Liverpool Thread

it is about self belief... this is the same team that looked shite in first half of season, same players... with other formation, and a self belief, everyone is playing better and i would say playing like they know they can...

We don´t need anyone now...we have balance in the squad, perhaps let´s talk about who will be sold or let go...i can´t see Borini or Johnson for example staying but other than that..i don´t know..maybe Manquillo will be send back from loan as well...and few young players will be loaned again like Ojo or Rossiter...

we might buy a DM, but with Lovren playing better and Skrtel having few good years in him, Can could play DM...he is better than suited for that... as was said above, current core of the team is very they only will improve.
NLiverpool still need more than that IMO. I think people get too carried away after a few wins - Liverpool are in very good form but still need a better GK, a right back OR right wing back if Rodgers sticks with the 3-4-3 system, a centre back, a striker for when Sturridge is injured (Sterling isn't the answer up-front), and a defensive minded midfielder.

Although saying that, Liverpool aren't a million miles away. Right now, they are the 2nd best team in the league after Chelsea.

A hungry squad of young players, a hungry young manager and huge fanbase - Liverpool can acomplish whatever they want long term.
Agree. We absoulutely need these three clinical buys: a right back, a defensive midfielder and a striker. We are probably gonna have to buy a center back too since Toure is out of contract and our young cbs aren't looking like much.
Buy a Liverpool fan: De Bruyne.
He is an amazing player. I don't think it's our biggest priority though and it would be extremely espensive. We already have some creative attacking players in Coutinho, Lallana, Sterling and Markovic.
I don't think we are going to playe 3-4-3 forever so we need to reinforce the key areas that will allow us to revert to a 4-3-3 or a 4-3-1-2
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De Bruyne or Pjanic to replace Gerrard would be more than great...but they will be expensive and i can´t see us buying them, not even if we manage to qualify for CL, that would be to much optimistic...not to mention we still have few players on loan like Origi, Ilori or Wisdom and Luis Alberto who are to young to not try in first team imo...
De Bruyne or Pjanic to replace Gerrard would be more than great...but they will be expensive and i can´t see us buying them, not even if we manage to qualify for CL, that would be to much optimistic...not to mention we still have few players on loan like Origi, Ilori or Wisdom and Luis Alberto who are to young to not try in first team imo...
Ilori has been injured since he came almost two years ago unfortunately. Luis Alberto is not even playing on Malaga and Origi has 4 goals in 26 matches. I don't think we should expect much from those three next season.
Samed Yesil?

He came with a huge reputation and I had hoped to have seen him in the first team before now.

I know he's had some unfortunate injuries but do any of you guys have an idea how he's progressing?
Lacazette of Lyon would suit Rodgers' Liverpool like a glove.
I would buy Vietto from Villarreal, Lacazette is going to be overpriced now. Vietto was amazing when he played here in Argentina and is playing great this season too. He is the next Aguero.
Rodgers is saying that Gerrard will not be an automatic starter in the team....makes sense, why change a winning team?

I like it, Gerrard makes our game ugly and slow , glad he won't be automatically in 1st team , hope BR won't change his words (he often say something and do someone else)
He is not going to be able to keep that and that could be a serious setback to our aspirations. The pressure from the media and the fans is going to be too much and he'll end playing Gerrard in the important matches which could cost us IMO.
We 've won every single league game Gerrard hasn't played this season. Gerrard playing in the midfield complete fucks our balance and he doesn't have the movement to play behind the striker. He should have the odd 20 minutes from now until the end of the season. Not going to happen though.
This....we had a go...

Samed Yesil?

He came with a huge reputation and I had hoped to have seen him in the first team before now.

I know he's had some unfortunate injuries but do any of you guys have an idea how he's progressing?

Little late to the party but, I am a big fan of Yesil's (sign him in enough games!), it seems his Liverpool career will end soon. Two significant knee injuries back to back, not quiet the background you want in a striker.. Though if he joins a championship level club and avoids reinjury then I reckon he'll do something bright.
After last season and now this I'm just wondering how Stevie G is going to wreck Liverpool's FA Cup campaign





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Other than dumping Gerrard ,it probably goes without saying Pool needs to get rid of Balotelli asap. The shove incident with Smalling and the Pool supporters actually being the ones to have to restrain him speaks volumes.
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