Liverpool Thread

Only reason he's issued that is because Barcelona told him too, now they can sign him and proclaim him as a recovering mentalist or something.

There are no morals in football.
The only reason Liverpool or Barcelona or any other club want Suarez is because he is a great

I just hope Liverpool end up signing good players with the huge transfer funds that are available.
If Suarez leaves, we should look at someone like Jackson Martinez or Mario Mandzukic.
Or maybe even Mario Balotelli !!....I heard he wants to come back to England...LOL !
Wait, why are people calling that an apology? He's still claiming it was a collision. He isn't apologising.

Also, there is no way in hell he wrote that, couldn't sound more like legalese if it still had the draft notes on the side.
Yep, the mention of the word 'collision' gives it some ambiguity and a buffer for people still to play it down.

But he does apologies and accept that what happened was wrong.

But anyway, most people know why he apologised.

We have a Uruguayan lady at work and she said that he didn't bite him etc blah blah blah and then I showed her that close up angle that you can't dispute it and she said it was obviously a bite and smiled.

Hopefully the Uruguayan's will issue a collective statement apologising to the whole world after they blamed the whole incident on everybody else apart from Suarez....and mainly at the British Press :PP
If Suarez leaves, we should look at someone like Jackson Martinez or Mario Mandzukic.
Or maybe even Mario Balotelli !!....I heard he wants to come back to England...LOL !

we don't need Balotelli, suarez may be an idiot who bite but he's great player and work very hard , Balotelli its just a big joke.
he can call it a collision. An asteroid hitting the earth is a collision, even if the earth is just minding it's business and looking somewhere else when the asteroid bites :P
Will be glad if he goes. Awesome when he just plays, but it's been out of hand. Can only overlook so much, and without him the team was playing great.

Sure he's off to Barca here soon......ish.
Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Pool's win percentage been better when Suarez wasn't playing? Though I saw some stats on that recently.
Either much as I don't like Pool at times I do hope they don't get punished heavily on the transfer sum as a result of the latest. It'd be good for the league for you to get some decent human beings (though that tends to be relative when we're talking football players) in place of that clown. You'd think you'd be able to attract at least two near to world class players for the money you'd get for Suarez..especially now that you're back in the CL.
Why don't you like Liverpool ?
Surely not because a local rivalriy while you live on another continent ?

PS: good luck for tonight's match, let's hope for a good match without controversy.
Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't Pool's win percentage been better when Suarez wasn't playing? Though I saw some stats on that recently.
Either much as I don't like Pool at times I do hope they don't get punished heavily on the transfer sum as a result of the latest. It'd be good for the league for you to get some decent human beings (though that tends to be relative when we're talking football players) in place of that clown. You'd think you'd be able to attract at least two near to world class players for the money you'd get for Suarez..especially now that you're back in the CL.

that stat is a bit misleading. they played lots of games with him and just a few without. less games=less decisive average value. but then again he's scored quite a few against the top 4 compared to his performances vs smaller teams.
Yes I'm pleased with the Lallana transfer.
Makes good sense as he'll fit right into our system no trouble.

I'm sure some will state it's too expensive but unless it's your money, who cares how much a player costs?
that stat is a bit misleading. they played lots of games with him and just a few without. less games=less decisive average value. but then again he's scored quite a few against the top 4 compared to his performances vs smaller teams.

Pretty sure it's the opposite: his record against the 'big' clubs is poor. Saw a stat floating about that some obscene % of his prem goals had actually come against Norwich ;) Did he score against Arsenal/Chelsea/City/Utd last season?

Anyway, he'll be a loss. But the Lallana signing does me wonder - starting to get into 'how do they all fit' territory.

Not sure you can have Sterling, Sturridge, Suarez, Lallana and Coutinho all playing at the same time. Certainly not starting. Obviously you'll have more options now, but it will be interesting to see how players adapt to not starting every match.
good signing for LFC. The most spanish-like of all the english players. Will fit in well and should hit the ground running
Lallana is a good squad player and will give Coutinho and Sterling competition.
We need a bigger squad given the coming CL campaign, so Rodgers will have to do some amount of rotation.
Getting a British player is good for the homegrown quota.

Yes, he is expensive, the problem with splurging a large amount on one player who is not proven or world-class is that we are not left with much money on other players.

Henderson and Downing cost 20m, so Lallana's value is correct according to British inflated fees.
He's a good player, and proven in the EPL.....but not in the top-4 bracket yet.
Same was the case with Sterling, Coutinho, Flanno, Hendo, ....all players who never did it at the highest level.

Let's hope for LFC's sake, that Lallana is a good player.
Hoping for some more signings
Pretty sure it's the opposite: his record against the 'big' clubs is poor. Saw a stat floating about that some obscene % of his prem goals had actually come against Norwich ;) Did he score against Arsenal/Chelsea/City/Utd last season?

Anyway, he'll be a loss. But the Lallana signing does me wonder - starting to get into 'how do they all fit' territory.

Not sure you can have Sterling, Sturridge, Suarez, Lallana and Coutinho all playing at the same time. Certainly not starting. Obviously you'll have more options now, but it will be interesting to see how players adapt to not starting every match.

I think he did great last season , and you I'd think he will improve much better this season under Liverpool. Its not easy persuading players to sign for a up and coming manger . I believe you need (2) ingredients 1.Money(salary)+ 2.Top Class Boss
I think he did great last season , and you I'd think he will improve much better this season under Liverpool. Its not easy persuading players to sign for a up and coming manger . I believe you need (2) ingredients 1.Money(salary)+ 2.Top Class Boss

we have both. also owners who care it seems.
we have both. also owners who care it seems.

Don't take it to heart think outside of the red. Then perhaps you'll see my point... Players join for money mostly and a well known Boss helps. Think of it like a teacher , you're picking a class the teacher you want to work with .most classes that usually gets filled quickly is the reputation of the teacher. Yes, BR is good and players love him. His track record is still under the radar.
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