Liverpool Thread

i think we are definetly after Benteke...we can´t rely on Sturridge and Ings isn´t good enough to lead our attack if Sturridge is out...

for me it would be good if we have another CF... someone who is good and consistent...

i think we will go after Benteke now.
Benteke is not exactly a goal scorer.
I obviously like him (i've seen him a lot "live").

He can be fantastic, but he can also be very infuriating. He is most of all a forward that brings upcoming team mates in good position. Yes he has scored quite an amount of goals, but he also misses a lot.

There will be no middle way with him: he will be the fan's hero or they will absolutely hate him. He Always gives his all, but at times he can be very clumsy, at other times he is technically gifted for such a big player. I've seen him at Mechelen (6 km form here), where the fans absolutely hated him and where he was useless and afterwards at Genk, where he was fantastic...

Yeh I agree gerd, when I saw goalscorer I don't mean like Rush or Shearer, I just mean he tends to get a decent amount of goals, but he's so infuriating to watch. I can see him being like Lukaku, a lazy bastard with a lot of talent.
He is far from lazy, but somtimes clumsy.
I don't like Lukaku at all, he obviously scores a lot...but he has a very poor first touch.

The CF position is becoming the weak point in our national team, because lately Benteke was not good at all.

I feel a lot for the the strikers nr 3 and 4: Origi and Batschuayi.

Origi is incredibly talented, he should be a fantastic partner for Sturridge. And he is at Liverpool, you forgot to mention him...
He is far from lazy, but somtimes clumsy.
I don't like Lukaku at all, he obviously scores a lot...but he has a very poor first touch.

The CF position is becoming the weak point in our national team, because lately Benteke was not good at all.

I feel a lot for the the strikers nr 3 and 4: Origi and Batschuayi.

Origi is incredibly talented, he should be a fantastic partner for Sturridge. And he is at Liverpool, you forgot to mention him...

You're right I forgot about Origi, but tbh I think he'll be way down the pecking order anyway, behind Ings, Balotelli and whoever else we sign.

I've seen a lazy side to Benteke that i don't like in the Premier League, he doesn't track back well at all and rarely wins the ball in dangerous positions.
there`s not too many 'ST' goal scores 25+ in today`s game. A good team can share throughout.Liverpool can benefit w/ a strong player on top to win air balls and such.
It's hardly professional behavior is my point.

How many other professions or jobs is it acceptable for you to 'refuse' to take part with your work mates/colleagues?

I have no problem in him wanting to leave but the way it's being handled by all parties is sad.
It's hardly professional behavior is my point.

How many other professions or jobs is it acceptable for you to 'refuse' to take part with your work mates/colleagues?

I have no problem in him wanting to leave but the way it's being handled by all parties is sad.

IMO Sterling is a disgrace.
Compare him to De Bruyne who is also an Obvious target of clubs like City and PSG.

Liverpool should make an example of him and play this very, very hard as a message to other players.
I would argue that Sterling became the player that he is by playing under Rodgers. Seems like an ungrateful sod, I will not be sad to see him go. We should hire players who want to play for Liverpool, others can gtfo.
The thing is that some LFC fans are excited about getting a big inflated fee for him but then they're also getting mad at the player for doing what he can to not be priced out of a move.

I think most agree he's probably at max a 25m player currently and yet LFC want double that. 25m simply for potential and HG status is a bit of a joke tbh. Obviously LFC have the right to accept or reject whatever they want but I find it a bit one-eyed to slag a player to this extent in such circumstances.

With that said, it's not a nice situation for LFC fans, and I can sympathise with that, but I seem to recall LFC benefiting from a similar situation when they signed Berger/Garcia/Smicer (someone of that era anyway)
Liverpool fans arent upset Sterling leaving. Its the manner of how he`s dragging the club down. Every time a top player leaves a club the message is what?... the response is resentment.
The thing is that some LFC fans are excited about getting a big inflated fee for him but then they're also getting mad at the player for doing what he can to not be priced out of a move.

I think most agree he's probably at max a 25m player currently and yet LFC want double that. 25m simply for potential and HG status is a bit of a joke tbh. Obviously LFC have the right to accept or reject whatever they want but I find it a bit one-eyed to slag a player to this extent in such circumstances.

With that said, it's not a nice situation for LFC fans, and I can sympathise with that, but I seem to recall LFC benefiting from a similar situation when they signed Berger/Garcia/Smicer (someone of that era anyway)

I don't think anyone can really defend Sterling or his agent for the way they've acted here. If this was the real world no employer would go near him! Now he's started ringing in sick for training. He's an unprofessional spoilt little brat who has been told by his agent that he's world class and as such has a sense of entitlement that he doesn't deserve.

The fans have turned on him because of how he has acted here, he's an ungrateful little shit and that's clear as day. Luis Suarez is at least ten times the player Sterling is, he wanted to leave and the club said they weren't accepting any bids for him but they'd allow him to leave for the right bid the following season. Did he bitch and moan, run to the media or get his agent to publicly criticise the club, manager or ex players? No, he worked his bollocks off and had the best season of his life, leaving on good terms for a massive fee and going to the club of his dreams. Liverpool fans were disappointed to lose him, but 90% of us wished him well and appreciated what he'd done.

It's just that simple really, if you want to leave, go about it the right way, the club will let you go but you are a valuable commodity and you know that, they aren't going to let you go cheap, so do your fucking job that you're paid for until the bid is accepted. The pathetic thing is that we all know City will come in with a bid of £40m+ with add-ons taking it to £50m in a hundred years, and Liverpool will accept it, he knows that too, but his agent is an absolute prick and he's too weak to go against him so he's playing all these pathetic little games, one day hopefully he'll realise that this whole saga was designed to get his agent a bigger fee.
Absolutely agree with that last post, except with the last sentence.

I'm afraid Sterling is just too dumb to realise things like that.

If was City, after all what happened, i would not be so sure if i still wanted him.
Imagine another big club like Chelsea or United making a bogus attempt to buy Sterling, only to destabilize City?

Is there any guarantee that if United make a bogus bid for 75 million next season that the samen thing will not happen again? Sterling refusing to train and then a couple of weeks later discovering that it was all bogus?

As a matter of fact that would serve him well...
We don't know what his agent has said to him but we do know what LFC have said about him - him being the best young talent in european football - so perhaps that's where his sense of entitlement comes from.
I don't blame Sterling for trying to force through a move, he's seen how overinflated LFC's valuation is of him, which has been widely publicised now - apparently Sterling is suddenly just Aaron Lennon - and it's been weeks since City have contacted LFC.
Whether or not he's a brat still doesn't explain the hypocrisy of LFC fans hoping to 'take City to the cleaners' whilst maintaining that Sterling is a disgrace for trying to force a move.

City don't have to worry about Utd or Chelsea in terms of losing players. There's only 2 or 3 clubs which could concern City about our best players - Barca, Real and, to a lesser extent, Bayern

that's exactly why i've been criticising this player since he got "famous", this type of players will always tend to think of himself as a big star, his ego will make him think he's bigger than the club, and for what? for a couple of good performances? If i was a coach, this type of players would be out of my list immediately, no matter how skilled he is.
I've always said here, players attitude can easily be observed just by seeing their haircuts.
Interesting that Berahino just fired the same agent, presumably because of all this Sterling crap. Neither Sterling nor the agent appear to be winning themselves any friends.

At the same time, I can kind of understand his frustration. He wants to move to City. City want to pay X, Liverpool want X+Y. City have more money than God, so persumably the easy option here would be to just pay X+Y, especially as FFP is no longer a barrier.

Instead it looks like City want him to act like a spoiled brat until Liverpool settle for X.

There's not much else he can do really. If City are really faffing over 10m that's pretty ridiculous. That's like a 3rd of a Roque Santa Cruz or Jo. If money is truly no object (which is how they've been built) they should just get on with it. City can't have it both ways - be all billy big bollocks in the tranfser market with their cheat code but then also expect clubs to settle for less.
Didn't realise RSC and Jo cost 30m each. They cost 23m combined (still too much). Can put it the other way anyway, 10m is nearly the combined price of a Hart,Zaba and Kompany, or nearly half a Silva

Regardless, we may have money but FFP is still a thing. 10m = another player and we have no reason or obligation to be a charity. Just throwing an extra 10m on him at this point would do us no favours in future negotiations for other players.
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Interesting that Berahino just fired the same agent, presumably because of all this Sterling crap. Neither Sterling nor the agent appear to be winning themselves any friends.

At the same time, I can kind of understand his frustration. He wants to move to City. City want to pay X, Liverpool want X+Y. City have more money than God, so persumably the easy option here would be to just pay X+Y, especially as FFP is no longer a barrier.

Instead it looks like City want him to act like a spoiled brat until Liverpool settle for X.

There's not much else he can do really. If City are really faffing over 10m that's pretty ridiculous. That's like a 3rd of a Roque Santa Cruz or Jo. If money is truly no object (which is how they've been built) they should just get on with it. City can't have it both ways - be all billy big bollocks in the tranfser market with their cheat code but then also expect clubs to settle for less.

THen he should be angry with City and not with Liverpool.

Sterling is not the brightest lad in a wordl full of imbeciles. I wonder how many kids he has with how many different mothers. When he was 17 i think the count was 3 with 3 different mothers. This says it all, no?
Let's just enjoy this with popcorn okay? It's just "drama" at its very best, nothing to be serious about really. Will he be sick again tomorrow? Will he fall down and break his wrist while stumbling upon a bucket of dried laundry? His momma might come over and say he wants a husband and asked him to look one for her? The options are endless, so relax.

If he stays, he stays and we'll be a good team with him. If he goes, we'll be abit more filthy richer and be able to buy a great striker. Both are happy options.
Liverpool should sell him soon, it's not helping anyone by keeping him here.
This will be a big distraction for Rodgers and the club.
We need the money so we can buy some more players, the season is less than a month away...there's no time to get stuck with panic buys like Balotelli..
even now with the actual squad you're already good, I think you just need another CF to replace (and complete) Sturridge.
Sell Balotelli who is shit and Borini who wants to leave, and leave Lambert as a 3rd choice attacker.
+ the money from Raheem Scumberling is to reenforce deffense especially someone with Gerrard's quality.
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