Liverpool Thread

Well you can't say he failed when he wasn't given full freedom to begin with. Now I hope he goes to a team where he's given that and only then can we see what he can bring without interference. This makes managers mad. Read about Koeman and Van Gaal. Actually you don't really have to read anything, it's just common sense when your'e a manager of anything the last thing you want is people make decisions in your place that undermine and take away authority from you.

i know he would fail, if he prefered Dempsey to Sturridge and threaten to resign if they don´t buy Allen for 15 mil. etc... i know we would be in big trouble if we didn´t buy players who can now be the spine of the team like Sakho, Firmino and Sturridge... none of Rodgers players btw..

perhaps the transfer comitee knew that the targets Rodgers had were not good enough...

Also i give credit to Rodgers for the 13-14 season, we played the best football i ever seen us play... but all in all it was a massive disaster we didn´t manage to win the league after that perfect season and collapsed in the end. Suarez was bought by Comolli while Dalglish was still here...he had the season of his life, but the players we bought by Rodgers, i already posted a list of them, only 3-4 of them might be considered success...all of them bought by the comittee or Coutinho, who was recomended by Rafa himself after he was his Inter coach...

idk, i´m glad to think with Klopp we will target players out of PL who are cheaper and the same quality as our Allen´s and Lallana´s....
If it is true (if Pipa) that Liverpool bought players for Klopp, knowing that Rodgers would be sacked, then that is bad management and this bad start of the season is not the responsability of the manager, but of the owners.

They heasitated, because they renewed with him after 13-14, but seeing all his players fit and the last results, perhaps they realised it is going nowhere... Rodgers had the backing, this was his 4th season with this team, the second one he almost won the league, but we managed to score more than we conceeded that season largely due to Suarez... after him being gone in 14-15 we had the same problems in defence + no goals, we almost played without any striker...with Sturridge being injured and our 3 new strikers all scoring less than 10 goals between themselfs during whole season. This season again... new players, new striker (Benteke) Sturridge, same shite in defence, every match a different lineup, different tactics even during the same game...nobody knew what Rodgers wanted to implement...that´s ONLY due to him and his competence.

This is something i write because i believe in this team very much. I belive this change is something that could fire us up and we can get results. This isn´t a bad team at all... we have 4 very good strikers, not bad midfield and defence that can be improved, but what we haven´t got with Rodgers is SELF BELIEF... after Suarez was gone, our mentality droped...i think i know why... because he was a 100% winner, he wanted to win and was sad and crying if he didn´t win... Rodgers was happy with a draw most of the time and had no solution to our defensive problems.... Klopp will be his oposite. And this mentality will convert to players AND fans...
They heasitated, because they renewed with him after 13-14, but seeing all his players fit and the last results, perhaps they realised it is going nowhere... Rodgers had the backing, this was his 4th season with this team, the second one he almost won the league, but we managed to score more than we conceeded that season largely due to Suarez... after him being gone in 14-15 we had the same problems in defence + no goals, we almost played without any striker...with Sturridge being injured and our 3 new strikers all scoring less than 10 goals between themselfs during whole season. This season again... new players, new striker (Benteke) Sturridge, same shite in defence, every match a different lineup, different tactics even during the same game...nobody knew what Rodgers wanted to implement...that´s ONLY due to him and his competence.

This is something i write because i believe in this team very much. I belive this change is something that could fire us up and we can get results. This isn´t a bad team at all... we have 4 very good strikers, not bad midfield and defence that can be improved, but what we haven´t got with Rodgers is SELF BELIEF... after Suarez was gone, our mentality droped...i think i know why... because he was a 100% winner, he wanted to win and was sad and crying if he didn´t win... Rodgers was happy with a draw most of the time and had no solution to our defensive problems.... Klopp will be his oposite. And this mentality will convert to players AND fans...

I agree, Rodgers was given more than 3 seasons. Last year was pathetic - he was unable to motivate the team after the loss to United - to me that's poor management - the team just collapsed after that loss and played horribly in the Aston Villa FA cup semi, Crystal palace at home, Stoke away, etc.....
Then the same rubbish carried on this season as well - they looked convincing only in 1 match out of 10+ total .

I think FSG gave Rodgers (An UNPROVEN young manager) such a great chance at one of the most famous clubs in world football - and it was 3+ seasons .....
They are the owners - they decided to get KLOPP when he became available - and it's the right decision.

Yes Rodgers was sacked - but he will be compensated in the Millions - and he will get a fresh start at another club - he has all his career ahead of him.
They heasitated, because they renewed with him after 13-14, but seeing all his players fit and the last results, perhaps they realised it is going nowhere... Rodgers had the backing, this was his 4th season with this team, the second one he almost won the league, but we managed to score more than we conceeded that season largely due to Suarez... after him being gone in 14-15 we had the same problems in defence + no goals, we almost played without any striker...with Sturridge being injured and our 3 new strikers all scoring less than 10 goals between themselfs during whole season. This season again... new players, new striker (Benteke) Sturridge, same shite in defence, every match a different lineup, different tactics even during the same game...nobody knew what Rodgers wanted to implement...that´s ONLY due to him and his competence.

This is something i write because i believe in this team very much. I belive this change is something that could fire us up and we can get results. This isn´t a bad team at all... we have 4 very good strikers, not bad midfield and defence that can be improved, but what we haven´t got with Rodgers is SELF BELIEF... after Suarez was gone, our mentality droped...i think i know why... because he was a 100% winner, he wanted to win and was sad and crying if he didn´t win... Rodgers was happy with a draw most of the time and had no solution to our defensive problems.... Klopp will be his oposite. And this mentality will convert to players AND fans...

Sorry Pipa, but knowing there was outer influence/interference now I can't really rate Brendan's career at Liverpool. No one knows how strong it was and how often it happened. Also how bad it can affect him during games to keep doing different tactics and formations based on payers he didn't buy and not totally comfortable with, or maybe even forced to play certain players with specific formations. Possibly forced to loan out all these other plays. So anyway, I hope he finds a club where he can buy whoever he wants based on what he saw in them and how they fit his strategy even if they're not the world class players fans want and watch them perform under his full management.
FSG say that they have given Rodgers enough time, I agree 3 full seasons - the last season was shite...and this season
also looked like being good on them for replacing him with Klopp.
Only one season was really good, to be honest I can't understand why anyone expected much from Rodgers who only had one full season in the Premiership with Swansea - it was a bad idea to give him the job, but I guess at that time there was nobody else....and FSG were knew to I guess it was their one bad decision so far.

Klopp will make us better for sure, it may take some time, but if he can tighten the defense and improve the confidence then it will be good enough this season.....
He will sign good players - hungry, hard-working and skillful players - who are probably not very well known...I look at Southampton and Atletico Madrid as examples.....or the Dortmund that signed relatively unknowns at that time...and made them stars...

We're going down that path, don't expect too many big names initially...
Fergie's worried!

“He’s got a strong personality, very stubborn, very strong, determined. His career at Dortmund was a stellar rise to the top and I think he’ll do very well. I don’t want to say that with it being Liverpool; I’m worried about it!”
Meanwhile the construction of new main stand looks very good..the stand looks bigger than it was looking on the design... 10 years later but finally, hopefully other stands will catch up soon...especially the KOP... Liverpool deserves bigger capacity...

yes definetly, check out how the other stands will look compared to the new main stand:


imo there is enough space for the rebuilding of other stands in future, especially the anfield road stand...
the capacity will increase from about 45,500 to 59,000 in this redevelopment phase.

personally i think the next step in future will be increase of the anfield road stand in same way as this main stand.
Excited to see Anfield getting renovated and expanded. Seems like it didn't quite go with the stature of the club and league anymore.

With West Ham moving into the Olympic stadium, Spurs and Chelski getting new stadiums and even the likes of QPR looking at expanding Loftus the stadium lineup and capacity around the league will be way improved in the next 2-5 years.
the capacity will increase from about 45,500 to 59,000 in this redevelopment phase.

personally i think the next step in future will be increase of the anfield road stand in same way as this main stand.

Personally? They announced that at the time the new Main Stand was announced.

The next step would be to redevelop the Anfield Road Stand, but The Kop is at maximum and likewise the Centenary Stand, so basically the 59,000 quoted is the biggest the stadium could be on it's current footprint.
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