Liverpool Thread

Derby fans seem to like Ibe a lot :)

Ibe is the most exciting player we've had in a while.

Ibe MOTM by a long way. Absolute class. He will start next game no doubt.

Shotton, Mascarell and Ibe were the stand-out performances for me.

Roos, Keogh and Ibe the three top performers for me. The latter MOTM.

ibe was fantastic but if i'm honest I was most chuffed by the fact that mascarell had such a good game.

Ibe - 9 MOTM: This kid is going to be incredible, the run he went on before the Og with 3 players surrounding him was mind blowing, he keeps the ball so well, needs to pass more though.

Ibe 9 (this lad will go far, he has all the tricks in the book, he's strong, he's quick and has a pretty decent shot on him, the only thing that he needs to improve is his decision making on occasion)
also looking forward to watch Luis Alberto against Barcelona tonight... So far he has started all 4 games league games, and has 1 goal and 1 assist.
Interesting game this weekend, both Liverpool and Everton who did very well last year
are facing a must-win derby match after both teams have suffered defeats early in the season.
Another defeat for either side will be a hammer-blow in confidence.

Maybe the game has come too early for both teams.
But I'll take a narrow Liverpool win 2:1
Mignolet has been playing too much fifa07! Move off the f£&king line! Skrtl was obviously blocking a defender for him to collect the ball a whole 7m away from him and he just stood on the line like a 5-a-side goalie. Attack has been playing like strangers....
Nice free kick from Gerrard but holy crap do I already hate Balotelli's antics again.

Edit: what a freaking bullet by Jagielka. That's a hail Mary shot if I've ever seen one.
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Liverpool are doing a Spurs with Suarez' money.

just lets you know how well Wenger does when his best players leave. You ignore what the public want and go w/ your heart. If , Rodgers was brave enough he could of made the best of what he has and brought in sensible to the squad. At least the excuse is ' he didnt spend' :COP:
Analyze case by case and you can't say that we spent bad. I think we made some signings that are going to turn out to be brilliant in the next couple of years like Moreno, Can and hopefully Markovic and Origi too. The buys from Southampton were poor in my opinion. I don't like Lambert, I don't like Lovren and Lallana is an average signing in my opinion, not a bad signing but not a particularly good either.
Balotelli was a risk worth taking. Doesn't particularly fit the profile of what I need our strikers to be or the culture of this club, but when you manage a business you have to take risks some times and this was a risk worth taking.

So, it's not time to point to Rodgers and the committee for the transfers. We have played bad football, but we've also been unlucky and hit by important injuries. Rodgers has to take blame though for keep changing the tactic. He should choose one and stay with it so that the players can start to gel.
A lot of LFC fans thought they were getting a troubled world class player in Mario. The truth is that he is an average player who will score a couple of spectacular goals a season. I agree with Barton. He is a myth. More a celebrity troll than a top level footballer.

Lallana is a very good player but not sure he suits LFC's 100mph attacking style (of last season).

Poor keeping by Howard for the free kick, imo.

Anyway, you better start winning games soon. You have to get CL!
After Suarez left Liverpool, the reality is that we are not able to attract the great players.
That is why we got who we signed. Balotelli seemed more like a last-minute deal than the main
targets of Falcao, Cavani, Sanchez, Reus, etc who will never join Liverpool because we don't have a big
name manager or any big name players or big wages.
Di Maria, Falcao and others joined Man Utd because they have a big name manager and United
still have a great aura given all their success and name, plus they pay terrific money too.

For us, we can hope that Sturridge stays injury-free, and that the new lads will get better
over the season. I don't expect too much till after Christmas.
The highest we can aim for is 4th spot, and that will be difficult given that we need a strong second half of the season
and other teams to have mixed results. At the moment it seems Southampton have a better chance!!
The owners should not expect anything more than 4th, because the players we signed
are potential, and not proven at high levels.
They are both spot on (although I don't know if the Jagielka shot was savable). Mignolet have some major flaws in terms of techinique, specially this crouching stance and the fact that he's normally too close to line. His stance is normally adopted by smaller, ultra athletic gk, which for a 190cm+ gk is a weird stance, and maybe adopted in a young given the difficulty on low shots.
I don't understand why we signed him, considering his biggest flaw is in his personality and the fact that he is not commander and doesn't communicate well with his teammates. Given that these are very important to Rodgers, they should've been spotted when we were scouting him and we should've walked out.
Other than that he is a great shot stopper.
I'm all for honesty, but Brendan should probably be a bit more subtle.

Coming out and saying 'my player is fit to play for my team, but no way is he fit to play for his international team' is the kind of thing FIFA love go get involved in.

It's also just stupid. Play him Saturday and regardless of what happens say he picked up a slight knock. Problem solved. Just because you're manager of Liverpool FC doesn't mean you can have special treatment from the British FA. If he's fit enough to play on Saturday, there's no reason the FA aren't entitled to call him up for his international duties.

Emphasis on the last word of that sentence.
People will say that i'm defending a Belgian player, because he's Belgian. I don't care.

Having been a GK myself and being a (good) youth coach now, i can tell you that that "analysis" of Mignolet by Neville is absolutely ridiculous.

He should have stopped the Jagielka goal ? Ridculous. He should have put a hand against it (after that it would have been a goal) ? Ridiculous.

That goal is a contender for the goal of the season and absolutely unstoppable. Neuer, Buffon, Yashin, Schmeichel...none of them would have stopped that goal.

Who was the GK before Mignolet ?


Where Liverpool fans universally happy with Reina at the moment Rodger bought Mignolet ? I don't think so.

Who was the GK before Reina ? Wasn't it Dudek ?

Dudek was a fantastic GK when he was with Feyenoord, just like Mignolet was one of the best GK's in the EPL when he was at Sunderland.

I've been saying this before (even before Mignolet was a Liverpool player): there is something wrong with the GK training at Liverpool, because it seems they can't make GK's better...both Mignolet and Dudek were considerably less good when playing for Liverpool.

Oh and an afterthought: a good defense might help Mignolet too...your defense is useless, it was even useless last season.

Fans should support players and not target them...i have the distinct feeling that Mignolet is the easy scapegoat because Liverpool doesn't live up to the unrealistic expectations of the fans.

Mignolet is not a world class GK like Neuer or Coutois.

He is not as good as Reina in his best days either, but Reina to me was a WC GK who had the bad luck being a Spanish at a time when Casillas was the best in the world...

Could it be that Liverpool made a mistake by letting go Reina, because the same fans were fed up of him ? The guy deserved some credit for all the good seasons he had with Liverpool...

Fans are fickle and don't have a clue most of the time....

This may seem harsh, but i mean every word of it (oh and i'm not better when i'm talking about Spurs, i've been criticising Kaboul and look whart a match he played against Arsenal...).
I'm all for honesty, but Brendan should probably be a bit more subtle.

Coming out and saying 'my player is fit to play for my team, but no way is he fit to play for his international team' is the kind of thing FIFA love go get involved in.

It's also just stupid. Play him Saturday and regardless of what happens say he picked up a slight knock. Problem solved. Just because you're manager of Liverpool FC doesn't mean you can have special treatment from the British FA. If he's fit enough to play on Saturday, there's no reason the FA aren't entitled to call him up for his international duties.

Emphasis on the last word of that sentence.

it's English FA, but i agree, brentan has no say on who should be selected for england, it aint got shit to do with him. he should just shut his face. if a player can play for his team then he is gotta be available for the internationals. anyway when it comes to england, players that are on form should be selected ahead of players who aint playing or are playing shit, so i think saido berahino gotta be starting in these qualifiers.

..and, 5 goalkeepers wouldn't of saved phil jagielka's shot. g. nev is lost on this one.
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