Liverpool Thread

I didn't watch the match, but I saw the red card, and if you're refering to that as 'poor officiating' I disagree, it was definitely a red.
Definitely a red? Surely that's a pisstake? Anybody who thinks that is a red card needs to just give up on Football now.
Why is Coutinho on the bench these days?
Rodgers has been making shocking decisions all year. Around a month or two ago he started playing Gerrard behind the striker and now Coutinho, who is clearly more suited to that role, is on the bench or relegated to a position he doesn't feel.
The sent off of Markovic was ridiculous, the worst part is that in those 15 minutes he showed more than Lallana in all of his matches. I hope he starts getting more opportunities, it's crystal clear that he is very talented. Same for Emre Can, he should be playing instead of Allen.
if Rodgers goes, i will not cry tbh.

shocking season in all aspects...missing Sturridge is a big blow, but anyway.
The red card could go either way, imo. He shouldn't have been so blatent about pushing his arm out like that, but at the same time players do it all the time and nothing gets done about it.
Not a red card at all. Safari deserves a yellow for his overacting.
But Basel are a better team than Liverpool, so They deserves to qualify.
if Rodgers goes, i will not cry tbh.

shocking season in all aspects...missing Sturridge is a big blow, but anyway.
He's going to be given, at least, the whole season. Not because they think he deserve it, but because they don't know what the fuck they'd do if they had to go get a new manager.
I think they will give Rodgers time till the end of the season unless we see a lot more losses.
But he needs to lift the team after this big downer.
Beating Man Utd will be perfect tonic, which will be very tough given that they will be looking
for revenge for last season.
Seriously, you can't ignore 18 months and only pay attention to the last 3, imo.

Though I do believe all the fates aligned for Pool last year, and that was never going to happen two years in a row.
Agree. That's why he should get the whole season to try to change this. But if the season has ended and we still haven't played something that resembles football during a match as has been the case so far, he should get sacked.
the Balotelli risk didn´t work out + Sturridge injury put us down, goals = no self confidence... last year Suarez goals were saving us, but even without him in team we played great football, but no goals this years mean the team is down...

what is most stupid of him is not to play Borini over Lambert...i just don´t get it why he is not playing at this situation we have... that is team without any dangerous striker..

Rodgers has few games to save his job i think.
well, if picked i would question Rodgers even more, he doesn´t deserve to start over others imo..he had his chance, did NOTHING to get another.
Yeah as a United fan I hope Lambert plays, Mario might play and do fuck all but there's a chance he turns it on too, Lambert is middle of the road, he surely won't do anything special.
Yeah as a United fan I hope Lambert plays, Mario might play and do fuck all but there's a chance he turns it on too, Lambert is middle of the road, he surely won't do anything special.

... Aaaaand you just jinxed us. Lambert to score an epic volley or overhead kick.
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In the 2012-2013 season when Rodgers was the new coach, he got his team to play good football
and had Suarez. He got Sturridge and Coutinho in January.
The team did very well.

This season, he lost Suarez, Sturridge.
Coutinho is not the same player without good strikers.
The team looks bad and too flat without much spark.

The key is the horrible transfer activity.
When you are losing a player like Suarez, how they did not replace him with a similar
player or atleast someone decent.

To go for potential young players when you actually needed an established player to take over
Suarez' role is just terrible.

They need to get an established striker this January otherwise we will be set back another 4-5 years.
There is no way Liverpool could attract a player as good as Suarez to replace him.

He was a great player when he came to Liverpool but then turned into one of the best in the world while with you lot.

He was irreplaceable.

Ballotelli was always a gamble, but at the time I would have been happy for Arsenal to take that gamble.

I really don't like Rodgers, I never thought he was as good as people make out, BUT he is not as bad as this season suggests imo.

Any team would suffer without Suarez and also Sturridge out for nearly the whole season so far.

I really can't believe Liverpool fans are wanting him to leave already, after being the messiah last season to nobody caring if he leaves?!

And I thought Arsenal fans were a fickle bunch, at least the ones that want him gone gave him another 10years ;))
Rodgers was a terrible appointment, he's never won anthing and shouldnt be given a big job like Liverpool.

Suarez papered over the cracks last season. remember, Rodgers still hasn't been able to build a defence since he's been at Pool.

He's awful in the transfer market as well. He's spunked, what, £150-£200 million on average-to-decent players.

Liverpool are playing some of the most turgid, predictable football I've seen seen the Roy Evans era this season.

It just goes to show how good old Toothy was. Wished Whinger had got off his skinny stubborn arse and signed him instead of bringing "Bambi-On-Ice, can't score more than 10 goals a season, I pretend I'm a striker, Danny Welbeck."

Liverpool will finish between 6th and 10th. Probably 8th.
Rodgers was a terrible appointment, he's never won anthing and shouldnt be given a big job like Liverpool.

Suarez papered over the cracks last season. remember, Rodgers still hasn't been able to build a defence since he's been at Pool.

He's awful in the transfer market as well. He's spunked, what, £150-£200 million on average-to-decent players.

Liverpool are playing some of the most turgid, predictable football I've seen seen the Roy Evans era this season.

It just goes to show how good old Toothy was. Wished Whinger had got off his skinny stubborn arse and signed him instead of bringing "Bambi-On-Ice, can't score more than 10 goals a season, I pretend I'm a striker, Danny Welbeck."

Liverpool will finish between 6th and 10th. Probably 8th.
Should have go lvg
How has Rodgers been a terrible appointment? Rubbish atm but no way would that have been said last season and a half before this one. What an absolute load of crap. Bad run off form, jump on his back. Things pick up and he'll be having his ass licked. Some people are just fickle idiots.
How has Rodgers been a terrible appointment? Rubbish atm but no way would that have been said last season and a half before this one. What an absolute load of crap. Bad run off form, jump on his back. Things pick up and he'll be having his ass licked. Some people are just fickle idiots.

Dont call be me an idiot. Its not fickle. I have always said its a bad appointment, Suarez hid Rodgers problems last season...the bloke cant organise a defence or have an eye for good players. He is a good midtable manager for someone like Swansea or Newcastle.

He is like Moyes to Man Utd. Never won a pot, same as BR - he's out of his depth at Pool and its showing now.
How has Rodgers been a terrible appointment? Rubbish atm but no way would that have been said last season and a half before this one. What an absolute load of crap. Bad run off form, jump on his back. Things pick up and he'll be having his ass licked. Some people are just fickle idiots.
And u call me fickle after I wanted Wenger out after 4 bad seasons lol and yet most of these lot want him home after 4 bad matches ha. Fucking hell hey!
Hey Ninjadicks is back!

I can't take it please someone ban him?

He is spamming the FIFA, Arsenal thread and now the other football threads.

The guy is like a douchebag cancer.

Surely there is an algorithm you can put that notices when he is back and instantly bans him? He does the same shit every time.
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