Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

jamie_mack said:
If you believe hes leaving for money your in a dreamworld something else is definitly a miss!

That's what he wants you to think though, isn't it?

Seems clear to me that he never had any intention of staying. He's citing Liverpool dawdling over negotiations for a few days as the reason for leaving, but like Benitez said, that makes no sense when you remember that he's been telling them to wait for months.

He's making out it's their fault basically, but him and his agent wanted Chelsea all along imo.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Nothing to do with training ground bust up over lack of quality player being brought into the club so they could challange for this season premiership then!
Re: Liverpool Thread

It can't be about money. He's been offered a wage he asked for. This is about expectations. Every fan must admit that the night in Istanbul, indeed the whole Euro season, was improbable. . .hence, we call it the MIRACLE in Istnabul. that is what made it so fuckin special to behold and experience.

I think after toiling under Houllier and seeing other players with less talent continually challenge for 3 trophies every season, he would rather go to a team that EXPECTS to win the Champions League and the EPL/league every year, than stay at one that can POSSIBLY win the Champions League or trophies next year.

I dont point fingers. I think he is making a huge mistake and my heart is broken, but i acknowlege that we will never know the whole damn story. He knows the club, he knows thier ambitions, their strategies and their gamelan in the transfer market. This is likely a fall out based on those issues, and has nothing to do with his wages.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I hope he goes to Madrid where we dont see him. If he stays in the Premiership, the team he goes to will be too tough.
Unless of course its Man Utd cuz then I dont care.

If he joins Chelsea, do you think he'd get booed?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Milanista said:
Yes, would make his move look more like it was all about money.

Isn't the case also true with Madrid? I honestly can't see RM drastically changing things from how they are at the mo - half of their squad are geriatric has-beens ffs! If he wants trophy success certainty, only Chelsea and Barcelona fit into the criteria imo.

It'll be a waste to see him go to RM....
Re: Liverpool Thread

yeah, but Real Madrid are still known as the Galacticos, where as Chelsea are now known for their over the top financial benefits.
Re: Liverpool Thread

if he goes to chelsea, god help him when he comes to anfield.

he is going to be the sol campbell of liverpool

the judas twat
Re: Liverpool Thread

I doubt it's money, considering how much lpool was giving him to renew.

He want's titles, and he probably won't get many at lpool.
Liverpool Thread

OK it maybe early, but what happens if nobody matches our valuation of Gerrard? Geh I can't believe he'll still be in a Reds shirt and gets Booed everytime he touches the ball. Can you see such as scene unfold?

If you're wondering, yes I'm pissed off at him after all the patience I put on him over the past month or so!!!
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Poor lad, God knows what's going through his mind, has he finally come to his senses or are we gonna see a repeat performance every season?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Oh boy ......... Now I'm confused ...

I dispised him an hour ago, and then this ?????

Come on get it over with .. Can't bear this for much longer ..
Re: Liverpool Thread

Poor lad, God knows what's going through his mind, has he finally come to his senses or are we gonna see a repeat performance every season?

Welcome to the "Is your captain staying or going saga" club. We've had it for 4 years now, you just get used to it and hope it will go away in the end.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I wouldn't really bet on anything at this stage. All I care is "Contract has been signed" news, not "He's staying" or any other BS. Rick Parry can say all he wants but if he hasn't put a sign in the contract then I would believe otherwise.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I think he's playing around with the club too much. The club need to put their foot down and say "HEY! We know you're an important player but stop bossing us around. If you want to stay then great. If you dont then good luck."
No player is bigger than the club.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Well said. Jamie Carragher showed everybody the way. No messing, new contract, Liverpool for life.
Re: Liverpool Thread

What Gerrard should have done was sign the contract as soon as possible so that if any problems or bust ups happen, it wouldnt affect his future at the club cuz he has already signed the deal.

And you're right Crayon, Carragher looks like the real heart of the team. Gerrard needs to learn from him. Remeber when he has playing the end of the CL final with an injury/cramp? That was heroic.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I doubt we will ever find out what has gone on behind the scenes over the last few weeks but Gerrard has without a doubt fucked everyone about over the last coupld of days. Just watching Sky Sports News and they talked to this one lad outside Melwood who still thought he was going and he was slagging Stevie off summat rotten, the reporter then told him he was staying and the lad was lost for words.

I put up a poster in the shop correcting all the newspapers, I thought everyone should be kept up to date
Re: Liverpool Thread

Steven Gerrard has insisted speculation over his future will end once and for all as soon as he signs his new Liverpool contract.

Gerrard has emerged from "the hardest six weeks of my life" to eventually announce he would be staying with the Reds after originially indicating he wanted to move on.

He admits he at first felt unwanted by the club after contract discussions failed to begin immediately after the Champions League final, but now all parties are united and the skipper is more than happy to stay for as long as the manager wants him.

"The last five or six weeks were the hardest of my life because I wrongly believed the club didn't want me. I don't want to get into attaching blame to anyone," he said.

"If I blame anyone, it's myself. I wanted my future sorted out as soon as possible after the Champions League final and when that wasn't the case, the longer it went on, the more misunderstandings there were.

"There was confusion and doubt in my mind. I had discussions with the manager, but the reports of bust-ups are complete nonsense. Now I know how much the club wants me.

"I feel I must defend my agent, Struan Marshall, in this. He's taken a lot of stick but all along he's never done anything I didn't ask him to.

"He's well respected at Liverpool and has done deals for me and other players in the past. He's conducted himself in the right way.

"He's a big factor in my decision to stay and organising the contract.

"I'll be signing the deal, maybe even today. I'd also like it known there are no clauses in that contract. This won't be happening again next summer or ever again, so far as I'm concerned.

"I've committed my long-term future to the club and I want all the speculation to end now. This is what I've wanted all along."

It appears thats cleared that up
Re: Liverpool Thread

What did u put on the poster? "Confused millionaire changes mind....again".
Re: Liverpool Thread

I dont know how i would feel if my club had a captain that acted like this.
Re: Liverpool Thread

I am over him already.

If he's back, then it's a bonus, but if he isn't, then it's fine.
Re: Liverpool Thread

crayon said:
....says the guy from Laaandan. Btw, well done on the Olympics!


But please, this has to be the logical explanation for all this. Yesterday he was determined to leave us (as he arguably was this time last year). Now he has changed his mind again....

He (or his family) was blatantly threatened.
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