Liverpool Thread

Am I dreaming ?


yes you are, this is a dream! :P
Oh how great was that?! Made even better that a Liverpool loan player scored against the team who use top class loan players to undermine their competition by strengthening mid to upper level clubs.

Liverpool HAVE to win tommorow!
oh man, stress levels are going to be through the roof tomorrow.

If Suarez is his usual goal-scoring self against Norwich (11 goals in the last 4 games) it should be no problem. Will be interesting to see if Agger comes back in or Sakho will get to go on.
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Huge game tomorrow , I really hope we don't screw up.

We are getting closer but still its far from over...4 more finales we have to win.
The one negative thing about you lot winning the title is we won't stop hearing about it for decades.

You know what Scousers are like with their history - I've got mates who still go on about Istanbul every 2 seconds Zzzzzzzzzz

Best team in the league though! And it will piss off the plastic clubs Chelsea and City so I am down with the reds!
Whats wrong with history? History its part of a team , glad Liverpool have one ;)

About Istanbul was best final ever of CL and people will be talking about it forever, if you/your team was part of such a game than you'll be talking about it too, wish you go to that "Istanbul" point and you'll see how it feels :)
exactly.. maybe in next decade hopefully we will win PL more times so it will become again normal :P

btw, if we win this game we are 100% in CL next season...

and Suarez still has 3 and a half games to score more and have a chance to become best scorer in PL history:

Just wanted to say a big FUCK YOU to Mignolet , tired of his amatuer mistakes, hope we get new goalie next season or bring Reina back, he doesnt deserve to be Liverpool 1st choice.

11 wins in a row...

we badly miss Henderson today...

Sterling, man of the match

we are back in Champions League!
Sahko plays by a different set of rules to everyone else and the Ref couldn't wait to blow the whistle.

Congratulations to Mike Riley :APPLAUD:
Sakho and Skrtel to be precise. The latter commits at least 2 blatant fouls in the box every game and I'm yet to see him punished for it.
Congrats on CL
How many players do you reckon you need to compete in both competitions next year?

very difficult to predict.. i might think about it after the season, or even after the world cup... we have some players loaned out that i think will be back... and with Rodgers ability to set his squad and motivate, build players like he did with Flanagan or Sterling..i don´t think we need to spend crazy money... especially if we keep Suarez and other top performers..

i think we will buy one defensive midfielder for sure.. and let Cissokho and Moses go... for rest i don´t know..
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