Liverpool Thread

Re: Liverpool Thread

We are boycotting The Sun for the half-truths, accusations of blame and downright lies they told over the Hillsborough disaster, Tim.......probably still in nappies in 1989 eh, Tim?
Re: Liverpool Thread

crayon said:
We are boycotting The Sun for the half-truths, accusations of blame and downright lies they told over the Hillsborough disaster, Tim.......probably still in nappies in 1989 eh, Tim?
I was 3 years old mate. Don't remember it at all.

So, why did The Sun tell all these lies etc?
Re: Liverpool Thread

Murdoch still owns the sun right?

Didnt the Sun do the same with the kid who was stabbed to death by a bunch of older kids? They said it was the fault of horror movies, so people protested against movies. Then that asshole Murdoch bought the rights to selling horror movies knowing that people would want to see the horror movies in order to see what was apparently influencing kids.

EDIT - this was what i was on about - THE NASTIES:
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Re: Liverpool Thread

Basically they blamed latecomers (especially Liverpool fans, stained by the Heysel disaster) for the deaths.

Geez, Tim, you were 3.....I was 15!!
Re: Liverpool Thread

Oh right I see.

Wow 15! Don't know if i should ask this, but were you there at the game?
Re: Liverpool Thread

No....'fraid lack of funds that year stopped me going to a lot of games, not like you wippersnapper's these days.....the year before though was fantastic football missed a treat!!
Re: Liverpool Thread

they printed a shit load of lies that many feel was part of a cover up

at around 3.40pm on the day of the disaster it was announced on radio that gate c had been forced open by liverpool supporters, this was complete lies and was released to the media by duckenfield (superintendant in charge of policing the game) graeme kelly of the fa and someone from sheffield wednesday, later that evening the chief constable of south yorkshire released a statement confirming that the gate was opened under police orders and is something which duckenfield later admitted

the following wednesday the sun ran the following headline THE TRUTH, stating that fans robbed the victims, attacked and urinated on police trying to save those who were injured/dying, the star also ran a similar story, it wasn't as bad but they retracted it, admitted it was lies and appologised

following the outrage over the sun's story somebody from the rag went to see kenny dalglish and asked what they could do to make things better, he was told to print a full appology with headlines WE LIED the same size as the truth headline, they never did and it's been boycotted ever since by the majority of merseyside and a lot of supporters who are old enough to remember it

a few years later (not sure exactly when) the editor who decided to run the story, kelvin mckenzie (now owns talk sport radio by the way which is also boycotted by some) appeared before a commons committee to explain the story, he admitted that it was lies but wouldn't reveal his sources for the story, they did try to appologise last july but it was more down to the fact they were running wayne rooney's life story and he was getting quite a bit of stick on merseyside, i think they thought they could regain some readers in liverpool by printing the story, anyway it backfired so they printed a so called appology which started off ok with them admitting it was lies but it quickly turned into a pop at the people of liverpool and trinity papers which is part of the mirror group (their biggest rivals) and had no sincerity

as far as i'm concerened those lies not only slurred the club, supporters and victims but also altered the perceptions of the general public who had no idea of what really happened, as far as a lot of people were concerned it was caused by drunken scousers and not the incompetetance of all the authorities involved, this in my mind played a big part in those responsible not being brought to justice, to this day the victims have never had a fair hearing and obstacles have been put in front of those fighting for justice, if the media had reported the real truth then maybe there would have been some sort of outcry from the general public

here's my account of what happened

i was present at both semi finals between liverpool and forest in 1988 and 89, one interesting thing from 88 was the police had the ground cordoned off and you couldn't get anywhere near the turnstiles without showing your ticket, now i believe a report of the 1988 police operation was filed for future reference, when the same teams were paired together again in 89 the same venue was chosen, duckenfield was appointed in charge of policing even though he'd never policed a football match in his career, and i've read (not 100% sure if this is true) that he was offered the report from the previous season which he declined, now if he'd read that report and repeated the operation then the disaster would never have happened

in 89 the ground wasn't cordoned off, i travelled with 4 mates but only 3 of us had tickets the other 2 were hoping to pick up a couple of spares when we got there, anyway all 5 of us managed to walk all the way round the ground unchallenged, around half past 2 we headed for the turnstiles at the leppings lane end and the 3 of us with tickets decided to go straight in to make sure we got a decent spec, when we got round there we couldn't get anywhere near the turnstiles because a large crowd had gathered, now i don't know how many of those didn't have tickets but it must have been a lot as the crowd just seemed to get bigger and it was impossible for fans who had tickets to get to the turnstiles, now i won't blame any of those ticketless fans, this was one of our biggest games of the season and everybody wanted tickets, if they'd known what was going to happen then none of them would've been there, now if the police had cordoned the ground off like the previous season then that crowd would never have gathered

there's so many things that could've been done though to prevent what happened, why did the police allow such a large crowd to gather? the area was under cctv surveilance and there were police on horseback present yet they did nothing

this led to crushing outside gate c and eventually the gate was opened, all i can say is that even if you didn't want to go in you had no choice, the surge was incredible and you were just caried along, i can remember looking at 2 of my mates who didn't have tickets and they we like "yes we're getting in for nowt"


now you can see from the picture that the first thing you could see going through gate c is the tunnel which led to pens 3 and 4, these pens would have already been pretty full and i know if i'd not been walking round with 2 of my mates looking for spares i'd have been in there around 14.00-14.15 somewhere in the middle soaking the atmosphere up, now i can still remember looking through the tunnel and seeing brucie and peter beardsley warming up in front of the goal, everyone just headed for the tunnel so they could be behind the goal, the police should have been monitoring the crowd and known that the 2 central pens were full, why didn't they block them off before opening the gate and direct supporters into the side and corner pens? if they'd done this then i feel there would still have been some crushing but nobody would have died

everything after that is a blur, i remember feeling straight away that something was wrong, i don't know how but i managed to climb on something and reach up towards the stand above the terrace and a couple of lads pulled me up, to this day i don't know who they were and i've never been able to thank them, one thing's for certain though, if i'd gone into the ground at the time i'd planned then i would've been stranded in the middle unable to climb into the stand or climb any of the fences on either side or at the front to escape the crushing

i eventually found a couple of my mates and we seemed to spend ages wandering round looking for the other lads, anyway we gave up and decided to go back to the car not knowing if they were ok or not, i was so relieved to see them sat on a wall next to the car when we got there, i was that relieved i forgot to phone home so my parents had no idea if i was ok or not, we got back about half six and dropped one of the lads off first just round the corner from where i lived then i got dropped off, anyway the dad of the lad who got dropped off first was outside a house over the road talking to one of my neighbours so i went over to him and spent about 10 minutes telling him chris was ok and at home now and talking about what had happened, by that time my mum must've looked out of the window and seen me, she'd not heard anything from me and had been terrified something had happened to me for over 3 hours anyway she came running out and gave me the biggest bollicking i'd had in ages, looking back it was really selfish of me and i should have contacted her as soon as i got out of the ground, i can only imagine what the famlies of those who died went through not knowing if they were ok or not

there's a lot more detailed infromation here for those who are interested or want to learn more about what really happened
Re: Liverpool Thread

Wow. Thank you fishcake. That is some amazing and emotional stuff. Thanks for explaining all to me. I had no clue any of this happened - all I knew was that there was too many people and some people got crushed and lost their lives. That was it up until now. Thanks for telling you stories, you must have some amazing and sad memories that will live with you forever. Thanks once again for enlightening us all.

I'm going to look around that site you posted for more information.

Thanks :).
Re: Liverpool Thread

I'm stunned and shocked really. Just been on that site fishcake gave us, for the past hour reading about everything in order. I'm just printing the final few pages and will read them in bed.

I hope we have a minute's silence tomorrow at the Valley before Charlton v Bolton.
Re: Liverpool Thread

Tim7 said:
Yeah, Murdoch owns The Sun plus many other things.

That tyrant Aussie billionare, he owns fox, sky and just about every paper thats printed in english!
Re: Liverpool Thread

we're 1-0 down already, im watching the match WHAT A GOAL...he will never score anything like that again in his life. 35-40 yard top corner bullet. iunbelieveable
Re: Liverpool Thread

2-1 now. Robbie Keane with a wickedly deflected header.

Gerrard missed a penalty, blasted it wide as he went for power rather than precision. It was a definate penalty though, lovely 1-2 between Gerrard and Garcia.

Edman's goal has still stolen the show so far though! :lol:
Re: Liverpool Thread

How did he miss taht penalty? Gerrard just hit the post, and morientes hit one over
Re: Liverpool Thread

Ah Gerrard trying to be the hero again, I still don't like him taking penalties.

We should of won it...I'm going to remain optimistic with Cisse & Baros back, Everton still having to face Manure, Arsenal & Bolton. We defiently need 4 wins out of our last 5 matches.
Re: Liverpool Thread

dar83 said:
2-1 now. Robbie Keane with a wickedly deflected header.

It was a definate penalty though,

Sabac Red said:
We defiently need 4 wins out of our last 5 matches.

Can you guys spell "definite" or "definitely"?

Anyway, a frustrating day with Gerrard forgetting the words "simple ball".....and a crap penalty.
Re: Liverpool Thread

More points dropped following a Champs League game, typical
Re: Liverpool Thread

good performance but not a great result, we created the better chances and should have won but it's 2 points dropped, one thing i must say is alonso was fuckin brilliant again today and showed us what we have missed for the past 3 months, if he'd been available then i think we'd be well clear in 4th now

as for 4th place i don't think things are as bad as they look just yet but we now have to win at portsmouth and palace next week which is possible if we play like we did today, i personally think it's going to go right down to the wire, on my way home from the game i was actually thinking we could be praying for an everton win on the last day to stop bolton finishing above us but i've now checked the remaining fixtures and it's gonna be tight whatever happens


Portsmouth (a) 3
Crystal Palace (a) 3
Middlesboro (h) 3
Arsenal (a) 0
Aston Villa (h) 3


Man United (h) 0
Birmingham (h) 3
Fulham (a) 1
Newcastle (h) 1
Arsenal (a) 0
Bolton (a) 0


Southampton (h) 3
Aston Villa (a) 1
Chelsea (h) 0
Portsmouth (a) 1
Everton (h) 3

4th Liverpool 63
5th Bolton 60
6th Everton 59

this is the best case scenario, it's all if's and but's there's not much room for error and if bolton get better results at portsmouth and villa then i think we are in deep shit no matter what we do
Re: Liverpool Thread

Enjoyable game of footie but not a good result we should have won though, fishcake I think you more or less got it spot on. What pisses me off the most is that we got 2 of the most boring teams in the Premiership challenging for Champions League football, can anybody on this forum imagine Bolton/Everton travelling to the San Siro or Nou Camp?
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