Liverpool Thread

This post sounds negative, but i only write this because people here see Chelsea far too negative.

People see Chelsea far too negative?

  • Mou goes around conjuring a storm every time he loses a point going on to blame the refs, and worst of all, the other team for parking the bus. That West Ham 'Black & Decker' comment is the perfect embodiement of this and I'm sure that's not the first time he has criticized the opposing team for the same reason.
  • On top, he goes around taking cheap jabs at people, especially Wenger, calling him 'a specialist in failure'.
  • The club recycles managers like plastic bottles.
  • They have an mafiatic owner who throws infinte amounts of money for success, rivaled only by the likes of PSG, City, and Monaco.
  • They actively hijack competitor's transfers targets. They actually practice this as a competitive strategy to weaken and disturb their opponents.
  • They literally hog youth prospects, similarly, not out of need, but out of greed and fear of competition with their opponents. They have a youth team on loan worth than other premier leagues that could challenge for Euro League spot.
  • On top of all the money spent in previous seasons and this summer, they went and made two high class transfers (Salah, arguably once again, to weaken Liverpool).
  • On top of all this, Mou actually has the nerve to complain about lacking the players he needs.
  • Instead of at least attempting entertaining footy to justify the loads of money spent (i.e. City), they play a trademark negative football not only under Mou, but also under Avram Grant and Matteo. Yeah, they get good games on and off, but we are talking about the team's identity.

I don't straight out hate Chelsea, matter of fact, I'm quite neutral. Considering all of this, I will root for Pool to win the league till the last whistle blows. IMO, Chelsea more than warrant most of the negativity they get. Most of their practices are exactly what is wrong with football today and why it looks like it ain't about to get any better.

Also, they get more than enough love to counterbalance. I'm sure they have one of the largest followings in the world and merchandise sales, etc.
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Mou and west ham : just mind games.
And you just don't hate Chelsea....

Well i've seen at least one very entertainment Chelsea match this season, that was when they scored 6 goals.
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mourinho didn't call wenger "failure specialist" out of nothing. wenger first took a very needless swipe (as always) at him saying mou's teams are afraid to lose. I don't like mou's reaction either but you guys are always judging one-sided when he is the matter. and it's not like he was totally inaccurate with his statement. it was disrespectful though.

you're taking him far too serious.

I don't get that negative football bs around tbh. You don't like it, okay, but maybe some other people like it(don't worry I don't like it). I don't like guardiola football or spanish nt football but I don't go around saying this is positive football and this is the negative one. it's very subjective. what's not subjective is that mourinho's a very succesful manager and some of you can't take it for very strange reasons(to me). as I said, you're taking his words (esp. those highlighted by media everyday) too seriously.

p.s. sorry for the ot.
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Dunno why Liverpool were bothered by CFC timewasting. A 0-0 would have been a good result. You didn't need to win. They were doing you a favour
mourinho didn't call wenger "failure specialist" out of nothing. wenger first took a very needless swipe (as always) at him saying mou's teams are afraid to lose. I don't like mou's reaction either but you guys are always judging one-sided when he is the matter. and it's not like he was totally inaccurate with his statement. it was disrespectful though.

you're taking him far too serious.

I don't get that negative football bs around tbh. You don't like it, okay, but maybe some other people like it(don't worry I don't like it). I don't like guardiola football or spanish nt football but I don't go around saying this is positive football and this is the negative one. it's very subjective. what's not subjective is that mourinho's a very succesful manager and some of you can't take it for very strange reasons(to me). as I said, you're taking his words (esp. those highlighted by media everyday) too seriously.

p.s. sorry for the ot.
Wenger was asked a question (Like always) by the media, "They`re manager that say they are not in the running?"...He clearly said it must be out of fear not to succeed. If, you dont get the negativity surrounding Mou by now worries keep your love fest for him. He`s a manager that gets results ,but he comes cross as a proper cunt.
so what? he could have given a proper answer like "I don't want to comment on others" or "I don't know, that's his way of doing things". tbh the only big club that I've sympathy with is arsenal and that's mostly down to wenger and I love to watch the wengerball too but he is jealous inside about mourinho as he can't beat him. that wasn't nice but mourinho shut him up both on and off the field. that's about it for me.

oh and btw, that's not love fest whatsoever. look, you knew that wenger took the first shot (no matter what) and you never said anything about it until I mentioned it. I am not in love with mourinho but I don't like the one-sided negativity towards him around here either.
I dont need to defend Wenger I hate him n love him over again I admit I have issues that need sorting. I disagree about Jealously , it doesnt matter how many times Mou beats Wenger, he makes more money and runs the club at his own apparel. You are just projecting off Wenger ,that's a silly thing to do . One more thing Mou is a superCunt :LOL: he should wear a cape. :)

Rodgers is the 2nd longest manager in the premier league atm :LOL: i hope he stays for years to come.
Dunno why Liverpool were bothered by CFC timewasting. A 0-0 would have been a good result. You didn't need to win. They were doing you a favour

but we wanted to, at least play football.

bad mistake by Gerrard, i´m sure it would be a draw otherwise definetly or maybe a win...

but shit happens.
Mourinho and Chelsea are the embodiment of everything that is wrong with football. The dark arts, the anti-football, the money laundry operation, the hypocrisy, the sheer negativity.
That is all.

Incorrect. Alan Pardew is.

That is accurate. And a little trivia for you all: who is the 2nd biggest douchebag manager in the Premiership?
You guessed it right if your answer is Pardew again!
so what? he could have given a proper answer like "I don't want to comment on others" or "I don't know, that's his way of doing things". tbh the only big club that I've sympathy with is arsenal and that's mostly down to wenger and I love to watch the wengerball too but he is jealous inside about mourinho as he can't beat him. that wasn't nice but mourinho shut him up both on and off the field. that's about it for me.

oh and btw, that's not love fest whatsoever. look, you knew that wenger took the first shot (no matter what) and you never said anything about it until I mentioned it. I am not in love with mourinho but I don't like the one-sided negativity towards him around here either.

The point is that is just one example of only one of the points I have made. It's not the first time Mou has made questionable comments, regardless of if that one case against Wenger was warranted or not.

And for me, the other points I have brought up regarding playing philosophy, economics, transfers, etc are far more important than any of the press conference stuff.
Has there been another manager to falsely accuse a referee of talking with the opposition manager at half time and effectively ending that refs career?
The point is that is just one example of only one of the points I have made. It's not the first time Mou has made questionable comments, regardless of if that one case against Wenger was warranted or not.

And for me, the other points I have brought up regarding playing philosophy, economics, transfers, etc are far more important than any of the press conference stuff.

maybe 'cause I agree with most of em? :)

I just tried to make it clear about the "specialist in failure" case. this wasn't really personal with you or your post but it's due to that it was like third or fourth time I've seen it here with no mention to wenger's word. that's all about it. maybe I should be clearer next time.
AK Rabona, you are very selective in your outrage.
One example.
Chelsea have a mafiatic owner.

I tend to agree with you, but can you proof that ?

And let's for the sake of argument agree that Abramovich became rich in an unethical way.

Why single Chelsea out ?

Aren't you an Arsenal fan ?

You should do a litle bit of research and read about the traffic of Ivorian players to Beveren as a feeder club for Arsenal and under co-ownership of Arsène Wenger.

Is Arsenal a "bad" club ? IMO not.

But if i apply your moral and ethical standards in your post in this thread, boy you should hate your favourite club (of course you can Always deny what happened in abidjan and Beveren).

There are string rumours that the fantastic Deportivo La Coruna team with Valeron, Diego Tristan,Makaay and others was funded by Colombian drug money. Should i feel guilty because i enjoyed that team ?

Take a look at the history of clubs like Lazio Roma or Real Madrid (yes i'm guilty too, i don't like Madrid for ethical reasons).

Do some research about the ridiculous relationship between Spurs and Arsenal. How did it started ? Because Arsenal did something very unethical that went against all fairplay rules...only this was a century ago...

Calling Wenger a specialist in failure is without class, but from his point of view andcompared to his standards, Mourinho isn't wrong about when he says this.

What is wrong with sacking manager after manager ? The biggest victim are Chelsea themselves...

I don't agree with a single of your arguments. You are very biased towards both Chelsea and Mourinho.
I just had to check the top of this page but it still reads Liverpool thread!
There is another thread for general Premier League chat isn't there?

Anyway, I'd happily take 2nd in the league when it's all over.
If at the start of the season you'd have offered ANY Liverpool fan a top of the league position with 2 games to play and they may lose the title on goal difference alone, ANY Liverpool fan wouldn't have snatched your hand off, they'd have both your bloody arms off!

A very successful season whatever happens now for us reds fans!
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Here you go

Lallana would be a good buy. I don't know if the sums that are being talked for a 25 years old player fit into FSG model, but you can see that he has the quality and the type of player that Brendan looks for, plus he would be able to play almost any role in the midfield and in the attack.
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Lallana is one of the most creative players in PL..the first moment i saw him play i knew he is class...

would be great to have him for next season.
Off topic: Mourinho is a knob.

Rodgers is a cheesy twat too. The Liverpool supporters lap up his romantic and cliched bollocks.

Our Tim is a bellend.

Pellegrini is the most likeable manager at the top of the league, oh and Martinez - he is class.
Lallana was born in St Albans but moved to the Iford area of Bournemouth when he was five years old.[3] As a child, Lallana supported Everton, like his father. -wiki

Maybe we for once get a LFC transfer that doesn't involve "This is a dream come true - the biggest moment in my LIFE! I've wanted to play for Liverpool FC since I fell in love with the club as a fetus".
AK Rabona, you are very selective in your outrage.
One example.
Chelsea have a mafiatic owner.

I tend to agree with you, but can you proof that ?

And let's for the sake of argument agree that Abramovich became rich in an unethical way.

Why single Chelsea out ?

Aren't you an Arsenal fan ?

You should do a litle bit of research and read about the traffic of Ivorian players to Beveren as a feeder club for Arsenal and under co-ownership of Arsène Wenger.

Is Arsenal a "bad" club ? IMO not.

But if i apply your moral and ethical standards in your post in this thread, boy you should hate your favourite club (of course you can Always deny what happened in abidjan and Beveren).

There are string rumours that the fantastic Deportivo La Coruna team with Valeron, Diego Tristan,Makaay and others was funded by Colombian drug money. Should i feel guilty because i enjoyed that team ?

Take a look at the history of clubs like Lazio Roma or Real Madrid (yes i'm guilty too, i don't like Madrid for ethical reasons).

Do some research about the ridiculous relationship between Spurs and Arsenal. How did it started ? Because Arsenal did something very unethical that went against all fairplay rules...only this was a century ago...

Calling Wenger a specialist in failure is without class, but from his point of view andcompared to his standards, Mourinho isn't wrong about when he says this.

What is wrong with sacking manager after manager ? The biggest victim are Chelsea themselves...

I don't agree with a single of your arguments. You are very biased towards both Chelsea and Mourinho.

Sorry to go off-topic again.

Good post, Gerd.

As you've said, there is a degree of bias. No club is fully pure. At the end of the day, they are all corporations, and just.

I have heard you mention the Beveren situation b efore, but I never looked it up. It can be true as you say, I wouldn't deny Arsenal would never do something wrong (or even my home team, Trabzonspor). I think it is up to the individual to consider how much you let off the field actions determine your attachment to the club.

I would greatly respect anyone who withdraws their support due to such reasons. I wouldn't say you, personally, should feel guilty for enjoying those teams. But if those were my main teams, I would consider the consequences of success on the field brings to the world outside of it.

For example, my home team, Trabzonspor, is from a coastal town in Turkey. The team has won government contracts to construct a few hydro-electric power plants on the rivers in the city. This is a hot topic with the locals arguing that the power plants are drying up the river beds. So it is a dilemma for me to support these projects bringing crucial funds for my club, or to oppose them to protect the natural beauties and environment of my home town.

For me, I support Arsenal, because I like Wenger's philosophy of attacking football and forming new squads out of youngsters. In the future, if they abandon this, I might reconsider my support as I'm not connected to the club by any bonds beyond my personal favorings.

I realize concepts of 'attacking football' and 'cultivating youngsters' are very subjective. So, these are things that apply to me. For me, Chelsea, in many ways, embodies the opposite.

And you don't even agree about the loaned youngster point I made?? If I remember correctly, until recently, even one of your favorite players were on this list (De Bruyne. Add another 17 mil euros on top of this list).

And you're asshole

Thank you. Takes one to know one, pal.

LFC supporters seems to demand such lifelong commitment from players so I'm just curious to how this one will turn out. Maybe we have another Torres situation going on? Gee, I wonder... why would he lie?

PS. This is a bait that I'm not intending to follow up on. I just find it funny, that's all :)

EDIT: Wait a minute... aren't you the guy who thinks homosexuality is a deliberate choice? I think it's fantastic that you have the audacity to call anyone an asshole to be honest.
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Really? Isn't it common to notify if you're replying to anyone else than previous post?

Ah well, no matter... I did find it interesting that my post would cause such a reaction though.

If he didn't direct the "asshole" comment at me, then I apologize but my reply still makes somewhat sense.
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