Liverpool Thread

I like Sterling, but don't think he will become a superstar in the future. Don't see in him a great technique or great position awareness for him to become a great player. But I would like to be proven wrong, since he's a hard working kid with a head above his shoulders and I would like to see 'Pool in contention for many years to come.
Time will tell with Sterling as it does with all young players who impress as teenagers.

The list of 18-20 year olds who seemed exceptional then faded is HUGE.
Why does this discussion keep coming up? Who cares how "good" Sterling is compared to other players?

Lets just hope he keeps his head down and continues to perfrom and develop at Liverpool.
Why does this discussion keep coming up? Who cares how "good" Sterling is compared to other players?

Because that is what we do here, discuss things...
I agree with you that basically it's a silly discussion, but are we actually doing anything other here on this forum than discussing silly things ? I don't think so.

So why not ?

And if i remember well, then the silly discussion was started by pipa, claiming that Sterling is the best player in the world of his age. Some people did agree, others didn't and that is that.

If you would delete all the silly reocurring posts on evo-web, you should have to delete 90% of the forum...and then the conclusion would be that we better stop with the forum.

I know this sounds very personal and offensive, but it isn't meant to be like that. I like to visit the club threads, because i like silly discussions about football. But some things never cease to amaze me. Fans can have as much (unreasonable) criticism about a team as possible, when an outsider writes something remotely critical (for example being amazed that Cesc Fabregas is being booed by Arsenal fans), then all hell breaks loose...

It must be something inherent on English football that i really don't get (and i can assure you that i love English football and beside my favourite team i like quite a lot of English teams, perhaps that is my mistake)....

My dear friend tik, this isn't meant personal or offensive. If i've offended you, please accept my apologies. It's just something that i don't seem to be able to grasp. Of course it doesn't really matters, but sometimes it makes discussions and (virtual) relationships with people a litle bit harder, which is sometimes frustrating.

Sorry for the long post.
No offense taken Gerd. And I agree this forum is here to discuss pointless stuff. It's just that I'm pretty sure this exact same discussion was held last week (or the week before) and now it's back again.

Just a bit bored by it and voicing it to hopefully move on to something else...which is also part of the forums. :P

So Balotelli to partner Sturridge?
Here in Belgium there are rumours that Liverpool is trying to get Origi in the january transfer window. Origi agrees, but it seems Lille does not agree.
I think Lille have a say. They most likely paid for the loan and have the sports rights of the player for the remainder of the season. The same situation happen before in the Portuguese league and the lender club had to negotiate to get the player back in January.
You're right, but the thing is that this injury is 100 % fault of Roy Dinosaur.

sturridge has been injury prone his whole career, before he became a part of england set-up.

are lfc fans/supporters/sycophants(media) making issue with Roy Hodgson because of his stint as lfc manager because its getting a bit silly now....
sturridge has been injury prone his whole career, before he became a part of england set-up.

are lfc fans/supporters/sycophants(media) making issue with Roy Hodgson because of his stint as lfc manager because its getting a bit silly now....
No. The fact is that he is one of the worst managers in football. As simple as that. One can think and think and it is going to be extremely difficult to find a manager as bad as Hodgson. He may well be the worst manager in football.
No. The fact is that he is one of the worst managers in football. As simple as that. One can think and think and it is going to be extremely difficult to find a manager as bad as Hodgson. He may well be the worst manager in football.

err okay, lfc didnt give him the job based of your description of him...

Rodgers didnt do much better than Hodgson in his first season and he had suarez in the team
err okay, lfc didnt give him the job based of your description of him...

Rodgers didnt do much better than Hodgson in his first season and he had suarez in the team
Precisely the fact that he is hired by the clueless executives in football, speaks volumes of his capacity. He is only hired by excecutives that know nothing about football, like him.
Precisely the fact that he is hired by the clueless executives in football, speaks volumes of his capacity. He is only hired by excecutives that know nothing about football, like him.

err okay, got fulham (Fulham ffs!) to europa final, voted LMA managwer of the year by a record margin....

if he had similar resources as Rodgers has at his disposal, who knows?
If he had those resources available he would be wasting them in players like Carton Cole.
But it doesn't work like that. You have to earn those resources and earn your time by showing progress. The only reason why Rodgers has been given considerable time and money to invest is because he showed progress from the first day in charge.
Crazy end.

Glad QPR lost, not just because I want Pool in the CL but also for the negativity shown at the end with the free kick.

It made no sense either. Why even put the ball in the box if you're only pushing 3 players forward? Play it back to the GK if you're satisfied with the point. Both defenses looked dodgy so you may as well have gone for it.

Sterling is a class apart in this LFC team. Without Studge they look powder puff up top
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Despite a poor game, Balotelli actually played hard till the end. Even if he didn't get a goal, he had alot of chances that was due to his hard work. Both own goals happened when he was on the other side for the tap-ins (the second wasn't as clear tap-ins but he was the target). The empty goal miss, the ball was bouncing high and in real time it was not as simple as the replay. And the backheel attempt at injury time was courageous and speculative at the same time but he was there working his socks off to create the chance. So he worked hard, maybe we are just too comfortable with Suarez that anybody less than him would not fulfil our hunger, fair enough but he tried hard.

Any time a team has 5min of pressure Liverpool concede.

As for Balotelli his movement is poor. He doesn't move into space to create, he waits for the ball with defenders around him and then tries something.
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