Liverpool Thread

It shows how desperate our fans and the media have become, when all they find is the fact that Mario Balotelli swapped shirts at half-time.
Who cares? Is that the reason we lost 3:0 ?

There is one reason why we are not winning games, and it's because we have not signed players who
can actually improve the team right now.

We lost Suarez, and FAILED to replace him. He was not supposed to be replaced with a 20-yrd old Origi
or a 32-year old Lambert, or a high-risk signing like Balotelli.
Add the fact that our only world-class striker Sturridge is injury-prone.
Our defence and goalie are average. We have signed so many defensive players over the last 2 seasons
and our defence is still no better. To me it's a coaching issue.

Rodgers is to blame more than any single player, because he made the signings.
All we have is *potential* and some mid-table experience.
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no that isn´t the reason, but he is part of the problem,, he is lost as single striker up front...still not going to criticise this transfer untill i see him in partnership with Sturridge...

the players we bought for Suarez money are not solution for present...maybe only Lambert is, but he is just a back up striker option.. Lallana will be ok imo, Moreno is class, so is Manquillo, Markovic needs more playing time to be judged..Origi will come next year and looks class signing so far..

our main problem is defence, without improving it we have no chance of sucess this season.
So this is what it feels like to be an Arsenal fan.

You qualify for the CL but you already know you will never win it and it's nothing more than a money generator. Your coach will not change his style or tactics so when a better team comes along its inevitable that you will lose. An underwhelming group stage will likely be followed with an early exit in the knockout stages when a good team gets drawn.

Rinse and repeat for years...Boring!

I was already underwhelmed during the match against Ludogetz as the team's set up is wrong and defensively shocking. So it's obvious that they won't have a real chance of winning the thing. Atleast with Benitez Liverpool always had a chance of winning because he was so tactically good, even if the football was dire and cynical at times (often). Fortunately Ludogetz beat Basel so there is still a chance of reaching the knockout round...

Amazingly Liverpool are actually in 3rd place of the usual suspects in the league so that's good. With some decent form they can again get CL I guess that helps paying for the stadium renovation and signing some more players. I realise that its the long term view you need to take, but god it's boring at the moment.
Yes, you're right that we're still in contention for top-4 and the CL knockout stages after a bad start to the season.
Hopefully we will improve and have lesser injuries to allow the new signings to gel better and Sturridge coming back will only help us.

We play Hull at home, and this is the best way to move forward, if we can somehow get our 3rd premier league win on the bounce....imagine that!!

Then it's Swansea at home in Capital one cup...(best chance for Markovic, Borini, etc)
Newcastle away and Real away...hope we have Sturridge back for those games, otherwise we could lose both of them.
So this is what it feels like to be an Arsenal fan.

You qualify for the CL but you already know you will never win it and it's nothing more than a money generator. Your coach will not change his style or tactics so when a better team comes along its inevitable that you will lose. An underwhelming group stage will likely be followed with an early exit in the knockout stages when a good team gets drawn.

No, Arsenal fans know they gonna be back in CL next season we don't know when will be next time!
Balotelli is facing the Benzema syndrome: a SS forced to play CF because of his physical characteristics. Benzema eventually adapt to the position and now is one of the best CF's. But he actually had the drive and put in the work to be a good CF. Balotelli doesn't know/want to be effective in off-ball movements. He basically only plays well with the ball in his feet. Let's see what will happen, but the future doesn’t look to bright for him, despite his massive talent and skills.
Remember it's a 3 year contract, and we know what he is now based on Milan / Man City history and if Rodgers were to change him it won't be overnight. He has shown what he is now, and it didn't help without any help from Stu being injured. He shouldn't get lower than this now, so the only way after this is up.
I always end up feeling sorry for Mario. Yes, he is frustrating, yes he doesn't show enough drive, he's ponderous on the ball etc. etc. but the amount of stick he gets in comparison to his teammates and manager, esp. from the pundits and the no-mark media mob is so overblown he ends up being made a scapegoat of.

One of the reasons I was happy to see Mario go, apart from the fact he is more celebrity troll than a top footballer, is that I was just sick of reading about him and listening to cunts like Jamie Redknapp go on and on and on as if Mario is to blame for everything.

LFC weren't easily beaten by Real because of Mario. They were swept aside because Rodgers can't organise a defense and he no longer has Suarez and Sturridge to bail him out. Real will beat most teams of course but not this easily.
Well Liverpool are above Utd, Spurs and Arsenal so I'm not sure any fans of those teams, incl Liverpool, can be confident...

Arsenal regardless how out of form they maybe they seem to always get into the CL. I don`t know how ,but in the final 3rd of the season .They hit top form! I think he`s(djilir1990) referring to that. No one is confident due to injuries especially Arsenal/Mutd but Liverpool is only 1 top striker missing.
Balotelli is made a scapegoat too.
Judge him when Sturridge is back or when he plays upfront with Lambert (why did Rodgers buy Lambert if he doesn't play him now).
Haven't seen yesterday's match,but i've read that most Liverpool players were awfull. Yet Mario is singled out. Surely not because of the shirt swap...this happens all the time...

Suarez is gone. He was perhaps the best striker in the don't replace that kind of player and certainly if your second prolific forward is out injured. Add to that a shaky defense and lots of new players...

Judge this team in february or march.
Balotelli actually had one of his better games imo. Quite a bit of movement and effort. All the media attention and blame is ridiculous, he wasnt any worse or better than most of the other players.

Rodgers should be taking the blame for not having a plan B or any kind of defensive organisation. But as Gerd says, give the new players time to get used to the style and teammates and we will see how it goes in the 2nd half of the season. It wasnt till Sturridge and Coutinho were bought that the team clicked.
Typical British media and ridiculous hype, that all the talk is about Balotelli, when he did not much wrong.
He's faring better than Markovic and Lambert for sure, and yet all the talk is about him.
Gary Lineker said it best, it's better to swap shirts rather than fight in the tunnel.
Who cares, it was Pepe who asked him to swap shirts in the first place, yet noone is blaming Pepe
because guess what people in Spain, Italy don't give a crap if players swap shirts.
So obviously Balotelli doesn't know it's such a big issue.

Rodgers is looking more and more like a lousy coach who has no idea about how to organize
a team defensively. His only solution is to throw big money on Lovren, Sakho, Moreno.
Mignolet was also his signing. The reason we lost yesterday was because our defence was yet
again a shambles. Johnson let's Benzema have a free header, and the 3rd goal is because we're unable
to clear our lines....otherwise it would have been 1:0 down at half-time still with a chance.
Nothing to do with Balotelli, who's not a great player, but still not responsible for Liverpool's loss.

All this talk about Balotelli not being hard-working is a joke, ...then why aren't Lambert and Borini
not playing in the team if they're so hard-working and do a lot more pressing.
It's obvious that Balotelli is everyone's favorite scapegoat, the media can sell more papers and more clicks
by focusing on Balotelli..
Nice to see you lot ridiculing the obvious bias against Mario.

He's no saint and I think it wasn't the best decicision to sign him but he's just being used as a scapegoat when the fact is he wasn't anywhere near being Liverpool's worst player on the night.
Mario got more hype than he deserves, so he'll get also more blame than he deserves.
IMO, he's just a good talent, with no discipline, no brain, no real desire for hard work and improvement.

I don't get why he is considered a top player, and how the hell did he play for 4 top teams, when he only scored 89 goals in 8 years.

11 goals per year for a striker.
the blame is gotta be on rodgers for all the shit that mario be gettin', he goin in on him at the post match interview trying to deflect the attention from himself because of his teams shit performance, Real could of won by about 7 or 8 if they didnt have an important match at the weekend.
Mario got more hype than he deserves, so he'll get also more blame than he deserves.
IMO, he's just a good talent, with no discipline, no brain, no real desire for hard work and improvement.

I don't get why he is considered a top player, and how the hell did he play for 4 top teams, when he only scored 89 goals in 8 years.

11 goals per year for a striker.

sorry mate, but that is the most ridicilous statement of a striker judgement i read here...

he is 24 years YOUNG. 24... he started playing proffesional football at 16 years...

so that is first thing, second thing is you never mentioned games he played, because he never played all games for all teams every season in where he played...

according to wikipedia his stats are all together 230 matches and 89 goals... considering he didn´t started all of them, espceially under Mourinho in Milan, he was a substitute...that isn´t a bad number for a 24 years old striker...that has a career ahead of him, hopefully a good one...
Yeah, the important stata are goals and assists per 90 minutes. Total goals or assists don't tell you the real picture.
Very interesting what andy18cruz said comparing him to Benzema a few years ago.
Well, Brendan basically saying that Balotelli has two months to prove his worth or he's gone.

He seems more like our Robbie Keane transfer in 2008/09, which Rafa dumped after 6 months.
I hope Balotelli succeeds, because I feel he is being unfairly maligned by the British media and pundits.
But if he does not, let him go to France or some place where they appreciate the talent and are not too
racist and are not looking for players running at 100mph throughout the game.
Maybe we can do a swap with Lille with Origi in the January window :)

I can't see him go back to Italy again.

But as Pipa said, he's only 24 years old, and he still has another 5 years at his peak physical level.
Maybe he should go to a quieter league like France and build up his reputation.
England and Italy are not the places for him.
Kun on Mario

“Mario was crazy when he wanted to be. He’d do daft things whenever he felt like it because he thought he could,” explains Sergio. “We’d go out on the training pitch and he’d kick the balls away in different directions just to be silly, or he’d throw cheese over people when he was sat in the dining room. A lot of his behaviour, I feel, came from a feeling he had that he was somehow different and maybe a little insecure. I couldn’t help but wind him up from time to time, calling him silly names and toying with him but he knew it was always in an affectionate way because I loved Mario – everyone loved him, though he drove us nuts at times. He used to say that nobody loved him and I’m sure he believed that was true, though it was anything but.

On the Why Always Me? t-shirt

“Nobody knew he had that (Why Always Me) t-shirt on when we played United at Old Trafford – he must have hidden it beneath a vest or something, but later when I looked at the ‘Why Always Me?’ message on the front, I told him that if he was calmer and didn’t do so many things, it probably wouldn’t always be him. If we’d have known he had it on, we’d have told him to take it off. He’d say things like, ‘The police have just followed me all the way to the training ground and want to talk to me,’ and I’d say, ‘No wonder! You’ve probably just broke the speed limit or bumped into somebody!’

On his brushes with the law

"Sometimes he’d get a message from reception saying the police wanted to speak to him and he’d say ‘F*** the police!’ Then he’d say that he may have driven past the police pretty quickly and that could be the reason. He was always seeking attention.

“We were having breakfast at Carrington one day and I was sat near Mario who was reading the paper and it had a big picture of him in the ‘Why Always Me?’ t-shirt and along each side it had numerous reasons why it was always him – girls, smoking, police, red cards, parking fines, fireworks – it was endless. He’d say, ‘Nah, I never did that,’ and I would say, ‘But there’s a picture proving you did!’ He didn’t really take notice of anyone, but I always told him straight and he listened to me.

On his relationship with ex City boss Roberto Mancini

“His relationship with Mancini often made me smile. They would fight like cat and dog during training and then walk off with their arms around each other’s shoulders. They would swear and shout at each other, but later they’d be like father and son. Quite often we’d have five-a-sides in training and Mancini would join in. He would make sure he was on the opposite side to Mario so they could wind each other up. He’d tell Mario and the rest of us that he wasn’t the manager in the game, just another player.

“He said we could say what we wanted to him and it would be fine so the game would begin and Mancini and Mario would be at each other, kicking lumps out of one another and shouting abuse until the final whistle when Mancini would say, ‘Right, I’m your manager again, now!

“Mario would say, ‘You were sh** when you were a player... and it was a lot easier then than it is now.’ Mancini would say, ‘You wouldn’t have been able to play then or now!’ It was comical. Mario would go away and sulk for a couple of days and he was just like a little kid. I miss him being around the place because even though he was a little crazy, he was a great character to have around the dressing room.

“I was sorry to see Mario leave because I think the world of him and I’m happy that we are still regularly in touch. I was injured when we were playing Barcelona at home in the Champions League and watching the game from the stand when my phone went off. I didn’t recognise the number but I answered it and heard, ‘Hey! It’s Mario! How’s it going d***head? Come on City, come on City!’ – and then he just hung up!”
sorry mate, but that is the most ridicilous statement of a striker judgement i read here...

he is 24 years YOUNG. 24... he started playing proffesional football at 16 years...

so that is first thing, second thing is you never mentioned games he played, because he never played all games for all teams every season in where he played...

according to wikipedia his stats are all together 230 matches and 89 goals... considering he didn´t started all of them, espceially under Mourinho in Milan, he was a substitute...that isn´t a bad number for a 24 years old striker...that has a career ahead of him, hopefully a good one...

all what you wrote is just an excuse for him not being a TOP STRIKER.
Balo doesn't want to improve, he doesn't train, doesn't work, if he continues like that, he'll never be good.
until that time, stop giving him more credits than he deserves, he still hasn't proven anything from his talent.

I really feel pity for him, everyone is blaming him, when it's their fault to trust him.

in a scale of 1 to 10, he's just a 6 at max.
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Balo doesn't want to improve, he doesn't train, doesn't work, if he continues like that, he'll never be good.
until that time, stop giving him more credits than he deserves, he still hasn't proven anything from his talent.

I really feel pity for him, everyone is blaming him, when it's their fault to trust him.

in a scale of 1 to 10, he's just a 6 at max.

how do you know this?
how do you know this?

YouTube - Mario Balotelli Training Hard, What a Player!


and please PIPA, stop defending every Liverpool player, just admit their defects.
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