Liverpool Thread

Rodgers knows Bertrand from his Chelsea days, but i honestly hope he will be signed as a squad player...
Seems like Liverpool are doing a Spurs with Origi and Markovic now also looking likely to sign. That would give the following players in;

Lambert 4.5mil
Lallana 25mil
Can 10mil
Origi up to 10mil, so lats say 5.5mil
Markovic 25mil
Lovren 20mil
total 90mil

Out Suarez 75mil

So 15mil spent. Not really sure if it's money well spent tbh. You can max. play 2 of the 4 attacking mids/wingers bought. 2 back-up strikers (one proven, one young) and a defender who as far as I can tell won't offer much over what is already at the club. There is no way the 2 midfielders/backup strikers will counter balance Suarez with his goals and assists. Not that there is anybody to buy who could mind.
I`ve been reading a few Spanish articles and I`ve seen a lot more negative comments over paying the odds for a 28yrs old player 80 kilo.

They have no clue what Suarez is capable of :)
Seems like Liverpool are doing a Spurs with Origi and Markovic now also looking likely to sign. That would give the following players in;

Lambert 4.5mil
Lallana 25mil
Can 10mil
Origi up to 10mil, so lats say 5.5mil
Markovic 25mil
Lovren 20mil
total 90mil

Out Suarez 75mil

So 15mil spent. Not really sure if it's money well spent tbh. You can max. play 2 of the 4 attacking mids/wingers bought. 2 back-up strikers (one proven, one young) and a defender who as far as I can tell won't offer much over what is already at the club. There is no way the 2 midfielders/backup strikers will counter balance Suarez with his goals and assists. Not that there is anybody to buy who could mind.

Yep, it adds numbers to the squad which is great for fighting on all fronts, but i don't know how much those transfers add to the quality of your first team much to make your first team stronger.

Lallana i think might struggle at Liverpool, markovich could be good, but the others not so sure.

Time will tell, now they will all play amazing! :PP
Maybe Markovic will be awesome, I don't know. But I'd like to just quickly point out there was a player in the Portuguese league who scored twice as many goals in the same number of appearances, that you could have for probably half the fee.

That man is Bebe.
All this talk of Hamezzz, Di Maria, etc - no way. We have Bebe returning.

Back on topic. Liverpool third kit. Discuss.

Sod Liverpool's 3rd kit, what about this monstrosity...
anyone got to see/hear the interview about Suarez by URU Tabarez.
He came up with a theory ..Liverpool had a deal in place w/ Barca before the WC(Luis). So, after the URUENG match word came to Luis that Liverpool are backing out of the deal. Luis lost his train of thought...So, biting the Italian was his way of securing the deal.

Barca said they can protect Suarez from the media! They owe 1/2 of them.
Im not even sure who benefits from such news? Liverpool softening the blow (ridding-out the nutter)I believe now Barca made a apology letter for Suarez`s ppl from the media themselves. Suarez excuse of falling on the shoulder and injuring his teeth on the process is pure nutter from the loon himself.

Liverpool was loyal to Suarez that`s for sure. They even got to laugh at Arsenal last season in the process...from bloggers,players,BR n Henry! Suarez in the end leaves...I w'd hope he writes a letter to the fans ,not justifying himself . He just needs to thank all for supporting him and not playing in the country.
Tabarez said that Suarez to Barca was a done deal in November last year!

anyway I dont really care now I still love Suarez and I'm glad we had such a great striker in Liverpool, its big lost for us but I hope we won't struggle.
Sanchez announced by Arsenal, so Suarez should be done soon.

I'm a little confused why we have not gone for Mandzukic, and why we're not going after Lukaku or some good strikers.
Origi is going to be on loan, if he signs.

Sturridge is injury prone and normally misses a third of a season, Lambert is not really the first choice striker, who does that leave us with...Borini ? ....again not first-choice.
Bony be fucked! He's a fucking carthorse as far as I'm concerned. Yeah he scored a few goals last year but he just isn't the type of player for Liverpool's style of play. Surely it's a wind up?!!!
Liverpool's style of play will help them deal with losing their best player.

As well as a replacement, they still need to shore up the defense tho with a CB, and a fullback or 2.

Top 4 should still be attainable. ATM I'd say 4th is a battle between LFC and Utd, tho Utd will gain confidence early on from a piss easy start (a la Arsenal last season) so LFC may be playng catchup all season
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