Liverpool Thread

Yep, Chelsea were the "better" team. However with the players they have and the money spent I cant find any form of appreciation for them. Utterly horrible.

Oh well, time for City to be Pulissed!
lol you just can't take it, can you? I thought pipa was the most biased liverpool fan here. but that's a class reaction from him.

no team have to entertain people to win titles. if liverpool can do this, let them do.
Yep, Chelsea were the "better" team. However with the players they have and the money spent I cant find any form of appreciation for them. Utterly horrible.

Oh well, time for City to be Pulissed!

better team won, they scored two, we scored zero.

we won on possesion 73%-27%, but football matches are won on goals sadly..that´s unfair but nobody will care.
Classy, Pipa. Nice reaction - nice to see :)

I did enjoy Gerrard's slip though, will be ironic if HE has buggered Pool's chances to win title!

Everyone supporting Palace now?
Chelsea was better and if City does not fail that simply means we don't deserve to win championship. Sorry gents, this is how it is. Best team win the title and you have to win big games like todays.
Nope, I cant stand Mourinho and I hate the cynical way his teams play.

I said they were the better team and deserved the win, doesn't mean I have to congratulate them for one of the most cynical matches Ive seen them play....and Ive seen quite a lot. After all Benitez was a master at playing anti football, the Chelsea Liverpool matches were some of the worst ever. The difference being he did it with tactics and positional play, he didn't have the Mourinho factor, which in this game was wasting time from the 1st minute! Players actively trying not to play when they had the ball. In the last few minutes they had a counter of 3 vs 2 and actually started playing the ball back when they looked like scoring.

It has always been horrible, but now after quiet a few seasons, it will seriously effect Liverpools chances of winning a league.

So no, I cant stand it.
Nope, I cant stand Mourinho and I hate the cynical way his teams play.

But anyway, I find the following image extremely hilarious, please don't take any offence, just hope it brings a little smile to your faces. :BYE:

The only team that wanted to play was Liverpool. We were doing it ok in the first half, attacking intelligently without giving Chelsea the opportunity to expose us in a counterattack. The draw was ok so there was no poing in attacking all out.
We didn't have many chances but control the match and Chelsea didn't have anything neither. From the 1st minute they played with all their players defending in their half/area.
Then bad control from Gerrard and goodbye the title. What a pity.
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The irony!

Good point Liverbird, they could have just done the same and passed the ball about in their own half for 90 min. and made Chelsea do something. And if not, all good. Now it could go down to goal difference....:(
Its by no means over, City have some tough fixtures like Everton to come. Its certainly not been won or lost by anyone yet.
It is almost impossible for Everton now to qualify to the CL so they don't play for nothing. I don't see why they would want to take something from that match now.

But anyway, I find the following image extremely hilarious, please don't take any offence, just hope it brings a little smile to your faces. :BYE:


yeah the second that happend i knew this will turn´s like fate or sth..

i´m not smiling though.
On talksports, this bloke said ' Rodgers was naive you see the ambush setup ahead ,you don't go gun ho!'

Anyhow , Chelsea just gave the title to ManCity possibly.
I still think Pool will win it. City have one more match to to not screw up, and have to play Everton away where they always lose.

Then the full narrative/WWE-style scripting will be complete: Redemption for the sinner Suarez, relief for the hero Gerrard, victory for the purist, the lover of football and the respecters of all things holy.

At least that's what the pundits on TV have told me.

Robbie Mustoe on NBC just told me that for a team like Liverpool, the title matters less than the style of play. That LFC would rather play the right way - the Liverpool way - then win the league. As Brendan would say: "Okay".
That comment is true. After 20min he could have said; fine if they don't want to play we will pass among ourselves. Its even more annoying when you know you dont have to win.

Oh well, 2 games to go.
Gerrard's performance after the slip was very selfish and wasteful. The team looked lost coming up against a packed, deep defence after scoring so many goals recently from catching teams high up the pitch and on the break.
we won on possesion 73%-27%, but football matches are won on goals sadly..that´s unfair but nobody will care.

This is just hilarious, are you actually insinuating that football would be a fairer game if it was decided by possession? Should we just rip the goals out of the park and have a good old fashion keep the ball contest?

Goals decide football matches and thank Odin for that.

PS. I know you're just disappointed and most likely not thinking straight, but seriously that had to be commented.
He's usually decent but Souness was bitter today on Sky. Saying Chelsea were lucky that they didn't concede a deflected goal (aka a lucky goal) and was slagging City off because we won without fuss and because one of our top players had a top game.

The title could still go either way but I'll still look forward to MNF and Carragher's sadface after he had already crowned LFC champions :)
Considering that there is an incredibly big correlation between possession and winning, it is a fair assumption what Pipa did. If a team has around 70 % it will almost every time win.
You lost because Gerrard slipped.

that played right into Chelsea's hand with you then needing to come forward and leaving further space for Chelsea to attack into.

That was a nailed on 0-0 without that moment.
Extremely biased comments. It seems most people here forget that Chelsea played with their third team.
Before the slip of Gerrard, Chelsea should have got a penalty for a hands of (i think) Flanagan. IMO these are not penalties, but nowadays they are given because his hands were away from his body.

Anyway, It isn't lost yet. And you should be proud of the season your club played, no matter they win it or not.

Don't understand the outrage about Mourinho's playing style. Benitez did it too and Man United have won 376 titles with cynical football under Ferguson. Both Liverpool and United have played lots of matches like Chelsea played in Madrid. Somebody on Football Weekly made that observation too.
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