Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

rockykabir said:
I'll much prefer him to take his time and get it right rather than rushing it out.

a last minute bid about 18 mio € for a player never mentioned any second before looks like the definition of a headless last minute rush for me, compared to the peanuts a solano or figo would have cost us i simply can't belief that we didn't get ANY player we needed to fill nor even improve our squad, this is absolutly ridicoulus. you can't play a 4-4-2 or 4-5-1 formation without ANY right midfield guy, and you can't go for cups in what, 4 competitions with exactly 2 cb's deserving this name, the money to spend obviuosly was there, but not the brain to spend it properly.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Bonera and Simao weren't headless last minute choices - teams tend to go for the last minute transfer deadline rushes as it effectively demobilise the other party - and usually they get what they want for a cheaper price.

Simao for example. The guy is captain but with the last minute pounce, Benfica took the unthinkable step of agreeing. This would not have happened had Liverpool enquired earlier. Unfortunately for us, Benfica came to their senses and decided not to sell afterall.

What I'm saying is that to finalise the deal we need a hardline approach. Alright, maybe Peter Kenyon was a bad example, but I don't feel we're getting that with Rick Parry. For instance, why did it take until the final year to sort out Owen's contract? With the possibility of him leaving for free, we had no choice but to sell for a measly 8mil.

Rafa's and his scout's jobs are to only suggest players they want - and the rest is upto the board and Parry to sort out. Things have to change.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

rockykabir said:
Bonera and Simao weren't headless last minute choices - teams tend to go for the last minute transfer deadline rushes as it effectively demobilise the other party - and usually they get what they want for a cheaper price.

strange theory, i see it totally the other way around , if liverpool had tried maybe 1 month ago to get simao benfica would have had enough time and money to search for a replacement, but which club would be so stupid to sell one of / his best player a few minutes / hours before the transfer window closes knowing there is no time & chance to reinvest this money to replace the player for the next few month ?
Re: Liverpool Thread

desettles the player....Benfica were intending in buying a couple of players. True, there are a couple of ways of going about it - but its a tried and tested method used in bidding/auctions etc... Perhaps this is why so many teams buy players in the last day..?

What I'm stressing about is that the player was all set to go after given permission to take a medical. Yet it falls apart in the last minute. Why is this? (And this is not the first time it has happened to us...)
Re: Liverpool Thread

Certainly not an ideal bit of business in the transfer window by us, but hey, we've got a lot of youngsters, Zenden as a squad player, Crouch to give us a different option up front, a solid keeper (hopefully!) and what seems to be a great young player in Momo Sissoko.
Re: Liverpool Thread

At the end, we screwed up. We're probably the only big team with the least number of signings (and have holes to patch up, unlike MU and Chelsea) !

However, this doesn't always translate to bad performances. At CB, I just hope Whitbread / Josemi can do the job sparringly when needed. Right winger .. My Choice would be Garcia / Cisse / Finnan, all makeshift since we don't have a natural right winger.

I'm dissapointed though.
Re: Liverpool Thread

It seems strange to me that after all Rafa said about wanting to bring in a Winger and a Defender that we ended up getting nobody, we have let a couple of players go out on loan too. I just wonder how the team will cope in the first part of the season and wait to see if we get anyone in during the January window
Re: Liverpool Thread

RuneEdge said:
Liverpool need to learn to use the transfer window properly.

Yes all we've done is pissed and faffed about.

I'm very dissapointed that we didn't sign anyone, I can't believe either way of including him in the Baros Deal or just hijacking the transfer to sign solano, why did we sell Baros now?

Come january if we make it into the knockout stages of the CL will there be any point of splashing the cash seeing as top players will be enlegible.
Re: Liverpool Thread

While we're ranting here, Rafa's hard on for Morientes has got to be terminatd quick. The man has some talent, but he doesnt deserve to start. Cisse is clearly our best threat right now and putting him on the wing or on the bench is criminal IMO. . . not that Cisse hasnt been hit-or-miss this season, but give him more games, let him know he's starting and he'll bag goals.

I would prefer playing Florent Sinama Pongolle on the right side of the field. He's shown he can play on the wings, though i am not sold on his crossing. I think he could do more for us than Finnan out there.

Fuck. . we could even play Xabia and Hamann/Sissoko centrally and put Stevie on the right wing. He's got the skills to bomb crosses in and to charge in from there as well.

If we're looking to cover gaps, nobody is better suited to play out there than him. It's also a way of preventing him and Alosno from frustrating eachother's styles in the middle of the field.
Re: Liverpool Thread

IMO, the Liverpool tactics are holding Morientes back from performing the way he did for Monaco. He's just not attacking the ball like he used to and it be because of the way Rafa wants the team to play.
Re: Liverpool Thread

No point in getting ripped off in transfer market tho, however painful it is in the short term. Agree with you RuneEdge about the tactics holding Morientes back. He seems to be playing within himself. Did Rafa buy him to play like this? Sure seems like a waste to me......The big thing for me this season is that I don't want to see 4-5-1 - hardly any team scores with one up front.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Press Report 04 September 2005

LIVERPOOL and Leeds face the threat of a transfer ban for using an unlicensed agent in Harry Kewell's move, reports the News of the World.

FIFA plan to charge both clubs after a full-scale probe into the £5million switch.

And if found guilty they could be banned from any dealing in the next transfer window as well as being hit with hefty fines. Max Sport, a company run by Kewell's manager Bernie Mandic, received £2m from the transfer.

The issue was brought to light during Kewell's libel action against Gary Lineker. The FA had their own inquiry and handed the findings to FIFA.

Earlier this year Arsenal were fined £10,000 after using an unlicensed agent in the signing of Quincy Owusu Abeyie. Their transfer ban was suspended for two years.

The case against Kewell is seen as more serious.

A FIFA spokesman said: "I can confirm we are investigating the matter."

woho , its getting better and better...
Re: Liverpool Thread

\\:o/ Oh Joy!! Three games in and we've already got a potential injury crisis again. lol.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well if I can remember correctly, last season we don't have anyone but Baros, but now we have Cisse and Crouch. And if Rafa plays as it is now 4-5-1, then there shouldn't be any problems .. right?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Why doesnt anyone believe me when I say Crouch could be the difference maker?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Morientes out for several weeks? No doubt people are going to bleeting on why didn't we sign Owen...

It's not so bad it's not like Morientes was doing anything, Crouch & Kewell will be back for the weekend and maybe Rafa could take a gamble on this welsh kid with a spanish name Ramon Calliste.
Re: Liverpool Thread

He's a reserve player for pete's sake, we still have Mellor and Pongolle ahead of him.

Crouch CAN be a difference maker, i'm not going to discount that. But this theory needs proofing first :)
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think Morientes isnt fit enuff to play in the EPL for God's sake.What is he,Mr Glass? El Moro should meet up with Louis Saha,then they can talk over lunch about how many injuries they got,even without playing.LoL.
Re: Liverpool Thread

RuneEdge said:
Why doesnt anyone believe me when I say Crouch could be the difference maker?

I believe ya. I think Crouchie's got all the tools you need from a striker in this system, and i also think he would work well in tandem with Cisse. His size obscures the fact that he has very solid skills and a smart footballing brain.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Looks like this will be Liverpool's european shirt for this season...

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