Liverpool Thread

While Liverpool are going nowhere at the moment, let's give a cheer for two ex-Liverpool guys

- Luis Suarez - what a turnaround - from world cup ignominy and bans - to winning goalscorer in Champions League Final !!

- Rafa Benitez - after leaving Liverpool - sacked by Inter ....- Returns as boss of Real Madrid - his home club
Kovacic is a very good player, but I don't see why we would be interested in him, unless Rodgers sees him as a DM and is trying to recreate that midfield from the first half of 2014.


I don't know. Kovacic is a player like Coutinho, not a defensive midfielder.
exactly... he would be ideal as AM... we need to start playing Can as a midfielder finally...

Markovic scored a great goal yesterday for Serbia as well, playing in his natural wing position... he is wasted as side midfielder...

hope Rodgers playes Can and Markovic in their normal position next season, so we can see what they are like for real...

Ings is a good and still very young player, i´m glad he signed, but hope he isn´t the only striker we buy this summer ...
Spurs were also'inked with Ings. I
O HE IS NOT GOod enough for Spurs and Liverpool are a bigger club than Spurs.
Is Rogers trying to build a good base of British players and with time produce a decent team that challenges for silver wear and he becomes a great manager for doing so.

Or does he fail miserably, not achieving much, failing to produce the right dynamics in the game and be stubborn in his mentalities and sticks with the British focus.

Or somewhere in the middle
even tho Mignolet is a decent keeper and he is Belgium's 2nd GK of the golden generation, i think Bogdán is better. if the deal is done and he doesnt suffer any major injuries 1 year top and he will be the number one keeper
We're being linked with Lucas Digne in le Parisien today.

@gabe.paul.logan, but Bogdan played against Championship strikers...Mignolet is better GK atm.. but if we sign Bogdan, it would be a good replacement for Jones who could be a great competition for Mignolet.. He did mistakes, but in second half of the season he was back in his best imo..
Bogdan played in the PL too. Nothing against Simon but in GK quality they are about the same, but i know Adam in person and he is such a great guy...thats why im pushing him. Plus all the Hungarian GKs are gold, we forgot how to play football but on goal line we are one of the bests, only the competition is tight and hungarian players are not rated so high. But still...Bogdan, Gulacsi, Megyeri, Dibusz, Szekely....could bee world class keepers.
yes i know, but he has to prove himself in PL to replce Mignolet, so far he is considered as n.2.. i´m not saying he is worse, but he has to prove himself first..he might be n.1 or is not even sure if we buy him, but we will buy a GK 100%, since Jones was released.
we have also ambitious owners, the difference is their buisiness plan is different...

since City owners have no problem to spend any kind of money immediately..

our owners have different approach and probably not as much money...
These are the kind of owners we need. Ambitious, know the game, willing to take risks with big signings and disappointed in finishing 2nd.

Maybe I'm not financially clued in but how does financial fair play affect mass spending of the elite?

I was assuming clubs could only spend within a certain control structure based on incoming and expenditure?

Several clubs have already been fined for this. Do they just break the rules as often as they like and pay the fines every time or am I missing something?
Maybe I'm not financially clued in but how does financial fair play affect mass spending of the elite?

I was assuming clubs could only spend within a certain control structure based on incoming and expenditure?

Several clubs have already been fined for this. Do they just break the rules as often as they like and pay the fines every time or am I missing something?

Well financial fair play has been 'relaxed' this summer apparently so expect PSG and City to go all out.
It hasn't been 'relaxed', not yet anyway. PSG have been put under more sanctions again this year (after signing the Ivorian RB they have 30m left iirc)
City have passed this time (no coincidence that they're talking of 'loosening' FFP now)
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According to mephobia (a guy that works for JP Morgan in the football business and must have lots of contacts because he is always spot on about tranfers on twitter) we have an agreement with Inter over Kovacic.
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