Liverpool Thread

Could understand bringing Sinclair on for Lambert for the extra movement and pace but taking off Lallana, who was one of the most dangerous players on the pitch, and bringing Lucas on for Gerrard, when you need a goal to stand a chance of CL football (and, imo, if you had won today you would have been favourites), was so dumb.
Ibe for Johnson would have made sense
Rodgers admitted that he took Stevie off so that he could get an ovation from the Chelsea fans...

Rodgers on bringing off Gerrard: "It was just to give him the acclaim on what will probably be the last time he played at Stamford Bridge."

i honestly don´t care anymore about this team lead by this man.

its a fucking joke.
Calm down Pipa, it's as if they have a significantly better offensive midfield to sub with at that time (maybe make a case for Allen). I think the sendoff is bigger than the game, probably Rodgers knew that with Matic & Mikel playing together they won't win the game.
Rodgers gave up on the CL a while ago.
He's the best British manager out there at this point
and he can get the best young british players out there...but that is not going to help us get back into the top-4.
The owners must realize that the top-4 are far ahead and will only get stronger next season.

I'd love to see Klopp, he would definitely be able to bring a few Dortmund players and can attract the best young players. He has the track record on taking a big club to the top against giants like Bayern.
Forget about his current season, it was an abberation. Look at the fact that he won the Bundesliga, German Cup, reached CL finals, etc...
Simon Mignolet was elected Liverpool's player of the season by a panel of former Liverpool players...apparently things can change quickly in a couple of months.

Somebody from the jury (don't know who) said that Mignolet's come back after his dodgy period was remarkable...the former Liverpool players elected him because of his fantastic second half of the season...

About the top 4: it's simple to end in the top 4 a club must have a top four budget. Teams like Spurs and Liverpool can always end one season in the top 4 if they "discover" outstanding players like Suarez or Bale. They will loose those players and once they are gone they will achieve on par, which is outside the top 4.

IMO the expectations of the Spurs and Liverpool fans are way too high. Both clubs performed on par IMO (i'm a Spurs fan).

Personally i would like clubs like Spurs(obviously) but also Liverpool, Southampton, Everton and Swansea regularly end in the league in a top 4 spot regularly...but that is very unlikely.

There is no secret in football. In the long term the teams with the biggest budget will perform best.
we lost the 4th place to United this season ourselfs, it wasn´t impossible...

then again we played most of the season without a striker...

it is not fault of anyone but those responsible for was there, it was used for ...
I personally can't see Liverpool or Spurs, never mind Southampton, Everton etc, reaching the top 4 again for a long time or even competing.

Chelsea and Man City are out of reach due to finance.
Arsenal can compete financially now they have no debt and a fantastic infrastructure of business model.
And obviously Man United have stuttered back into the top four and can compete with the three clubs above on all counts.

All four of these clubs will surely strengthen their huge squads and improve further.

The Premier League isn't as predictable as Spain or Germany but it's not far off.
I personally can't see Liverpool or Spurs, never mind Southampton, Everton etc, reaching the top 4 again for a long time or even competing.

Chelsea and Man City are out of reach due to finance.
Arsenal can compete financially now they have no debt and a fantastic infrastructure of business model.
And obviously Man United have stuttered back into the top four and can compete with the three clubs above on all counts.

All four of these clubs will surely strengthen their huge squads and improve further.

The Premier League isn't as predictable as Spain or Germany but it's not far off.

Completely agree with this post. Unfortunately.
Liverpool are closer than Spurs imo.
Next season will see the top-4 pull away even further.
It will be a mini-league.

Liverpool's only hope is for some big money owners to come in.
They have a massive worldwide fanbase and brandname.
i don´t think we will be that far away from top 4, this season as i said we barely scored, but we maintain our place just bellow top 4, with some games realy would be different if we played with an actuall striker rather than Sterling up front...

i think we will challenge for top 4 next season more than we did this season tbh.

i wonder if we change the manager or stick with Rodgers... he seems weird lately, either he know he is gone or he just don´t give a shit anymore about this season...and looks to transfer window already..

in positive news Ibe signed a new 5 year contract.

Sterling can go now, i hope we manage to get as much as possible for him.
Will we be able to compete consistently with:

Chelsea? = No
Man City? = No
Arsenal? = No
Man United? = No

There's next seasons top four done and dusted in my opinion.

To reiterate my earlier post in this thread and completely agree with matthewsss post, we will again be in a mini league consisting of Spurs, Everton, Saints, Stoke etc.

The gap will increase further in this summers transfer window I fear
You had a great chance at 4th up until Hull/WBA, despite Utd buying bigger players and you not having Sturridge all season.

Do better in the transfer market and keep Rodgers as manager and you never know. FFP will maker it more difficult for you tho
I will miss watching live Steven Gerrards last Anfield game tomorrow.
I will record it and enjoy watching him play at Anfield one last time Sunday morning.

For me, the best Liverpool player of all time.
From the age of 22 up to 29, he was right up there with the best footballers in the world playing at that time.

It's irrelevant to state 'but he never won the Premier League'
There are so many terrible footballers with league medals. Does that make them great players? Of course not.
im affraid there will never be another player - local lad like him...he was at one point of his career the best...

will miss him, his leadership and loayality towards the club and fans...

football for me won´t be the same watching LFC without him...
im affraid there will never be another player - local lad like him...he was at one point of his career the best...

will miss him, his leadership and loayality towards the club and fans...

football for me won´t be the same watching LFC without him...

You had a great chance at 4th up until Hull/WBA, despite Utd buying bigger players and you not having Sturridge all season.

Do better in the transfer market and keep Rodgers as manager and you never know. FFP will maker it more difficult for you tho

Virtually what i've been saying for a few weeks now.

I reckon that when Rodgers came in the target was to be fighting for a top 4 place within 3 years. Last season was a bit of a mad one, helped massively by Suarez being Suarez and Sturridge staying fit for most of the season, we finished much higher than we'd ever hoped and almost won the title. This season we had no Suarez and no Sturridge, so we're right back to the planned schedule, we've had no real striker for most of the season and injuries to our better defenders and midfielders to deal with on top of that, and until a few weeks ago we had a great shot at getting 4th, which still isn't mathematically impossible (although of course, it won't happen).

Anyway, i'm not panicking and i'm not worrying, i'm certainly not part of this "#RodgersOut" nonsense. He has definitely earned enough leeway to give him at least another year in my opinion.
Spearing imo wasn´t that bad...did his job during Kenny era, and starting as well... he cared also, not like some of our players now... i wouldn´t mind him as a squad player even today.. he is Bolton captain but on loan at Blackburn...

he was nowhere near Steven level obviously, but not the worst player we produced...
Gerrard's last game against United - sent off within a minute

Gerrard's last game at Anfield - helps United qualify for the champions league

simply awfull...i fear for our future with Rodgers and Henderson as Gerrard´s successor...

on our way to midtable for years this way...

i won´t even comment on the match...

about Gerrard, there are not enough words to describe him and i just hope he will have great retirement in USA.
I will miss watching live Steven Gerrards last Anfield game tomorrow.
I will record it and enjoy watching him play at Anfield one last time Sunday morning.

For me, the best Liverpool player of all time.
From the age of 22 up to 29, he was right up there with the best footballers in the world playing at that time.

It's irrelevant to state 'but he never won the Premier League'
There are so many terrible footballers with league medals. Does that make them great players? Of course not.

Great post!

Hope you enjoy the game as much as I did!!

And you think Stevie is the greatest LFC player of all time, well I suppose if you are 17-25 I can see why you would believe the hype.

Even without my United bias the name of the greatest Liverpool player would roll off my tongue before someone finished the sentence, I really cant see how anyone would or could say Stevie is/was/could dream of being a better player than Kenny...
What was all that about yesterday?
The club offered Gerrard a contract with lower wages and a reduced role in the squad, which he refused to sign.
So you had a ridiculously sentimental send off for a player who you didn't want to keep and one who didn't want to stay.
Thankfully all that nonsense is over. Has there ever been a more opposite between pr bullshit and media hype and actual performances on the pitch?!

Lets win the FA cup for Stevie = weakest semi final performance I can remember
Final home game palaver = same thing, not sure Liverpool actually created a chance by themselves

Can Liverpool now get on with finishing 6th! Come on Spurs, you cant keep this run up and will win a match again, ....surely
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What was all that about yesterday?
The club offered Gerrard a contract with lower wages and a reduced role in the squad, which he refused to sign.
So you had a ridiculously sentimental send off for a player who you didn't want to keep and one who didn't want to stay.

I tend to agree.
But would you have written this for Alan Shearer with Newcastle or lampard with Chelsea?
Of course not, it's that ridiculous rivalry.

of course Gerrard isn't Liverpool's best player ever: Dalglish, Keegan, Hansen, Souness, Molby, Toshack, Clemence.

Is Gerrard the best Liverpool player of his era? Torres, Suarez, Luis García, Xabi Alonso anyone?

I wonder what fuss will be made of John Terry's last season.

Liverpool is a strange club, what attracts thousands of people, is also their biggest handicap: the sentimentality.
What was all that about yesterday?
The club offered Gerrard a contract with lower wages and a reduced role in the squad, which he refused to sign.
So you had a ridiculously sentimental send off for a player who you didn't want to keep and one who didn't want to stay.

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