Liverpool Thread

I think he was referring to our resident super spud

Yep he was referring to me. Bless him, think I offended him with my anti-Rodgers speech.

Thing is, I'm right and he knows it :APPLAUD:

I've changed my mind now, I want City to win the league. The Cockney Scousers in work are annoying me too much.

was just lookin' at the fixtures, last game is at home to newcastle united, if this junt goes to goal difference i don't think it impossible to score about 8 vs them on the last day, if you get a decent win vs palace it could be on.
Yep he was referring to me. Bless him, think I offended him with my anti-Rodgers speech.

Thing is, I'm right and he knows it :APPLAUD:

I've changed my mind now, I want City to win the league. The Cockney Scousers in work are annoying me too much.


This is akin to Vader's redemption

Well done
Liverpool winning the title w'd be the poor boy getting the supermodel , ManCity is a typical rich kid getting the supermodel girlfriend. Liverpool has played wonderfully taking point from the teams around them w/ style.
I'm glad the guard of honour won't be conducted this season... It's been a proper fight for the title! \0/
Yeah but is there anything more annoying than your typical Liverpool supporter? The guys here seem nice but generally Liverpool supporters are, how can I put this nicely - extremely self entitled.

No offence intended - we've got more than our fair share of wallies as well :)
Btw if Everton get points from city and we end up winning league i'll keep their (Everton) logo as my avatar for one year :)

I've already promised to get a Liverpool shirt with Borini on the back next season, if that happens i'll be getting one with Martinez on the back as well!
we got our chance and seems we blew it big time... only mirracle would have to happen to see Villa or West Ham take a point of City...

hope we will be in good mood tomorow and try to win with big difference...

very sad, this was a magnificent season.
Rodgers will learn so much from his mistake to continue to attack a Chelsea side that didn't want to play. In hindsight, they should have just played from the draw.

I'm by no means sad as you say you are. Reds fans should be delighted with this season.

Guaranteed champions league football for the first time in years, Suarez definitely staying one more season. New players (bigger name players) surely will be more attracted to come in the summer. Improvements to Anfield look great and will generate more money. Our young players will only improve next year.

I for one am very happy. Liverpool are in a much better position now than they have been for many years.
be interesting to see what sort of player Rodgers could bring...will they have (CL)experience.

I really hope he looks for CL experienced players.
To keep finding young, unused talent at other clubs won't keep working for him.

Xabi Alonso would be perfect. I doubt he'll come back though.
Xabi will never come back, also we need experience i agree... i expect us to get a top class full backs and one DM... + recall Borini and Suso most probably..other young players might be loaned Ibe, Wisdom and Robinson..
Centre backs are priority for sure.
Our full backs are pretty good. Enrique is top class and has missed the whole season practically. He'll drop straight back in when fit.

The one position I think is most important is our goalkeeper.
I'm not convinced Mignolet is good enough. Maybe next season he'll come good like David de Gea did an United.

Top top teams HAVE to have a top keeper. They're just as important as a 25 goal striker.
well judging by the comments by Rodgers i think Mignolet is safe and n.1 for him..

i don´t think he is worse than Hart tbh...
Oh Steve Gerrard! You f**cked it up! :LOL:

not sure if you joke or troll now, actually i was kind of thinking you are a serious member and enjoyed your post´s...

without Gerrard we would not be in position we are now and past legends made mistakes...

i´m glad it happend to him in some way, if it would happen to a younger player of the team, it might devastate him..

seems Gerrard is devastated:


we will go untill the end.. and it´s not over untill it´s realy impossible for us..
It's hard for City to drop points from here on...

but, I think it's just as hard, if not harder, for L'pool to get 6 points from the remaining matches. Crystal away will be very hard tomorrow. And yeah, Newcastle are quite shite at the moment, but their roster isn't all that bad, they're just massively underperforming. We saw today what their true quality can be.
not sure if you joke or troll now, actually i was kind of thinking you are a serious member and enjoyed your post´s...

without Gerrard we would not be in position we are now and past legends made mistakes...

i´m glad it happend to him in some way, if it would happen to a younger player of the team, it might devastate him..

seems Gerrard is devastated:


we will go untill the end.. and it´s not over untill it´s realy impossible for us..

Calm down dear, I am very serious. I like Liverpool and the football you play BUT:

You don't live in the UK, right? It's been unbearable here listening to the pro-Gerrard and Liverpool media. Your lot were too busy celebrating winning the league before the season was over.

PIPA, you're a nice lad but you're too biased when it comes to your team. You lot bottled it and Man City are taking advantage of that. You have to take the rough with the smooth.

Oh and Gerrard slipping will go down in footballing history :LOL:
yeah whatever ;)

Liverpool's Brendan Rodgers promises six of best signings next season

• Liverpool's attacking style will attract top-level players
• Stars will be easier to attract with Champions League footbal

Brendan Rodgers estimates around half a dozen players may be needed to bulk out his Liverpool squad to the required depth for the Champions League but the manager has no immediate concerns about having to buy in creativity.

"I think with 96 goals in the league we are doing OK in that department," he said. "We will need to bring in players over the summer, and the great plus about being in the Champions League is that it makes it easier to attract the top ones, but we have developed a style of football over this past year that is already being recognised."

Rodgers has made his peace with José Mourinho, recognised the fact that it is his responsibility to find attacking solutions rather than complaining about Chelsea setting themselves up so defensively, and accepted that his ungenerous reaction to last week's defeat at Anfield was born of exasperation due to what was at stake.

Liverpool's manager has calmed down now – "I was probably a wee bit frustrated immediately after the game" – and has moved on to considering how to take the club on to the next level. "We have a way of working and a way of playing that recommends itself to leading players. We have established a reputation as a creative, attacking team that wants to win games and that should stand us in good stead," he said.

"Last summer when we were speaking to certain players they said they respected what we were trying to achieve but they wanted to play at the top level. We are at that level now, ahead of schedule, so I suspect this summer will be a totally different proposition.

"It is a World Cup summer, so most of the best players are going to be in Brazil for a while, but it is the same for everyone else and our recruitment team has already started work. The owners recognise that we will need an injection of quality for next year and I know the profile of the players we will need.

"We are already putting plans in place so it will be the total opposite of my first season here, when players didn't report back until quite late after the Euros and I only had a short space of time to put across my ideas and methods. I had no real time to work then so it was difficult to be at a new club. This summer, we have an established playing style and new players will be able to come in and immediately know what we are all about."

Liverpool's captain, Steven Gerrard, will help any new recruits to acclimatise. He is expected to extend his long service at the club. "I believe Steven will play beyond 2015," Rodgers told the Liverpool Echo. "He is a player who has really shown his qualities this season. He has dropped into a new position and played it seamlessly."

Rodgers faces another test against a well organised defence at Crystal Palace on Monday. He agrees Tony Pulis has done an outstanding job at Selhurst Park, and noted that when Palace won at Everton last month they not only operated a disciplined low block in defence but were extremely effective on the counter. That was an aspect missing from Chelsea's performance at Anfield, where Mourinho's side might not have scored at all but for Gerrard's slip and Liverpool's subsequent need to throw caution to the wind in the second half, but Rodgers feels that game has already been analysed enough. "It was tough, but we dust ourselves off and go again," he said.

"You are never going to win every game, but it is clear from what we have achieved this season that our methods work. We don't need to change too much; the season we have had has been absolutely brilliant. We are a young team that's coming through, everybody is loving what Liverpool are doing, and now we are in the Champions League. When I was a young coach at Chelsea I used to sit on the sidelines and watch the flag being shaken in the middle of the field with the music playing. Everybody wants some of that and you just hope as a manager that one day you will get the chance to work at that level.

We are there now and it's only my fifth year as a manager in my own right, so hopefully I have got a few more years to get better. What we want to do now is stay at this level, to try and sustain what has been achieved. Of course the Champions League will be a big challenge, but it's one we can enjoy.Taking Liverpool back for the first time in five years makes me immensely proud, but that's for next season. We still have this season to finish first."
Rodgers is tactically naive IMO. He'll get found out next season when the fixtures come thick & fast I reckon.

He hasn't got a plan for when he needs to 'shut up shop'. I reckon Liverpool will finish 6th/7th next season as Suarez will bite a ref in the World Cup and get banned from football by FIFA for a year. Sturridge won't hit the heights he has this season either, he'll go back to being the Studge we all know and love.

And where is Misfit? he's very quiet now. :LOL:
My posts are very similiar to a lot of other members here.

It's just banter, PIPA. You take everything too seriously mate.


I love you and I want love back. We need to huggle. Let's huggle.

Idk why the fuck this prick doesnt get a warning , he's such a clown , oh wait he live in UK he knows everything

He's fine as far as i'm concerned, you need a sense of humour, this is a page for football fans, if we can't have a laugh and take the piss out of each other then we're all fucked.

Also, the stuff he's saying is just for a laugh, why should he get a warning for that when other members of the board are saying pretty sad and dangerouly backward things about certain sexualities and don't get a warning?
Well to be honest I thought there were rules about banned people not coming back and making multiple usernames, and this guy is just DjDog or Ninjabreaker or Benni (the Inter fan supposedly from just outside Milan yet who couldnt speak a word of Italian) or whoever it was. I think he's a wind up merchant, he doesnt really support Spurs and it's just this years incarnation of him.
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