Liverpool Thread

Rodgers saying Kristoffer Peterson has earned himself a place on the plane to America. Great for the lad.

Can apparently is OK..
that`s admirable of Hodgson to let him know the road is over for him. Let`s hope Gerrard has a good CL run this season.
We are linked to Manquillo loan for 2 years and option to buy for 6 mil. pounds... now that Atletico are after Moreno to replace F. Luis...
maybe Rodgers wants Wisdom as a CB in future... we could do with a new RB, Flanagan would be playing as a LB then.
I wonder what Rodger would say about this: Messi likes the city ! :LOL:

Guillem Balague ‏@GuiIIemBaIague 37m

Messi "fearful of Barca decline," & Neymar circus has "been a distraction." Ready for "new challenge" & "admires the Arsenal way." #AFC #FCB
Guillem Balague ‏@GuiIIemBaIague 42m

Messi has told friends he owes to Barcelona one more year. When Xavi & Iniesta leave next year, Messi will push for Arsenal move. #AFC #FCB
Guillem Balague ‏@GuiIIemBaIague 2h

Messi says his love for Barcelona is eternal but he admires Arsenal & in 2015/16 he will consider his options. "Sanchez is a big loss" #AFC

Suarez is clearly going to be the main threat 'if' Messi`s head being turned. I thank Liverpool 'if' this happens next season :WORSHIP:

Guillem Balague @GuiIIemBaIague · 6h

Atletico's RB Javier Manquillo says he's chosen Liverpool ahead of Arsenal, because he is "not ready to play for a big club yet." #AFC #LFC
I'm starting to think his account been HACKED ....Think I`ll keep the signature though :) 5hrs at least

mod you could delete I hate tweet hacks :COAT:
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At least I was spot on about Sanchez :) . I think Messi is more of getting a better deal at Barça and Khedira is doing the same w/ RM . They know Arsenal are serious these days .
On the keeper, yes.

Nevermind... it's always the same. In 6 months they'll be talking like they had found a true gem and that he'll be worth 50M €.
Markovic is top class, will be even better and he was a bargain.
We'll talk in a couple of years;)

You make us sound like we never watched a nice prospect playing in our that shouldn't be needed much to impress us. The thing is, just recently we had players like Ronaldo, Deco, Falcao, James Rodriguez, David Luiz, Di Maria and so on. We know when there's something special about a player, and here in Portugal even Benfica rivals recognize Markovic value and potential.
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He's sold already, us, Benfica fans, could stop praising him, if we really didn't believe in his great potential. But we do. Benfica was one of the best teams last year, and Marko one of the best player within the squad.
As #71 said, is like we didn't have some of the best prospect that played or are still playing in our Championship to know a talent when we see one.
@ AndyCruz - Can you see a formation that allows both Markovic, Sterling and Sturridge? From what I've seen that would basically mean 3 players that simply don't defend at all. Throw in Coutinho and it gets even more lop-sided.

That's the only issue I can see with him. From watching the Europa, he looks awesome but is afforded a lot of leeway in terms of his defensive duties. I just worry for Pool that they're now too offensive minded.

Not always a bad thing, but there needs to be balance imo. And as much as he runs, don't think Henderson can do it all himself, especially next to Gerrard.
Markovic when we came to Benfica was a complete liability in terms of defence. However, Jorge Jesus build him as a solid player in terms of defence. He was very willing to help the RB and showed a lot of effort and determination. He's not a great defender, but he's willing to help. However, with a different coach I don't know how he will behave. Jesus focused a lot on his defensive duties. His tactical evolution along the year was immense.

If the three play together it will be a 4-3-3 scheme which it's (theoretically) less demanding defensively for a winger than the 4-4-2 that we play. But our defence was better than the LFC one, so he may have to do the same work in that scheme.
We'll talk in a couple of years;)

You make us sound like we never watched a nice prospect playing in our that shouldn't be needed much to impress us. The thing is, just recently we had players like Ronaldo, Deco, Falcao, James Rodriguez, David Luiz, Di Maria and so on. We know when there's something special about a player, and here in Portugal even Benfica rivals recognize Markovic value and potential.

i didnt mean to say its not true what you guys said, i was asking benfica fans opinion about him since i havent seen much from him and EVERYONE say his amazing and i fucking love this and im so excited to see him.hopefully tonight he can get some minutes.
Sorry if I misunderstood you. Like andy18cruz said before, he's still quite young and for sure you'll see that he still got lots to learn, and to find the right consistency (both during the whole match and every match) but at every glimpse of his talent you'll feel he's a true gem and, mostly important, he's willing to listen and learn.
When he was signed last season (for quite an amount considering serbian transfer values) most of Benfica fans went to youtube trying to find what was so special about him to make him worth 6M € for 50%. And youtube didn't answered it... we were still skeptical. Just like I understand those who watch his 'moves' now and say 'Ok, looks nice, but doesn't really seem AMAZING'... The thing with Markovic is that he's truly fast with the ball on his feet. You won't see him doing an incredible dribble because he doesn't need to. He'll just change pace and the opponent won't be able to follow him, his explosions/acceleration are amazing. But he's also very talented with his feet (first touch, passing...) and very 'cold'.

As we said, he has to find his consistency, find a balance on his individual/team play and improve his crossing ability as he can get the line lots of times...
i didnt mean to say its not true what you guys said, i was asking benfica fans opinion about him since i havent seen much from him and EVERYONE say his amazing and i fucking love this and im so excited to see him.hopefully tonight he can get some minutes.

Sorry, I thought you were taking the piss at us. :P
no Lallana no Markovic? that sucks was looking forward seeing them.

still looking forward to see Coates , Enrique , Lambert , Ibe hopefully in 2nd hald Suso and Can too!

borini and his sholder injury here we go again, unlucky boy.

beautiful start both teams playing as it was more than just a friendly .

Can in
Imo, it seems that mid-table mentality still resides at Liverpool. Rodgers has spent 85 mil euros on 5 very good players (lambert, can, markovic, ramy, lallana) and we can probably add 3 or 4 more (lovren, bertrand, manquillo, obigi).
That is 140 mil on dozen decent, very good players but hardly good enough for winning the epl or doing something in champions league.

Spend 20 mil on filipe luis? No, lets buy bertrand.
Spend 40 mil on reus? No, lets buy markovic and lallana.
Spend 30 mil on world class cb? No, lets buy lovren.

Unfortunately, imo chelsea, mcity and possibly arsenal and mutd will have better players next season.
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