Liverpool Thread

Liverpool have had some class players over the last 10 years.

Great to see them on the pitch yesterday.

Out of all of them, I'd take Alonso back this second.
Liverpool have had some class players over the last 10 years.

Great to see them on the pitch yesterday.

Out of all of them, I'd take Alonso back this second.

IMO he was one of the best players Liverpool have ever had. In this thread he wasn't that much appreciated. It seems that he had some bad seasons...that would be's no coïncidence that Pep wanted him with Bayern and that Real Madrid isn't doing quite that well this season (also because the second key player - Modric -was out injured for some time).

This kind of player (Alonso, Modric, Makelele, Matic, Henderson,...) rarely is a star player but imo they are often more important than the stars...
I posted years ago when we had Alonso how much he was key to Liverpool and not Gerrard.

Jan Molby was a huge favorite player of mine when I was watching football as a child. He had the ability, like Alonso, to always find time and space on the ball. It's as if he could slow time when in possession of the ball and he could control a game better than most midfielders I've seen.
I didn't even know what a 'deep lying playmaker ' was until Xavi produce his magic w/ Liverpool. He was able to pick a pass from the back n score from the deep. I bet he could play a quarterback in the NFL w/ his vision and accuracy. I don't recall if the injuries or the pursuit of Barry was the reason Xavi left prematurely ? All I recall Liverpool never replaced such .... Masch was a beast n breaking up plays , but could not pass or score like Xavi. Lucas before his injury could tackle too, but fell short in attacking.

Yesterday's friendly was good to see. I just thought the supporters were top drawer and showed class \0/ .
Xabi. Xavi is the other (and better) player at Barca as I'm sure you are aware :)
Xavi is the main man at controlling games but Alonso is a great player and that fool Benitez wanting Barry instead was one of the most idiotic footballing decisions anybody has even thought about making. Tactical genius my ass! Boring git if you ask me and glad he went years ago.
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Oops .. Xabi lol . Rafa was upset SAF didn't released Gabriel either. Who knows his state of mind during that time. All managers make bad decisions, you can't dismiss him just on players not coming or going.
Xabi. Xavi is the other (and better) player at Barca as I'm sure you are aware :)
Xavi is the main man at controlling games but Alonso is a great player and that fool Benitez wanting Barry instead was one of the most idiotic footballing decisions anybody has even thought about making. Tactical genius my ass! Boring git if you ask me and glad he went years ago.

Well that's a load of bollocks.

For almost two seasons Xabi Alonso looked well off the pace, looked disinterested half the time and was constantly caught by opposition players dawdling on the ball, he always wanted too much time on the ball. Unfortunately for Benitez most people only remember his first and last seasons. In the meantime Gareth Barry had been playing brilliantly well for Villa, was breaking into the England side and eventually signed for Man City. Nobody was calling Benitez boring when we were putting 4 goals past United, Madrid, Chelsea, Arsenal etc. etc.
Well that's a load of bollocks.

For almost two seasons Xabi Alonso looked well off the pace, looked disinterested half the time and was constantly caught by opposition players dawdling on the ball, he always wanted too much time on the ball. Unfortunately for Benitez most people only remember his first and last seasons. In the meantime Gareth Barry had been playing brilliantly well for Villa, was breaking into the England side and eventually signed for Man City. Nobody was calling Benitez boring when we were putting 4 goals past United, Madrid, Chelsea, Arsenal etc. etc.

Hardly bollocks. The team had a phase of whooping teams but overall he was a negative and boring bastard. Didn't enjoy watching the team majority of the time. My opinion. Not everyone's.
Barry was playing well but he's no Alonso even if he did go off form for a bit.
Hardly bollocks. The team had a phase of whooping teams but overall he was a negative and boring bastard. Didn't enjoy watching the team majority of the time. My opinion. Not everyone's.
Barry was playing well but he's no Alonso even if he did go off form for a bit.

He was off form for 2 seasons, the only difference between him and Torres is that he managed to play well again. Nobody called selling Torres a mistake because he'd been shit for a whole season, if he's smacked in 25 goals for Chelsea the same things would have been said.

The whole 'boring Rafa' thing got on my nerves, it was pushed by the pundits and agenda driven London media, the same people who lauded Mourinho for playing even more negatively.
He was off form for 2 seasons, the only difference between him and Torres is that he managed to play well again. Nobody called selling Torres a mistake because he'd been shit for a whole season, if he's smacked in 25 goals for Chelsea the same things would have been said.

The whole 'boring Rafa' thing got on my nerves, it was pushed by the pundits and agenda driven London media, the same people who lauded Mourinho for playing even more negatively.

No fella, I don't listen to the lick ass media. I make my own mind up and I was bored out of my fucking mind watching Liverpool play for quite a bit of time. Nothing to do with the media, pundits or anybody else. Just little old me bored out of my titties. I wished it wasn't the case but I didn't like the way they were playing for some time. Not my idea of enjoyable football to watch. I'm capable of making my own mind up. Most pundits on the box say everything is wonderful or magnificent and I'm thinking WTF are you on about most of the time! If you think the team was enjoyable to watch in the end then good for you. It wasn't fun viewing for me though. Each to their own. There was a time when they were going for the league that they weren't so negative but he went back to trying to be hard to beat instead of attacking teams with flair and I didn't enjoy it. Sorry if that offends you. Well, I'm not but you know what I mean.
Liverpool should do what most clubs do, shut the hell up about his contract - 2yrs left on. He`s obvious a little bothered playing RWB.I saw nothing about him wanting to leave.
My point is that I believe it was ill advised to come out and be interviewed.
The lady journalist did a shocking job of continually poking Raheem but he simply didn't need to do this.
The club stated they had offered one of their brightest talents in years a contract extension to say to the fans that they mean to keep and invest in home grown talent and my guess is they never expected Raheem to be told by his agent 'Don't sign anything, I can get you the world!'
You need to get CL football on a routine basis in order to not lose your best players all the time. Coutinho will be next if not.
As Bascombe said, when they say it´ s not about the money, you know it is exactly about the money. Awfully advised, he is never going to sign a contract extension, we should sell him at the end of the season and cut our looses.
We have other great young talents like Ibe and Markovic (who strangely stopped playing these last matches though), we shouldn't revamp our wage structure (though as I said many times, Sturrdige's renewal was an incredible fuck up) for a greedy mercenary 20 years old. Sell him for 30-40 million to an international team and cut our looses.
We shouldn't forget that when Sterling chose Liverpool he was clearly marking the worst decision in the footballing aspect. He was signing for a club in the brink of administration with no recent track of developing top players. He only did it because we offered more money that other clubs. If he asks 150k now, what is he going to ask when he is truly one of the best players in the game ?
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If Brendan Rogers didn't open his mouth about Sterling and the offer in the first place, then he might not be in the situation where he felt he needed to do an interview.
You need to get CL football on a routine basis in order to not lose your best players all the time. Coutinho will be next if not.

or maybe we need some sheikh...

im not even surprised anymore with Sterling or other players that do such interviews or demand more... football became a buisiness first and sport second. i hate it tbh.
I think all of you are wrong. I strongly sympathise with Sterling.
Imagine that you work with a team of colleagues and that you are among the top performers. Yet in the same tam people who perform much less better than you, earn much would you feel?

This is not about money. It's about real appreciation and even about justice. In professional life it isn't enough if your boss says every day how good you are. In professional life appreciation =salary.

For those players, playing football is a profession. Imagine Sterling having a carreer ending injury. Liverpool will organized a testimonia' and will collect money. Five years later Sterling will be forgotten.

He has every right to do this.
I think all of you are wrong. I strongly sympathise with Sterling.
Imagine that you work with a team of colleagues and that you are among the top performers. Yet in the same tam people who perform much less better than you, earn much would you feel?

This is not about money. It's about real appreciation and even about justice. In professional life it isn't enough if your boss says every day how good you are. In professional life appreciation =salary.

For those players, playing football is a profession. Imagine Sterling having a carreer ending injury. Liverpool will organized a testimonia' and will collect money. Five years later Sterling will be forgotten.

He has every right to do this.

I don't dispute your point of view Gerd but I do feel it was ill advised of Sterling to be interviewed and discuss this on television.
This has done him no favor with the club, board and especially fans.

This interview would not have been Sterlings idea I'm sure. His agent and advisers would have pushed him into doing this, convincing him it will be a good idea.

I'm not saying he is wrong but he should have kept dealings like this private, as should Brendan Rodgers.

Added to this, why are players contracts now refreshed every 6 months?

Player power is still very much alive at the top level.

Half a season of good play and players get their contract bumped up.

Harry Kane has signed 2 new contracts in the last 12 months and I'm sure another will be sought after very soon.
I think all of you are wrong. I strongly sympathise with Sterling.
Imagine that you work with a team of colleagues and that you are among the top performers. Yet in the same tam people who perform much less better than you, earn much would you feel?

This is not about money. It's about real appreciation and even about justice. In professional life it isn't enough if your boss says every day how good you are. In professional life appreciation =salary.

For those players, playing football is a profession. Imagine Sterling having a carreer ending injury. Liverpool will organized a testimonia' and will collect money. Five years later Sterling will be forgotten.

He has every right to do this.

1. he is freaking 20, what will he want in 3-4 years? certainly LFC should not change their wage cap because then it would be contraproductive for them...

2. LFC made him, Rodgers made him what he is, also his talent, but where would he got the space he got at LFC? So instead of trying to get to CL with LFC, he want´s out...

3. He has right to demand more, but the club will hopefully not listen to a 20 year old player wanting milions for sallary, just because he thinks he is irreplacable...i wouldn´t say a word if it was Suarez, but Sterling realy thinks he is the best... i can´t argue he might grow to one of the best...but also he can fade in other team, just like we saw other players do...

i wouldn´t mind if we sell for 40-50 mil. and move on... the interview is simply outrageous and shows what football became now..
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Pipa, that post is nonsense.
Sterling simply is the best Liverpool player.
Liverpool did not made him. And Rodgers? Rodgers played him as a wing back in the most important match of the season. Rodgers is a very good manager but against Man Utd he made a big mistake playing Sterling in a position that doesn't suit him. That is the way players (and their agents) reason and imo justly so.

You look at it from the perspective of a fan. Sterling is not a fan. He is a professional football player and the only obligation he has is to play as good as possible and certainly not being loyal to his club. Being loyal is ridiculous and is only for fans. How loyal where fans towards Hendrrson when he started with Liverpool? How loyal were fans towards Mignolet when he had a bad patch. Why should players be loyal?
im not looking at this from a perspective of a fan, i look at this from a perspective of our owners and coaches and staff, who nurture a player from young age and prepeare him for his LFC career and count on him for at least few years to achieve their goals.... LFC isn´t and never was a club who prepeared youngsters for City or Chelsea....

this lad has it all wrong and i hope he fails and we make a lot of money from his sale.
Your previous post is the best possible illustration that you do look at is as a fan. Read your last sentence again and you will know why. Not a single manager or owner or board member will write that.

If Sterling stays with Liverpool i will remember that sentence quite often to you, when praise him.

He is a fantastic prospect and he has every right to play for other clubs. This is how free market economy works.
I think all of you are wrong. I strongly sympathise with Sterling.
Imagine that you work with a team of colleagues and that you are among the top performers. Yet in the same tam people who perform much less better than you, earn much would you feel?

This is not about money. It's about real appreciation and even about justice. In professional life it isn't enough if your boss says every day how good you are. In professional life appreciation =salary.

For those players, playing football is a profession. Imagine Sterling having a carreer ending injury. Liverpool will organized a testimonia' and will collect money. Five years later Sterling will be forgotten.

He has every right to do this.
So, besides Sturridge, who, beginning next season, will earn more than 100k ? The answer is NONE. He would be the second best paid player. That's hardly under appreciation, is it ?
29-Cazorla earns £90k
24-Gibbs £60
23-Ramsey £80k
23-Coq £20k
20-Alex Ox £65k
19-Chambers £10

29-Skrtel £90k
26-Lallana £75k
24-Sturridge £80k
24-Henderson £55k
22-Coutinho £60k
19-Sterling £40k

Liverpool has a point to want Sterling to buckle down and be reasonable. I think this has to do with the amount of money clubs (epl) will receive and holding down talks until then is a huge difference. I think playing Sterling (RWB) was about contract negotiating which is crazy to gamble on a match.To prove he`s not as great as he thinks. (imo) -_-

Liverpool assume wages
Arsenal assume wages
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