Liverpool Thread

....rock bottom...

Rodgers is gone in summer imo... the players need kick in the asses as well...

What did Rodgers do wrong ?
People complain about his trasfers. It's too early to judge those transfers.
Do you remember the outrage about Henderson in his first season, he was a useless transfer. Now he is the key player in your team.

I think players like Markovic and LLalana will become very good players. Can is already one of the better Liverpool palyers, but he should play in midfield.
Lovren seems to be a bad transfer, but last season he was outstanding for Southampton.
Personally i really like Sakho, i would love to see him at Spurs.

Lambert could have been a good impact player, but he rarely used him, that could be considered a mistake.

And Balotelli? you can't say he was a big success, but it was not a crazy gamble...last season you had the best forward line with Sturridge and Suarez. Suarez is gone and Sturridge hardly seems normal that this affects the team.

Besides that i agree with Beach, the last two seasons Liverpool was at times the most attractive team in the league.
what did he do right? playing two players who offer nothing in Gerrard and Johnson and both in last season with the club... playing Balotelli as lone striker, even if he didn´t perform before, he seems semi professional player atm... playing Can and other out of position... paying milions for players that he doesn´t even use... What is the point of Borini anyway?

don´t want to rant, but he is the one who should motivate players, but these players don´t seem to bother anymore...

im not saying the players are bad or hopeless, but Henderson is never captain material, maybe for mid table team...oh wait, we already becoming one...

edit: this season was CL, we waited years to play in it...only to get ridicilous defeats against teams we should be beating...then FA Cup loss against Villa, with the players playing like if it was a friendly... no big games won against our rivals, bare to the City win, wich was the best performance i think this season, but appart from that, this team was asking for trouble against some teams many times, Swansea jumps to mind..

Rodgers for me failed to improve this team, the players we have bought underperformed or were not used properly, now who´s responsibility is to use them if not the managers? who is training them and motivating?

i don´t want us to be attractive...i want us to compete for trophy´s and win them.
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Fans are very fickle...i 've been writing for years here that Gerrard is dead wood and that he should be sold.
You know who Liverpool worst enemies are sometimes? The fans.

All the ridiculous sentimentalism round Gerrard's birthday and the FA Cup has probably cost Liverpool the Cup final.

How many EPL managers would have had the guts not to play Gerrard in that semi-final? Mourinho, Van Gaal and perhaps Wenger. All the others wouldn't have the guts to do that and righly so.

To me Rodgers is a brilliant manager (but not as good as Liverpool fans made him last season), but he still is relatively new and young...and still doesn't have the freedom a manager with European silverware has. Sadly Liverpool is not a club to win European silverware (at least not the CL, they can win the Euro League and that should be the thing to aim for next season unless you buy a few world stars).

At the moment there isn't a single club who has a chance to win the CL, the clubs that are currently in the semi-finals are much better than any English club (unless they loose key players like Pogba at Juventus).

As a Spurs fan i would be over the moon with a season like Liverpool's last season (not the current one, the one before). And to be honest, are Liverpool a much bigger club than Spurs? Currently not at all. On past reputation, yes...but then clubs like Benfica and Ajax are also massive clubs.
Rodgers has to be accountable for this season. That not mean that he should be gone. Suárez/Sturridge missing plays an important role, but he got the transfer funds to be competitive this season. Just imagine if Benítez had a 1/3 of that capital what could he achieve. I remember LFC was interested in Simão around 2006 or 2007 and Benfica was asking €20 million and LFC couldn't pay that, for a position that they sorely need (Kuyt at SMF was an OK player at best) and for NT player with "pedigree", but this season they spend €30 million on Lallana, a 25 y/o that had 2 good seasons. Rodgers had the funds, he bought the player that he wanted, bar Sánchez, this season and had the funds the previous seasons also. No excuse.

And Gerrard played amazing last season, so calling him deadwood is a bit too much. He's a player that gave all for the team, and waste is prime playing for a more often than not mediocre team. We have too understand that psychologically he would be affect given what happened last year, so the least LFC could do is to cut him some slack.
It's a tough decision.
I think they will stick with Rodgers unless we get a better manager (Klopp maybe)

Dalglish messed up the transfers and was booted out inspite of winning a Cup and reaching a final.
So I don't think Rodgers' position is very safe given his atrocious transfer record.

Either way, they have to get the transfers right this season.
Otherwise we can be happy being a top-8 team.
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Gerrard was so good last season because his vision and pass accuracy suited our "run in behind" play.

My fear is Countinho is going to get snapped up, he's on another planet to the rest of the team.

Also, lol @ Sterling. 100k a week??? Really?
I'm more of the view that it's a little disappointing Liverpool couldn't build on last seasons excellent league campaign and challenge consistently in the top four again this year.

I don't want Brendan out after a slightly lower performance level to that of last season. The answer is NOT to continually sack managers when they are trying to arrange the club, tactics, squad etc their way. If you as a club employ a manager then it is only right to stick with him for a duration of 3 years at least. Barring a disaster and the club are on the brink of relegation, I see no reason to remove Brendan just yet.

As a fan of Liverpool for over 30 years, I don't ever remember seeing Liverpool below halfway in the table of top flight English football.
It's not like Liverpool fans have had to endure relegation fights or actually been relegated and witnessed the sadness that brings.

I feel Liverpool have had it pretty good over the last 30 years, and longer to be fair.

Chelsea, Man City, Spurs, Everton, heck even Man United have fought around the bottom of the league whilst I've grown up watching football in England. I've witness Chelsea and Man City relegated a couple of times and all too recently Everton and Spurs battle to avoid the drop out of top flight football.

I guess what I'm trying to say is Liverpool fans can come across a little spoilt, because we have been, and generally have an opinion too high in their expectancy of where they believe the team should be.

We don't have a right to be 1st, 2nd etc. but many are too blinded by history and the continued success of the 70's and 80's to realise that nothing lasts forever and actually, we aren't having too bad a time of it after all.

Liverpool haven't done badly in comparison to the teams I mentioned above over the last 30 years or more and in fact, recently Sky Sports conducted a league table calculating points amassed over the last 100 years and Liverpool topped this table.

I would be more than happy for Brendan to be left alone for another season, maybe two, THEN see where he takes us.

Doesn't mean I'm right about any of this though. As always in these forums, it's just MY opinion, not fact.
You really can't expect Liverpool to be where they are at last year losing their star striker in Suarez and having Sturridge constantly injured. Players need time with new systems and new managers and managers need time to implement their systems onto the players. Constant change is never good. Are Liverpool really bad? To be fair, I don't think so. They play attractive football and have had results in the past. Losing two star players and still being able to compete for Top 4 is doing quite well to be fair.

Of course, if you look at history, Liverpool should be challenging for the title and CL titles cause they were that good in the past, but there are always transitions, and in such sense, should Chelsea/Man City always be in the middle cause they don't have that "history"? I'd say (even if Klopp is available and openly says he wants to come to Liverpool), it'd still be best if you give Rodgers another summer to set his team and his philosophies. I think this Liverpool team is just a few players away from being a constant threat.
MUFC had (1.5) transitional season and they're right back in contention w/ a handful of reserves and deadwood players. Liverpool has been in transition for 5yrs and they keeping building to scrape the project and start from '0' . Liverpool is ran by yelling, ranting fans 'we need' 'buy, buy' all fans moan , but usually ignored.
I'm more of the view that it's a little disappointing Liverpool couldn't build on last seasons excellent league campaign and challenge consistently in the top four again this year.

I don't want Brendan out after a slightly lower performance level to that of last season. The answer is NOT to continually sack managers when they are trying to arrange the club, tactics, squad etc their way. If you as a club employ a manager then it is only right to stick with him for a duration of 3 years at least. Barring a disaster and the club are on the brink of relegation, I see no reason to remove Brendan just yet.

As a fan of Liverpool for over 30 years, I don't ever remember seeing Liverpool below halfway in the table of top flight English football.
It's not like Liverpool fans have had to endure relegation fights or actually been relegated and witnessed the sadness that brings.

I feel Liverpool have had it pretty good over the last 30 years, and longer to be fair.

Chelsea, Man City, Spurs, Everton, heck even Man United have fought around the bottom of the league whilst I've grown up watching football in England. I've witness Chelsea and Man City relegated a couple of times and all too recently Everton and Spurs battle to avoid the drop out of top flight football.

I guess what I'm trying to say is Liverpool fans can come across a little spoilt, because we have been, and generally have an opinion too high in their expectancy of where they believe the team should be.

We don't have a right to be 1st, 2nd etc. but many are too blinded by history and the continued success of the 70's and 80's to realise that nothing lasts forever and actually, we aren't having too bad a time of it after all.

Liverpool haven't done badly in comparison to the teams I mentioned above over the last 30 years or more and in fact, recently Sky Sports conducted a league table calculating points amassed over the last 100 years and Liverpool topped this table.

I would be more than happy for Brendan to be left alone for another season, maybe two, THEN see where he takes us.

Doesn't mean I'm right about any of this though. As always in these forums, it's just MY opinion, not fact.
Post of the century.
Couldn't agree more.
While I'd like to have some sympathy with Rodgers, I think most of his issues are of his own making with his personality and lack of hubris.

Everyone knew replacing Suarez would be impossible - moreso with Sturridge out. And even worse is the fading star of Gerrard. So if Rodgers had just been a bit more honest, I think fans would still be on his side.

Instead after dire performances he comes out saying LFC were fantastic, tremendous. That Balotelli is a world beater, player X is the best in the world and that he himself is God's gift to management. It's a good lesson in how not to present yourself to the public.

I think he's a good manager in need of some PR guidance. LFC should definitely keep him as per other posts - he is building something and much of the squad is young. Will be interesting to see what John Henry et al think.
I hope those rumours about fans preparing a Rodgers out banner are not true. We are supposed to be a club with dignity and decency.
Usually the flying banner has 'Manager`s name OUT' ,but Liverpool fans busted out wit ' Rodgers Out Rafa In!" :LOL: they provided the solution to the problem.

I give it to Liverpool , Now , fans (around the world) will provide the name of the future manager in their 'Manager-Out campaign'.
Liverpool fans? you know personally people who did prepeare this? it isn´t worth to be mentioned here... because that doesn´t represent no fan base...but some stupid individuals.
Rafa just extended his contract w/ Napoli too , strange stuff. MUFC are dropping points for fun and the hope for Liverpool is there :SNACK:
Yea, you probably blew it against WBA and Hull.

Could see Utd only getting 4 more pts but I can't see LFC getting more than 6. Even 7 wouldn't be enough
Very unlikely we will get 4th but you never know ..Utd in meltdown , hopefully Chelsea will already be champions
Rodgers Out Rafa in?

Would have thought most would want Klopp

hmm, maybe because this was only a banter? idea of few individuals...

i guess most fans want to give Rodgers chance, including myself... but seeing his transfer targets and how they end up not playing for him makes me wonder...
Rodgers has great potential, but he needs good players like Suarez, Sturridge in form and injury-free.
I don't think Rodgers has the big-name to attract the players we need.

Is Rafa a better bet? Who knows?
He can definitely attract better players, and he can get us challenging in the cups for sure....but his style of play has been negative at times...although i havent seen how he gets Napoli to play.
Do people see that huge a difference between Rafa's best year and Rodgers'? I kind of see them as similar.

Both had pretty dogged teams that were excellent at choking matches, and relied on individual brilliance of a striker who could create alone (Torres/Suarez).

That 4-1 mauling against United was crazy. Hit and hope into the channels, but Torres was an absolute monster and it totally worked.

As soon as Torres lost form, LFC were found out. Similar with Suarez leaving.

If anything last year's team seemed more balanaced than Rafa's team that almost won the league.
Mix them and it would be pretty perfect. Rodgers is very set on a single way of playing, and changes tactics to try to make it work. Benitez will change the tactics for every opponent, but always has a solid defense.

Rodgers needs to be a bit more cynical but to do that would mean being able to set up a defense. Which he cant. That isnt a bad thing, but then you need an attack which can blow teams out of the water to compensate. Which was the case last year....and isnt this year.

He's done quiet well actually, to stil be in with a shout of 4th without a striker for most of the season is good. But signing 2 crap ones isnt helping him. Or have most of the signings last summer. Not sure a single one of them have actually been an upgrade, so far.

But that is the main issue for him imo, what are the chances he will have 2 world class strikers next season? (Sturridge's record was great last year). Nill, so then what are we left with?
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Hmmm, Gerrard saying the owners need to spend money in the summer.

Does anyone remember how much was actually spent last summer?

Lallana 25, lambert 4, lovren 20, markovic 20, can 10, balotelli 16, moreno 15? = 120mil. 75 for Suarez is 45mil. So less than City's fine/restriction.
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