Liverpool Thread

As much as I hope it'll happen, you'd be crazy to let Suarez go imo.

When the going got tough this season, your ability to rely on him to unlock the door was what got you loads of points. It's almost impossible to replace what he brings to a team, particularly when I can't imagine Gerrard will have as good a season again at his age.

Sturridge is okay, but looked back to himself at the WC (uber wasteful). Sterling is exciting, think he'll crack on. Countinho...I think he thrives in the space created by Suarez.

We'll see, but I think Suarez was the single thing differentiating LFC from a good team to a very good team last season. I'm not convinced that'll be easy to replace.
if Liverpool let Suarez go I dont think we can finish in top4 tbh , Suarez made difference, but with him and adding Lallana and couple more new quality names we can win things next year!

EDIT: Adam Llallana today at Melwood for his medical?

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We'll see, but I think Suarez Rodgers was the single thing differentiating LFC from a good team to a very good team last season.

fixed it.

honestly you think we could not replace Suarez? if we get 50 mil + Sanchez, i would take it without thinking about it for a second.

I trust Rodgers, i lost my faith in Suarez. He might bit or do stupid shit for us in mid season again and we are fucked. We can´t and i think won´t take that risk anymore.

Can, Lambert, Lallana, possibly Sanchez, Shaqiri, Markovic and some defensive players will make this team great, much better than it is now...

Sanchez is more team player than Suarez..Sturridge can benefit more from him than Luis imo.

Suarez is top 3 player in world in his day, but we can´t afford to rely on him, not after what he did few days ago.
Agree with Pipa, Sanchez is more compatible with Sturridge than Suarez.
Sanchez + Lallana + Markovic/Shaqiri = Suarez
And let's invest the rest of the budget in defenders.
i´m glad.. :)

Tony Barrett ‏@TonyBarretTimes 40s
Liverpool moving rapidly in the transfer market. Deals for Origi & Lallana almost done and now a move for Benfica's Lazar Markovic too.

there is a big difference when you pay 12m for Sturridge, 9m for Coutinho, 5m for Sterling.....
you get 3 potentially good players for 25m...

compared to paying 25m for Lallana, who is 26 yrs old...

Of course, if Lallana is a big success, then I will be very happy, but I doubt it.....he could be Joe Allen part 2.

I'd be happy to see Alexis, but I doubt he will come here....he looks more likely to join Juventus and Arturo Vidal.
Liverpool are no longer a Spanish-speaking looks more like the England team ..

I think Lambert can be a good success.....he could score quite a bit and surprise a lot of people....

I personally don't want Suarez to go, because he is so good for LFC,....but on a personal note for Suarez...
I think he will flourish at Barca...and the thought of Messi, Suarez, Neymar, Rakitic, mouthwatering for European football...
english players are always overpriced...Lallana turned 26 month ago + he can give us 5+ years of service...and he is quality what we need right now...realy good player imo.

Joe Allen part 2? Allen will be part of the midfield with Lallana and Henderson in near future when Gerrard will be droped, with Can coming in..or rotating..Allen is a quality player.

Alexis could come if Barca want Suarez swap + money..

Suarez can be success there, but already Barca have main man Messi, even Neymar downgraded himself since Santos hights...and Ibra would know also thing or two who´t the man n.1 there...i wish him all the best if he goes.

I care about the team future not just one player. We can´t trust him anymore.. it will cost us a lot. it already is costing us milions in his price.
Suarez + 50M and Sanchez :LOL:

Suarez + 15M and Sanchez is more realistic, and also might I add a good deal.

Suarez is worth 80 mil + easy, ban or no ban.. LFC have the power in their hands.

Sanchez might be worth a lot, but Suarez is an world class football icon atm... marketing wise he is much more above Sanchez and in today´s football, this is a big influence on players price...

even bad advertisment is advertisment...
he's really not!

Theres a reason Adidas are questioning whether to terminate his contract. he's got a terrible reputation which is unrepairable at this point.
Suarez + 50M and Sanchez :LOL:

Suarez + 15M and Sanchez is more realistic, and also might I add a good deal.
We are just quoting what Sport said. Sport is the source talking about 50M plus Sanchez or Pedro. And Sport is nothing but a Barcelona instrument, so that can 't be far from the truth.
if you/we pay 30m for lallana/shaw than suarez is surely worth 4 those players ;)

we shoud stick at 85+ m if someone want him they should pay those money if notwe should keep him, they are comming for him so they have to pay or walk away
You must be selling Suarez if you're splashing out 70m on attacking players. It was the defence that needed bolstering surely?

That or you have more money to spend than you thought. There's FFP to consider as well
We are just quoting what Sport said. Sport is the source talking about 50M plus Sanchez or Pedro. And Sport is nothing but a Barcelona instrument, so that can 't be far from the truth.

Sport is a terrible paper, barely gets anything right and just constantly reports rubbish, Mundo Deportivo is the paper to check for reliable source for Barcelona news.

You must be selling Suarez if you're splashing out 70m on attacking players. It was the defence that needed bolstering surely?

That or you have more money to spend than you thought. There's FFP to consider as well

I think he is going, no question at this point.
I mean the footage looks 95% sure that he tried to bite Chiellini and now he claims he fell over? I have a hard time believing he said he didn't tried to bite Chiellini, from the video it was sort of hard evidence.
Sport is a terrible paper, barely gets anything right and just constantly reports rubbish, Mundo Deportivo is the paper to check for reliable source for Barcelona news.
They are an instrument. They just report whatever Barca wants them to report, as Marca does with Madrid.
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My bad, Suarez just slipped and fell on to chiellini, don't know what the fuss is about.

Literally going through the mental process of a 5 year old.
My bad, Suarez just slipped and fell on to chiellini, don't know what the fuss is about.

Literally going through the mental process of a 5 year old.

Looks like his lack of remorse probably resulted in a longer ban.
If he had apologized publicly, who knows he may not have been banned for longer than 9 matches...

Remarkable parallels with Suarez and Cantona for all you ManU fans :)
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why we dont go for Cuadrado? this guy its amazing, i've been following him since his Lecce days andi knew it was just matter of times he'll reach top.
If Suarez goes to Barcelona and Sanchez comes to Liverpool, I will be fine with it. I'm pretty much hoping for it at this point.
Sanchez is Arsenal bound it seems.

If he chooses to go there instead of Liverpool, then it's the attraction of London, and a few Spaniards there (Cazorla, Arteta)

I wish he would come to Liverpool, he would definitely be more worth than Lallana and Markovic....can't believe we are spending that kind of money on two unproven players.
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