Liverpool Thread

Henry at Arsenal did that a few times.. But the defender was usually facing in front , he waited to enter the box and flicked the ball to hand. Henry didn't have a past like Suarez . So, it was call clever for him.
Analyzing every detail is pointless.

Virtually EVERY game at EVERY level has contentious issues during the course of a match.

All that being said, I agree with Gerd. After 38 games, the team on top desreves to be there. Cups can be won with a fair amount of luck and good fortune. To win a league, you can't be lucky for 38 games... can you??? :BOP:
It is a proven fact that to win a league you need skills AND luck. You are not going to win a league just because of luck but without luck you are not going to win it.

that is heart warming good for you Suarez lovely story

I heard on radio that Suarez wife say "Why dont you play with a smile on your face? You are a lovely man in real world but turn into an animal on the field"

apparently this plays on his mind now and he trying to change his ways.

Not sure how much truth in story though.
Agree with both posts, the best team wins the league, but to win a championship you need the rub of the green. Championships are often decided on very small details - especially championships that go down to the wire.

Great case in point - City were better than United 2 seasons ago. Hands down. But, had QPR actually bothered to play extra time, United would have won the league - despite not being very good.

This season it might well come down to the match this weekend. Imagine a terrible offside call deprives LFC of the winning goal, or a terrible dive earns LFC the winning penalty. That's how fine a margin it comes down to. One moment, one decision, possibly not even a player making it. That's why it's a great/controversial sport.

Finally to the 'flick onto the hand' penalties - I think that's crap. Saying the defender should play with 'his hands behind his back' ignores physiology entirely - you try running sideways without your hands for balance. Personally I think handballs should only be given for very deliberate actions. If I'm chasing the squirmy Luis Suarez in the box, I need the balance that my arms give me. If all he has to do is shimmy one way, forcing a defender to use his arms to balance and then flick a ball 2 feet to 'earn' a penalty - something is broken with the rule.
I said in other thread but it would be a tragedy if Liverpool dont win title.

City have spent silly money again this season and should be walking the league

Liverpool better players up front and better manager than City

Chelsea have best manager but bad players

Man Utd have crap players AND crap manager

We are the same :(
Finally to the 'flick onto the hand' penalties - I think that's crap. Saying the defender should play with 'his hands behind his back' ignores physiology entirely - you try running sideways without your hands for balance. Personally I think handballs should only be given for very deliberate actions. If I'm chasing the squirmy Luis Suarez in the box, I need the balance that my arms give me. If all he has to do is shimmy one way, forcing a defender to use his arms to balance and then flick a ball 2 feet to 'earn' a penalty - something is broken with the rule.

I partially agree, at least about holding hands behind the back. That is more awkward than anything, completely unnatural, would throw you off too much to work. The way the defender had his hand out wasn't very natural to me though. I believe they should still be penalties, but if they aren't given I'm not going to be butt hurt about it. I can see how it could go either way.
Its very clever though as its either a pen or he is free to take the shot.

Not really sure if its a bad development when the intention is to go round the player and create a chance, which is happening with Suarez imo. It takes great skill to change direction as Suarez does and flicking it up also slows the ball down when it hits the turf to make it easier for the shot. Its also a semi natural movement from the defender to stick his arm out when the ball moves past him, so you cant always just give a pen for it either.
They should change the rule for penalties in general - unless the handball prevents a clear goal scoring opportunity (which the Henry ones/Suarez ones don't) I think it should be an indirect free kick or similar.

Have ranted about this before, but penalties in football are simply too disruptive to results, and too common. If it's a genuine foul preventing a goal scoring opportunity it should be penalised with a goal-scoring opportunity - the penalty - but if it's these little touches or accidental handballs that's just ridiculous over-punishment. Defending is hard, and is being made impossible by the new idea that 'any contact justifies a player going down'. I mean look at the Dzeko one on Saturday - there was no contact, he preemptively went to ground anticipating contact. And even that now is apparently good enough to completely change a football match.
About the flick to the hand.
I agree with Beach unless the handsball prevents a goal, it should not be a penalty.
I agree that under the current rule, those really are penalties. No doubt about that.

But to me they are an equivalent of diving (well, a tiny litle bit).

To me a handsball should be givingif the defender makes a movement to the ball, the flich to the hand is the opposite...

All this said, it's clear that Suarez has learned from his mistakes. He deserves to win the player of the season award, as much as i want Hazard to get it, Suarez is the best EPL player by far.
People where are forgetting the reasons the penalty box was invented for. It wasn't only to stop clear goal scoring opportunities, but also to stop the constant fault that were made near the goal, which was making football look like rugby.
For example, if a winger is in a one-on-one situation and will dribble the defender towards the goal line to make a dangerous cross, you cannot say it's a goal scoring opportunity if the defender tackles him or grab him before the cross and therefore in your opinions such action will not be considered a penalty. IMHO that's just wrong and will create to much subjectivity on the part of the referee, to deemed the offense has worthy of a penalty.
Every rule can be exploited, but in general, the penalty box rule works pretty well, the defenders know they cannot make silly challenges and have to defend the space instead of the man.

As for Suárez flicks: I think his main goal is to put the ball inside so he can take a shot with the right foot and also make the defender "turn his hips" so he can have an extra second to go for goal. Normally refs - at least on south Europe - only award a penalty if the defender sticks his arm out (like WHU defender did on Sunday). In other words, if the hand does not move and ball hits his arm they do not call it.

Agent Micah has injured Kompany in training! City defence is awful without Kompany.

You will hammer City tomorrow, Sturridge/Suarez v Demechelis (LOL) and Lescott (LOL!)

Going to watch match with Liverpool FC Atlanta supporters, around 500 reds gonna be there , hope we win i really really do , now or never :)

C'mon Liverpool
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