Liverpool Thread

Right Wing Back. When he plays there its like handicapping his strength. I get that some players are ask to play in others positions for the good of the club. Its a big ask ,having certain players to play out of position. Sterling vs MUTD was shocking :BRMM::JAY::COAT:
But you guys are talking like if he has played all the time there. It was just a half against United and another one against Swansea. It's ridiculous to critizice Rodgers for that.
I think all of you are wrong. I strongly sympathise with Sterling.
Imagine that you work with a team of colleagues and that you are among the top performers. Yet in the same tam people who perform much less better than you, earn much would you feel?

This is not about money. It's about real appreciation and even about justice. In professional life it isn't enough if your boss says every day how good you are. In professional life appreciation =salary.

For those players, playing football is a profession. Imagine Sterling having a carreer ending injury. Liverpool will organized a testimonia' and will collect money. Five years later Sterling will be forgotten.

He has every right to do this.

Sorry gerd but I disagree with you on this one. He wants £180k a week according to reports, do you not think that's an outlandish request? He's a good young player yes, but he still has a lot of flaws in his game, he still drifts in and out of games even in his best position. aT 20 years old he still has a hell of a lot to learn and at least needs to be consistent over a full season in order to make such high demands.
Perhaps it's a negotation technique..ask 1000 to get 60 ?
Somebody here posted wages and i'm not sure what i have to think about that list, surely Skrtel isn't the top earner? If that would be true (can't believe it) then how would you feel being Sterling? IMO Skrtel is not good enough for a team like Liverpool.

And about the WB-thing. It is perhaps no big deal. It becomes a bigger thing if your manager (after Swansea) publicly declares that he will not repeat this experiment because it's a position that doesn't suit you. And then he does it again and against the match that matters most a,d right in the middle of difficult negociations. Players don't like to played out of position. For most of them it is a big deal.

But i reacted most of all about the loyalty demand from the fans. Are the fans loyal towards players? Do you remember the stick Henderson got here in this thread? Mignolet? Downing? Why expect players to be loyal? 95% of the fans haven't got the slightest clue what football is about (yes, including me). Those young guys are doing it to earn money.cthey have to make money for The rst of their lifes.
And yes those wages are crazy...but would you say no?
Mignolet makes a couple of good saves but then lets in 2 poor goals. Def has to take much of the blame tho for giving him so much to do.

50m for Sterling? how about no.
The only player on the pitch worth anywhere near 50m is Sanchez. If Sterling was foreign he'd be gettable for close to half that
It hasn't been a good couple of days for Liverpool. They were unbeaten until Mutd and then Sterling 'I'm not asking for too much' interview. Then, today's Kolo on Ice Liverpool show. I think Can's reckless tackle was a straight Red all day. Now, a midweek FA Cup on the horizon w/ (3) suspended players.
From behind, no intention to get the ball and scissoring his's not that crazy that it could be a straight red, but it doesn't matter anyway.
Is it true Mario claimed to take upon himself to deem unfit to face Arsenal? BR supposedly losing the dressing room. Shearer was spot on about BR on MOTD. He should keep quiet about Sterling being the best young player in the country , and giving his agent ideas lol.
Is it true Mario claimed to take upon himself to deem unfit to face Arsenal? BR supposedly losing the dressing room. Shearer was spot on about BR on MOTD. He should keep quiet about Sterling being the best young player in the country , and giving his agent ideas lol.

This nonsense about losing the dressing room etc. is borne out of Liverpool having a couple of bad games against top sides, until last month we were the form team. It's all come from the agenda-driven London media and shit journos in the tabloids. Load of shit.
Yh, I agree. How easily we forget lol . The Media are running low on speculations and the Chelsea campaign is dead. ManCity have nothing worth writing about . Liverpool winning tonight just made things more harder to stir.
This nonsense about losing the dressing room etc. is borne out of Liverpool having a couple of bad games against top sides, until last month we were the form team. It's all come from the agenda-driven London media and shit journos in the tabloids. Load of shit.

So basically there is an FA conspiracy against Chelsea and a media conspiracy against Liverpool?
Be carefull UJ, people will soon confound you with Mehtab and i'm sure that is something you don't want.

If this is a plea to be critical about what pundits say, then i agree with you. Otherwise i don't believe in press bias. I once lived together with a journalist. She was a friend and colleague of our best known football journalist. Anderlecht fans hated him because he was supposedly biased against them. It turned out the guy was a big fan of Anderlecht...
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Anyone can take something they read and make it about them.

Back on thread, Liverpool really needed that win last night and hopefully now a trip to Wembley in the cup final.

Winning a trophy is always a kick start to bigger and better things over the next season. History proves this time and time again.
This nonsense about losing the dressing room etc. is borne out of Liverpool having a couple of bad games against top sides, until last month we were the form team. It's all come from the agenda-driven London media and shit journos in the tabloids. Load of shit.

and it's up to LFC to prove them wrong, the result will shut out everything else.
if we don´t win the FA Cup, this season is a big failure...

we have to re-build again in summer...

im starting to get fed up with same shit happening, we have the money this time, but we waste it again and again...
Sterling getting booed tonight. Was it Blackburn or lfc fans.... Or both?

Any idea why
Blackburn. Because he is an idiot for doing everyhing his agent tells him to do. That interview he did with BBC was a big PR fuckup and if he doesn't change that image he has it's gonna cost him millions on advertisement. The guy managed in a few months to position himself as the young greedy fuck who represents everyhing outrageous about modern football and at a time in which fans are again protesting for ticket prices.
yeah last fa cup win really kicked off the glory years huh. GTF.

Maybe the word 'always' should have been written as 'often'
Other than this small edit, my point remains.

Chelsea won a League Cup, and have had a continued spell of success.

Manchester City won the F.A cup prior to challenging and winning the Premier League.

Dare I say even Manchester United won an FA cup and a Cup Winners Cup before their dominance.

I'm also a little naive and I don't use internet 'slang' so I'm not sure what GTF is.
SAF always believed that a successful Cup run can (not always, but definitely can) kick start a great campaign to win the league, or to be successful. It adds belief and the taste of success is very important to get the players going and hungry for more. Very evident in him doing it himself and him warning about it when City won the FA Cup (and subsequently the league after).

With that said, it does not always mean that every cup win will always lead to great continual success, but to the right managers and right players, it can kick start a great run. With all the history of Liverpool, I do hope that they can get back to where they were and challenge for the league more often.
So basically there is an FA conspiracy against Chelsea and a media conspiracy against Liverpool?
Be carefull UJ, people will soon confound you with Mehtab and i'm sure that is something you don't want.

If this is a plea to be critical about what pundits say, then i agree with you. Otherwise i don't believe in press bias. I once lived together with a journalist. She was a friend and colleague of our best known football journalist. Anderlecht fans hated him because he was supposedly biased against them. It turned out the guy was a big fan of Anderlecht...

Nah that's not what i meant gerd. The media in this country is largely London based and there is an element of bias there, moreso with regard to politics etc. of course but there's also an element with sport too.

My point was that the stuff about dressing room unrest etc. was not coming from the local journalists who know the club inside and out, but was instead coming from the London based tabloid writers who have an agenda and will push it regardless of the truth. Tabloids should be read in the same way a comic book or lads mag should be read. They're largely nonsense.
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