Liverpool Thread

I prefer Liverpool's football to United's but today there was no match.

I hope Skrtel gets a ban for that assault on De Gea.
De Gea didn't know if the final whistle had gone so he didn't know whether to go down 'injured' or not :LOL:

Skrtel will rightly get banned tho. Lovren to the rescue
Gerrard highlights against United:

I do feel sorry for the guy. It was a stupid thing to do, but his last match versus Manchester United as a life-long Liverpool fan, this match was huge for him. And to be dismissed after coming on for such a short time only.
I do feel sorry for the guy. It was a stupid thing to do, but his last match versus Manchester United as a life-long Liverpool fan, this match was huge for him. And to be dismissed after coming on for such a short time only.

No sympathy for that kind of stupidity, if the match meant that much to him he should've tried not being a dick.
I do feel sorry for the guy. It was a stupid thing to do, but his last match versus Manchester United as a life-long Liverpool fan, this match was huge for him. And to be dismissed after coming on for such a short time only.

Really?! How can anyone feel sorry for Stevie "Me" Gerrard. I am sick of hearing about him, our media are obsessed with him.

He was a superb player in his day but he's past it and he's let Liverpool down TWICE in 2 seasons now. Firstly by slipping and allowing City to win title, second by being an idiot and getting sent off to allow Man Utd to win and probably get the last CL place.

The bloke thinks he's bigger than the club and Brent Rodgers is terrified of him.
I feel bad for him too, but you also get an insight to 'the man' from his 'apology' after the match.

How many other players would have sought out the media after spending 38 seconds on the pitch? And then his apology - says sorry to the fans, says he should know better, than says he just reacted to the studs up challenge.

So big man Stevie has now justified it to himself, and presumably most LFC fans.

Pro-tip: If you're going to apologise for stamping on an ankle, the key really is to apologise to the person whose bone you could have broken.

It's like the apology that reads: I'm sorry you were offended by comments. It's not an apology.
Really?! How can anyone feel sorry for Stevie "Me" Gerrard. I am sick of hearing about him, our media are obsessed with him.

He was a superb player in his day but he's past it and he's let Liverpool down TWICE in 2 seasons now. Firstly by slipping and allowing City to win title, second by being an idiot and getting sent off to allow Man Utd to win and probably get the last CL place.

The bloke thinks he's bigger than the club and Brent Rodgers is terrified of him.

How the hell has he let Liverpool down twice in two seasons? The slip was a mistake. An accident. End of. Never felt let down by him for that and anybody who feels let down by him for that or actually thinks that is an idiot. Yesterday is fair enough as he was an idiot for doing it but the slip was just losing his footing. Lead to a goal but shit happens. Hardly allowed City to win the title. There's 37 other games. Throwing a 3 nil lead away v Palace was 10 times worse than a bloody slip when there was plenty of time left in the game. You don't half talk shit at times.
How the hell has he let Liverpool down twice in two seasons? The slip was a mistake. An accident. End of. Never felt let down by him for that and anybody who feels let down by him for that or actually thinks that is an idiot. Yesterday is fair enough as he was an idiot for doing it but the slip was just losing his footing. Lead to a goal but shit happens. Hardly allowed City to win the title. There's 37 other games. Throwing a 3 nil lead away v Palace was 10 times worse than a bloody slip when there was plenty of time left in the game. You don't half talk shit at times.

Calm down angry man. No need for the abusive post.

Yes because ALL Liverpool fans think this.
Just like ALL Chelsea fans love John Terry.

Every club has certain fans that can see no wrong in the actions of their players.

However pictures like this are generally ignored by most football fans, regardless of their club, with any level of intellect.

Pointless picture and immature post in my opinion but each to their own.
I feel bad for him too, but you also get an insight to 'the man' from his 'apology' after the match.

How many other players would have sought out the media after spending 38 seconds on the pitch? And then his apology - says sorry to the fans, says he should know better, than says he just reacted to the studs up challenge.

So big man Stevie has now justified it to himself, and presumably most LFC fans.

Pro-tip: If you're going to apologise for stamping on an ankle, the key really is to apologise to the person whose bone you could have broken.

It's like the apology that reads: I'm sorry you were offended by comments. It's not an apology.

Did he actually say sorry to anyone? All I can remember is saying he let the fans, club ect down and that he takes "full responsibility". Whatever that is supposed to mean.
Yes he said "I apologise" in the post match interview I think.

Anyway I agree with Beachryan - it was disgusting what him and Skrtel did and NO apology to either Herrera or De Gea from either player.

There's always a drama with Liverpool. Suarez being a racist idiot, King Kenny then getting out the 'Support Suarez' t-shirts, then him biting people, now stamps.

From a club that likes to think of itself as 'classy' as well.
Yes he said "I apologise" in the post match interview I think.

Anyway I agree with Beachryan - it was disgusting what him and Skrtel did and NO apology to either Herrera or De Gea from either player.

There's always a drama with Liverpool. Suarez being a racist idiot, King Kenny then getting out the 'Support Suarez' t-shirts, then him biting people, now stamps.

From a club that likes to think of itself as 'classy' as well.

A litle bit over the top, no?

I'm sorry, but you're an idiot.

No Liverpool fans have defended Gerrard for the idiotic stamp, everyone i've spoken to is pissed off about it because we were still in the game at that point and needed a change in the midfield that he was hopefully going to offer.

Therein lies the difference between Liverpool and Chelsea fans. Gerrard stamped, got sent off, Liverpool fans openly criticised him for being stupid and potentially costing us a great chance of getting into the top 4. A Chelsea player stamps and Chelsea fans defend it claiming there's a campaign against them.
I don't understand why people get so carrière away by one poster and his obvious bullshit.
Mourinho himself knows too well, that this all crazy...but some fans (some, not all), are not intelligent enough to see through Mourinho's stupid games...
Both fouls are discousting, also Skrtels...but honestly, if every foul was investigated by FA, then they wouldn´t do anything else...
A foul like Skrtel's should Always reseult in a post factum ban.
It is a foul that could have injured De Gea seriously at least. I also think it was a very deliberate foul, but to be fair that is something that only Skrtel himself knows...

According to the Guardian, Skrtel will appeal if he gets a ban...that is totally beyond me. That he did it on purpose or not is totally irrelevant.
I'm sorry, but you're an idiot.

No Liverpool fans have defended Gerrard for the idiotic stamp, everyone i've spoken to is pissed off about it because we were still in the game at that point and needed a change in the midfield that he was hopefully going to offer.

Therein lies the difference between Liverpool and Chelsea fans. Gerrard stamped, got sent off, Liverpool fans openly criticised him for being stupid and potentially costing us a great chance of getting into the top 4. A Chelsea player stamps and Chelsea fans defend it claiming there's a campaign against them.

Funny how Diego Costa got banned whilst other players got away with it. F.A in a nutshell.
Ignore Steak Bake, sorry Fray Bentos. He's fishing for a fight, constantly.

Reported. Stop accusing me of being other people that you don't like.

I don't have a problem with you disagreeing with my posts, I do have a problem with people pretending that I am some troublemaker that apparently used to get under everyone's skin here.
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