Liverpool Thread

Liverpool played some lovely stuff against Chelsea the other night. IF they can keep that up for the season, they will get Top 4 no problem.

But you just know with Liverpool that they turn a corner and then drop silly points against the smaller clubs.
Lambert was bought to be fourth striker after Sturridge, Balotelli and Borini...

or third striker whatever...

Balotelli floped and Sturridge was injured so basically LFC played without any proper striker...

not realy Rodgers fault about Sturridge and after last comments i think Balotelli will be gone very soon.
Would hardly call him injury prone last season

Look up Sturridge's injury record in general. He is injury prone, Rodgers knew this before signing him.

Most managers would replace Suarez with a top drawer, pacey striker who can press in Rodgers system. Not a slow, uninterested Balotelli who both Mancini and Mourinho (better managers than Rodgers) couldn't manage.

Then Lambert - slow, immobile. Doesn't fit into Rodgers system at all.

Terrible signings - Rodgers is a great coach, I like him. But he is terrible in the transfer market.
Lambert was ridiculous signing. Everyone agree with that and it was an impulsive buy made by Rodgers to have a plan C in some type of matches and play the long ball the last 15 minutes. Ridiculous.
Balotelli was an interesting gamble that it was never going to work, but it was worth the risk. I don't think you can really blame Rodgers on that one. It's the manager syndrome. They just love to buy these type of players who have prove again and again they don't change and be the ones that finally change them. I hope he got it out of his system now and it won't happen again.
Sterling wants £100k a week, won't sign on 70k. Arsenal's Santi Cazorla is on 70k a week. The 20 yr old is good , but surely greed will blockade funds for a higher profile player. Ignorance is bliss!
Rodgers knew Sturridge was injury prone before buying him. Everyone knew.

Robin Van Persie ????

Oh and Balotelli ?

I can assure you that Balotelli was better in Italy than Thiery Henry has ever been in Serie A.

With hindsight it's all very easy.

Lambert was fantastic for Southampton and look at their results, they aren't a litle club...
Look up Sturridge's injury record in general. He is injury prone, Rodgers knew this before signing him.

Most managers would replace Suarez with a top drawer, pacey striker who can press in Rodgers system. Not a slow, uninterested Balotelli who both Mancini and Mourinho (better managers than Rodgers) couldn't manage.

Then Lambert - slow, immobile. Doesn't fit into Rodgers system at all.

Terrible signings - Rodgers is a great coach, I like him. But he is terrible in the transfer market.

sorry but you're talking utter utter bollocks. Suarez last season was arguably the best footballer in the world, he did everything, scored goals, got assists, created everything.

There wasn't a single player on earth that could replace him, so clearly Rodgers decided to sign a player who could make the most out of a fit Sturridge, and arguably Balotelli could be that player, he's quick, intelligent and skillful but is better playing off a quick forward with an eye for goal. Last time he played along side Sturridge, we destroyed Tottenham at White Hart Lane... so lets wait and see.
And I really, really dislike Brendan Rodgers. No offence to LFC fans here but he's an odious prat. HE really does think he's the next Shankly.

I hate his Nazi Salute celebration when Pool score too. Yuck.

Rodgers is a great coach, I like him.

Wow, you changed your opinions of Liverpools manager quickly!

Is your mask slipping Steak Bake?.... sorry Fray Bentos? :P
Wow, you changed your opinions of Liverpools manager quickly!

Is your mask slipping Steak Bake?.... sorry Fray Bentos? :P

You have got me wrong there. As a COACH, I like Rodgers - he's talented.

As a person on the touchline, he irks me. I can't stand him or the crap that comes out of his mouth.

Same with Mourinho - I can't stand him. Is he a good manager? Yes, one of the best in the world.

UJSupernova - It's not "talking bollocks" though, is it?

Replacing Suarez with Balotelli and Lambert was bad, bad business. This is why Rodgers now is forced to play Sterling as a striker, because he made an error.

Why didn't he go for Lacazette or someone like that? I know lots of Liverpool fans who think the same, they cant understand Rodgers in transfer market.
You have got me wrong there. As a COACH, I like Rodgers - he's talented.

As a person on the touchline, he irks me. I can't stand him or the crap that comes out of his mouth.

Same with Mourinho - I can't stand him. Is he a good manager? Yes, one of the best in the world.

I can't be bothered to trawl back through this thread to find exacting quotes from you but I seem to recall you calling Brendan clueless, out of his depth etc.

Of course this is a forum where opinions should be shared and openly debated. There's nothing wrong with changing an opinion on anything, I'm all for that. But the inconsistency of your own opinions and posts are becoming farcical.
I think he lives in a mental institute and they let him use a computer for a few hours a day and he just spams all the footy threads (among others).

He is the first person I have ever put on 'ignore' on evoweb. You should do it, going into evoweb is a pleasure again without having to read his bullshit.

Especially now because he is pretending to be an Arsenal supporter :ROLL:
What the heck is going on here?? I am really confused now - I meant no offence with my Rodgers comments, Bobbybox - just my opinion on him. Godo, I don't like Pukka Pies!!

In any case, I think Rodgers IS a good coach regardless. He thinks he is better than he actually is though IMHO.

But nothing wrong with a manager who believes in himself I guess.
If Rodgers wanted a plan B in Lambert he had the best in the business in Andy Carroll.

As for the cup, no idea how over the course of the two legs LFC didn't go through, or at least take it to pens
OTTOMH, CFC only had 4 shots on target in the whole tie, and they scored from 2 of them, 1 being a pen.
Was a decent game but both teams were very poor in the final third.
Ref was terrible too.
If Rodgers wanted a plan B in Lambert he had the best in the business in Andy Carroll.

As for the cup, no idea how over the course of the two legs LFC didn't go through, or at least take it to pens
OTTOMH, CFC only had 4 shots on target in the whole tie, and they scored from 2 of them, 1 being a pen.
Was a decent game but both teams were very poor in the final third.
Ref was terrible too.
18M and 80k vs 4M and 40k. Not every team can afford to have that kind of money sitting on the bench.
Not all Liverpool fans think Mignolet is a bad keeper.

Liverpool were knocked out over the two legs due to Chelsea playing to their strengths, formation and Courtois being possibly the best goalkeeper around. Easily as good as Neuer.

Plus Liverpool's lack of a clinical goal-scorer.
I've been pretty impressed with LFC over the last month or so. I think they'll actually pip 4th place, and have a really strong second half of the season.

No more CL distraction, nor League Cup, and Rodgers can get back into the once a week rhythm that suited the club last year. Sturridge will help, but I think more than him personally it'll force Gerrard off which will improve the balance and energy levels.
I suppose once again Liverpool was eliminated because of Simon Mignolet ?

Come on gerd, i'm sure if Mignolet was Swiss or Spanish you wouldn't give a toss about the valid criticism he recieved earlier in the season.

He had a good game against Chelsea and the vast majority of Liverpool fans were delighted with his performance and the fact that he finally showed a bit of strength and confidence. Nobody ever said he was the worst player or 100% to blame for Liverpool losing games, people simply pointed out the ridiculous errors he was making and the obvious weaknesses in his game such as when he's on the ball.

Anyway, anyone else think this #CampaignAgainstChelsea thing is hilarious? :APPLAUD:
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