Liverpool Thread

@ViktorFagerLFC: #LFC have had a £10m bid rejected for Clyne. He wants to move to LFC. Onus is now on LFC to increase the bid to nearer £12m. (Paul Joyce)

i believe it when i see it...
Because he only has 1 year left on his contract.
It seems we are only targeting "proven" PL players. Rodgers is on survival mode and doesn't want to risk continental players not getting used to the PL.
I rate Benteke, but 32M ???? Ridiculous.
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Proven prem players for (upper) midtable teams.....Does anyone else see the issue with this buying policy.

Just buying more of what you already have is going to do sod all. Especially when that hinders all the talented young players you bought to develop them.....
Its one thing to buy Lambert/Lovren and another thing to sign Clyne tho. Clyne is young and has great potential. He'd be an excellent signing.

1 year left or no, 10/12m is surprisingly low, esp. when there's talk of LFC wanting ridiculous money for Sterling
Annoying when you lose 6-1 last game of the season then you see this.
I don't have a problem with it.
It's got nothing to do with the last game or any game.

What should they be doing? Staying at home feeling guilty or cancel all plans and do extra training?
I don't have a problem with it.

It's got nothing to do with the last game or any game.

What should they be doing? Staying at home feeling guilty or cancel all plans and do extra training?

Exactly. A blow out is needed at times. Don't care who you are or what your profession is. You don't see them out doing this after a great win every week so why can't they go out and enjoy themselves after the season has finished. I'm sure they were gutted after the hammering they had but you move on and you do that quickly.
Proven prem players for (upper) midtable teams.....Does anyone else see the issue with this buying policy.

Just buying more of what you already have is going to do sod all. Especially when that hinders all the talented young players you bought to develop them.....
It's an awful policy. It didn't work when we tried it 4 years ago with Commolli and I don't think is going to work now.
We are going to waste 32.5M on Benteke, who is a good player but not 32.5M good and probably isn't even suited to our style, when we could go and pay 12M for Luciano Vietto, who is likely going to be a great foward and is much more suited to our play style.
Our structure is fucked up.
If I did my job as badly as they played for the last couple of weeks(months?) of the season, I'd be doing all I could to prove myself and my worth to the team. I wouldn't be dicking about; especially knowing how much people spend to watch what they do.
Milner is a great signing imo. Totally underrated - especially if someone finally lets him play in central midfield again. He was one of the top 3/4 CMFs in the prem for Villa.

Free too!
Milner is great especially with Gerrard going..but we need a proper DM like Kondogbia....GOD i hope we sign him as our main player instead of Benteke...

a midfield of....

----------- Can --------

Kondogbia ------- Henderson

-------- Coutinho --------

with Milner playing on wing or Coutinho on wing - AM position, Milner in midfield and Henderson just behind strikers...

would be great...but won´t happend.
Kongdogbia would be great.

We also desperately need a top striker - a proper replacement for Suarez.
I hope it's not Danny Ings who we're after. Is he really an upgrade over Borini or Lambert ?
Origi does not fill me with confidence, he's too young for Liverpool's pressure-cooker club.
Also hope we don't get Benteke, he is not a Rodgers type player.

Not sure who we will get...but the club really need to find some good talent
otherwise I will pray that we get a rich owner from the Middle East !!

Clyne - Skrtel - Sakho - Moreno

Can - Kondgobia

Milner ---- Henderson --- Coutinho


Milner is better out wide (left moreso) than in the middle. His intelligent runs out to in are one of his best assets, tho not sure LFC have enough creative intelligent passers of the ball to get the most out of it
So resigned to Sterling leaving?

That team is terrible in speed though, Pipa. (Although I dont know Vietto). None of Henderson, Milner or Coutinho will offer much.
Does anyone know who is more stupid:
a. Raheem Sterling's agent for creating 'United BID HUGE FOR STERLING' rumours
b. The Media for printing them

Let's look at a long list of transfers from Liverpool to United down the years. There' one since 1964.

Oh but Sterling would clearly fill the main requirement of United...oh. They just signed Memphis to play there. And their outfield player of the season plays there. And they're benching Di Maria who plays there.

I mean ffs. Make up City or Chelsea or something but leave us out of it. It's such ridiculous bullsh*t it offends me that it fills up my Twitter feed. Rant over.
im glad we got Milner, he is quality + experienced player in best years...

i hope we get Clyne + Ings and maybe a top CM-DM player like Kovacic or Kongdobia, that would be a dream..

hope we sell all the under-performers starting with Balotelli...
Milner is a very good signing, I agree. We seem to be linked with lots of different types of players. Hard to figure which formation Rodgers has in mind.
Its a bit of a strange move for Milner and City, He's a very good squad player for a team that requires that graft in certain games, not sure if he posses the 'quality' to be a key player at a top side though which is what Liveprool will probably want.

good signing though.
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