Liverpool Thread

Congrats on CL
How many players do you reckon you need to compete in both competitions next year?
How many do you reckon ? You 've spent 100 million in five players this season to see if you could finally make it pass the group stage in the Champions League. You did, not very far away from the group stage but at least you guys had the chance to play two more games ;)
I think liverpool needs an alternative dm to lucas or another good dm could make lucas an alternative. other than that, their squad looks fine imo. they could upgrade the bench, too.
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I think we'll go for Rakitic, a fullback, a CB and a winger.
As a fullback, probably Rodriguez, as a CB Rodgers wants Caulker but I'm not sure he can get that through the commitee and as a winger I guess we'll go again for the guy from Ukraine.
But, Rakitic would be incredible IMO.
How many do you reckon ? You 've spent 100 million in five players this season to see if you could finally make it pass the group stage in the Champions League. You did, not very far away from the group stage but at least you guys had the chance to play two more games ;)

I haven't been thinking about it. You're the Liverpool fan. We didn't spend 100m. Any team can lose to Barca
That's wrong.

We spent 87m and sold Tevez, Suarez and Balotelli

I don't know how this has turned around to City anyway. It was a genuine question. Touchy lad
I read it again and you' re right. It was an honest question, I'm sorry, I thought you were taking the piss.
Depends on who comes back and can do a good job;

Borini might be decent after a year of matches, so maybe the strikers are sorted. But then he might want to go back as there is no way he'll be starting a lot of matches.

Attacking midfield looks ok with Sterling, coutinho and maybe suso.
Wingers look poor. Other than Sterling who can play there?
DM/CM needs another player.
Another LB, even though Flanno has done ok. If Enrique can get over his injuries might not be needed.
CB's? Not sure, we have 4 but with the system I would expect the majority of cb's to look poor anyway.

Probably another 4 or 5 1st team / bench players to have a decent chance of competing again whilst having a decent Europe run.
i have big expectations from Suso, Joao Teixeira, Jordon Ibe, Jack Robinson and Andre Wisdom... not sure about Coady..

We might be looking for Gerrard replacement slowly... i don´t watch lot of Sevilla but Rakitic seems on top of his game atm...

maybe we will go for Will Hughes from Derby... as younger option..
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Rakitic is incredible. He would be the perfect replacement for Gerrard. He can play any of the 3 roles Rodgers employs for his midfielders. So he can play with Gerrard and Henderson and then maybe when Rodgers decides it's time to employ Gerrard as a CB (Rodgers has said a lot of times that he sees Gerrard moving backwards the pitch in the final stage in his career and that he'll end playing as a CB) he can play the role Gerrard is playing to perfection at the moment.
The problem with all this, is that Real Madrid want him, so he'll probably go there.
The other issue is I assume Real Madrid will be after Suarez, will be interesting to see how long you can hold onto him for.
The other issue is I assume Real Madrid will be after Suarez, will be interesting to see how long you can hold onto him for.
Real Madrid put themselves in situations where they cannot not buy the player they want, so if they really want Suarez they'll ending bidding whatever crazy money we ask.
However, I don't think they really want Suarez. Benzema is amazing, in fact I think it is better than Suarez for the role their advanced striker play. Generally, I would have Suarez every day of the week before Benzema, but for that role I think Benzema is better.
Liverpool fan (from Kosovo where I com from too) haven't "cut" his hair in last 11 years... he made a promise that he won't do it till Liverpool win Premier League , hopefully he'll do it in may 11 :D

meet the guy in 2010 we bean together to watch Rabotnicki vs Liverpool game on Europa League (Skopje Maqedonia) and back than he told that since 2003 he did this promise :)

(google translate)
In 2003 decided not to shear his hair on . The reason , for many of whom strange , but Krasniqi Uke life . Ardent Liverpool fan who expects his squad on May 11 heart of the Premier League champions announced it to shear his hair after 11 years of waiting
No more useless heart club said . Club which can do anything anytime , without thinking too much, graced with every emotion to give .

And , as in many countries of the world are accustomed to fans uncoated or make any tattoo on a bet on their team heart , Kosovo is a fan who has put a special bet with himself .

ARDENT after Liverpool Uke Krasniqi , who since 2003 has not cut his hair . At that time , fan of ' The Reds ' , while Liverpool decided not win the English Premier League title , he will not see his eyes barber .

And the promise held for 11 consecutive years . And it seems 11 - fortunate Krasniqi . While last looked 3:2 victory against Norwich City , Krasniqi thinks his new form of hair that will be after May 11 .

" Of course I was happy that after this victory ," says the Express , Uka . " It's written in the stars that Liverpool will become champion this year," said Liverpool fan away .

Krasniqi newspaper recounts how it happened that 11 years from now to enhance his hair without it being one of his earlier style .

" Since 2003 I have started spontaneously . At the time I said that did not free of hair became champion . So far , Liverpool has won all titles other than the championship . Now we are close to even win it , "says Uka . " I've forgotten barber " , adds further prishtinasi .

Gerrard leads the trophy high , Uka hair fall down

Uka announced that if things go according to planning his and his team's heart , then on May 11 at a special event will shear his hair .

" Even if we are declared champions earlier , there will of hair . I would of hair when ( Steven ) Gerrard will lead up league cup against Newcastle United on 11 May , "said Uka .

The happiest day of life

Having lived every emotion with the Liverpool players this edition , Uka said that May 11 will be the day of his happiest in his life .

Why would not return his final parapëlyer hair , but will watch his captain , Gerrard , lifting the Premier League trophy for the first time in his career .

" I do not know how they would experience such a moment , but I believe will be one of the best days of my life . There are times that we did not win the title ! "Said Uka .

" This title has a lot of value for many Liverpool fans around the world , also backup and me," said Liverpool fan away .

Liverpool is close to championship trophy before the English Premier League since 1990 , being five points behind Chelsea in the rankings , finishing three laps without season .
Benzema its crap, I cant believe how Real doesnt get a better striker than him.

Your comment is crap. You don't start under both Mourinho and Ancelotti -- nevermind play for Real Madrid -- if you're a poor player. Yes, Benzema is there to score goals, but he arrived at Real at the same time as Ronaldo...and when Real Madrid spend £83M to acquire one of the best players in world football, it would be foolish to think that they would build their team and tactics around anyone else but CR7 -- which is exactly what Mourinho did and what Ancelotti is continuing to do to a lesser extent. I think Benzema will become an even better player than he is now over the next two to three seasons. He's already starting to show that he can take his game to another level with the French national team. He can surely become a more dominant force at club level under Ancelotti's guidance and a transition to a more proactive style of football. Give him time.
Since i remember Real Madrid year 2002 (?) hes worst striker to play for them.

I dont say they need to build game around him but he isn't best striker and best finisher.

I dont think Bezema is bad, he would be great for Arsenal but Benzema isnt good enough for Real Madrid standarts, so isn't Girud for Arsenal.

Suarez? I dont think he would be that good in Real , what real need its a classic striker who know how to finish chances , Aguero would be great for them, Falcao too(havent seen him for Monaco but im basing in his Atletico days)

Real play him coz doesnt have many options? Morata to young... Also just coz coach pick him doesnt mean hes better rhan other (casillas vs diego lopes)
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The thing about Benzema is that he play out of his initial position (Second striker) at Madrid. He is not a natural goalscorer. The guy who only needs half a chance. But he is improving immensely in the position and gives a dimension of creativity and passing support that normally other CF's do not have. And when playing with the likes of CR7 "Usain" Bale these qualities are really needed.
Since i remember Real Madrid year 2002 (?) hes worst striker to play for them.

I dont say they need to build game around him but he isn't best striker and best finisher.

I dont think Bezema is bad, he would be great for Arsenal but Benzema isnt good enough for Real Madrid standarts, so isn't Girud for Arsenal.

Suarez? I dont think he would be that good in Real , what real need its a classic striker who know how to finish chances , Aguero would be great for them, Falcao too(havent seen him for Monaco but im basing in his Atletico days)

Real play him coz doesnt have many options? Morata to young... Also just coz coach pick him doesnt mean hes better rhan other (casillas vs diego lopes)

No offence fella but I've read your posts and you dont half come out with some BS around here.

Benzema is very talented.
:LOL: Well this is the lad who thinks being gay is a choice and is sick.

Well its a lad who doesn't rate Benzema , at leas not for a team like Real, i watched almost every game of Real this seasons and I think if there waa Aguero could have up to 30 goals now.

About gay i didnt say its sick. And i wont rrally care to talk about it anymore , sorry if i offendet you somehow. Bye
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