Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

I don't get it. It's true Simão can play both right and left wing, but he is way better on the left wing. So, with Riise, Zenden, Keewel. Luis Garcia, why Simão?

Hope he stays at Benfica...
Re: Liverpool Thread

airjoca said:
I don't get it. It's true Simão can play both right and left wing, but he is way better on the left wing. So, with Riise, Zenden, Keewel. Luis Garcia, why Simão?

Hope he stays at Benfica...

Your right it defies logic.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ahah, great news for me!

Benfica only will sell Simão in a propose up of 20 Millions of Euros.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Milanista said:
Thats like 11m pounds.

Liverpool had ofered 15M of €.


"Simão is the player who lacks to me in the Liverpool" - Rafa Benitez

Representative of the Liverpool had been in the last night in Lisbon in conversations with the Benfica trying to arrive the agreement for the transference of Simão Sabrosa.

As much how much if it knows, the English members of Liverpool were made use to present a proposal of 12 million for the player but, before the persistense of Luis Filipe Vieira, it offers will have reached the 15 million, fact that will be able to help the current European champion to materialize its yearnings.

Although nothing it has transpirado of the meeting that if drew out dawn inside, it has notice that they relate the order of dismissal of Simão next to Scolari for allowing to an eventual trip during this Wednesday the Liverpool it. Until the o moment, it does not have confirmation.

However of England it comes the notice of Rafa Benitez, Spanish coach of the Liverpool, gives to all the priority to the act of contract of Simão. "Is a player that I know very well, since that he passed for Barcelona, and he congregates the characteristics of the man who lacks to me in my team", affirmed this morning the Spanish trainer.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Wait a minute. He's actually at Anfield at this very moment taking his medical.
Re: Liverpool Thread

No fucking way!!! Simao won't leave Benfica! I don't think he's doing medical tests there, he's just in Lisbon getting some informatio about the trasnfer status...wich won't happen!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Is he really? That would be great news if they signed him, time is running out.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I read that he's at Anfield taking his medical. He has probably completed it by now.
Re: Liverpool Thread

News here in portugal are saying negotiations weren't successful and he's already back at the portugal national team
Re: Liverpool Thread

](*,) This is a fucking circus and too much leniency is given to the Board and Rafa cuz of the champs league miracle. If Stevie hadnt nailed that miracle goal vs Olymppiakos, maybe most fans would see things much more clearly. But you can't even raise a criticism in most fanboards because then you're a "Judas" or a traitor. lol.

Here's my take. We finished 37 points behind Chelski last year. If they stay the same (assuming they havent improved with Essien, SWP and Del horno, Crespo), we still need 12 more wins and a draw (from our losses!) to match their total from last season. And personally, i dont think we've improved our squad to that point, so i dont understand all this "we're ready to win the league" stuff. I'm just being realistic.
As it stands, i think Tottenham is scaring the shit outta me, and they seem to be addressing all their needs with great ease and at solid prices.

I am pretty upset we're in the negotiation position we're in right now FOR OUR TWO MOST OBVIOUS NEEDS - a RM and a central defender. What the fuck? We knew what we needed the most and let it linger, stumble and piss around until the 11th hour. At the very least we should have wrapped up a stop gap measure by now. Newcastle is offering 1.5 million for Solano. Fuck - throw 2 mill at them and steal him for a couple years until we get what we need.

From a negotiation standpoint, we have tossed away all of our leverage and are essentially desperate suitors. What team isnt gonna milk us and bilk us at this point?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Simao talks broken down cos Benfica don't want to sell afterall
Newcastle end their interest in re-signing Solano

Theres still no news about the Bonera story though

EDIT: Gotta agree with Ghazi on this. The board is letting the club down tremendously and I seriously doubt that Parry is fit for his position. His inability to secure the signings of Gerrard and Owen early before the end of their contracts as well as the sheer disorganization shown in signing quality players before the end of the transfer deadline (again) gets me so frustrated.

Don't get me wrong - he's a nice guy but if we want the club to progress, things have to change.
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Re: Liverpool Thread

RuneEdge said:
So did he fail the medical or something?

I think it was more the lfc payment plan courtesy of grattons catalouge!

face it lfc have no money, regardless of the CL windfall, all the money is going to the new stadium.
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