Liverpool Thread

Do you think that all Chelsea fans react like that, UJ?

don't think so. I know at least one who doesn't.

Obviously not, no. But enough of them do to create nonsense about a campaign all over the internet. Obviously this doesn't refer to genuine match-going fans, only internet fans who picked their team based on who looked like winning the most when they decided to follow football.
You're like a dog with a bone, BobbyBox. Some would call it an obsession of yours. I don't know why some of you insist on labelling me as this 'Steak Bake' bloke - it's getting extremely tiresome now.

It's not fair and it's unjustified, quite frankly.

EDIT: And now BobbyBox is in the chatbox moaning about SuperLeeds and me! I don't get it!

(Sorry to de-rail your Liverpool thread)
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Surely Mods can see an IP address? Problem solved? Anywho, enough of that.

Think this break came at a really good time for LFC. Gives Rodgers a good chance to regroup and plan, and forget the last match.

Will be a fascinating run in. Obviously you couldn't just keep winning forever, but that form since November is incredible.
Surely Mods can see an IP address? Problem solved? Anywho, enough of that.

Think this break came at a really good time for LFC. Gives Rodgers a good chance to regroup and plan, and forget the last match.

Will be a fascinating run in. Obviously you couldn't just keep winning forever, but that form since November is incredible.
Most internet providers work with dynamic IP adresses so, once the IP changed and the cookies were deleted there is no easy way to detect if it's him or not.
So simply from the posts Gerd made between November 2014 (when you joined) and that post of yours in January, you could tell he was "very protective of any player who is from Belgium"?
You're like a dog with a bone, BobbyBox. Some would call it an obsession of yours. I don't know why some of you insist on labelling me as this 'Steak Bake' bloke - it's getting extremely tiresome now.

It's not fair and it's unjustified, quite frankly.

EDIT: And now BobbyBox is in the chatbox moaning about SuperLeeds and me! I don't get it!

(Sorry to de-rail your Liverpool thread)

So simply from the posts Gerd made between November 2014 (when you joined) and that post of yours in January, you could tell he was "very protective of any player who is from Belgium"?

Just come out and say it - are you accusing me of being this 'Steak Bake' bloke? And please give your reasoning.

Because it's unfair and it's bullying. I've given my opinion on PES 2015 and FIFA 15 in their relevant threads and ever since that I've been called names, harassed and the same members keep making the same jokes about me.

It's all very tiresome and it's basically cyber bullying. Does it make you feel good? Because if it does, that's a little sad and worrying.
I could tell gerd was pro-Belgium from being here for 5 minutes! Every post he makes is Belgium related.

I've done the same you've done to Johnyluvrod (one of the most reasonable posters on this forum): i've reported you because i feel harassed by that stereotyping.

I know it's a very weak argument, but i don't care.

This is the reason why i post less and less and also the reason why i stopped with the predicts...some people here are intelectually dishonest (i know this is literally translated from a Dutch expression).

Just look at my posts and you can see that lots of posts are not about Belgian players...if Man Utd buys a young player from Racing Genk, people ask me about him...

It's just that all these Belgian players are so overhyped and everybody talks about them...i also constantly see too much expectations aboput some of them (players i know very well, perhaps this also happens with for example Andreas Weimann, Yacob or Gaston Ramirez, but i don't know these players).

If you feel harassed by that last post from Johnnyluvrod, i have all the right to feel harassed by your posts (and others) about my Belgian bias.
I find it very useful, gerd`s insights . He was very honest about Vermaelen a few years ago.When he went to Arsenal, He said Kompany is a good player ,but he has flaws. This was years ago and he was spot on.

I always felt gerd has friends in the inter-cirlce when it comes to Belgium players .I mean the country is the size of Disney World ,no pun intended . It will be a shame for gerd to shun his opinions to the community. I`m not gerd`s favourite cup of tea ,but the truth needs to be said 'He knows his Belgium players' :))
Quit trolling this,the 2 guys are not the same at all.

Strange coincidence then...
"Fray Bentos" = A brand of Steak pies
"Steak Bake" = Steak pie

Personally, I don't care one bit. I've no problem with either person/incarnation, even if they both posted the same rubbish banter in the City thread
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same! I can careless who he is and was. He brings banter/rubbish and good points too. Its weird when everyone starts telling others to ignore him :LOL: This community will soon be filled w/ sheeps :TUMBLE:
There might be a club to pay him what he wants, but i highly doubt it will be LFC...

about Sturridge, we need another striker, we can´t rely on him as our main man...not consistent enough...despite his goalscoring record..sadly.
I've done the same you've done to Johnyluvrod (one of the most reasonable posters on this forum): i've reported you because i feel harassed by that stereotyping.

I know it's a very weak argument, but i don't care.

This is the reason why i post less and less and also the reason why i stopped with the predicts...some people here are intelectually dishonest (i know this is literally translated from a Dutch expression).

Just look at my posts and you can see that lots of posts are not about Belgian players...if Man Utd buys a young player from Racing Genk, people ask me about him...

It's just that all these Belgian players are so overhyped and everybody talks about them...i also constantly see too much expectations aboput some of them (players i know very well, perhaps this also happens with for example Andreas Weimann, Yacob or Gaston Ramirez, but i don't know these players).

If you feel harassed by that last post from Johnnyluvrod, i have all the right to feel harassed by your posts (and others) about my Belgian bias.

And yet again, he's been banned.

Which club will he support in his next incarnation?
I hope it's not Liverpool.

Back on topic though, Liverpool really needed this International break after the Manchester United defeat.

We looked shaky against Swansea and United took full advantage.

Hopefully Brendan can re-group the squad and plan tactics a little better for the final push towards top four.

I can't see us making the cut now though.

Arsenal and United are hitting good form.
I wonder why Liverpool fans hate this guy. I still like Sturridge even though he is a Liverpool player.

Because the way and time he left? Because he left for a rival?

Im not angry on him tbf, i was only sad and dissapointed, but not angry at all, we got 50 mil. for him...

i was angry when we decieded to splash 35 of those on Carroll.
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So Sturridge out for a month....

I'm not surprised Sterling wants the same wages as him.
Agree. It was a big mistake to renew Sturridge in October when he still had plenty of time in his contract and we didn't know how he was going to return. He actually took 3 more months to return from that injury, returned poorly, now is injured again and other players who have to renew now have that contract to compare with. Ridiculous.
Funny how Diego Costa got banned whilst other players got away with it. F.A in a nutshell.

So when you're picture mocking LFC fans was shown to be utter bollocks you returned to the campaign nonsense. It's actually comical the way Maureen has you lot eating out of his hands.

Funny how through all this 'campaign against Chelsea' shite peddled by the petulant wanker Mourinho has swept John Terry's dealings with the FA under the carpet isn't it? Luis Suarez was banned for 8 matches in spite of the fact that the FA panel said he obviously wasn't racist and there was no actual evidence except one man's word against the other, with every legal expert that was consulted stating it would have been thrown out of court. John Terry was caught on camera calling Anton Ferdinand a "fucking black cunt" and was banned for 4 matches in spite of the fact that there was actual evidence that he said it. Chelsea fans criticised Liverpool fans for sticking by Suarez. Chelsea fans sent bullets in the post to Anton Ferdinand and made death threats. Hmmm, it's a bit odd all that isn't it?
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So when you're picture mocking LFC fans was shown to be utter bollocks you returned to the campaign nonsense. It's actually comical the way Maureen has you lot eating out of his hands.

Funny how through all this 'campaign against Chelsea' shite peddled by the petulant wanker Mourinho has swept John Terry's dealings with the FA under the carpet isn't it? Luis Suarez was banned for 8 matches in spite of the fact that the FA panel said he obviously wasn't racist and there was no actual evidence except one man's word against the other, with every legal expert that was consulted stating it would have been thrown out of court. John Terry was caught on camera calling Anton Ferdinand a "fucking black cunt" and was banned for 4 matches in spite of the fact that there was actual evidence that he said it. Chelsea fans criticised Liverpool fans for sticking by Suarez. Chelsea fans sent bullets in the post to Anton Ferdinand and made death threats. Hmmm, it's a bit odd all that isn't it?

I despise F.A not Liverpool. I actually like Liverpool. I just wanted to show how biased F.A is towards Chelsea this season. Don't need to be so mad. You are making a fool out of yourself. :)
I despise F.A not Liverpool. I actually like Liverpool. I just wanted to show how biased F.A is towards Chelsea this season. Don't need to be so mad. You are making a fool out of yourself. :)

I'm making a fool out of mylself by stating facts? Mate you're the one rambling about a campaign that quite clearly doesn't exist.
Mehtab, you are becoming evo web's laughing stock with all this campaigning against Chelsea nonsense. There is absolutely no campaigning against Chelsea. If there really would be one, Chelsea wouldn't be top of the table.
Moreno happy to meet one of his fathers again :D

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