Liverpool Thread

we shouldn´t sell to our rivals though... if an offer from other country will be on table, we should sell him abroad imo.
He is going to be one of the best players of his generation in my opinion. Having said that, his claims are ridiculous.
He still has two years left on his contract and we should only sell him if someone offers around 50M which is not going to happen. So, I think we should keep him and sell him next season.
This greedy bastard is going to keep losing tons of money for having rejected the very generous offer he was given in January. Not to mention that the PR disaster he walked into must cost him a lot of money in publicity. Looks like he is making very good decisions so far in his career.
He would be a very big fool to leave a fantastic club like Liverpool.

I think he's gambling and doesn't intend to leave.
The entire media and every one out there is slating Sterling for being greedy.

I don't think it's the money. Here is an alternative opinion that actually matches what we are seeing on the field.
Liverpool going downhill and no signs of stopping it.

I personally think he's bought all the hype about himself...thanks to Rodgers claiming he is the best young player in Europe...
well if that's what you said Rodgers...then let him to go a top-4 club, because Liverpool will not be in the top-4 anytime soon.
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He would be a very big fool to leave a fantastic club like Liverpool.

I think he's gambling and doesn't intend to leave.

This is a risky ploy and one Rooney has done twice before to improve his contract.

Rooney had much more history with Man United to force an improved deal through. Some United fans still haven't taken him back as warmly as before his contract/transfer request issue.

Sterling will alienate some fans and may have been 'advised' to do this from others.

Football fans are a fickle bunch and if he does stay on an improved contract, as soon as he scores, the crowd will chant his name once more.
I've said it last year, Sterling is talented but he doesn't seem to be one of the best players anytime, because of his attitude and lack of intelligence. For some goals and dribbles he thinks he's Ronaldo or Messi? he isn't a leader profile, and will never be.
I could write a book about Ronaldo and having an attitude isn't necessarily a wrong thing.

And about the fans' reaction to Sterling: yes if he scores important goals the fans will forgive him anything (remember Suarez).

If i was a player Liverpool would be one of the teams i would really like to play for. Sterling would be a fool to go to either City or Arsenal. I doubt if he would play regularly. With Liverpool he can grow as a player, that is if Liverpool buy a leader on the pitch. It seems as if some fans already expect Sterling to be a leader and the most important player. If that would be the reason he wants to leave, i can understand him...

Liverpool should buy a more or less iconic player this summer (or a player who can become that). Khedira would be perfect.
It seems as if some fans already expect Sterling to be a leader and the most important player. If that would be the reason he wants to leave, i can understand him...

Not the case Gerd, but he is asking to be paid like one. That's where the annoyance is coming from.

His performances have dropped yet he still wants to be one of the highest paid players in the club....after a single, yes single! good season (2nd half of last year and half of this season). Ridiculous really.

Transfer gossip, 200k and 40mil offered by City. Yes please!
As if we'd pay him 200k :LOL:

If he wants to leave for CL and to push for the title there'd be no need to offer him much more than he's already been offered at LFC anyway

40m would be fine considering he could end up staying for 10 years or so. We should offer 20-25m and Jovetic.
I can't see LFC selling Sterling to another English team unless we get a good swap deal.
Also can't see Barca/Real/Bayern come for him.
So I guess he's stuck here and he'll probably run out his contract hoping to join a top-4 team
in 2017.

Liverpool need to decide whether to bite the best deal they get now or risk selling him for cheap later on.
Bayern need replacement for Ribery/Robben long term...i think they would be interested..

Liverpool will sell to highest bid imo.
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He's a good player but £40m???? I'm not having that.

2 years ago he was struggling to get in the first team.

Having half a decent season last campaign and half a decent season again this term doesn't justify this kind of money or wage.

He still has a lot to prove in my opinion.

If Liverpool can get this kind of money, of course they'll sell.

The club are playing the tactic of 'he's not for sale' but ANY player is for sale for stupid money.
Problem is, well maybe through the eyes of the fans, is all about hype. The media is completely controling what we are looking and most of the time we took the bait. 20-40m for Sterling, geez, even if they get him, wouldn't the next team feel the same way? He's done this from his previous employers.

The transfer comittee aren't dump persons and they know exactly how much Sterling is worth right now. The agent is just soaking up the pressure on himself and Sterling, and although all of us related to LFC would think this is suicide, for them it's all about making people talk about him, even in not a positive way.
he is english, 20 years, international...

if this transfer was due to happend some 5 years ago, his price would still be high...

we should demand 40 mil. minimum for him.
Think only a bidding war could guarantee 40m minimum.

Probably looking at 30m-ish + add ons otherwise, given how the club must has lost some bargaining power with what is basically a transfer request.

He could also buy out the final year of his contract for 2m, which the buying club could repay him, and leave for even less. And the way things are heading, with his agent slagging off the pundits and the club cancelling friday's meeting, I wouldn't bet against it.

Tho, if the bad blood continues further I can't see him staying in the North West so he'd certainly end up at CFC or AFC rather than City
We'll probably have more impact on him by NOT talking about his and his agent's antics. It's just fire asking for more gasoline.
I'd love to get Sterling to Arsenal. It weakens Liverpool , but Arsene already say he needs to drop a few to get one in. I really want Cech and it makes sense - to bring a back up for Cog! That said Chels is not worried about having too many players they'll probably swap a loaner or two for ya! Do some damage to their rivals .
LIVERPOOL FC have decided to cancel a proposed meeting with Raheem Sterling regarding his future in the wake of his agent's extraordinary attack on the club.

Sterling and his agent Aidy Ward were due to meet boss Brendan Rodgers and chief executive Ian Ayre at Melwood on Friday for further talks about a new contract.

However, the Reds' hierarchy have informed Ward that meeting will no longer take place after his reading his comments today.

Ward gave an interview in which he said Sterling wouldn't sign a new contract even if Liverpool offered him £900,000 per week.

And the agent also said he “didn't care” about the damage being done to the club's image.

With Ward having made it clear he has no interest in holding talks about a new contract, Liverpool have decided there is no point in the meeting taking place.

Sterling has made it clear he wants to leave Anfield this summer with Manchester City leading the chase for his services.

But Liverpool have no intention of selling the 20-year-old, who still has two years of his current deal to run.
He's a good player but £40m???? I'm not having that.


Sterling is worth 40 mil. minimum...
Sterling is worth 40 mil. minimum...

Believe you'll find Mr Sterling is worth precisely what someone is willing to pay for him.

If he's a wantaway little brat, that price will go down.

David de Gea is probably the best goalkeeper in the world today, is young, in his prime and still has 2 years left on his contract. But he'll go for less than 25m because of the situation of the transfer and that he wants to leave to one club, who are only willing to pay about that for him.
Believe you'll find Mr Sterling is worth precisely what someone is willing to pay for him.

If he's a wantaway little brat, that price will go down.

David de Gea is probably the best goalkeeper in the world today, is young, in his prime and still has 2 years left on his contract. But he'll go for less than 25m because of the situation of the transfer and that he wants to leave to one club, who are only willing to pay about that for him.

that is true, but a value of player is different to what clubs get for players...

he has 2 years in his contract, and FSG are not soft imo... De Gea has just one year left? or? that is why you might get smaller amount as his true value is..if you sell or swap in summer.
he is english, 20 years, international...

if this transfer was due to happend some 5 years ago, his price would still be high...

we should demand 40 mil. minimum for him.

He's not worth anything like £40m in my opinion, he's proven absolutely nothing yet other than he has flashes of brilliance every now and then. If we get £30m for him then we've done very well imo.
Believe you'll find Mr Sterling is worth precisely what someone is willing to pay for him.

If he's a wantaway little brat, that price will go down.

David de Gea is probably the best goalkeeper in the world today, is young, in his prime and still has 2 years left on his contract. But he'll go for less than 25m because of the situation of the transfer and that he wants to leave to one club, who are only willing to pay about that for him.
De Gea has only one year left on his contract plus the valuation of an attacking player like Sterling is totally different from a goalkeeper.
25M is a lot of money for a goalkeeper on the last year on his contract and 40-50M would be a lot of money for a player like Sterling.
I don't agree that the price of Sterling goes down because he wants out. This is a player who still has two years left on his contract and all the top 4 clubs plus clubs from abroad are interested.
Believe you'll find Mr Sterling is worth precisely what someone is willing to pay for him.

If he's a wantaway little brat, that price will go down.

David de Gea is probably the best goalkeeper in the world today, is young, in his prime and still has 2 years left on his contract. But he'll go for less than 25m because of the situation of the transfer and that he wants to leave to one club, who are only willing to pay about that for him.

The thing to bear in mind though is financially it could make sense for Liverpool to keep him. If they don't get an offer of £40m (and I think they probably will get this sort of offer) they can at least keep a fairly good player on reasonable wages for another year or two. I've heard he's on around £35,000 a week, in the real world it's obscene money, but in Premier League terms it's actually a very low wage, and it's acknowledged that £100,000 is more of a ball park figure (that's what Liverpool have been rumored to have offered him). If you carry through those differentials over his two year contract that's almost a £7m saving (£10.4m in new wages vs £3.6m), plus given his age if he leaves on a free in 2 years to another PL club Liverpool could get compensation payment.

There is the risk that he will go on strike or pseudo-strike (where he plays but doesn't put in the effort), normally I would say this is unlikely but as his agent seems to have the IQ of a dodo it could be possible. But if he does this and Liverpool keep him under contract but put him in the reserves (and they could afford to do this as his monthly wages are low in PL terms) he runs the risk of losing his sharpness and that could impact on what he earns in 2017 (his wages at a new club).
all players are overpriced right now, that's why 40 millions looks OK to most of us.
James, Bale, Suarez, Neymar, etc.. are great, but the most expensive of them shouldn't be more than 50 millions.

Only CR and Messi are worth 100 millions.
all players are overpriced right now, that's why 40 millions looks OK to most of us.
James, Bale, Suarez, Neymar, etc.. are great, but the most expensive of them shouldn't be more than 50 millions.

Only CR and Messi are worth 100 millions.

depends on many things, quality, age, marketing value etc...

you can´t be so simple with stating who is worth how much...

20 year old Sterling is more valuable to any club LONG TERM than 30 year old Ronaldo for example...or older bigger name player..
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