Liverpool Thread

THen he should be angry with City and not with Liverpool.

Sterling is not the brightest lad in a wordl full of imbeciles. I wonder how many kids he has with how many different mothers. When he was 17 i think the count was 3 with 3 different mothers. This says it all, no?

The funny thing is, he's only got one kid as far as i'm aware, the three kids thing was a bit of an online joke. BUT life imitated art here, in that he put on twitter one day a birthday message to his "beautiful daughter" on her first birthday, . A short while later the child's mother replied pointing out that her birthday was in fact a week later and he'd got the date wrong, she then revealed that he hadn't sent as much as a card for his 1 year old daughter, never mind presents.
even now with the actual squad you're already good, I think you just need another CF to replace (and complete) Sturridge.
Sell Balotelli who is shit and Borini who wants to leave, and leave Lambert as a 3rd choice attacker.
+ the money from Raheem Scumberling is to reenforce deffense especially someone with Gerrard's quality.

In all honesty, Gerrard was awful as a defensive midfielder, the entire time he played there we had nothing but problems and most of us wanted Lucas back in as soon as he was fit. I love Gerrard, but he couldn't play that role, particularly later on.

I do think we'll keep Balotelli, and I may be in the minority here, but I genuinely want to see him and Sturridge up front as a pair, we saw it once against Tottenham and we won easily and had the defence shitting themselves, injuries fucked that up and Balotelli was left trying to play up front on his own, which he isn't really capable of doing. We'll have Sturridge, Balotelli, Ings and Origi as our forwards unless we sign another striker, which I think we will. Lambert and Borini will both go as it's not fair to keep them sat in the reserves.
The funny thing is, he's only got one kid as far as i'm aware, the three kids thing was a bit of an online joke. BUT life imitated art here, in that he put on twitter one day a birthday message to his "beautiful daughter" on her first birthday, . A short while later the child's mother replied pointing out that her birthday was in fact a week later and he'd got the date wrong, she then revealed that he hadn't sent as much as a card for his 1 year old daughter, never mind presents.

You're kidding (no pun intended)?
I never knew that.

There goes my argument....

Still, i maintain that he isn't the brightest kid.
Oh yeh he's still clearly an idiot.

In other news that won't be reported, Balotelli has returned early from his time off for bereavement to get back to training.
interesting to see Balotelli, Borini and Jose Enrique are left out.

on the other side, i can´t wait to see some youngsters like Teixeira, Ojo, Rossiter and Chirivella..i only heard good things about the last one.
Balotelli may have been left home because his father died recently. Doesn't have to mean he's on his way out. I'm pretty sure that's what is going on with Borini and Enrique, though.
yeah.. most probably.

Can, Ilori, Coutinho and Firmino are still on extended holidays..

wonder what we will do about Sterling...
He will go along, or he will stay and receive a sizable fine. City could just as well buy him when he's in Asia or Australia, not a bad idea for him to tag along and at least try to sell himself on the pitch. Of course, he doesn't seem to be the brightest lad
@TonyBarretTimes: Raheem Sterling will not travel to the Far East with Liverpool after Manchester City entered into formal negotiations to sign the winger.

@pjoyceexpress: Man City close to £45m-plus deal for Raheem Sterling. Player omitted from Lvpl tour.

LFCZA ‏@LFCZA 7 secs8 seconds ago
#Sterling set to earn £48m over the 5 year deal with City. City paying close to £50m means they would have invested close to £100m. #LFC

football is sick...
@TonyBarretTimes: Raheem Sterling will not travel to the Far East with Liverpool after Manchester City entered into formal negotiations to sign the winger.

@pjoyceexpress: Man City close to £45m-plus deal for Raheem Sterling. Player omitted from Lvpl tour.

LFCZA ‏@LFCZA 7 secs8 seconds ago
#Sterling set to earn £48m over the 5 year deal with City. City paying close to £50m means they would have invested close to £100m. #LFC

football is sick...

I think Raheem is sick..:D
Benteke would end up a straight swap money-wise with him commanding far more than 35k

Lacazette would be better but you messed up not getting CL!
Here's how I imagine it went:

Man City: We'll give you 25 million pounds.
Liverpool: Nah we want 50 or he stays
Man City: We'll give you 30 million.
Liverpool: Nah we want 50 or he stays
Man City: We'll give you 40 million.
Liverpool: Nah we want 50 or he stays.
Man City: We'll give you 49 million pounds and that is our final...
We started with 30m but yea that's probably how it went.

Guessing we would have dragged it out longer and got him cheaper if Delph hadn't have bottled it at the last minute.
can´t say im sad about him leaving, he is City´s problem now.

i´m more worried about us spening that money on the right player(s)

i think Ibe will step up and become not worse player than Sterling.
49 mil? LMAO, football is ridiculous. Especially paying a world class fee for potential with a dubious attitude.

Lets see how many young potential players the club waste it on....
LFCZA is just some butthurt LFC fan talking crap. Highly doubt Sterling will be on 190k a week

Can you really see Sterling and his agent accepting £100K a week at City when that is what he was offered at LFC?

Would he and his agent be fine with dragging Sterling through all this media nonsense, damaging his reputation and then only agree to the same as what he was offered at LFC?

It's irrelevant what he earns but surely it would be closer to £200k per week than £100K

I'm sure he wants to 'compete' and 'win' trophies and it's 'not about the money' to him!!!! ;)
I don't think he'll be earning more than the likes of Silva, Kompany etc.

Maybe with perf bonuses something around 150k but 200k is pure nonsense. The press always just throw 200k around when City sign someone. Maybe in the preCL days it may have been the case but not these days. It's simply not how Soriano and Txiki work.

It's not my money so I'm not that concerned, it's just irritating, esp with arrogant deluded LFC fans thinking he's moving for money
I don't think he'll be earning more than the likes of Silva, Kompany etc.

Maybe with perf bonuses something around 150k but 200k is pure nonsense. The press always just throw 200k around when City sign someone. Maybe in the preCL days it may have been the case but not these days. It's simply not how Soriano and Txiki work.

It's not my money so I'm not that concerned, it's just irritating, esp with arrogant deluded LFC fans thinking he's moving for money
Don't see how every respected journalist can be wrong. If this was some sentationalist newspaper I agree, but the 200k information is coming from telegraph and theguardian.
This is Liverpool's 3rd biggest sale in the last 4 seasons.

I hope we get a good striker this time, no more injured players or young potential please.
We have a good bunch of backup strikers like Ings, Origi.
I hope the rumours about Mario Gomez are false - he is not suited to our style
and is also injury prone.
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