Liverpool Thread

i aint got problem with chelsea playing the way they do, they do what they need to do to win or draw the game, who the fuck decided that all games have to be entertaining and finish 5-5? football a business, results matters more than every thing else. the thing is though mourinho is a massive whiny hypocrite when west ham or someone else do the same thing at stamford bridge..
Extremely biased comments. It seems most people here forget that Chelsea played with their third team.
Before the slip of Gerrard, Chelsea should have got a penalty for a hands of (i think) Flanagan. IMO these are not penalties, but nowadays they are given because his hands were away from his body.

Anyway, It isn't lost yet. And you should be proud of the season your club played, no matter they win it or not.

Don't understand the outrage about Mourinho's playing style. Benitez did it too and Man United have won 376 titles with cynical football under Ferguson. Both Liverpool and United have played lots of matches like Chelsea played in Madrid. Somebody on Football Weekly made that observation too.

It's more a case of people being pissed off at Mourinho because he's a massive hypocrite. He has launched attacks on other clubs in the past for "parking the bus" and yet he's one of the worst culprits.

It's true all the big sides have done it at one time or another, and it can be effective, but realistically it's not difficult to set your team out in such a way, he gets massive amounts of credit for doing what others have done before like he invented the style.

Anyway, the game is gone now, I just really hate the anti-football played by Mourinho, I honestly don't know why anyone was surprised though.
it´s not the bus parking but time wasting actions that piss me off mostly.. from the beggining by all players, especially GK...

but again, the match is over...we have to win our matches and hope for a miracle.
They would have surely played the game of their lives if qualifying for the CL depending on it. Now, all they 're playing is for qualifying to the Uefa. They need 1 point from 6, so, who knows. Maybe they will. I don't have my hopes up though.
it´s not the bus parking but time wasting actions that piss me off mostly.. from the beggining by all players, especially GK...

It was a strategy more than time wasting. It was supposed to take the sting and flow out of the LFC game and it worked perfectly. There are probably other methods to achieve the same thing, but when LFC has the right day (especially this season), only the worst kind of skullduggery works and Chelski didn't take any chances.

It was ugly and cynical, and I don't like it at all, but it was effective and a little bit impressive because performances like that tear some players up inside. But, the players did exactly what that Portuguese fuck told them to do and that's quite impressive after all.

In the end though, it feels a bit like football was the ultimate loser that day. If there was any fairness in the world, Chelsea's ticket prices should drop 15% for such anti-football and be forced to stay that way until they showed us some yoga bonito. They are one of the biggest spenders in the world and should not need to resort to such ugly measures to win matches. It's a principle, really.
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I've been saying for a while now that teams should time waste in the opening 20 mins at Anfield, take the sting out of the game, quieten the crowd and then start to play. It's cynical but so is time wasting in the last 20, and every team does that.

Got to remember also that Chelsea were without Cech, Terry, Cahill, Luiz, Ramires, Willian, Hazard, Eto'o. If they had all played I'm sure you'd have seen a performance more like the one at our place where they put in a top class counter attacking display rather than just parking the bus

Also, if you want to talk about anti-football, I think Liverpool not giving the ball back falls into that category. Rodgers wants to be seen as this classy/sporting outfit but it's been a long time since I've seen a team do that
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I didn't see lots of Liverpool fans bemoaning Rafa Benitez's tactics. In fact, he was generally lauded as brilliant by LFC fans.

His football is typically far worse than Mourinho's.

It sucks, you lost, but you'll still win the league. Random Nostradamus moment - City are going to drop points to Aston Villa. You wait.
Gerrard showed yesterday why he'll never be right at the very top, he's too much about himself.

You needed to be calm and probing and he spent pretty much the entirety of the second half trying to rectify his mistake and be Superman by taking shots constantly from outside the box. Chelsea just soaked it up.

Learning process from Rodgers and your side but you can guarantee there'll be more twists and turns yet.
Gerrard is a prize tit, I can't stand him. He's the only reason why I won't lose any sleep if City do end up lifting the title - Kompany has far more class as a captain and plays for HIS TEAM.

With Gerrard it's all about HIM, ALL the time.

And I am getting sick of the media love-in for Liverpool. Can someone remind Sky Sports that Chelsea and Man City are involved in this title race as well?
Sorry Liverpool fans but :LOL:



If on Monday a local Evertonian player were to, hypothetically, play a perfect pass to Aguero and resulting in a crucial goal - thus knocking LFC's title hopes - how would you feel?
Not a problem with that tbh. It was in Liverpools hands and they decided to play into Chelsea's hands. What Everton do or dont do shouldnt come into it.
Gerrard showed yesterday why he'll never be right at the very top, he's too much about himself.

You needed to be calm and probing and he spent pretty much the entirety of the second half trying to rectify his mistake and be Superman by taking shots constantly from outside the box. Chelsea just soaked it up.

Learning process from Rodgers and your side but you can guarantee there'll be more twists and turns yet.

Completely agree.
Liverpool are better without Gerrard.
IMO the most overrated player of his generation (he was very good, but not as good as Liverpool fans claim him to be, Lampard was always by far the better of the two).

I can't say i really feel sorry for him since he influenced a ref to give an Everton player a red card instead of the yellow he already had in his hands...this was a couple of seasons ago...until then i quite like Gerrard. Then is was over...i guess this must happen regularly, but it is the only time i real saw it like that. I was disgusted.

And yes Liverpool refused to return the ball to Chelsea too...i remember something similar under Benitez in a qualifier match for the CL against Standard de Liège...Liverpool had an injured player, Standard put the ball out of play and Liverpool never returned it...classy. That is as cynical as parking the bus.

About parking the bus. It is not something i like to see, but there is no team that can do it to perfection like Chelsea. It is quite an achievement.

Still , if i have to choose between City and Liverpool to become champions, i would prefer Liverpool...but i hope somehow Chelsea can win it (small chance), if only for the hate they get from 90% of the football fans.

This post sounds negative, but i only write this because people here see Chelsea far too negative.But like i said, you should be proudabout Liverpool's season...they were sensational, no matter the result.
I didn't see lots of Liverpool fans bemoaning Rafa Benitez's tactics. In fact, he was generally lauded as brilliant by LFC fans.

His football is typically far worse than Mourinho's.

It sucks, you lost, but you'll still win the league. Random Nostradamus moment - City are going to drop points to Aston Villa. You wait.

Really? He is far less cynical with the amount of gamesmanship and generally the more entertainment to be had from Chelsea back then always seemed to come from the better players and squad.

As for Benitez, in Europe yes. He was amazing, but in the league less so, too much tactics at times.
If on Monday a local Evertonian player were to, hypothetically, play a perfect pass to Aguero and resulting in a crucial goal - thus knocking LFC's title hopes - how would you feel?

That wouldn't happen in a million years they are professional footballers not fans(if you can call them that, hoping their own team lose).
Jsus Gerd, I thought you were a fan of football?! On what planet would anybody want Chelsea to win besides Chelsea and their fans? Especially with Mourinho in charge.

As for giving the ball back, its not seen as nice but when a team is faking injuries (Ba didn't get treatment, when the ball went out he just stood up and started running again) I actually think teams should do it more. I think its a bit hypocritical to push the limits of the games rules and any other form of unspoken rules to take advantage of an opposition yet moan when they do the same for a single instance.
Completely agree.
Liverpool are better without Gerrard.
IMO the most overrated player of his generation (he was very good, but not as good as Liverpool fans claim him to be, Lampard was always by far the better of the two).

I can't say i really feel sorry for him since he influenced a ref to give an Everton player a red card instead of the yellow he already had in his hands...this was a couple of seasons ago...until then i quite like Gerrard. Then is was over...i guess this must happen regularly, but it is the only time i real saw it like that. I was disgusted.

And yes Liverpool refused to return the ball to Chelsea too...i remember something similar under Benitez in a qualifier match for the CL against Standard de Liège...Liverpool had an injured player, Standard put the ball out of play and Liverpool never returned it...classy. That is as cynical as parking the bus.

About parking the bus. It is not something i like to see, but there is no team that can do it to perfection like Chelsea. It is quite an achievement.

Still , if i have to choose between City and Liverpool to become champions, i would prefer Liverpool...but i hope somehow Chelsea can win it (small chance), if only for the hate they get from 90% of the football fans.

This post sounds negative, but i only write this because people here see Chelsea far too negative.But like i said, you should be proudabout Liverpool's season...they were sensational, no matter the result.

I don't want to coma across as attacking as I like your posts and how you are, however sometimes you seem so blinkered by a single instance that then tarnishes a player in your eyes. I remember Chelsea actively targeting Alonso with bad fouls with Lampard eventually breaking his ankle! But I haven't written him off as a player I now cant stand.

Anyway my point is, every footballer is a twat at some point, it seems a waste to not enjoy his, or whoevers skills because of a single incident.
Jsus Gerd, I thought you were a fan of football?! On what planet would anybody want Chelsea to win besides Chelsea and their fans? Especially with Mourinho in charge.

As for giving the ball back, its not seen as nice but when a team is faking injuries (Ba didn't get treatment, when the ball went out he just stood up and started running again) I actually think teams should do it more. I think its a bit hypocritical to push the limits of the games rules and any other form of unspoken rules to take advantage of an opposition yet moan when they do the same for a single instance.

I totally agree, feigning injury is one of the worst things footballers can do - especially because of the implications. Sometimes the few moments it takes a ref to stop play or get medical teams onto a pitch are literally crucial to life and death. So for me the worst was when Drogba feigned having a fit a few years back. That's just disgusting gamesmanship, and despite being likeable off the pitch, ruined my image of him forever. When players fake it, it's just like crying wolf - people take it less seriously

Speaking of which, look at these powers of recovery:

To be fair, I've never seen worse than Mourinho's Porto. That team might as well not have been interested in showing up to play football, should have just called it acting classes. Once they went into the lead, it's game over. Literally - you won't play another minute of uninterrupted football. Disgusting.
If on Monday a local Evertonian player were to, hypothetically, play a perfect pass to Aguero and resulting in a crucial goal - thus knocking LFC's title hopes - how would you feel?

Not worst than giving it to chelsea and losing tittle.

It happen again to Gerrard and coz of that we can lose tittle, if we werent going for tittle and that was united and gerrad does what he did testerday people will say he did in propose.
Yesterday wasn't on purpose but that foul pass that cost United the title was on purpose and everyone knows it. You could see it on his face, that silly little smirk. Many would've done the same, it's just bad sportsmanship. You can't beat Karma though, proven yet again.
Yesterday wasn't on purpose but that foul pass that cost United the title was on purpose and everyone knows it. You could see it on his face, that silly little smirk. Many would've done the same, it's just bad sportsmanship. You can't beat Karma though, proven yet again.

That would be what I was referring to :)

Also great to hear Carragher man up on MNF - saying that when he played Barca, and several times under Benitez, LFC had the exact same tactics. Waste time where possible, play direct from the keeper, bypass the midfield and so forth.

Neville and Carragher are excellent as pundits together.
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