Liverpool Thread

I agree that Brendan's constant formation changes aren't helping anyone. It looks like every match he makes structural changes to the team, the same way AVB managed Tottenham last season. The players are never going to adjust if you keep changing the tactic and the positions in which you play them.
A big falloff can only be expected when you're without Sturridge and Suarez.

The main issue is the choice of strikers brought in. Lambert and Balotelli would have been decent signings as backups to Sturridge andd Suarez but as Suarez replacements they just suck. Obviously, with Suarez being in the top 2/3 strikers in the world finding an equal replacement was almost certainly impossible but there are other Sturridge level forwards out there that could have been brought in. Negredo would have been a great signing for you ...whether City would have sold him to LFC I dunno, but there are others out there.
Liverpool usually started hammering teams at the start of the 2nd half of the season. Results aren`t going your way . BR had to find a formula like Godotelli said w/o the main ingredients (Sturridge).

I saw Mario tracking back and making runs w/o the ball/ He had to do something differently as well. The progress is in w/ him at least.
Just like Brendan Rodgers wasn't a genius last season, he isn't an idiot now.
I definitely now where the blame Lars: as usual with the fans and their iunrealistic expectations.

If you have been second one season, the logical next step isn't necessarily winning the next season, certainly when you loose your world class player and when you keep building your team around an older and tactically very inept club legend. I'm sure Gerrard will now and then play fantastic matches, but Liverpool could learn a thing or two from the Lampard is used at City and was used at Chelsea.

I'm not saying that Rodgers never made mistakes, but he isn't the one to blame. Any objective outsider knew that Liverpool would face a hard season. Just have patience, it will all come good.
IF, Liverpool had gotten Sanchez...Liverpool wouldn`t be where their at. Also, BR can`t be blame, he did all he could to land the Whale. Sanchez at the moment is an amazing player ,no one has notice his stats : He is no Suarez ,but the closest to him in terms of energy.
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Gotta say I don't like this approach at all. Rodgers obviously resting his first team ahead of the the f*cking Bernabau against Real Madrid in the Champions League.

What the hell?
well, i ask myself the question again...100 mil spended to have Borini starting for us...something went very wrong again...

i don´t care about today...this team so far show no confidence and fight.. they only can surprise with it..
That's a bit of a pill swallow for Liverpool fans, I mean to make the Champions League and then to treat it like your just there for 'The experience' is and should be beneath you.

I'd be gutted if United ever took that approach.
Yep, pathetic. I understand the reasons as its a pretty pointless match from Liverpools perspective in regards to points in the group as they wont be getting any.

But more damaging imo is what it does to the players, whats the point in working your ass off the whole season when the highlight of the season, and for some their career, gets taken away from you because you have to play chelsea....

There is a very real chance that this match will be the pinnacle of the season, away at the Bernabeu against the european and world? champions.
Have our defenders done a bet to see who could lose the ball the easiest to concede a goal?! Moreno trying to nutmeg a play halfway in his own half, manquilo stumbling over and skrtl not controlling a pretty simple ball....
You've done alright. Bit too safe once you reach their box unlike Madrid who will happily fire in a cross with Marcelo. I'd stick Moreno on the wing and destroy Arbeloa
I can't wait for us to beat Chelsea this weekend.
Real Madrid was never going to be anything other than a loss, so 1:0 was not bad.
Plus a good game for players like Markovic, Can, Lallana to get some experience.
you are to optimistic...chelsea are one of the best teams in world...actually i think they are the best after Madrid..
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