Liverpool Thread

Awfully quiet here after a good win. I would like to see a picture of Mignolet's face after it took the thunderbolt by Benteke :)
we have a great potential star in Emre Can... Markovic was realy awesome...he can attack, pass, defend...

someone had to say soemthing to him....he seems to find his foot now...

Coutinho was tired in the end..but all in all it was great fighting yesterday, lots of pressing what i realy liked... we wanted to win from start to finish...

finally Rodgers understands Lovren buy was a mistake...seeing Sakho - Skrtel - Can play is for me final untill end of season... realy like that.. but also our fullbacks yesterday...

also Borini is not good enough despite scoring...he is good, but with Sturridge yesterday it coudl have been better result... Borini walks to much during the game.. + he is not strong enough in front, almost no match one on one won from him.... some realy bad shooting decisions as well... he tries, but simply is not the level we need.
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Borino makes some awsome runs and is always in the place he should be, but as you say, he is just not technically good enough. A lot of situations would have been goals with a more technically adept player.
Pip what you're seeing now is Markovic settled in, IIRC it took him about the same time to get comfortable with Benfica so it should be all up for him from now.

I forgot, how much did you spend on Lovren? Southampton really did a number on United and Liverpool with the fees for Shaw and Lovren ..

Also how long are you going to keep patience with Balo? Honestly, he's a player who knows what the fans think of him and lets it effect his game regardless of his "IDGAK" exterior, so coming in with the fans already calling him a waste of money was always going to hurt him - call it an ego if you want, the fact is pre-criticising him wasn't fair at all.
i think Mario will have the chance to prove his worth untill end of the season...

about Lovren, we payed apparently £20m..

i can see Balotelli leave asap if a club takes a risk on him again...

Andy Carroll is a better striker than him atm...more players are...
Pip what you're seeing now is Markovic settled in, IIRC it took him about the same time to get comfortable with Benfica so it should be all up for him from now.

I forgot, how much did you spend on Lovren? Southampton really did a number on United and Liverpool with the fees for Shaw and Lovren ..

Also how long are you going to keep patience with Balo? Honestly, he's a player who knows what the fans think of him and lets it effect his game regardless of his "IDGAK" exterior, so coming in with the fans already calling him a waste of money was always going to hurt him - call it an ego if you want, the fact is pre-criticising him wasn't fair at all.
Rodgers lost his patience on him months ago. The fact that he is our 4th striker when we don't even have a good recognizable striker tells all you need to know. He'll be gone by next season.
I don't think we pre-criticise him. I, for one, didn't thought it was going to work out, but I was happy the club took the risk and I think that was mainly the feeling of liverpool fans.
Balotelli is finished, no-one will touch him in Prem League again put it that way.

He is destined for somewhere like Turkey or a weak league like MLS.
Rodgers lost his patience on him months ago. The fact that he is our 4th striker when we don't even have a good recognizable striker tells all you need to know. He'll be gone by next season.
I don't think we pre-criticise him. I, for one, didn't thought it was going to work out, but I was happy the club took the risk and I think that was mainly the feeling of liverpool fans.

True enough, I figured he was injured or something - didn't realise he just wasn't getting picked. My bad.

Maybe it's too much of a generalisation to say Liverpool fans criticized him, more like the vocal minority on Twitter etc would have harmed his ego.

I think he's going to end up back in Italy at a club of Sampdoria's level, that or he's going to be the next export to China.
Balotelli wasnt fit, that is why he was not in the team today...but with Sturridge coming back and the way we will be difficult for him to get back in the team.
If Rodgers starts Gerrard and Balotelli again, Pool will drop more points simple as that. Both players slow the game down far too much.
Frustrating game that, 19 shots, only 6 on target.

Looking much better now though, we seemed to borrow last seasons Liverpool for the second half tonight, we were dominant, just shit finishing let us down again.

We're getting there, the signs are good.
Typical Terry. Think Matic is the only likeable player CFC have!

Should have won that. Don't think Chelsea had a shot on target all game, not inc. the pen.

Good effort but you're out now most likely. Try and get a couple of theirs sent off tho, yea? :)
Liverpool deserved the win.

Edit: If they had Sturridge fit, they could have won it easily. But I highly doubt they can beat us in Stamford Bridge but a loss in this trophy would be just a minor disappointment whereas Liverpool needs to win atleast 1 trophy to not be trophyless this season.
Methab you write like Chelsea is bound to win all the trophys :D

you are good, but not unbeatable...

shame we were without Sturridge so long now...

our kids are allright...

Can...Moreno...Sterling, Coutinho, Markovic they are already very good players that will be even better
Liverpool are so wasteful in the final 3rd. The Sturdge might take a month before he starts banging in goals. They need to bring in fire power!

That Terry pic is funny! sterling pot pie!
Typical Terry. Think Matic is the only likeable player CFC have!

Should have won that. Don't think Chelsea had a shot on target all game, not inc. the pen.

Good effort but you're out now most likely. Try and get a couple of theirs sent off tho, yea? :)

Yes because Man City have loads of likeable players don't they!

I don't get why modern day fans get hung up on that. Who cares if players are 'likeable'? Mourinho isn't likeable - he is a winner. Off the pitch, he is probably a lovely bloke.

Look at Drogba - ON the pitch he was a disgrace at times. OFF the pitch he is a true gent, does so much work for African charities.

Mourinho has assembled a team of WINNERS. If you want 11 nice players, you wont win anything.
And I really, really dislike Brendan Rodgers. No offence to LFC fans here but he's an odious prat. HE really does think he's the next Shankly.

I hate his Nazi Salute celebration when Pool score too. Yuck.
And I really, really dislike Brendan Rodgers. No offence to LFC fans here but he's an odious prat. HE really does think he's the next Shankly.

I hate his Nazi Salute celebration when Pool score too. Yuck.

Opinions are always subjective. You 'hate' Rodgers, fair enough but Nazi salute? That's a bit harsh and a silly thing to type, in my opinion.
Opinions are always subjective. You 'hate' Rodgers, fair enough but Nazi salute? That's a bit harsh and a silly thing to type, in my opinion.

Fair enough, it's obviously not a 'Nazi Salute' - it just looks like one (I know Brendan isn't a Nazi of course, he's just annoying!)

And I really, really dislike Brendan Rodgers. No offence to LFC fans here but he's an odious prat. HE really does think he's the next Shankly.

I hate his Nazi Salute celebration when Pool score too. Yuck.

it is easy to hate someone...but give him a break..
He apologized Pipa and on top of that he never talked about hating...
It is well possible that Rodgers is a likeable person outside football...

Look at Jan Vertonghen, in Holland he was voted the most arrogant player of the league by the journalists.

Later Dutch television followed him a couple of days, he was a very, very nice guy and far from the stereotypical football player (in Amsterdam he only travelled on bike, had a girlfriend who taught drama at University, he cooked for is girlfriend, nothing spectacular for ordinary people but not the average football player, since then i have a soft spot for him...i confess).

Put Vertonghen on a football pitch and he wants to win at all costs, he is far from the most likeable player. In Belgium it is common knowledge that Vertonghen absolutely hated Tim Sherwood and that he was one of the main reasons Spurs took another manager...
Yes because Man City have loads of likeable players don't they!

I don't get why modern day fans get hung up on that. Who cares if players are 'likeable'? Mourinho isn't likeable - he is a winner. Off the pitch, he is probably a lovely bloke.

Look at Drogba - ON the pitch he was a disgrace at times. OFF the pitch he is a true gent, does so much work for African charities.

Mourinho has assembled a team of WINNERS. If you want 11 nice players, you wont win anything.

Yes, we do.
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