Liverpool Thread

Thought the 2nd pen was soft tbh. Flannadonna was already going down from the initial fair tackle by the goalie but he looked like he grabbed hold after to make sure he went down. Still reeked of a ref trying to make up for a mistake.
PIPA, it would be better if you didn't talk about the refs because it's becoming ridiculous with Liverpool this season...

Second penalty was simply non-existent, the keeper got the ball.

Regarding West Ham's goal, if you look carefully, Skrtel blatantly trips Carroll, he clearly blocked his leg there (and he does that kind of stuff almost every corner I've seen him be a part of) - this trip was the reason Carroll couldn't jump for the ball and went all over Mignolet. Would you give a penalty for WHU here? If not, then the goal should stay.
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Thought the 2nd pen was soft tbh. Flannadonna was already going down from the initial fair tackle by the goalie but he looked like he grabbed hold after to make sure he went down. Still reeked of a ref trying to make up for a mistake.

i saw more soft penalty´s been given + the fact ref fucked up on WHU goal might helped his decision..

anyway, this is a prove he was held:

PIPA, it would be better if you didn't talk about the refs because it's becoming ridiculous with Liverpool this season...

Second penalty was simply non-existent, the keeper got the ball.

Regarding West Ham's goal, if you look carefully, Skrtel blatantly trips Carroll, he clearly kicked his leg there (and he does that kind of stuff almost every corner I've seen him be a part of) - this kick was the reason Carroll couldn't jump for the ball and went all over Mignolet. Would you give a penalty for WHU here? If not, then the goal should stay.

You could have a point, but even Fat Sam said it wasn't a goal. As well as nearly every media outlet/person Ive read.

As much as Pipa is pro Liverpool you seem to be just as much anti Liverpool.
Imo the keeper getting a finger on the ball and keeping his arms wrapped around flannagan's foot doesn't make it ok. He hardly touched the ball, missed and let it pass under his hand because flanno got a touch on it. PK for me.
Imo the keeper getting a finger on the ball and keeping his arms wrapped around flannagan's foot doesn't make it ok. He hardly touched the ball, missed and let it pass under his hand because flanno got a touch on it. PK for me.
Same here. GK touched the ball, but the ball was still playable by Flannagan when the contact occured. PK to me.
The people who say the goal definitely shouldn't stand haven't seen what I'm talking about. When you look it from the angle I explained above it really does make sense, doesn't it.

Anyway, it's been 12 penalties for Liverpool this season in the Premier League, a lot of them soft or non-existent. I don't like it when this happens - not only in favour of LFC. I guess I should say I'm not anti-Liverpool - from the 3 teams competing I'd like Liverpool to win it because they're playing the most attractive football and furthermore I really like and respect Rodgers for what he has done and continues to do.
Liverpool penalty´s soft? i don´t remember a soft one myself... here are all our goals in HD so far with build up, if you want to find a lot of soft penaltys given to us..

the fact we have two hungry strikers that are one of best in world this season is the fact they get fouled more + our attacking game is the result of many fouls on our players...
The pen clearly wasn't a pen. Some Liverpool fans have drunk the Rodgers Koolaid me thinks

12 pens is a bit mental. That's nearly double what City - the 2nd most pens - have had.
If Liverpool win the title it'll be the first ever title won on penalties!
The pen clearly wasn't a pen. Some Liverpool fans have drunk the Rodgers Koolaid me thinks

12 pens is a bit mental. That's nearly double what City - the 2nd most pens - have had.
If Liverpool win the title it'll be the first ever title won on penalties!

penalties are results of fouls or handball in the box, wich is why Liverpool had those penalty´s given, again show me what penalty shouldn´t been given if you say such statement.
penalties are results of fouls or handball in the box, wich is why Liverpool had those penalty´s given, again show me what penalty shouldn´t been given if you say such statement.

or dives or refereeing errors.

Are you serious? Suarez, Sturridge, Sterling have all taken dives this year, nvm this season
or dives or refereeing errors.

Are you serious? Suarez, Sturridge, Sterling have all taken dives this year, nvm this season

realy? who didn´t.. i´m asking about what are the exact "many" unfair penalty´s that were given to LFC after a dive etc..

you have all the goals including build up in few post´s above to find..
Don't need to watch the vid. Like I said, just off the top of my head, Suarez (Villa), Sterling (Stoke) and Sturridge (Utd) have all got pens from dives just in the last few months
The people who say the goal definitely shouldn't stand haven't seen what I'm talking about. When you look it from the angle I explained above it really does make sense, doesn't it.

Anyway, it's been 12 penalties for Liverpool this season in the Premier League, a lot of them soft or non-existent. I don't like it when this happens - not only in favour of LFC. I guess I should say I'm not anti-Liverpool - from the 3 teams competing I'd like Liverpool to win it because they're playing the most attractive football and furthermore I really like and respect Rodgers for what he has done and continues to do.

You gotta be right man. That's the reason why MU is 6 in the standings. It's a god damn conspiracy. I must say though I'm quite happy when MU fans are so depressed with their own team that they watch LFC matches waiting for them to slip.
I haven't said anything about a conspiracy or United for that matter. It's no conspiracy, it's just Liverpool player having a tendency to dive and referee's having a tendency to fall for it.

Oh, and just so you know, I watch as many EPL games as I get the chance to - this weekend I watched 5. It's not like Liverpool get special treatment, not from me at least. ;)
Liverpool have had some soft penalties this year, at the same time there's been several blatant fouls on Liverpool players in penalty areas that haven't been given as penalties.

Today's one on Flanagan could be argued that it was soft as the ref got a slight touch on the ball, but he took the player out and grabbed his leg to pull him down, that is a foul.

Also, to the one person on earth who thinks the West Ham goal should have stood; your argument is flawed massively. You think Flanagan being hauled down isn't a foul but Carrol stumbling over Skrtel in a packed box should be a penalty to West Ham. Regardless of the reason for Carrol jumping into Mignolet, it's a foul, all day long. Carrol does that a lot, he's a bit like Fellaini in that sense.
I rest my case. It's not Carroll stumbling over Skrtel, it's Skrtel tripping Carroll. It doesn't matter if he did that in a packed box - it's still a foul that caused Carroll to commit the foul afterwards, otherwise he would have jumped towards the ball with his head.

If you're denying this, it's like saying if you kick me and while I fall down, I clip the legs of your team mate who is with the ball, so the foul should be in your favour.

I know Carroll is a dirty prick in the box, but so is Skrtel and in the particular case, it's Skrtel who is committing the foul first.

Additionally, I don't think Flanagan was hauled down at all, he was down long before the keeper touched his legs. The keeper got the the ball, Flanagan went down easily and only then did the keeper touch his legs. It's the perfect example of a soft pen, mate.

Today's one on Flanagan could be argued that it was soft as the ref got a slight touch on the ball, but he took the player out and grabbed his leg to pull him down, that is a foul.
It seems the ref got involved in today's game a lot more than he should have. :LOL: :D
Football is a weird sport. There was an incident in the 2nd half from a corner where Skytel and (I think) Sahko were literally holding Carroll down like a beachball in a swimmingpool and yet no-one batted an eyelid, not even WH players. In fact, corners in general piss me off. As well as all the blatant holding and shirt pulling you have refs stopping play and warning players that they're fouling each other. Fuck that, just let the corner come in and just give a freekick or a pen.
Diving and corners do my head in more than refereeing mistakes.
Skrtl fouls his man on every corner. All season long. The only shock is when the ref feels like giving it. Referees have basically given up on corners - there are a dozen fouls every single time. Dunno why, but that's the way it goes.

The penalty thing amuses me a little bit. A good number of LFC fans have decried for years that United getting more pens than other teams is a conspiracy, nothing to do with the fact that United historically attack more than other teams. It's also a fabrication, LFC have had more penalties awarded since the prem began than any other team (over the 20 odd years), and have now broken the record for most in a single season. At the very least it will be a significant contributor to their title win.

And LFC really really need to win it this year. The penalties are just another example of how pretty much all stars are aligning. You won't get the combination of:
- Two strikers scoring such a ludicrous number of goals consistently
- The two best squads both having large blips in the season, and neither finishing above 90 (86?) points
- 1 game a week for 90% of the season
- The record for most penalties in a year

This is your year, make the most of it.
Guys, all this bickering is ridiculous.
In the end, the team that has won it after 38 matches, always deserved it, no matter what happened along the way.
Analyzing every detail is pointless.

Virtually EVERY game at EVERY level has contentious issues during the course of a match.

All that being said, I agree with Gerd. After 38 games, the team on top desreves to be there. Cups can be won with a fair amount of luck and good fortune. To win a league, you can't be lucky for 38 games... can you??? :BOP:
the statement of liverpool winning the title because of penalty´s that i read on internet from oposite fans is ridicilous, we have two of best strikers in the league this season, our game is very attacking with lot´s of fouls and handballs in box of the oposite team.. there were decisions also against us, many fouls were not given... sometimes refs make a mistake not giving and then want to fix it still in the same match by giving the team some advantage... it´s like that in almost every game in every league...

the fact is Liverpool get penalty for good reasons mostly, not because of dives only.. yes there was diving, but also other teams players dive..

Liverpool this season have best attack in years, logically the oposite teams find it difficult to defend clean all the time... especially players like Suarez who is totally unpredictable..
Suarez has so much ability that he now actually lifts/flicks the ball onto the defenders arm/hand when spinning and turning in the area trying to win penalty kicks.
Suarez has so much ability that he now actually lifts/flicks the ball onto the defenders arm/hand when spinning and turning in the area trying to win penalty kicks.

he does this all the time, both United and now WHU penalty´s were clear ones, because the players deliberately chainged the direction of the ball...i must laugh of people who criticise Suarez for playing for penalty this way... a defender should know by now his ability and rather play with his hands behind his back..
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