Liverpool Thread

i think the same, but if we get a lot of money added to that deal, i think we can live with that...

i trust Rodgers to make best out of it.
he's a striker and we already have 2 great strikers and a 2 good backup , we need a 1st team player if we want to win something

Actually he is a talented winger, attacking midfielder or striker from what I have been able to pull together from YT clips of past performances. Exactly the kind of young, flexible talent that has made Liverpool competitive again. Of course Belgian talent is Gerds area of expertise, so I will wait for him to tell you if it will be a good deal or not :P
I'd say if you sell Aspas for a few million and buy Origi for that + maybe a bit more it's good business. Origi is a great talent and very versatile, can play anywhere upfront.


Looks pretty good to me.
yeah I'll wait than for gerd too , my idea was that I hope we wont end up signing him , Lambert and Emre Can... this wont add any quality to our team for NEXT season maybe it will to our bench but they aren't player who will get many minutes next season (maybe expect from Can who can play since our midfield is really poor)
i can only agre...


don´t want to defend him, but the hypocrisy is just obvious from non-lfc fans who seem to have short memory, if you think of breaking legs, ending careers or kicking fans is imo biger harm than a bite... just theoretically, or at least equal.. Suarez problem is he done it third time now..

both those incidents were provoked, again not agreeing with what Cantona/Keane or even Zidane in 2006 did but you can rationalize there anger.

Suarez on the other hand isn't provoked and just seems to lose it regardless.
This isn´t doping though, but a foul, or serious foul play. Same can be said about your logic, if a player for example breaks a leg in international duty, and therefore will cost a lot of money for his club not having him able to play for them, will the FA of his country pay the cost´s of his injury? or his sallary during that time of recovery?

Suarez is LFC employe, but at World cup he is representing Uruguay FA, not LFC... his club should not pay for his actions in his NT with not having him for their games in PL.

That logic is flawed. If FIFA can only punish indirectçy LFC. Suárez is responsible for his actions. That same way if a person gets jailed for a few months. The boss cannot fire him becuase he does not show up for work (At least in the majority of UE countries). The boss is indirectly punished, but he cannot do nothing about it. There higher values that need to be protected (in that case the reintegration of the criminal in society, etc.).

And Btw in case of injuries, FIFA or the NT have to pay for the medical procedures and pay also a compensation for the period of inactivity of the player. It's been a long battle for the clubs, but those rules have been passed a couple of years back.

ok but was there ever a case that FIFA banned an active player from his club duty or football itself, for something that happend in international match except doping of course..?
There were at least one: post #39005
both those incidents were provoked, again not agreeing with what Cantona/Keane or even Zidane in 2006 did but you can rationalize there anger.

Suarez on the other hand isn't provoked and just seems to lose it regardless.

How do you know he wasn't provoked? You don't, so stop stating your impression as fact.

I'm not defending the little shit btw, but as expected the Liverpool thread has become a ridiculous shithole again with non Liverpool fans stating info as if they know anything about it or comparing a dumb footballer to murder and the punishment he / the club should be getting.

Seriously, unwindulax! He's a dickhead with problems, but the only reason for the reaction is because he is a very high profile player (both because of his skills and his idiotic history) and because biting someone is so ridiculously off the scale of "normal" agression that there is a pathetic morale outrage to his actions.

The damage caused is little more than a studs up tackle, if that. See Valencia's red card yesterday (and I use that example because I saw it yesterday, not because he is a Utd player). Where is the outrage for him? There isn't, justifiably. I'm looking at the damage, not the intention.

Suarez is ridiculous, both as a skillfull player and as the repeat offender that he is. Give him another long ban, whether international and/or national I don't care.

But can we cut the crap in here comparing him to something happening in a dayjob or as an offence by a criminal? It isn't.
See Valencia's red card yesterday (and I use that example because I saw it yesterday, not because he is a Utd player). Where is the outrage for him? There isn't, justifiably. I'm looking at the damage, not the intention.

Actually, when you look at the clip, Valencia slides off the ball and into that french fag. This was more an accident that deserved a red card while biting isn't an accident. A better comparison would be Sakho's elbow yesterday, and I'm not saying that because he's another LFC player but because I saw it yesterday. Sakho also needs a huge fucking ban from football because that shit isn't acceptable.
just stop watching football dude , and don't cry all day for every single detail , "your" Ibrahimovich than should have stop played from years now
Luis Suárez: Fifa's statement in full

The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has reached a decision in the case related to Luis Suárez of Uruguay following an incident that occurred during the FIFA World Cup™ match between Italy and Uruguay played on 24 June 2014.

The FIFA Disciplinary Committee has decided that:


Suarez got 9 games suspension and 4 months banned from football.

Well done!!!!
this is BULLSHIT, Suarez should only be banned from NT this has to do NOTHING with Liverpool, if he's NT will be out of World Cup he would be in some beach like other LFC players are and he can bite whoever he want and not got banned. this means club doesnt have to let their players to play in NT anymore
Don't think they can prevent him training. That shouldn't be allowed, it's his livelihood and he's an athlete.

But a competitive match ban is probably right. Sucks for LFC, but I guess that's the downside to a 'risky' player.
Thats what I thought Ryan. I'm pretty sure it's against human rights laws to ban someone from working / continuing his current employment.

The rest is fine imo. Was expecting an 8 match ban, but the complete ban from football was a surprise. Ah well, Liverpool are used to him being missing for about a 1/4 of a season now anyway.
Thought hegot off lucky to be honest, 6-8 months is what I would have expected.

He'll be off to Spain anyway.
Re-reading, there's nothing in there about training. He can train, just can't train at Anfield. Which isn't where he trains anyway.
Correct, not training with Liverpool so he'll be away from LFC for 4 months. He has to train himself to keep himself into shape.
He can train with amateur teams. I think he got off lightly. The best part is that Uruguay appealed the sentence, so the sentence might be increased and start at a later date as a result. Even "better" for LFC :D
Ahahah keep dreaming

Just woke up :SMUG:

I said he should get 25 games and it turns out he'll miss 22 games, so whilst I think he has got off a bit lightly at least FIFA have shown a bit of spine unlike the FA. Hopefully they increase it on the International stage with Uruguay appealing frivolously.
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