Liverpool Thread

Pipa, you are not the most realistic Liverpool fan of the bunch.

I'm sure you posted similar posts after the first matches of Dalglish and Rodgers too.

What UJ is trying to say is that things aren't as black and white as you want them to be. Life is different shades of grey and there is no absolute truth or good or bad.

Rodgers never was as good as you thought he was after that fantastic season. He isn't as bad a manager as you now think he is. And above all, Klopp is not the Messiah.

I never said that i think Rodgers is a bad manager, i never said that.. I think he is a good manager, but he had his time + funds and didn´t fill the expectations, neither did enough to improve our team beyond selling our best logically it was time for a change.. I still think he has great future. Things just didn´t turn out the way they were suposed to. Besides, why are you always pointing out Dalglish etc.. people change, i change as well... you dig out things i said 5 years ago thinking i´m still like opinions changed since then the same way everyone is changing...
Rodgers had enough time - 3 full seasons in this day and age is a luxury - especially when you see that Rodgers had so little premier league experience (one good season in the League with Swansea)

Now FSG decided that they've got the man they always wanted - Klopp - who is far more experienced and likely to bring a more consistent rise in Liverpool's form than Rodgers.

Klopp will get the defence to be tightened - he'll make us harder to beat and when we do get Benteke/Firmino/Sturridge back, we should score more goals.

I don't expect Klopp to be the messiah (Christ came 2000 yrs ago :)) ....but I do expect Klopp to be getting us a lot more competitive this season - if we can win a trophy and/OR get top-4 it will be a brilliant success.
I'm bored w/ 4th/3rd spot n FACup :D I don`t remember getting 2nd spot in a long long time.:THINK: worse new I heard is Wenger doesn`t plan to leave after 2017 ffs!
you mean the manager who was here his 4th year and who still didn´t know how to use his players...? Now i don´t know if you want to highlight the fact that Rodgers didn´t deserved to be sacked, or you are unfair to Klopp who had few trainings with his team ahead of the match and 5-6 players injured...

You're missing my point entirely pipa. My point is that a certain amount of fans were so desperate to get rid of Rodgers that they were deliberately twisting things to make him seem worse than he was (for example on twitter there were people actively comparing his gross spend with Rafa's net spend and presenting it as if it was fair and equal) and with his sacking and the appointment of Klopp they've calmed down and started looking at things with a bit of a level head, so 0-0 away to Tottenham was seen as a fair result and a good performance, but 1-1 at Everton with virtually the same match stats (we had one more shot vs Everton and 3% less possession) was a disaster.

What i'm highlighting is how fickle football fans (and in particular Liverpool fans in recent times) and be.
ok sorry, but i usually don´t care about stupid fans... every team has fans like that.. i don´t have twitter thankfully...

they will soon turn on Klopp as well, i was willing to give Rodgers time even more, i knew he had to do miracles, but at the same time, the points or position of each team in this season will be som much different....only last week chelsea was in big crisis, now only two points separate us... i was surprised Rodgers got sacked, but i understand why... i doubt they would sack him if there was no chance to get a better manager or more high profile one, just like Klopp is.
There are lots of clubs who would have removed their manager if Klopp was available. Especially the 'bigger' clubs in England. I can see why Liverpool did it.

It's amazing to me that some Arsenal fans want Wenger out.
Some Man City fans want Pellegrini out.
Even some United fans want LVG out.
I'm not including Jose in this point.

The timing to have a change at Liverpool felt right.
It would have been better to do it at the end of last season but it's done now.

Time will tell how Klopp fairs but he needs three seasons minimum to shape the squad and impress his ideas.
Klopp on Sturridge: "It's not much better. With Daniel's injury we have to see day by day. If he can train normal tomorrow he's an option. He will have more treatment today because there is still some fluid on his knee. He will have another scan."

frustrating we couldn´t hold on to the 1-0 result...

i predict many players will be offloaded in next windows... Southampton players are not worse than ours...
Others have mentioned if he loses to Stoke he might not make it Liverpool.

and that fixtures win/win as be sure to laugh at whoever loses that :D
if it was easy for Chelsea to get rid of him, he would be gone already... they have to pay him a lot money if they fire him...
New 5yr contract over the summer. It would cost Chelsea €50m , that's a new record fee for sacking a manager. Then getting a intrim for the next 7.5 mts. Then again its Chelsea we're talking about.
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