Liverpool Thread

Best news all weekend. His time was up! Looking forward to Klopp! Be nice if we got some new ownership that loved football and REALLY cared about everything Liverpool and not just making $..
I wouldn't mind either coach getting the role.
We would be lucky to get them in my opinion.

Liverpool are not a big club anymore. That would take years to re-establish.
Liverpool are not a big club anymore. That would take years to re-establish.

I kind of understand you, but here on the continent Liverpool is still considered a massive club.

Most (older) football fans over here still consider Liverpool bigger than Chelsea or Manchester City (and even Arsenal).

I think Liverpool is still a brand that can attract high profile managers and players. I think the owners should aim for high profile managers like Ancelloti, Klopp or even Guardiola (next season). I'm pretty convinced that even Guardiola would prefer Liverpool to City if can work with a long term vision.

To me the Liverpool fans are the biggest problem. And that is why i agree with the above quote. Liverpool are not a big club anymore in terms of results, so a new manager with a good long term vision needs 3 seasons before he gets judged...but fans haven't got that patience anymore...

To be fair, the passion of the Liverpool fans is also one of the clubs' biggest assets...
Football players are not interested in the history of a club like Liverpool anymore. It means nothing to them.

A lot, not all, Liverpool fans are delusional and need a reality check.

To attract the 'big' players, clubs need a combination of continued success, high wages offered and 'big' name managers.

Liverpool can offer one of the three currently but if we were to get Klopp or better in my opinion, Carlo, 2 of the three criteria is met.

Brendan had no chance of attracting established players to Liverpool and that situation was only getting worse, regardless of results on the pitch.
While I kind of agree with Gerd about fans not having enough patience with managers, and the overall short-term thinking, I think Brendan Rodgers should be held responsible for not using his resources wisely, especially after the departure of Suarez.

Sometimes people criticise Wenger in the transfer market, but I think it's very important to find the right players. If you don't find them, you don't have to blow your budget on what is available!

Think of the massive heaps of cash he spent on the likes of Markovic, Lovren, Lallana, and even Balotelli who was at a "cut price" of £16m, while the others were around the £20m mark?

How do you spend £80m and get worse results? It was a similar case with Tottenham after selling Bale.

There are better ways to spend your money, if and when the opportunity arises.

The factor of players not being too attracted by a traditional and rich history is just a part of the problem and doesn't fit as an excuse for Brendan's shortcomings.

If a player like Cabaye agrees to leave PSG and sign for Palace, you realise Liverpool could have done better with their budget.
(All due respect to Palace, cause I happen to have a fondness for the Eagles as my 2nd favourite English club, but it is what it is, compared to giants like the Merseyside Reds).
Swansea, WHU and Stoke had better transfer buys. Liverpool could of easily pick those cherries. They got Coutinho image them w/ a few of the same quality.
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I just hope some of you who want (insert your first choice here) as manager stfu and don't slag him off if results don't go for him.
I think Rodgers is a good manager. It's difficult to even know who is at fault at the club for the team not pushing on after 13/14. What kind of club even has a 'transfer committee'? Everyone knows you get fuck all done by committee.
I dunno Godo they shouldn't have sold Suarez just 'yet'

there's a perception that get's created, I don't think for example Sterling would have left or wanted out if things played out different.

you can't sell your best players when they suddenly hit a certain level and then expect to compete at the top.
Swansea, WHU and Stoke had better transfer buys. Liverpool could of easily pick those cherries. They got Coutinho image them w/ a few of the same quality.

Being a big club is often an handicap.

IMO teams like Spurs and Liverpool are most affected by their status.

They have a big club status, but they clearly don't have the money the big four clubs have.

I am actually convinced that it's easier for those clubs to buy players like Cabaye and Payet. Bojan and Arnautovic were gambles. Both players were seemingly finished (i am still not sure about them to be honest).

And sometimes you need a bit of luck: look what Spurs bought with the Bale money. I remember well that the only player the fans had doubt about was Nacer Chadli. Players like Soldado, Lamela and Capoue seemed certain first team players and possible hits. Soldado is the best example, somehow it just didn't click for him, but i still consider him as a very good player...

I'm sure players like Markovic and Llalana will come good, perhaps not with Liverpool, but they will become very good EPL players.

Also look at the big four. Where they that succesfull in the transfermarket the last years? I don't thnk so: Di Maria, Fernando, Javi Garcia, Cuadrado and others....

A transfer will Always be a bit of a gamble.
Bye Brendan, thanks for 2013/14! Maybe if you kept your trap shut for 5 min. you would still have a job. Hopefully Klopp is going to be the manager, looks likely from all the reporting, getting Fat Sam would be hilarious though....once the tears have stopped.

Hopefully players will be played in their positions and the defense will realise the meaning of the word. Looking back all the different formations and tactics just look like not knowing how to get the defense to work and in the process nullifying any development or understanding the attack and midfield should have.

Eiher way we finally have an international break which is actually interesting!
Ancelotti has not managed in a club like Liverpool for a while.
He has managed CL top-8 teams for the last 15 years, teams that are close to winning Titles.
He's a rolls-royce manager - I can't see him coming to Liverpool unless they're willing to spend big.

Klopp seems a better fit - he's like a Master-league coach ...wanting to take potential to the top :)
According to 5 Live just now, formal talks began with Klopp as soon as Rodgers was sacked. Klopp wants final say over transfers but will work under current structure. Talks progressing well, just final few details needing to be sorted out. No announcement imminent. Ancelotti has been sounded out, as Klopp was, and one member of FSG really wants him. Klopp is considered the better fit though by owners.

edit: also ECHO reporting:

Liverpool FC News ‏@LivEchoLFC 1m1 minute ago

#LFC open talks with Jurgen Klopp & there may be an announcement before the end of the week.
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Klopp at the kop sounds so fitting. Like Arsene at The Arsenal

@gerd I tried, seems I was shot down earlier then expect w/ the cherry picking :LOL:
@BenSmithBBC 3 minför 3 minuter sedan
I'm told negotiations between #LFC and Jurgen Klopp are progressing well. Appointment could come before end of week

i will be very dissapointed if it wasn´t him in the end.
Rodgers recieved 7 mil. from LFC for the cancelation of his contract...i can´t see him take over a bottom table club tbh... his ego woudl fall to much...

i can see him going abroad, to Spain etc.. but later...

i heard he lost his mother or father recetnly + all the pressure was so high last months... i think he should relax now...
I think Rodgers is a good manager. It's difficult to even know who is at fault at the club for the team not pushing on after 13/14. What kind of club even has a 'transfer committee'? Everyone knows you get fuck all done by committee.
Most clubs have a similar structure to what we have. It's just that with FSG everything must be so clever, visionary, strategic and they arrived to that word to describe a common structure in which scouts, technical analysts, executives and the manager contribute in the transfer process.
If Liverpool gets Jurgen Klopp, I might just have to cheer for them! Would be a great coup and he's one of the few that has a chance to do BIG things for them IF given time (long-term) to truly blossom.
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