Liverpool Thread

I agree with gerd. Mignolet is clearly being the scapegoat for a team that doesn't know what it plays, doesn't have any cohesion and balance.
Rodgers thought that a clear structural problem that we had last season was simply going to be solved by replacing Sakho with Lovren. Crazy.
this season i don´t have clue what kind of football we are playing so far...

only positives are the two spain full other areas we are not better than last year...despite having spended a lot..

Rodgers has to change something before it´s to late...
this season i don´t have clue what kind of football we are playing so far...

only positives are the two spain full other areas we are not better than last year...despite having spended a lot..

Rodgers has to change something before it´s to late...

You have to question some of the signings when you look at the pressures of playing for Liverpool FC.
-Lambert has never played above midtable, so no idea why we signed him
-Balotelli was always going to be a risk, so I don't understand why Rodgers is blaming him now.
-Markovic is 20 yrs old, and is in a new country, so give him time.
-Can is injured
-Moreno/Manquillo are good
-Lovren is part of a shaky back-4.

Existing players like Coutinho and Sterling are under tremendous pressure to make up
for the lack of Suarez.

It's easy to blame the players, when Rodgers was the one who made all the signings.
Last season's good run has put tremendous pressure on us
and we have'nt been helped by some questionable signings.
What we needed was established world class talent, but we went ahead and signed more
potential players and not one really world-class player.

So it's no surprise, that we are crumbling under the weight of the pressure.
I think Rodgers will be sacked if we fail to reach top-4 after spending this kind of money.
What a difference a few games make.

When the signings were being made everybody was saying how good they were and they were strengthing the squad, clever buys not buying superstars to compliment the team, now they are all shit? :LOL:

I found it weird how positive the Liverpool supporters were in the summer, everyone with a bit of sense would realise that you bought a few players from a midtable team, sold one of the best strikers in the world and didn't really enhance your central defence with top quality, which was the area that should have been most concentrated on.

This on top of underestimating the pressure of competing in all of the cups and Champs league along with the league. You had it pretty easy last season with a weeks rest after every game.

Saying all of that, I still think it is too early to write you guys off, Sturridge will be back soon, Coutinho will find his form and Sterling. It will get better for you.

You will be out of the Champs league for the Second half of the Season anyway so you can concentrate more on the league :PP ;)) (watch that come and bite me on the arse with Arsenal :LOL: )
I still think that apart from the signings of Southampton (Lambert and Lovren bad signings, Lallana so so), the rest were very good signings.
We can have Thiago Silva and Sergio Ramos and the defense is still going to look shaky. It is a cohesive problem that should be addressed structurally.
We finished 2nd and came so close to winning the league, and that brings a lot of pressure
for the following season, because the media and fans hype it to high heavens saying that
Liverpool are back to the glory days.

There is a clear pattern emerging here:

2001-02: Liverpool finished 2nd under Gerard Houllier. He went and signed Diouf, Diao and Cheyrou.
The next season we slumped to 5th spot. Houllier was sacked after one more season.

2008-09: Liverpool finished 2nd under Rafa. Then he signs Aquilani, Johnson, etc...
We finish 7th in the next season, and Rafa is gone

2013-14: Liverpool finish 2nd under Rodgers, he signs a lot of new players...
we are struggling, ....let's see how this finishes.
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Gee-Louwee! sequence . How was the board/owner at the time? that has more to do then the man at the helm. Rodgers is still learning and the 1st CL outing for him. It will be crazy to give up on him so early.
Instead of Mignolet, now Rodgers is the scapegoat for the irrealistic expectations of the fans.
He's a pretty good manager.
LFC had a 'one off' last season - very similar to the 2nd place under Rafa. There are loads of similarities:

- The sugar daddy clubs weren't playing to their potential (just Chelsea for Rafa)
- A striker was in obscene form, winning matches on his own (Torres/Suarez)
- Everything was going right (w/ Rafa LFC played almost 1/3rd of the season in matches against 10 men, w/ Brendan LFC averaged a penalty in almost a 1/3rd of matches)
- Beaten in the end by a team that looked off their game, but when it really mattered, put the results up

I think they over-achieved last season, and will be back to 'the right level' this year - which is right around Arsenal, United, Spurs and Everton. All of those clubs have big problems, but a similar level of quality too.

City and Chelsea are miles out in front imo.
Instead of Mignolet, now Rodgers is the scapegoat for the irrealistic expectations of the fans.
He's a pretty good manager.

fans, at least me don´t expect us to win the league or CL...i expected us to fight for CL again this season with 100 mil. spend... is that unrealistic after previous season?

besides, Rodgers criticism is idiotic... we had Suarez playing for a team under Hodgson without being the same player he was previous season..

it is to early to judge Rodgers or the team.. let´s wait for Sturridge first of all..

also rumors of us getting Valdes...
Instead of Mignolet, now Rodgers is the scapegoat for the irrealistic expectations of the fans.
He's a pretty good manager.
And who says he isn't ? I've always liked him and I've always criticized him. You're allow to do that. Just because you think a manager has some flaws, it doesn't mean you want him gone or you don't think that his strengths are more important than his flaws.
Rodgers is a good manager, probably the best British manager now which isn't saying much about the horrible standard of other British managers.

The question is how patient will FSG be after spending so much money?
But I guess the net spend is not too much, so maybe that's not too big an issue.

FSG were ruthless in sacking Hodgson and Dalglish when results did not go well.
So don't expect many favors for Rodgers.

I hope Rodgers succeeds with Liverpool.
Dalglish was a very bad manager (in his second stint).

Liverbird, after reading some post here i had the distinct impression that some people here already lost patience with Rodgers. Last season he was the best manager in the world.

Fact is that Liverpool didn't spend the Suarez' money very wise. One could say that the team needs to gel, but look at Southampton and how good they are seems they don't need time to gel.

One can ask if the (relatively) bad transfers are Rodgers' mistake...i'm tempted to think that isn't the case.

I know most fans never hoped to win the CL, but i'm pretty sure quite a lot of Liverpool fans were thinking about winning the EPL this season...

And about Valdes: he is not good on crosses...i'm quite sure he is not better than Mignolet... besides that, a new GK is not the solution to your problems.
Purely based on intuition and speculation I think the contrary. I think that Lambert, Lallana and Lovren have Rodgers guys written all over them. Moreno, Can, Markovic and Manquillo, have Dave Fallows and those sport science guys stamp.
Now, if we are talking about the global strategy of not spending big on an old superstar on a big contract and with no resale value, that clearly comes from FSG. That's how the do business and is a main attribute of the strategy they implant.
The season is barely underway. As stated earlier, 4th place is the aim again this season. Last season was an anomaly and shouldnt be used as a reference point. The season before the club finished 7th. So this year, with the new signings finding their feet and the main striker injured and a world class one sold, its been a poor start. Last season the performance levels were the same early on, but Liverpool scraped through quiet a few of those matches and managed to get the points.

I think the main disappointment atm is that the actual style of play just isn't there, besides the Spurs match. But again, if 3 of the front 4 are new and Henderson is spending more time covering for Gerrards lack of mobility thats not strange either.

And just blaming Rodgers is wrong too. He cant help it that Hodgson doesnt respect individual training regimes and screws up Sturridge, Coutinho was looking great but has been very poor. So thats half his attack missing. Fortunately Sterling is doing even better, but realistically he would have been only starting one new signing in attack with Sturridge, Coutinho and Sterling making up the other 3 and Henderson and Allen offering support both in attack and defense, one of which is also injured. In defense both fullbacks are injured or in poor form so he is again being forced to play 3 new signings for 4 defensive positions.

If you look at it like that with Liverpool being 1pt ahead of Everton, 1pt behind Utd and Spurs and 3 behind Arsenal and 4 behind City who have already beaten Liverpool its not surprising or especially bad. Liverpool have also played 3 of those already with 2 away matches....

Only Chelsea have had the expected start of a potential Champion, the rest are struggling to show top4 quality. Give it time, Rodgers has shown that he can get the team to play really well and attack teams into submission for the majority of the season. That hasn't changed, new players and injuries are just making it hard atm.
No need to panic. Liverpool are only 2 pts worse off than last season based on the corresponding fixtures, and that involves being without Sturridge also. Infact, a little glance at the CL chasers no team is better off yet - tho given the nature of relegation/promotion I don't incl. promoted teams

Chelsea +/- 0pts
Arsenal -1pts
City -2pts
Liverpool -2pts
Utd -5pts

Last season vs promoted teams:
Arsenal: 18pts from 18
Utd: 16pts from 18
Chelsea: 15pts from 18
City: 15pts from 18
Liverpool: 14pts from 18

This season vs promoted teams so far:
Chelsea: 6pts from 6
Arsenal: 1pt from 3
Utd: 4pts from 9
City: no games played
Liverpool: no games played

Obviously, football is not a science but it's far too early to be worrying now. Get Sturridge back, let the new players bed in more and I'm sure your performances will improve.
If Sturridge had have played against Everton I doubt Jagielker's fluky wonderstrike would have been anything other than a late consolation.
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No need to panic. Liverpool are only 2 pts worse off than last season based on the corresponding fixtures, and that involves being without Sturridge also. Infact, a little glance at the CL chasers no team is better off yet - tho given the nature of relegation/promotion I don't incl. promoted teams

Chelsea +/- 0pts
Arsenal -1pts
City -2pts
Liverpool -2pts
Utd -5pts

Last season vs promoted teams:
Arsenal: 18pts from 18
Utd: 16pts from 18
Chelsea: 15pts from 18
City: 15pts from 18
Liverpool: 14pts from 18

This season vs promoted teams so far:
Chelsea: 6pts from 6
Arsenal: 1pt from 3
Utd: 4pts from 9
City: no games played
Liverpool: no games played

Obviously, football is not a science but it's far too early to be worrying now. Get Sturridge back, let the new players bed in more and I'm sure your performances will improve.
If Sturridge had have played against Everton I doubt Jagielker's fluky wonderstrike would have been anything other than a late consolation.

Now that's a sensible post.

Mario does look like garbage though! :BLEH:
Your best sriker is playing for Lille at the moment.
Origi had a veryslow start (WC?), but now he is on fire.
I've read an article where Belgian former internationals evaluated our WC-players.

De Bruyne and Origi are considered the biggest talents.

Those former internationals all are convinced that Origi will fastly become better than both Benteke and Lukaku.

PS: I agree with tik's last post.
Your best sriker is playing for Lille at the moment.
Origi had a veryslow start (WC?), but now he is on fire.
I've read an article where Belgian former internationals evaluated our WC-players.

De Bruyne and Origi are considered the biggest talents.

Those former internationals all are convinced that Origi will fastly become better than both Benteke and Lukaku.

PS: I agree with tik's last post.
Lille without Origi looks completely transparent this year.
Great goal - Lallana is looking lovely!

Unlike Lambert. I will never understand why Liverpool/Rodgers would want Lambert.
Thank God for the win, I'll take any kind of win now.

Lallana's goal was brilliant, he's got the confidence now to play for Liverpool.
Great persistence by Sterling in creating the goal for Henderson.

I liked it how Gerrard was pushed further up the pitch in the 2nd half to support
the strikers. He has an eye for the pass and can still hit cracking shots to goal.
Watched the last hour. Good match by Lallana. Hope this given him confidence. A player i really like.

Just like Henderson....he is becoming one of your key players. Who would have thought that ? Well i did.
Great goal - Lallana is looking lovely!

Unlike Lambert. I will never understand why Liverpool/Rodgers would want Lambert.
Lambert will go down as one of the most bizarre signing we've ever made. At first, it made some sense if it was a mechanism to fuck that clause that Southampton had with the club they brought Lallana from, but once it was clear they were to separate deals, it made no sense.
As long as players dont get injured, and we get Sturridge, Allen and Can back soon,
then I think we will begin to improve a lot.

Hendo and Lallana, hats off to them.
I didn't rate them too much TBH, but I'm glad they're proving us wrong.
Great goal - Lallana is looking lovely!

Unlike Lambert. I will never understand why Liverpool/Rodgers would want Lambert.

becouse he is experienced goalscorer, with great season at Southampton
to cover for third striker option - tall striker who can play alone in front
to replace Aspas, who didn´t adapt
because he is a red, and will fight a lot for the club..
because he was cheap and he wanted to come..

i agree he needs to improve..not sure if he is able though.

great and needed three points today..hopefully everyone stayes fit after next int. break...
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