Liverpool Thread

Well, Suarez has left. Feeling mixed, but we've been here haven't we?
I remember seeing Ian Rush leave in 1987, and seeing someone like John Aldridge who was playing at Oxford United :-) to replace him. We won a record title in 1988.
Owen left, and we won the 2005 CL.
Torres left,.....and so does Suarez..

But one player never makes a team. Suarez would not have scored so many goals but for the team built around him.
Liverpool will improve, other players will step up even more.
We will sign some new players.

Hopefully we will continue to challenge for the Title and trophies.
Re: The Liverpool Threads

Well. I know at least one Barcelona fan who doesn't agree with you at all.
Sánchez is a great player.

Koolaje, i thought the use of the word "eat" in a conversation regarding Suarez was rather funny. Sorry if i offended you. Never meant that.

I can see why you are devastated, he is one of the very best players of the world, but is he worth all the trouble. Liverpool will do good without him...

LOL!! if that was what I meant I would've put something to highlight it there. Thanks for clarifying, still cannot believe he's gone.
19M for a good proven striker in a market where an almost 28 years old striker is sold for 75M is not a lot of money. Similar to 17M not being a lot of money when you bought Valencia after selling Ronaldo.
Bony is a very good striker, some people here asked Mandzukic, Bony is better...Mandzukic must be one of the most overrated strikers around.
I think it's in the stars that Liverpool get Bony.

Wilfred Bony - - -> Bony M ----> M for Meal ----> When you eat a meal you take a bite -----> Suarez
rumors say that Origi its at Melwood today for medical, Markovic should be there tomorrow or friday!


Lol, the people who made this must be dumb. Every piece of clothing is different between the two pictures and the backdrop doesn't correspond.
Lol, the people who made this must be dumb. Every piece of clothing is different between the two pictures and the backdrop doesn't correspond.

1st pic is not in liverpool, its old . just to show that girl in 2nd pic its his gf... just tryijg to make some connection lol

anyway he was in liverpool met manager.
So, Moreno's deal is going to be finalized now with Aspas going the other way as makeweight.

Never going to happen, but just read the rumour and can't get it out of my mind. We are going to bid 40M for Marco Reus to convince Dortmund to sell now, and not next year when he'll have a clause of 30M.
Reus will be very good for the free n.7, but i doubt he will move out of BVB, maybe after the injury..but still it´s a risk to go after injured player right now..
Why on earth would Reus want to take a step down?


Of course I'm biased but counting success lately the mathematics would support that claim pretty thoroughly as well. What happened 25 years ago doesn't really matter in such a discussion.
Why on earth would Reus want to take a step down?


Of course I'm biased but counting success lately the mathematics would support that claim pretty thoroughly as well. What happened 25 years ago doesn't really matter in such a discussion.

coz he'll earn 3 times more than he does at BVB? also (with all respect for BVB love them) he's chances to win league with BVB its same or less than with Liverpool? also coz EPL its better league than german one? its not that he can do much with bvb wither over a very strong bayern!


anyway i dont think he'll com either but i would love liverpool to give him a shot and try you never knew
In this day and age Liverpool isn't a "big team". One season isn't enough after so many years of poor play. However, if LFC play another good season I think that can regain their place as top team. BVB is currently there. Don't Reus would swap BVB for LFC right now. If he want to leave he would go to some other place.

i respect BVB very much, but...realy? is it a biger club? they have amazing supporters, great stadium..but in what aspects are they biger? please explain.

(i love them btw, they are my favourite German club.)

I didn't specifically say "bigger" because it's an irrelevant term. BVB is better, which is much more relevant. They have performed better in Champions League than LFC and most other teams in the world for many years. LFC haven't really been present in CL for a while either, so going from BVB to LFC would be a step down even if the purse would get a bit fatter. Even with half the squad out with injuries BVB performs in style, it's in the club and their manager.
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Why on earth would Reus want to take a step down?


Of course I'm biased but counting success lately the mathematics would support that claim pretty thoroughly as well. What happened 25 years ago doesn't really matter in such a discussion.

I could only see (3) clubs for Reus. Now, that Germany won the WC. RM,Barca and Bayer Munich and maybe MUTD.
Without trolling genuinely a little surprised at how little affect CL football has made on you being a prospect for top players.

thought you'd have signed a higher calibre of talent so far or even targeted them barring Sanchez you really haven't.

I could only see (3) clubs for Reus. Now, that Germany won the WC. RM,Barca and Bayer Munich and maybe MUTD.

Bayern is a real possibility. Thankfully Barcelona and Real are stacked and unless Bale/Ronaldo/Neymar are leaving they don't have space.

He wouldn't join us right now but next summer when were likely back in the CL and competing at the highest level we'll be in the mix.
Somewhat agree, but how many high caliber players have actually moved so far? Cesc, suarez, costa, sanchez and now kroos. But the gossip will probably go into overdrive now the wc has gone.
Without trolling genuinely a little surprised at how little affect CL football has made on you being a prospect for top players.

thought you'd have signed a higher calibre of talent so far or even targeted them barring Sanchez you really haven't.

Bayern is a real possibility. Thankfully Barcelona and Real are stacked and unless Bale/Ronaldo/Neymar are leaving they don't have space.

He wouldn't join us right now but next summer when were likely back in the CL and competing at the highest level we'll be in the mix.
Reus supposedly had a deal w/ Barca and is upset they went for Suarez instead. I don`t think CL is such a factor tbh ,its a agent`s tactic. I said this before and some thought I was being beboquintero about it . Players join for money ,manager and fellow surrounding players. When Monaco bought James/Falcao it was a project they knew players could be sold right out for a bigger profit . Its a win-win situation for them...they got CL and players are willing to play for them even if they sell out.
i´m not worried about our transfers at all so far...we will see a lot of movement..

i´m happy for Wisdom, he will get a proper team to gain more experience..

we have added young and good midfielder in Emre Can and one of best technically skilled English national Lallana, also another choice in attack Lambert, a type of player we missed last season.

Many players will go and about 6 more apparently will be bought.. i trust Rodgers and LFC is i think more about making superstars not buying them. Suarez wasn´t a superstar as he is now when we bought him

I think we will buy smart to make our team depth better and so that every player has a competition for places..
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