Liverpool Thread

outside Anfield right now:


YouTube - Liverpool fans greeting the team. 26.03.14
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Fans seem to be getting carried away as if the club is one win from the title. Even with really good results the team could finish 3rd. Which is the likeliest outcome.

Anyway, its great to even be up there at this stage with CL looking more and more likely.
good for us to be one up, but the ref has some strainge decisions.. Vergini did foul Suarez.. he should be off now...

And if not for the 1st then 2nd on the edge of the box should be a 2nd yellow and off. Ref bottling it as usual.

Ok 1st half, loads of space getting forward but too rushed with the final passes. Hopefully the goal will settle them down and they can be more patient with the final pass.

and that should been a, the ref is realy making a big favour to Sunderland tonight..
No pen, it was outside. But not even a freekick. This ref is taking the piss, fortunately even Sunderland with 12 men seem to stand little chance at the moment.
How is that possible that we are that high in the standings while having such a pathetic defence?
great win... but we need to sort out our set pieces defence... also the keeper distribution wasn´t perfect but who cares.. we won so it´s up to City to catch us now :P
BR should have reacted earlier with sub. he saw matchs isn't going our way so make some changes , it was scary after their goal , nervy game special in last 10 minutes , glad its over and we took 3 points!
Hope Poyet gets sacked, the coward :MAD: Sunderland were so much better when they brought on their best 2 players (shock horror), even the better team.
Sturridge is becoming one of the best strikers in the world! With him and Suarez Liverpool have the opportunity to being one of the greatest teams in Europe again!
Not time for a parade. Save that money for some lube. We'll deal with you lot soon :SMUG:

It wasn't a parade, it was a welcome home after three away games, it was a show of belief and pride in the team and an attempt to spur them on. I was in the middle of it all and it was brilliant, haven't seen it like that for a while. I'll post some of my own pics later (some are on my twitter @Bobothy, you should all follow me, i'm excellent! :D)
I have to say the up coming City and Chelsea games don't concern me. It's all the other fixtures where I think we will fold.

City will be open when they come to Anfield which suits us and Chelsea will park the bus/coach/yacht/plane etc. I'd take a 0-0 in The Chelsea game and City will be 4-4 probably.

The league will be won or lost with the mid-table lower table teams and our players feeling the pressure. Even though Brendan says there is no pressure, he's trying to deflect it away from the players.

I still say I'd be more than happy with 4th. Finishing higher than that was completely unexpected by all reds fans and surely by Brendan too.

One game at a time though. I don't fancy Spurs game on Saturday as the 'gimme' most believe it to be. Our best hope is Sherwood plays for the win so we can pick off his defensive problems like at the Lane.
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Of course as a Spurs fan i'm bound to be too pessimistic, but i honestly can't see Liverpool loosing points against Spurs. Your football is that much better than ours...all credit to Brendan Rodgers.
I'm not sure, after all Sherwood has !!!!!!PASSIOOOOOOOOON!!!!!!! to negate any tactical issues. As the media is always saying, that is the major aspect you need to be a succesfull manager.

But seriously, I'm surprised by how much I already can't stand Sherwood, he seems so full of himself in interviews and his Jonney Englander ways. Haven't seen much of Spurs, but from what I have and have read, they seem to just try to play and not change much with regards to going defensive or attacking, which could work well for Liverpool. I'm more confident of the next game than I was before Sunderland.

But we'll see, but as mentioned above, finishing 4th, or hopefully 3rd will be a great achievement and more than expected. Talk of the title is pretty ridiculous, even though they still actually have a decent chance to win it.
I know you don't agree, but to me Chelsea is the most complete football team (Eto'o is pretty decent as a forward, but if i was Mourinho, i would play Schurle in attack).

Liverpool is by far the most attractive team, but your defense is weak...of course you can get 3 goals against you if you score 6. But this will cost you in the CL.

Personally i'm delighted that Liverpool is once again in the running for the title...always liked Liverpool and the more contenders, the better...
I'm feeling 3rd place this year, it's fine to be optimistic but Liverpool are where they are now because they have won the last 7 games - one small slip up and any title hope is gone. I still say if we beat City, it's on... but if we lose, it's gone!
I know you don't agree, but to me Chelsea is the most complete football team (Eto'o is pretty decent as a forward, but if i was Mourinho, i would play Schurle in attack).

Liverpool is by far the most attractive team, but your defense is weak...of course you can get 3 goals against you if you score 6. But this will cost you in the CL.

Personally i'm delighted that Liverpool is once again in the running for the title...always liked Liverpool and the more contenders, the better...

I don't disagree that they are the most complete team (although their attack is poor compared to the others...but they have 26 attacking midfielders to help ;) ). It was that you thought they deserve to be the winners. I can't stand Mourinho and the cynical playing style / gamesmanship he generally promotes.

But it's cool, each to their own.
that is a myth.

Well, it's an exaggeration. Chelsea are still well stocked in that position, even after shipping out Mata I think they have 6 very expensive options for the 3 positions. Plus a few more on loan around Europe.

The only reason I don't think LFC will win the league is that to get to this position you've had to be perfect for 2 months, and to overtake the others you'll have to continue it. I know you only have 1 game a week, and sometimes less, but to be perfect in league form for around 14 games is incredibly tough.

If you manage it, obviously you deserve it. It would be such an achievement given the 3 squads at the top.
Well, it's an exaggeration. Chelsea are still well stocked in that position, even after shipping out Mata I think they have 6 very expensive options for the 3 positions. Plus a few more on loan around Europe.

The only reason I don't think LFC will win the league is that to get to this position you've had to be perfect for 2 months, and to overtake the others you'll have to continue it. I know you only have 1 game a week, and sometimes less, but to be perfect in league form for around 14 games is incredibly tough.

If you manage it, obviously you deserve it. It would be such an achievement given the 3 squads at the top.

Yeh I said the same thing to my mates the other day, at the start of this season all I wanted was an improvement on last season to show we're progressing, so to even still be talked about as contenders as we come to the last 7 games is unreal, i'll be delighted to have top 4 sealed, anything else would be a massive bonus. We're on a great run at the minute, but to win the league we'd have to pretty much win all of our remaining games (we've won the last 7, can we really go 14 wins in a row?) and hope Man City drop points along the way, but with the fixtures that are left there's plenty of opportunities for Liverpool, City and Chelsea to drop points.
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