing in the bottom half of the league until Ferguson came along and started investing in age old United principles: youth and quick attacking Football, which shaped us back into one the greatest clubs in the world. It may have taken him some time but United were in far worse a state than Liverpool were, which makes the great mans acheivements even more admirable.

FUCKING BOLLOCKS! I fucking remember when Ferguson joined. he tried everything. He tried to sign the big players like Webb and Phelan and McClair, all top players of their time, and it didnt work. He was on the verge of the sack when Mark Robins last minute goal reprieved him and the FA cup saved him.

He did nothing of the likes of using youth and attacking football. That only appeared with the likes of Scholes, Nevilles and Beckham etc. A complete freak of an event where quite a few young talented professionals broke rank. All this happened SEVEN YEARS after he arrived.

In regards to Beneitiz, apart from an undeserved and uninspired victory on penalties in the Champions League you bunch wank on about, nothing has improved from the Houllier era. You play dire long ball Football, fail to gather the consistency needed for any sort of decent title race despite much pre-season gobbing off. You have a team half full of foreign flops leaving just one or two to drag the team to any sort of respectable position(Gerrard and Kuyt). All the while your fans say how it's your year and how we're on the decline, whilst we stay at the top and you chase our tails. The parrallels are hilariously brilliant when one actually looks at them.

And dont you just wished you had a lucky pen win eh?

You talk shit sooo much you believe yourself. i dont regard scoring three goals against AC Milan as lucky. And anyway your quick to forget when you beat Bayern, that was pure luck with two goals in the last 10 minutes of a game you failed to dominate.

Listen, you dont go the game, i do. I've been going the game since i was about 7 years old. We dont play long ball football or any other shit you care to add.

Its funny as i dont recall you on this board last year, but then again United did shit and only won a carling cup so it makes sense.

Your a gloryhunter mate, a first rate gloryhunter. you dont hail from manchester is my bet, you probably dont have a season ticket, hell you probably never saw united at OT for all i know, so your opinions count for jack on here. your probably some lonely depressed GOTH with fuck all to do but come on here lanquishing on the boards looking to pick arguements and wind people up, no wonder there is only about 5 regular posters in these threads, they are probably sick of your inane ramblings.

I'd also like to point out that Ronaldo was a red. he wanted to come to Anfield, he supported the reds. So what does that tell you? We will always be regarded as the cream over you mate, its not about cash and selling shirts to the far east, its not about ground capa city or having a club shop in swindon.

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Re: Liverpool Thread

@ Slobber. Why dont you piss off back to the hole you came from which is filled with dirty, slimey, shit throwing, granny stabbing, coke snorting, murdering, thieving, hub cap stealing, ambulance rocking scum.

None of that offends me, because I do none of it. Carry on though, it's funny seeing you embarrass yourself by showing every one how much of a twat you are.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think he's an idiot who needed a banning, some of the shit he has posted lately has gone way overboard
Re: Liverpool Thread

Wahayyy Banned.

Thank you mods thank you! I will no longer retort to swearing thankfully now that he's gone and proper debate can resume.

Happy days :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think he's an idiot who needed a banning, some of the shit he has posted lately has gone way overboard

Nice one wrighty.

I can take criticism and banter but not the stuff he posts, its way too personal and has made me sink to his level.

You can delete my post if you want but thanks a lot. \\:o/
Re: Liverpool Thread

Nice one wrighty.

I can take criticism and banter but not the stuff he posts, its way too personal and has made me sink to his level.

You can delete my post if you want but thanks a lot. \\:o/

I could delete the last few pages as all its been is Alucard stirring the shit ;)
Re: Liverpool Thread

There are many players who would have been a better option than Pennant or Bellamy so dont give me that bollocks about Henry,Robben and Makelele. Duff was available in the summer along with, Andy Johnson, Zambrotto, Ribery and many other names I can't remember off the top of my head at this hour


Rubbish. An opinion or argument can be proven to be incorrect or discredited . Some of the opinions you and antred have provided are nothing more than you clutching at straws or simply nonsense. Others have agreed with me while only those like yourself with red tinted specs seem to disagree.

The jobs the two faced when they arrived at their respective clubs are hugely different. United were languishing in the bottom half of the league until Ferguson came along and started investing in age old United principles: youth and quick attacking Football, which shaped us back into one the greatest clubs in the world. It may have taken him some time but United were in far worse a state than Liverpool were, which makes the great mans acheivements even more admirable.
In regards to Beneitiz, apart from an undeserved and uninspired victory on penalties in the Champions League you bunch wank on about, nothing has improved from the Houllier era. You play dire long ball Football, fail to gather the consistency needed for any sort of decent title race despite much pre-season gobbing off. You have a team half full of foreign flops leaving just one or two to drag the team to any sort of respectable position(Gerrard and Kuyt). All the while your fans say how it's your year and how we're on the decline, whilst we stay at the top and you chase our tails. The parrallels are hilariously brilliant when one actually looks at them.

:lol: ! And whats your point? If your suggesting what I think your sugesting then I really do think you are clueless. Comparing Ronaldo to Pennant is like comparing Barcelona to Millwall. Yes ronaldo was frustrating at times last season and when he first arrived. But he still was producing dazzling performances and you could see he had bags of potential to be a very good player. The last three seasons Ronaldo has had a total of 18 assists to his name and 28 goals in total. This is the highest for any winger in Europe considering Ronaldo figured in very less number of starts in his alternate seasons. Also he got this stat inspite of United underachieving in the CL for the last three seasons.
Also Ronald joined us when he was 18 so of course he was not going to be the finished article. Can you come out list down the number of assists and goals Pennant got through out his entire lifetime as a footballer? I forgot three months were spent in prison.
At 23, Pennant should be producing the goods with no excuses as such like 'Ah hes a young boy he's still learning' otherwise you'll still be saying that by the time he is 30. Fact is he isnt a young boy anymore. If you think he is going to get better like Ronaldo then you are plainly stupid. You'd get my respect if you had just admitted it was the wrong move and a bad decision by the manager to go for him. Truth is Pennant is no better than richardson and richardson isnt fit to start to get into the starting line up for United. Arguments like yours are a fine example of something that can easily be discredited or proven wrong. Hence why I expect people to admit they are clearly wrong when they come with their feeble minded arguments or apologise for wasting my time.

this is your problem Alucard (if you can read this), you are trying to debate arguments that we haven't even initiated. Its called trolling, and that is why you've been banned No-one in their right mind (and no-one in this thread ;)) has even attempted to suggest that Pennant is a world beater who has a higher level of ability than C.Ronaldo!
Re: Liverpool Thread

this is your problem Alucard (if you can read this), you are trying to debate arguments that we haven't even initiated. Its called trolling, and that is why you've been banned No-one in their right mind (and no-one in this thread ;)) has even attempted to suggest that Pennant is a world beater who has a higher level of ability than C.Ronaldo!

Antred insinuated that because Ronaldo found it difficult to settle in at United, then so must pennant at liverpool. If you can read between the lines that is what Antred was initiating. The reason I got banned my friend is because there is a mod who happens to be a scouse loving liverpool supporter who had a personal vendetta against me for not saying wonderful things about his club. While stooges like you and antred cant defend themselves so ask the mods for help

I could delete the last few pages as all its been is Alucard stirring the shit ;)
I think he's an idiot who needed a banning, some of the shit he has posted lately has gone way overboard

You run your mouth once I'm gone. Calling me an idiot is flaming aswell you hypocritical bastard. Abide by your own rules first before condeming others of a similar offence. If you think your going to take away my rights to post simply because your a sensitive scouse loving cunt, think again sunshine. You think you can just make the rules up as you go along, with double standards. Little minions like you behaving like they can talk to anybody how they like behind their back just because they got a little power on a forum make me sick. You meant to set an example and bring order to the forum yet your only intereseted in setting rules when its something of interest to you eg Liverpool.. You bend the rules and stop me posting simply because I accurately criticised your mediocre team and owned your friend antred.. But dont expect to get rid of me that easily. You can play your rigged game . But you'll have to ban me permenantly if you expect me to quit posting as candliy as I do. You and the rest of the scum in this thread have really showed your class. Resorting to temper tantrums, crying to fucking mods to get me banned because they have'nt got an arm or leg to stand on to provide any substantial argument to go against what I say so to speak.

Furthermore You aint even got the integrity to pm me to explain in detail what was so wrong about my posting. I criticised teams in the Arsenal, Chelsea and Man Utd thread and have said much harsher things but never have you intervened before. But now its your tender Liverpool being criticised you want to ban me. Your a classless lowlife dog for taking away my rights to post here, and I have no respect for scum like yourself who are hypocrites. You ban me and let antred reign free dishing out his bollocks even though he has said just as much as I have. Your nothing more than a bitter old pathetic cunt with double standards that protects his own kind of filth when they are being exposed for what they truely are.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

First off who the fuck is Zambrotto? Secondly Duff wouldnt get sold to rivals like Liverpool, or dont you read the papers? Nah thought not. Ribery is an unknown quantity, no one knows how he would cope, Johnsons a fucking striker and i'd have Bellamy any day.

Zambrotta the one that plays for Barcelona now. Ok I missed out the 'a' but if you want to be pedantic and act dumb go ahead, it won't score you any points. And yes Johnson is a striker and a much better one than Bellemy thats why I mentioned him. Alot more proffesional too

Simply nonsense? You NEVER ANSWER or READ posts. The ones that discredit you you ignore.

Really?? and what ones are those then? The one that you abandoned because you were proven wrong how how english players are not overpriced?

You know FUCK ALL MATE. You are a product of armchair football generation from the inception of the premiership. Go to OT today for the Reading game? Nope. You probably never been to the theatre of prawns have you? Got an ST? Dont think so. You probably cant go without your dad either anyway as your too young to go the game on your own.

Yeah because you know where I live right, and you know how old I am. Silly isnt trying to guess what I have or havnt done in my life or my age or location when it isnt even mentioned. Care to tell me what I done on my birthday too? Can you see me through the computer screen? Though I'm sure you wish I had a web cam and wasnt older enough to go anywhere without daddy.

You are soo typical of a current generation bandwagon jumping armchair fan. If United were really struggling i reckon you'd go support the rentboys.

Another weak argument. As if United dont win the title this season I'm going to support chelsea. Real smart

FUCKING BOLLOCKS! I fucking remember when Ferguson joined. he tried everything. He tried to sign the big players like Webb and Phelan and McClair, all top players of their time, and it didnt work. He was on the verge of the sack when Mark Robins last minute goal reprieved him and the FA cup saved him.

People like you forget Ferguson won a European trophy not too long into his reign. Our transition into the greatest club in the world was slow, but thats because of how much crap Ferguson had to turn around. Nearly two decades worth to be precise, that held MUFC in the mire. A drinking culture was one of many symptoms of the general unprofessional shoddy nature weighing the club down when he first took charge. Even when the shit hit the fan he proved his mettle by winnning the FA cup final, so I dont know how you can say it saved him. Rather he saved himself when he was under enourmous pressure under difficult circumstances

He did nothing of the likes of using youth and attacking football. That only appeared with the likes of Scholes, Nevilles and Beckham etc. A complete freak of an event where quite a few young talented professionals broke rank. All this happened SEVEN YEARS after he arrived.

Ferguson ploughed energy and money into revitalising the youth system when he came in. It always makes me laugh when people attribute his success to being 'a complete freak' with the class of 93'. Luck perhaps played a part, but he planted the seeds. He invested in the scouts which picked the players up, the youth system and fascilities that developed their talent. He man-managed them and moulded them into the base of the team, he put trust in them. It's all very well to have talented players, but as useless managerial flops like Houllier show, another to manage them and show them who is boss. Added to that his shrewd transfers and bingo. First class management. I dont know how many more times I have to reiterate this: you cannot compare Ferguson and Benitezs first years. The circumstance they faced were entirely different. Liverpool had far more money and even with the shit they had in their squad far better players when Benitez took over compared to Fergie when he took the reigns. Benitez will never be one of the great managers in English football, i'll put my neck on the line and say that right now

And dont you just wished you had a lucky pen win eh?
You talk shit sooo much you believe yourself. i dont regard scoring three goals against AC Milan as lucky. And anyway your quick to forget when you beat Bayern, that was pure luck with two goals in the last 10 minutes of a game you failed to dominate.

We won the match in normal time. I 'd rather a team win in normal time than in a pot luck undeserved shootout. Thats the difference regardless if it was last minute or not.

Listen, you dont go the game, i do. I've been going the game since i was about 7 years old. We dont play long ball football or any other shit you care to add.

Another one of your stupid irrelevent points of 'I've been going to the game since I was blah blah' 'I've not missed one in 65 years' or 'I couldn't go to me own dad's funeral because we had a cup game back in '82' so Im a bigger fan. This rubbish you sprout off that again is nothing to do with the argument at hand. Even if you went to every match Liverppool played I really couldnt give a toss and would still mean your your an incompetent clueless fool that hasnt any valid points.

Its funny as i dont recall you on this board last year, but then again United did shit and only won a carling cup so it makes sense.

Do you have a vision problem? Check the date I joined here back in 2004 and you'll find posts in this thread and Man Utd thread back then. Or are your senile eyes betraying you once again?

Your a gloryhunter mate, a first rate gloryhunter. you dont hail from manchester is my bet, you probably dont have a season ticket, hell you probably never saw united at OT for all i know, so your opinions count for jack on here. your probably some lonely depressed GOTH with fuck all to do but come on here lanquishing on the boards looking to pick arguements and wind people up, no wonder there is only about 5 regular posters in these threads, they are probably sick of your inane ramblings.

Your clearly upset here arent you? Simply resorting to unfounded babble as if I started supporting United last year. Other members appreciate my posts. Its just incompetent dogs like yourself who cannot handle criticism of their team because they believe the sun shines out of the managers ass. I suggest in future before you post, take a deep breath, take your prescribed tablets and think before about what you are going to say in a reasonble manner.

I'd also like to point out that Ronaldo was a red. he wanted to come to Anfield, he supported the reds. So what does that tell you? We will always be regarded as the cream over you mate, its not about cash and selling shirts to the far east, its not about ground capa city or having a club shop in swindon.

What are you babbling on about you sad pathetic little man? Ronaldo was a red? when was that? When did Ronaldo say he wanted to go to liverpool, source?


This is a football forum where anyone can post and I have as much as a right to post in this thread as you do(Well I did have before I got banned). Otherwise there would be a registration form to simply to enter this thread where only livepool supporters can enter you stupid little man.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I love evo-web. Make a good debate and get banned.

I think Antred should be banned. His post offended me. But he wont get banned because this forum is one big clique.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ive got some questions for some of you liverpoolites. Following another serious humiliation, serious questions must be asked.

- Why is your team so shit?
- Why is your manager so shit at making tactical/selection decisions?
- Why is Crouch so shit?
- Why is your team so anti-Football, resorting to trying to suffocate every game they play in and relying on long ball merchant tactics?
- Will you be relieved with 4th this year?
- How does to it feel to lose against a side which Arsenal put 6 past last weekend?
- Why did you even think you could challenge for the title this year?
- Why are Manchester United so much better than Liverpool?
- How long more is Rafa going to be given to mess up Liverpool?
- Are you looking forward to getting ripped apart against Barcelona?
- And finally, how does it feel to be the laughing stock of the premiership while being managed by an over-rated, over-weight, tactically inept, uninspiring bungler of a manager?

Honest answers to honest questions appreciated.

@ Slobber. Why dont you piss off back to the hole you came from which is filled with dirty, slimey, shit throwing, granny stabbing, coke snorting, murdering, thieving, hub cap stealing, ambulance rocking scum.

Oh yes, posts like these will definately make for good debate
Re: Liverpool Thread

LMAO, thought i would come in here to see the reaction to liverpool's win yesterday. Instead ive ended up reading beliel/spikey head elequently talk nonsense disguised as a thoughtout argument. There is some truth to what he says (pennent not being good enough being one), however he uses arguments that only contradict his earlier statements or ignore's facts when using them (benitez had one more rotation then fergie in the 1st ten games this season, offcourse that doesnt help when arguing that rotation doesnt work). Amusing, honestly, but i just cant be bothered to show you the flaws in most of your statements. Shame this is whats being posted in here, as i was looking forward to seeing some decent opinions on the team.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool are a very overrated "top 3" club - I agree with Alu Card. L'pool were tipped to chase Chelsea for the title this season which is a joke.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Actually, i think i will show you the contradictions just as its annoying me reading them. Guess this will be a long thread.

Rotation is never going to work if you want to challenge for the title. A good team requires stability and continuity.

Rafa had one more rotation then fergie after 10 games. You can argue about secondary players and first choice players, however liverpool's first choice (gerrard, alonso, carra, hyppia, etc) were in poor form this season. The top managers have always stated that rotation is needed, but then who are they to counter your argument.

Dont ever compare Ferguon to Benitez. Ferguson is the most successful manager to ever grace the English game.

Wasnt Paisley are more succesfull manager in the english game? For british game its Fergie, if your going to say you use stats and facts, please do.

Of course any team is going to get those type of results but its how thy react in the next game where it really shows if the players have got what it takes or if the manager has the nous to motivate and get the players back on track for the next game. But I'm not so sure you can use that same excuse with liverpool and thats not me being biased. This seaon you have had too many of these socalled 'not meant to be' days where you've lost points against average teams be it a loss or a draw against the likes of Everton,Portsmouth, blackburn and bolton. So your track record this season says its not a one off.

And what says that these are average teams? Portsmouth and Bolton have been in great form this season, as there position shows, the everton game was balanced and not a 3-0 loss. But then derby's are difficult. Liverpool have played the 5 most difficult away games already(manu/arse/chel/bolton/everton), and besides the manu and arse games (which we deserved to lose, especially the manu one) we've been equal or deserved to win it. Chelsea won thanks to a briljant drogba goal but other then that hardly created a chance, yet liverpool hit the bar and missed some great chances. The everton game was equal imo, and bolton dont lose at home very often and even less so when gifted the lead, by the linesman i may add. Since those games liverpool's form has improved, not surprisingly and they are doing alright at the moment. Oh and liverpool beat tottenham, who can be considered a good team so i guess that means the players have the quality/manager the nous etc?

Duff was available in the summer along with, Andy Johnson, Zambrotto, Ribery and many other names I can't remember off the top of my head at this hour

But liverpool were looking for players with prem experience. Duff has a history of injuries and doesnt want to play on the rightwing, which we were looking for. Pennent, i agree, isnt good enough and i dont know whether he will get the time. Bellamy has looked a lot better since the courtcase finished and could be a good buy. Johnson hasnt done much lately after a good start with everton, and scored the majority of his goals from penalties in the crystal palace prem season (10 out of 18 i believe). So not a garanteed scorer either with 8 from open play.

I dont know how many more times I have to reiterate this: you cannot compare Ferguson and Benitezs first years. The circumstance they faced were entirely different. Liverpool had far more money and even with the shit they had in their squad far better players when Benitez took over compared to Fergie when he took the reigns. Benitez will never be one of the great managers in English football , i'll put my neck on the line and say that right now

So why are you then? To make a statement on someone's quality means youll always have to compare them to their peers, ergo your comparing benitez to fergie. Whether benitez will turn out to be as succesfull, or even half would be good, as fergie is another matter that noone at this point in time can say, only speculate. However the succesrate he is showing (being trophies won) lends to the idea that he can be a great coach. Time will tell if though.

- Why is your team so shit? compared to who? we are doing alright
- Why is your manager so shit at making tactical/selection decisions? i guess thats why we can beat chelsea and manu(fa cup/cl) with a shit team and shit tactics?
- Why is Crouch so shit? He's no rooney but he can do a job
- Why is your team so anti-Football, resorting to trying to suffocate every game they play in and relying on long ball merchant tactics? how many games have you seen? its a b plan when passing and movement dont work, in games against teams(bolton/portsmouth) that sit back and stifle football
- Will you be relieved with 4th this year? if we win the cl/fa cup again i wont really care
- How does to it feel to lose against a side which Arsenal put 6 past last weekend?how did it feel to lose against a side in the bottom 3? Pointless question im sure youll agree
- Why did you even think you could challenge for the title this year? consistent improvement shown in league with cup trophies won
- Why are Manchester United so much better than Liverpool? Are they? The only way to know is at the end of the season when all the games are played, last season we were a point behind and a facup trophy heavier, we'll need to wait till the end of the season to see
- How long more is Rafa going to be given to mess up Liverpool? if winning a trophy every year and consistent improvement is seen as 'messing up' lets hope it will last for awhile
- Are you looking forward to getting ripped apart against Barcelona? Nope, it will be tough but there's always a chance of winning, however slim it may be
- And finally, how does it feel to be the laughing stock of the premiership while being managed by an over-rated, over-weight, tactically inept, uninspiring bungler of a manager? its okay, and im sure the majority of teams wouldnt mind our position

Its quite foolish stating opinions as facts, or even opinions as educated ones when in actual fact you cant really say them as football is played over a season. Liverpool can be shit one game, and then win against a good side, overal they are a good team that are showing progress( see position and games played). Same as manu, they are a good team and have been in good form from the start of the season, however we will have to wait and see how they do with some difficult away games, possible injuries, etc before we can say they are good/great/champions.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Liverpool are a very overrated "top 3" club - I agree with Alu Card. L'pool were tipped to chase Chelsea for the title this season which is a joke.

So within the top3 they are seen as overrated, meaning they have to be rated higher then the other 2. After last season's improvement and manu's continued lack of improvement ( by their standards) and chelsea's continued spending it wasnt a joke to speculate that liverpool could be chelsea's main rival this season. Just because it hasnt turned out that way doesnt mean its a 'joke'. Besides the poor start, which could be seen as expected with the away games in that period, liverpool have done ok, qualifying for the CL next round with 2 games to spare and finishing top, compared to manu who after a good start of 3 wins showed their lack of squad depth/'tactical nous' maybe? by losing the next 2 games and having to get a point from the final game. Offcourse you could argue that manu should have easily beaten celtic as they played a lot better and missed a pen, but then dont we end up back at the blackburn game were liverpool dominated and only good keeping kept them from winning? They end up being the same arguements either way. Which brings me to my point that we can only say whether a season/team has been succesfull at the end of it. But then you cant say things like, 'its a joke', 'they are shit', etc which so many enjoy, no matter how stupid it actually is. It would as foolish as me saying chelsea are shit because without terry they are crap at defending. But im not going to say that, at the moment there defense is fragile because he's not playing, which i think is great as i cant stand them. But im not going to say 'factual' statements as i know that untill the end of the season they are nonsense.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Zambrotta the one that plays for Barcelona now. Ok I missed out the 'a' but if you want to be pedantic and act dumb go ahead, it won't score you any points. And yes Johnson is a striker and a much better one than Bellemy thats why I mentioned him. Alot more proffesional too

Really?? and what ones are those then? The one that you abandoned because you were proven wrong how how english players are not overpriced?

Yeah because you know where I live right, and you know how old I am. Silly isnt trying to guess what I have or havnt done in my life or my age or location when it isnt even mentioned. Care to tell me what I done on my birthday too? Can you see me through the computer screen? Though I'm sure you wish I had a web cam and wasnt older enough to go anywhere without daddy.

Another weak argument. As if United dont win the title this season I'm going to support chelsea. Real smart

People like you forget Ferguson won a European trophy not too long into his reign. Our transition into the greatest club in the world was slow, but thats because of how much crap Ferguson had to turn around. Nearly two decades worth to be precise, that held MUFC in the mire. A drinking culture was one of many symptoms of the general unprofessional shoddy nature weighing the club down when he first took charge. Even when the shit hit the fan he proved his mettle by winnning the FA cup final, so I dont know how you can say it saved him. Rather he saved himself when he was under enourmous pressure under difficult circumstances

Ferguson ploughed energy and money into revitalising the youth system when he came in. It always makes me laugh when people attribute his success to being 'a complete freak' with the class of 93'. Luck perhaps played a part, but he planted the seeds. He invested in the scouts which picked the players up, the youth system and fascilities that developed their talent. He man-managed them and moulded them into the base of the team, he put trust in them. It's all very well to have talented players, but as useless managerial flops like Houllier show, another to manage them and show them who is boss. Added to that his shrewd transfers and bingo. First class management. I dont know how many more times I have to reiterate this: you cannot compare Ferguson and Benitezs first years. The circumstance they faced were entirely different. Liverpool had far more money and even with the shit they had in their squad far better players when Benitez took over compared to Fergie when he took the reigns. Benitez will never be one of the great managers in English football, i'll put my neck on the line and say that right now

We won the match in normal time. I 'd rather a team win in normal time than in a pot luck undeserved shootout. Thats the difference regardless if it was last minute or not.

Another one of your stupid irrelevent points of 'I've been going to the game since I was blah blah' 'I've not missed one in 65 years' or 'I couldn't go to me own dad's funeral because we had a cup game back in '82' so Im a bigger fan. This rubbish you sprout off that again is nothing to do with the argument at hand. Even if you went to every match Liverppool played I really couldnt give a toss and would still mean your your an incompetent clueless fool that hasnt any valid points.

Do you have a vision problem? Check the date I joined here back in 2004 and you'll find posts in this thread and Man Utd thread back then. Or are your senile eyes betraying you once again?

Your clearly upset here arent you? Simply resorting to unfounded babble as if I started supporting United last year. Other members appreciate my posts. Its just incompetent dogs like yourself who cannot handle criticism of their team because they believe the sun shines out of the managers ass. I suggest in future before you post, take a deep breath, take your prescribed tablets and think before about what you are going to say in a reasonble manner.

What are you babbling on about you sad pathetic little man? Ronaldo was a red? when was that? When did Ronaldo say he wanted to go to liverpool, source?

This is a football forum where anyone can post and I have as much as a right to post in this thread as you do(Well I did have before I got banned). Otherwise there would be a registration form to simply to enter this thread where only livepool supporters can enter you stupid little man.

No you have no right to post. Because your posts are inciteful, you have no real meaning of starting a debate just a slagging match.

Still you avoided my gloryhunting question, you never mentioned where you caome from and more importantly if you ever been to OT, but the answer is clear.

Anyway i've had enough wasting of my time, im looking forward to a night out and then GOING to Anfield tomorrow to watch the match, that means pysically visiting the stadium by the way.

All the best :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

So within the top3 they are seen as overrated, meaning they have to be rated higher then the other 2. After last season's improvement and manu's continued lack of improvement ( by their standards) and chelsea's continued spending it wasnt a joke to speculate that liverpool could be chelsea's main rival this season. Just because it hasnt turned out that way doesnt mean its a 'joke'. Besides the poor start, which could be seen as expected with the away games in that period, liverpool have done ok, qualifying for the CL next round with 2 games to spare and finishing top, compared to manu who after a good start of 3 wins showed their lack of squad depth/'tactical nous' maybe? by losing the next 2 games and having to get a point from the final game. Offcourse you could argue that manu should have easily beaten celtic as they played a lot better and missed a pen, but then dont we end up back at the blackburn game were liverpool dominated and only good keeping kept them from winning? They end up being the same arguements either way. Which brings me to my point that we can only say whether a season/team has been succesfull at the end of it. But then you cant say things like, 'its a joke', 'they are shit', etc which so many enjoy, no matter how stupid it actually is. It would as foolish as me saying chelsea are shit because without terry they are crap at defending. But im not going to say that, at the moment there defense is fragile because he's not playing, which i think is great as i cant stand them. But im not going to say 'factual' statements as i know that untill the end of the season they are nonsense.

excellent reasoned post mate.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I know you can get around bannings with proxies and different email addresses. But still.. He should be banned on return. Plus a complaint to his ISP for harrassment wouldn't be uncalled for IMO if he keeps it up.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Rafa had one more rotation then fergie after 10 games. You can argue about secondary players and first choice players, however liverpool's first choice (gerrard, alonso, carra, hyppia, etc) were in poor form this season. The top managers have always stated that rotation is needed, but then who are they to counter your argument.

There is a difference between rotating because of fatigue fixture congestion and rotating for the sake of it which is what Benetiz does. Benetiz is known as a manager who tinkers with his team week in week out and rarely keeps the same team. His days at Valencia he use to rotate all the time. Sir Alex Ferguson tends to make the odd change to his line-up when needs to br and of course in our last 2 games our second string players have come but that is due to the chritismas/new year pile up of games.

Wasnt Paisley are more succesfull manager in the english game? For british game its Fergie, if your going to say you use stats and facts, please do.

I agree one of the greatest alongside Brad Paisley. But Benetiz cant be compared because he simply has not achieved as much as these two legends.

And what says that these are average teams? Portsmouth and Bolton have been in great form this season, as there position shows, the everton game was balanced and not a 3-0 loss. But then derby's are difficult. Liverpool have played the 5 most difficult away games already(manu/arse/chel/bolton/everton), and besides the manu and arse games (which we deserved to lose, especially the manu one) we've been equal or deserved to win it. Chelsea won thanks to a briljant drogba goal but other then that hardly created a chance, yet liverpool hit the bar and missed some great chances. The everton game was equal imo, and bolton dont lose at home very often and even less so when gifted the lead, by the linesman i may add. Since those games liverpool's form has improved, not surprisingly and they are doing alright at the moment. Oh and liverpool beat tottenham, who can be considered a good team so i guess that means the players have the quality/manager the nous etc?

I would say Portsmouth are a average team. Only last year they were battling against relegation. Just because they are in the top half of the table doesn make them above average now does it? Bolton are an average mid table team aswell. They never been above 5th so I cant say they are anything above average, or you going to tell me they are great?, If you are challenging for the title then you are expected to beat such teams. Everton I agree with you because its a derby so its going to be more difficult. And yes you beat tottenham, but one win doesnt make a great manager. Its about consistency.

But liverpool were looking for players with prem experience. Duff has a history of injuries and doesnt want to play on the rightwing, which we were looking for. Pennent, i agree, isnt good enough and i dont know whether he will get the time. Bellamy has looked a lot better since the courtcase finished and could be a good buy. Johnson hasnt done much lately after a good start with everton, and scored the majority of his goals from penalties in the crystal palace prem season (10 out of 18 i believe). So not a garanteed scorer either with 8 from open play.

Right and Kewell had a history of getting injuries but it didnt stop you from signing him. Johnson has done very well this season and you can count the penalties but most of them he earnt himself. Johnson is younger aswell and within a better team than Everton he would do very well. Duff can play on the right wing. At his time with chelsea he frequently switched wings with Robben. My argument is that Bentiz buys average players for liverpool with the exception of three signings and thats Sissoko,Alonso and Kuyt. Most others have either been total flops or average.

So why are you then? To make a statement on someone's quality means youll always have to compare them to their peers, ergo your comparing benitez to fergie. Whether benitez will turn out to be as succesfull, or even half would be good, as fergie is another matter that noone at this point in time can say, only speculate. However the succesrate he is showing (being trophies won) lends to the idea that he can be a great coach. Time will tell if though.

I only compared the situation both of the managers were in when they first took over their respective clubs, not their records as managers.

Its quite foolish stating opinions as facts, or even opinions as educated ones when in actual fact you cant really say them as football is played over a season. Liverpool can be shit one game, and then win against a good side, overal they are a good team that are showing progress( see position and games played). Same as manu, they are a good team and have been in good form from the start of the season, however we will have to wait and see how they do with some difficult away games, possible injuries, etc before we can say they are good/great/champions.

No its not foolish at all stating opinions as fact when you have enough evidence to prove an argument. For example- Pennant is inferior to Ronaldo - Fact. Man Utd are a better team than Liverpool - Fact. Only a fool would diasagree with any of those statements.
Re: Liverpool Thread

No you have no right to post. Because your posts are inciteful, you have no real meaning of starting a debate just a slagging match.

You mean insightful you uneducated simpleton. In which I agree my posts are indeed insightful.

Still you avoided my gloryhunting question, you never mentioned where you caome from and more importantly if you ever been to OT, but the answer is clear.

Your so sad its untrue. You totally ignore the football related points and resort back to calling me a glorthunter who doesnt go to games and doesnt live in manchester. Quite frankly its none of your business what I do in my spare time, or where I live for a matter of fact. There are fans around the world who support man utd just as passionatly as the fan who goes to games every week. And most probably more clued up. Hooligans visit matches, does that put them up on a higher moral ground with terms of support for their club than someone who doesnt visit the games? I am not telling you because I dont share my personal details on line when there are sad old creeps like yourself lurking around. Also it has nothing to do with the debate about Liverpool and Benetiz which you are clearly shying away from as usual.

Anyway i've had enough wasting of my time, im looking forward to a night out and then GOING to Anfield tomorrow to watch the match, that means pysically visiting the stadium by the way.

All the best :)

Have a good night out, I hope you feel more secure in yourself in letting people know about your private business.

I know you can get around bannings with proxies and different email addresses. But still.. He should be banned on return. Plus a complaint to his ISP for harrassment wouldn't be uncalled for IMO if he keeps it up.

Look at you. No good randal of a snitch. Calling for others to be banned for simply posting an opinion is a disgrace. Run and ask the mods to ban others like a lapdog when you cant take the heat is the common thing to do amongst liverpool fans.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Heheh, I think you deserve to be banned because of your attitude. Every time I see you post it's always during an argument. Maybe you should take a look at yourself as to why you're always acting like a dick, and change your attitude accordingly.

Comical nonsense from El Diego by the way claiming you were banned for having an opinion. Clearly wasn't the case to people who can read.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Heheh, I think you deserve to be banned because of your attitude. Every time I see you post it's always during an argument. Maybe you should take a look at yourself as to why you're always acting like a dick, and change your attitude accordingly.

Comical nonsense from El Diego by the way claiming you were banned for having an opinion. Clearly wasn't the case to people who can read.

You deserve to be banned as much as me. It was you who began telling people to 'piss off'. Then when I tell you the same and you get all upset and run to your owner and complain. Like C.Wright's little poodle ! Down boy Down you fucking dog. All you have come out with in this thread is little snide comments. The only reason I got banned is because C.Wright is a liverpool scouse loving fan who is able to bend the rules because his friend antred was getting owned and I exposed him to be a no good uneducated cretwho cant hold a consistent relevant argument together. Just look at antreds temper tandrum of insults which goes ignored because he is a liverpool fan. Double standards.

I don't need to adjust my attitude. I post as candily as this in other threads and have never been banned or warned in the past. Coincidentally I happen to ask critical questions of Liverpools season,then a mod who happens to support liverpool goes on a power trip and bans me for nothing. I would have served my ban correctly had it of been justified and had it not been prujudiced.
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